How good a debater is Christie?


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
If he decides to run - hope he is better than Perry.

Like Perry - have hardly heard Christie speak.

No question about Romneys debating credentials.

Christie could "throw up over himself" like one commentator described Perry............................
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A "Master Debator". He's a whale of a politician. He would eat Obama alive. Then "squeeze" into office.
Christie is a great debater, the problem is that he wouldn't last on the national stage, just imagine the cartoons and SNL skits, and comedy programs, etc.

The worst they (Chris Matthews) call Mitt is an "empty suit" whatever the fuck that means.
Christie is a great debater, the problem is that he wouldn't last on the national stage, just imagine the cartoons and SNL skits, and comedy programs, etc.

The worst they (Chris Matthews) call Mitt is an "empty suit" whatever the fuck that means.

"Empty suit" is what Republicans call Obama. Research your "insults".
If he decides to run - hope he is better than Perry.

Like Perry - have hardly heard Christie speak.

No question about Romneys debating credentials.

Christie could "throw up over himself" like one commentator described Perry............................

I don't know either, but I would like to hear more relative to his positions on gun control and illegal immigration. ( I'll Google it, if he changes his mind and runs ) :lol: :lol:
He called Obama "The Demoralizer in Chief", spot on assessment.....
The only one better is Newt.

Christie would obliterate Obama in a debate, and it would be fun to watch.
The only one better is Newt.

Christie would obliterate Obama in a debate, and it would be fun to watch.

Christie nominated a "Muslim" to be a state Supreme Court judge. Christie called the people who challenged him, "Ignorant and Crazies". Just curious. Who do you think challenged him?

Republicans complained that the time Obama spent in the State Senate, in the US Senate, at the Conservative Annenberg Foundation and teaching Constitutional Law at the University Level for 10 years left him completely unprepared to be president.

Chrispie spent that time writing checks at "food banks". His greatest legislative accomplishment was overruled as "unconstitutional".

Oh yea, I'm sure he's a "Master" Debater. Want to see him explain why he took a helicopter ride to a Little League Game, then rode the last 100 yards in a Limo. Then complained when forced to pay the money back.

This guys been in elected office for a year and a half and he's got more dirty laundry than the entire state of New Jersey. Course, he has that much anyway.
Why would anyone even consider a fat tub of shit like Christie? He looks like he's about one Twinkie away from the grim reaper.
Why would anyone even consider a fat tub of shit like Christie? He looks like he's about one Twinkie away from the grim reaper.

I just love how nasty statists can become when it has to deal with people they do not like politically.

You are just a really sad human being, and I use the term human being loosely.
Why would anyone even consider a fat tub of shit like Christie? He looks like he's about one Twinkie away from the grim reaper.

I just love how nasty statists can become when it has to deal with people they do not like politically.

You are just a really sad human being, and I use the term human being loosely.

Thank you! One can hear much worse each day from Fox News, Rush and other hate radio wingnuts.

It's time for Lefties to fight fire with fire.
Why would anyone even consider a fat tub of shit like Christie? He looks like he's about one Twinkie away from the grim reaper.

I just love how nasty statists can become when it has to deal with people they do not like politically.

You are just a really sad human being, and I use the term human being loosely.

Thank you! One can hear much worse each day from Fox News, Rush and other hate radio wingnuts.

It's time for Lefties to fight fire with fire.

Lefties have always used crass and smug language such as this, they just usually confine it to thier circle of annyoing hipster friends while they sneer at normal people and suck down thier ironic PBR's.
Why would anyone even consider a fat tub of shit like Christie? He looks like he's about one Twinkie away from the grim reaper.

I just love how nasty statists can become when it has to deal with people they do not like politically.

You are just a really sad human being, and I use the term human being loosely.

Tell us which of Chrispie's accomplishments are so "awe inspiring".
I just love how nasty statists can become when it has to deal with people they do not like politically.

You are just a really sad human being, and I use the term human being loosely.

Thank you! One can hear much worse each day from Fox News, Rush and other hate radio wingnuts.

It's time for Lefties to fight fire with fire.

Lefties have always used crass and smug language such as this, they just usually confine it to thier circle of annyoing hipster friends while they sneer at normal people and suck down thier ironic PBR's.

That's what you imagine because you aren't part of that "circle".

Right wingers think they are the center of the Universe and everyone is always talking about them. Maybe that's why they are so paranoid?

The truth is, their leaders don't care about them, Democrats don't care about them, worse, they don't even care about each other.

Holy shit...

Is Chris Christie Too Fat To Squeeze Into The Oval Office?: Gothamist
If he decides to run - hope he is better than Perry.

Like Perry - have hardly heard Christie speak.

No question about Romneys debating credentials.

Christie could "throw up over himself" like one commentator described Perry............................

Only one way to find out.
A "Master Debator". He's a whale of a politician. He would eat Obama alive. Then "squeeze" into office.

Ah yes the obese, the only group left that the left says it is ok to make fun of, and discriminate against. Well except for Christians maybe.

Christi is to fat to be in office, but it's ok for Obama to keep right on smoking.
Why would anyone even consider a fat tub of shit like Christie? He looks like he's about one Twinkie away from the grim reaper.

I just love how nasty statists can become when it has to deal with people they do not like politically.

You are just a really sad human being, and I use the term human being loosely.

Tell us which of Chrispie's accomplishments are so "awe inspiring".

When did I say he was awe inspiring? His best quality is that he is very blunt about his positions, and what he thinks the problems he is facing are.

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