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Lefty Wilbury

Active Member
Nov 4, 2003

While taking a break from rioting "enternamehere" took a moment to engage in captalism and quench his thrist.
Like most other jihadists, Ali-Hamas al-Douchebag is too chickenshit to show his face so he sporting the new Versace islamist headwrap. Notice the wide slits to show his lobotomized blank expression. These are sure to be in high style this summer from Cairo to Fallujah.
1. I know it tastes funny, it's bacon grease you stupid ass.

2. Allah's will and Akbar's faith still could not save him from the evil god of Slurpee and the power of the Brain Freeze.

3. Mmm... Jew Frappe.
I'm so embarrased...I paid ten bucks for this drink!

I have to hide...I'm breaking the Atkins jihad on carbs!

Did you know that most deaths from suicide bombings result from damage due to bone shrapnel from the bomber?

Did you also know that strong bones not only fragment into larger pieces, but are also far less likely to shatter on impact, thus causing up to 60% more tissue damage to infidels?

Did you also know that most calcium supplements sold by the zionist pigs do not contain vitamin D or phosphorous, two substances vital to proper calium absorbtion.

While the zionists sit safe in their homes with the real supplements, our brothers and sisters are not going into battle with full efficiency...until now.

Holy Jihad sports drink contains the amount of calcium needed daily by any of our fighting brothers and sisters along with corresponding amounts of phosphorous and vitamin D. While there's not much better you can do than 72 virgins, isn't it nice to know that even one more zionist fell before your might? Holy Jihad sports drink: the only sports drink officially backed by Hamas.

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