Would You Vote for a Mormon?

Would you vote for a Mormon for President?

  • Yes

    Votes: 49 80.3%
  • No

    Votes: 12 19.7%

  • Total voters
Gee, I don't know. Mormons spent millions of dollars invalidating gay marriages in a state they didnt' even live in...

That's what I call imposing your stupid beliefs on others.

Ummm ... right ... there are only about a million Mormons in California. So yes they lived there.

Now ... how many people voted for Prop 8?

7 million.

So what we have is a Democratic process with people from many different demographic groups expressing their will at the ballot box in accordance with the law.

And then the judicial system coming in and overturning the will of the people.

Well, no. Mormons only make up 2% of the population of CA, and they were 70% of the funds for Pro-Prop Hate groups. That's taking it a little more seriously than "just having your say".

And frankly, where does a majority get off telling anyone what they can do? It really isn't any of their business, is it? Or do you think privacy and rights only apply to some people?

What I find really humorous about the Mormon's reaction to this is that the reason they are in Utah and not my fine state of IL is because the folks in IL didn't like the marriages THEY were having to multiple people. So they shot Joseph Smith and chased the lot of them into the wilderness.

The hilariously ironic thing about it is that because no politician in CA is going to defend Prop Hate in court, the Courts will probably go along with Judge Walkers ruling and overturn it.

And it's all part of the Democratic process. For which you seem to have disdain. Though nothing approaching the psychotic hatred you have for Mormons.
One poll has it that 22% of Americans wouldn't vote for a Mormon. I would be interested to know what percentage of USMB also feels that way.

Sure. It would be nice to have them show up at my home for political reasons, for a change!
One poll has it that 22% of Americans wouldn't vote for a Mormon. I would be interested to know what percentage of USMB also feels that way.

Sure. It would be nice to have them show up at my home for political reasons, for a change!

When I was younger, I'd always invite any religious person into my home to discuss whatever they wanted to discuss. I'd make them tea or coffee, bring them something to eat, maybe a cookie or whatever, then rip them apart intellectually. I never felt bad about it because when sitting on a plane beside a woman who tried to discuss religion with me, with the usual unsuccessful results, she said to me that "God put you beside me to test my faith." So I always felt pretty good about hammering missionaries because I was doing "God's work," testing the strength of their faith. Plus, it was fun.
Well, thus far, 18% of voters have said they'd never vote for a Mormon as President, which is roughly in line with the 22% cited in the poll.

However, 67% thus far have said they wouldn't vote for a liberal as President either.


So it looks like a Mormon may have a better chance of winning in 2012 than Obama!

GUy, that's an USMB poll.

It's like asking, "Would you vote for a Conervative" on HuffPo.
Well, no. Mormons only make up 2% of the population of CA, and they were 70% of the funds for Pro-Prop Hate groups. That's taking it a little more seriously than "just having your say".

And frankly, where does a majority get off telling anyone what they can do? It really isn't any of their business, is it? Or do you think privacy and rights only apply to some people?

What I find really humorous about the Mormon's reaction to this is that the reason they are in Utah and not my fine state of IL is because the folks in IL didn't like the marriages THEY were having to multiple people. So they shot Joseph Smith and chased the lot of them into the wilderness.

The hilariously ironic thing about it is that because no politician in CA is going to defend Prop Hate in court, the Courts will probably go along with Judge Walkers ruling and overturn it.

And it's all part of the Democratic process. For which you seem to have disdain. Though nothing approaching the psychotic hatred you have for Mormons.

Uh, no. The process is that that there is this wall between Church and State. You don't get to impose your religious stupidity on the rest of us. The founders were very clear on that one.

And, yeah, I have a lot of disdain for Democracy. Don't really think that much of it in general. I can become as educated as I want, have a scholar's knowledge of the issues, and have my vote completely nullified by some idiot who thinks that the other candidate is "cute".

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. Freedom is the same scenario, but the Sheep has an Uzi.
I can agree with all of that except the last part regarding Romney. I don't have any particular dislike of the man. The only thing is that I see him as another Obama, just another liberal waiting in the wings.


To my mind, his religion is a deal killer in and of itself. But then you have these things on top of that.

1) His sleazy business practices.
2) His flip-flopping on issues depending on which consituency he's running for.
3) His demogougery.

Don't like Obama, don't think he's an effective president. But he sincerely believes what he believes and I think he means well. Romney would sell out his poor Mormon mother for a buck.
Well, thus far, 18% of voters have said they'd never vote for a Mormon as President, which is roughly in line with the 22% cited in the poll.

However, 67% thus far have said they wouldn't vote for a liberal as President either.


So it looks like a Mormon may have a better chance of winning in 2012 than Obama!

GUy, that's an USMB poll.

It's like asking, "Would you vote for a Conervative" on HuffPo.

Yeah man what were you thinking. Only Joe's one poll counts for anything. Nice Franklin quote there (or was it?) Molotov, I mean Eugene, I mean Joe.
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[GUy, that's an USMB poll.

It's like asking, "Would you vote for a Conervative" on HuffPo.

Yeah man what were you thinking. Only Joe's one poll counts for anything. (rest deleted due to complete irrelevency)

Well, no.

A USMB poll is not scientific. It comes up with a 70% won't vote for a liberal finding because about 70% of USMB members are conservatives. It's not getting an accurate read on a cross section of America, just a cross section of USMB.

The gallup poll is based on SCIENCE. A cross section of society was polled. They were further broken down into political groups. (29% of Democrats, 19% of Independents and 18% of Republicans will not vote for a Mormon Zombie.) Test questions about other groups were asked. And this poll has been repeated multiple times over the years and have gotten consistant results. In fact, that number has remained pretty steady since they first started asking it in 1967 when Romney's father ran.

In U.S., 22% Are Hesitant to Support a Mormon in 2012

Digging further into the data-

Protestants are more likely to be anti-Mormon than Catholics.

Anti-Morman bias is higher in the South and Midwest, areas critical to the GOP if they are going to win.

This is interesting. Younger voters are more likely to be anti-Mormon than older ones.

In short, Romney would not only hurt the GOP ticket, it would hurt it with constiuencies that the GOP needs to win.
One poll has it that 22% of Americans wouldn't vote for a Mormon. I would be interested to know what percentage of USMB also feels that way.

Bigotry rears it's ugly head............again.

WHO CARES what religious beliefs a person has? Probably the same people who care what color a person's skin is.
When romney was Governor, i lived in massachusetts...he really NEVER let his religion or personal religious beliefs get in the way of his governing.... at least i never saw it...so in my opinion, he's already proven himself in that aspect....he doesn't mix, church and state.

I second this observation.
Do they murder people over religion like some of islam?

My point still stands, if you replaced mormon with muslim your response would be considered bigoted.

Yeah, actually, they DO murder people over religion.

Please look up "Mountain Meadows Massacre" some time.

Have christians ever murdered people in the name of religion (crusades)?

So.............yeah...........the point being made is just not applicable.

And Like i said all the "anti-mormon" posts are just as bigoted as "anti-muslim" posts.
One poll has it that 22% of Americans wouldn't vote for a Mormon. I would be interested to know what percentage of USMB also feels that way.

Bigotry rears it's ugly head............again.

WHO CARES what religious beliefs a person has? Probably the same people who care what color a person's skin is.

No, a person's religion tells us where their heads are at.

If someone was a worshiper of the Feathered Serpent Queazeacoatl, and said he would sacrifice virgins (only willing ones, mind you) to the Snake-God until the economy got better, it wouldn't be bigotry for me to judge that guy nuts and not want to vote for him.

If a guy tells me that he believes he's going to be a God on his own world, he's wearing magic underpants and his goal is to establish (his) God's kingdom on this earth, it wouldn't be bigotry for me to judge that guy nuts, too.

I think Romney's Mormonism is fair game. I think it's fair game to ask Obama if he really think "God Damns America" like Reverand Wright said. I think it's fair to ask Governor Perry if he really believes in Creationism.

And if we don't like their answers, we should be free to judge them as unworthy of the job.

But let's leave my dislike of Latter Day Zombies to the side for the moment. Let's even assume you could make a convincing argument and show me the error of my ways. The fact is, that if your goal is to beat Obama, you aren't going to do it with a guy 22% say they won't vote for.

(Oh, wait, I forgot whom I'm talking to here. Why do libs seem to like Romney so much?)
Do they murder people over religion like some of islam?

My point still stands, if you replaced mormon with muslim your response would be considered bigoted.

Yeah, actually, they DO murder people over religion.

Please look up "Mountain Meadows Massacre" some time.

Have christians ever murdered people in the name of religion (crusades)?

So.............yeah...........the point being made is just not applicable.

And Like i said all the "anti-mormon" posts are just as bigoted as "anti-muslim" posts.

That was over a thousand years ago, and that was war. Not that I support Christianity, being an atheist and all, but that's how everyone fought wars in the day. You killed everyone or enslaved them.

Mormons, on the other hand, were doing the stupid until fairly recently. Just because they crossed out "Blood Atonement" in the charter and pencil-whipped in "Pancake Breakfasts" doesn't mean I'm going to start trusting them.

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