Writer attacks Harris' "Trump is hitler" propaganda: 'there are thousands of Hitlers' ["palestine" rioters]



"Noble Hitler" — Says "Falastin " — The Palestine Post 22 May 1933


Goebbels in 1938: "in Palestine... the Arabs admire the fuhrer as though he were holy".

Zimmermann, Moshe. Germans Against Germans: The Fate of the Jews, 1938–1945. United States, Indiana University Press, 2022, p. 201.



1934-1936: Arabs boycott Jews with Swastikas


Arabs Use Swastika in Fight for Trade of Jews in Holy Land.
JTA, Aug 14, 1934 .



Hitler's "Mein Kampf" in Arabic best seller in Palestine, Iraq, Syria and other Arabic land...


The Canadian Jewish Chronicle, Dec 4, 1936 (p.7)



All Arabs in Palestine celebrate Muhammad's birthday with Hitler photos...

New York Times, May 23, 1937.



Arabs Hail Hitler As Racial Friend (Sep. 1938)


Prescott Evening Courier, Sep 13, 1938 (p.1)


Journalist John Gunther in 1939: "Hitler is tremendously popular with the Arabs... The greatest contemporary Arab hero is – Adolf Hitler."

Gunther, John. Inside Asia. United Kingdom, Harper, 1939, p.528.




1941 poll: 88% of Palestine Arabs for Hitler.

Nakba was result of Palestinians backing Nazis during WWII.



Photographic Evidence Shows Palestinian Leader Amin al-Husseini at a Nazi Concentration Camp
An analysis of photographs sold at a Jerusalem auction house offers new insight into the role of foreign accomplices in Hitler’s Final Solution



Palestine pan Arab leader, the Mufti: 1942, planned crematorium in the holy land.




Ahmad Shukeiri (Shukairy, Shuqayri):

We prayed and cheered for Hitler.

*Encounter. United Kingdom, Encounter Limited, 1972, p.76 .

*Kedourie, Elie. Arabic Political Memoirs and Other Studies. United Kingdom, Taylor & Francis, 2012, p. 190 .

*Milstein, Uri. History of the War of Independence: A nation girds for war. United Kingdom, University Press of America, 1996, p. 160.

Aḥmad Shuqayrī, Beirut: Dār al-Nahār, 1969, p.196:
"Our sympathies were with the Axis countries, headed by Hitler who led them from victory to victory. With our sympathies, our prayers were for victory for Germany."





PLO Official: We Supported the Nazis in WWII. INN, Dec 9, 2013.

Former political bureau head of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) removes any doubt over Arab support for Nazi Germany....
Qaddoumi replied, “Germany, yes. This was common among the Palestinians, especially since our enemy was Zionism, and we saw that Zionism was hostile to Germany, and vice versa.”
These remarks are just the latest evidence of the Arab support for Nazis and for genocide of Jews....
Last edited:

Survey among Arabs 2019:

If Adolf Hitler was alive today and was tried, what do you think is the sentence that the leader of the German Third Reich deserves..??

Execution 22.6%

Innocence 77.4%

8,894 votes ·

[W]e Muslims were fascinated by the Third Reich in the 1930s because Hitler had some ideas at the political level and the economic level , and the cultural field , which were very close to the political, economic, and cultural.

So this man and his movement were fascinating to many Muslim intellectuals all during the 1930s. And since 1945, Muslims have been studying all of these things . And we judge him in a different way. Even if now, of course, when the Muslims protest against America, they say Bush equals Hitler, or Sharon equals Hitler, they say that not for themselves, but [because] they know that it has an impact on Western public opinion. You see Hitler himself had a quite positive attitude towards Islam... He said several times in his table talks that" After the final war the swastika will rule over Europe and will represent a new Europe.

We will help the Muslims in North Africa and the Middle East to reestablish the Caliphate." That means there would be an Islamic civilization. [And Hitler said] "In the Far East , there will be the rising sun..

It was 1989, and Hamas was in its early stages with only 500 members. Koubi understood the grave danger Israel was facing from this terrorist organization and warned Israeli leaders. “I told them, ‘Let’s eliminate them now when they’re still small before it grows to monstrous proportions.’ They were all in our hands, in our prison. I knew back then that Hamas wouldn’t surrender; they fight to be martyrs. I remember interrogating Sinwar; he had the piercing eyes of a murderer. This man was completely emotionless, a brutal killer.

I called him a Nazi and told everyone possible that this organization must be eliminated, but they didn’t listen to me.

We found many ‘Mein Kampf’ books in his house as well as rubber knives. He was in charge of education in Gaza and would distribute them in day care to two-year-olds, where they would hold a competition over who would kill more Jews. By the age of four, they would receive wooden guns. Later, when they grew up to be teenagers, he would train them to shoot rifles and teach them how to be martyrs. The same children he trained are the killers of the Nukhba today.

Not many have the ba#ls to say it like it is. As he does


CNN.com - Transcripts
Aired October 22, 2024 - 22:00 ET
This is a rush transcript. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

Scott Jennings, CNN senior political commentator:
I think, first of all, I don't know John Kelly, but I agree. I think he's an honorable person. His family and his son certainly made the ultimate sacrifice for the country. So, he certainly earned an opinion here. And he's earned a political opinion. But I think like everything else with Donald Trump, opinions vary, whether you're coming out of the military or the private sector, or government or anything else.

And I agree that two weeks before an election will cause some people to look at this in a jaundice way, like, you know, you're trying to drop this here at the end. And there will be people who don't believe it, there will be people who refute it, and Donald Trump himself also refutes it.

I would just humbly submit to Mr. Kelly that if he's worried about Hitler, and he's worried about fascism, he ought to pick up the newspaper. There's thousands of Hitlers, running around this country right now, running around college campuses, running around New York City, chasing Jewish people around, blocking their access on college campuses. If you're worried about Hitler, and you're talking about Donald Trump, maybe open your eyes and take in what's happening on the American left in this country.

Those are the Hitlers I'm worried about
CNN.com - Transcripts


Here is another interesting statement. Recalling history.

Erin Burnett Outfront.

Soon: CNN Hosts Kamala Harris Town Hall In Pennsylvania; DOJ Warns Elon Musk; U.S.: North Korea Has Deployed 3,000 Troops To Russia. Aired 7-8p ET

Aired October 23, 2024 - 19:00 ET
SCOTT JENNINGS, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: It probably will shock Kamala Harris and the rest of her campaign staff to learn that there are incumbent Democrat, U.S. senators in this country right now running television ads touting all their work with this modern day Hitler.

I wonder if Kamala Harris tonight in our town hall meeting will call for them to take these ads off the air, touting their work with this Hitler. I mean, if -- if he were really Hitler, if he were really a threat to democracy, not a single Democrat in this country would be running ads touting their work with Donald Trump.

Now I'm callous on this Hitler business because I live through the Bush years and I used to peer out my window onto Pennsylvania Avenue and I saw everybody marching around in their brown uniforms, signs up, Bush is Hitler, Bush is Hitler, and then they did it to John McCain, they did it to Mitt Romney, they've done it to Donald Trump, they even did it to Paul Ryan I recall at one point.

So I've heard it all before, and I think the reason Democrats are freaking out about it right now is because what they have learned is that it's not Republicans who are the Hitlers or the Nazis, it's actually emanating from within their own party. If you want to find Hitlerish, Nazist, antisemitic tendencies, look on the left, not the right.

This is asinine.

[W]e Muslims were fascinated by the Third Reich in the 1930s because Hitler had some ideas at the political level and the economic level , and the cultural field , which were very close to the political, economic, and cultural.

So this man and his movement were fascinating to many Muslim intellectuals all during the 1930s. And since 1945, Muslims have been studying all of these things . And we judge him in a different way. Even if now, of course, when the Muslims protest against America, they say Bush equals Hitler, or Sharon equals Hitler, they say that not for themselves, but [because] they know that it has an impact on Western public opinion. You see Hitler himself had a quite positive attitude towards Islam... He said several times in his table talks that" After the final war the swastika will rule over Europe and will represent a new Europe.

We will help the Muslims in North Africa and the Middle East to reestablish the Caliphate." That means there would be an Islamic civilization. [And Hitler said] "In the Far East , there will be the rising sun..
Lolol. Plan orient was quite temporary. Hitler considered Arabs mud people.

Nobody wants a caliphate.
naltiw 🇮🇱 📟
Haaretzism are coping by desperately clinging to some bogus polls (lies by ommision - leaving out some key states) to try to paint a false narrative about a Jewish leftward shift. They live in an alternative reality.

The exit polls this partisan hack refers to doesn't include NY.
Nov 7, 2024
naltiw 🇮🇱 📟
Haaretzism are coping by desperately clinging to some bogus polls (lies by ommision - leaving out some key states) to try to paint a false narrative about a Jewish leftward shift. They live in an alternative reality.

The exit polls this partisan hack refers to doesn't include NY.
Nov 7, 2024

There was a notable shift to the RIGHT from Jews. Fully 45% of Jews in NY voted for Trump, as did 41% of Jews in PA.
Mac1958 thinks it’s funny that people get afford groceries, that Islamic terrorists massacred Jews, that charges are brought up against dissenters, and that millions of low-class, uneducated, unskilled illegal aliens are being incentivized to invade the country.
America proved Scott is tight.
The Arab fascist mob in Ansterdam Pogrom 11.8.24 was typical Islamofascism
Forum outcast infamous RACIST motivated posting:
'Luiza' - Nazism:


  • Pro Jihad child killing.
  • Admitting Jews today are the same ethnicity as Jesus . But often tries to lie about it.
  • Advocates for genocide.
  • Pro Jihad entities use of its children.
  • Promoting Hitler garbage.
  • Spamming the forums with despicable wording.

Gas chambers or Ovens - Nazi Luiza asks?

Exterminating J.

Against all Jews.

And more...

And more...

Responding to thread by Islamist quoting a fake piece by infamous CJ Werleman.
30 Jan 2024

View attachment 962915

Today's Jews are as Jesus ethnicity she admits. But racist Luiza still hates via ancient lies canards stereotypes.

In whitewashing HER-Hitler and Nazis' worshipping, Luiza claimed to "deny" Kristallnacht .(Feb 5, 2024).

More from the horrific Luiza on WW2, IT wrote:
The disabled , Roma and Jews were probably top of the list which was fiendishly brilliant.... .(Mar 6, 2023).

On the Jewish 'race' - Nov 10, 2024:

Forum List
