Wowzers: Type in Your Web Browser:


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Guess what automatically pops up.
Guess what automatically pops up.
View attachment 447391
So, recognizing trolls seems to be a big problem for some! No wonder "Q" was able to fool so many. This is definitely 'Rubber Room' material.
Yes, this must be silenced and the illegitimate leader protected.
Not really necessary. Mockery and ostracization of what are obviously unbalanced people, should be sufficient.
Is that why Biden is directly linked to a terrorist organization?
Not really necessary. Mockery and ostracization of what are obviously unbalanced people, should be sufficient.
That's why we consider you a fool and a lackey for the people who use Antifa as their shock troops. Consider yourself mocked and ostracized.
For that to work, you have to have some sort of power over me, which you do not. The fellow travelers of the 1/6 traitors are going to find very few listening to them over the next few years. Trump realizes that and it's the main reason he wants to start a new party, which predict will be as successful as the health care plan he promised us was "so easy, because I'm a genius".
For that to work, you have to have some sort of power over me, which you do not. The fellow travelers of the 1/6 traitors are going to find very few listening to them over the next few years. Trump realizes that and it's the main reason he wants to start a new party, which predict will be as successful as the health care plan he promised us was "so easy, because I'm a genius".
So you're admitting that the "mockery and ostracization" you had all planned for conservatives
is nothing but an impotent fantasy of yours?
Thanks for admitting that, albeit unintentionally. For your plan to work you would have to have some
sort of power over us, which you plainly do not have.

The base of Trump's support remains strong and loyal even as the leftists work to undermine our
Constitutional institutions such as free and fair elections and the judiciary, which has shown itself to be as crooked and partisan as Hillary Clinton's DNC and it's lap dog, Corrupt Joe Biden.

If you let leftists talk enough they will reveal themselves to be what they really are....authoritarian Marxists in
spirit and intent.

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