Would you like government imposed social security,or personal control?

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the liberals try the same over and over again diversionary tactics.
cannot debate content thats for sure.
i offer links,etc.nobody checks them out.

You have never posted a link.

But, hey, its not too late.

Post links to these ephemeral policies that you have authored. Believe me, people will read them.

But, we all know you won't. You say some nasty things and then you'll post another idiotic rant.

Go ahead ... Prove me wrong.
If i recall, pres bush put forth a good plan for soc sec where you would control your own money and it would be in your own private investment acct. The gov't could not touch it, and nor would it be going to fund things for immigrants and illegals, etc. I liked it then, and ii still like the idea of it. If it continues to be in the gov't's hands the youth will end up with no soc sec at retirement age.......but under the bush suggestion, they would have retirement money untouched or used by the gov't.
I am also an advocate of "fair tax" which would eliminate the irs. Fair tax is the only solution and the best one. And i see nothing done toward it.......what a shame.
Yeah I want Wall Street theives controlling my SS money.

Translated as "Yeah I want the government to use my money for an off the books slush fund so I can retire poorer than if I controlled my own money"

FYI you not anyone on Wall Street would control your investments.

Do yo really believe that no one on wall st controls stock prices to a degree?

My friends 401K went up 7% last year and what did the market do?

You can't change your 401K investments daily to beat the market.

but you made a good point about the govt using our funds as a slush fund and BOTH partys are guilty.

We need the SS funds to be held in a true trust not have junk treasury bonds written on them and be spent.

the current SS crisis is that the govt spent over 2 trillion is SS surplus and now does not want to pay it back.
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I believe my social security contributions should go in to an account that I have control over. I should be able to invest it or assign an investment manager to handle investing it for me. The money in the account should be my property, the government should not be able to include it in the general fund and 'borrow' it as they do now. If I pass away before I collect my contributions the remaining balance should be transferred to my heirs.
I believe my social security contributions should go in to an account that I have control over. I should be able to invest it or assign an investment manager to handle investing it for me. The money in the account should be my property, the government should not be able to include it in the general fund and 'borrow' it as they do now. If I pass away before I collect my contributions the remaining balance should be transferred to my heirs.

You just described a 401K account :D
heres the question,board.
Would you like to continually be raped by imposed fdr grade communist personal redistribution tax called social security,where the government can redistribute to illegal aliens,payments to alcohol and drug addicts,and self inflicted maladies...


Personal future savings investment accounts,where only us citizens are able to participate electively,not imposed,whereas the us citizen has complete control of their financial future without disbursement or interferance from the government?

1.my proposal i have thoughtfully created grants the elimination of the ssa,and the general fund.at eighteen years of age,each us citizen will be advised of the creation of a future citizen investment fund account.

2.each account will be created based on each individuals ssn.thats the account number. And options are advised-
a.it will be a us treasury held money market account with an apy of 3%.

3.the citizen,having full control of their future,will have the option to either vest or not vest.
The frequency,amount,and type of vesting deposit,which the citizen can change at any time.
After five years,any citizen can make a withdrawal,and start reinvesting.after all,citizens,not government,will have control.
After age 65,citizens are fully vested,abd can receive mobthly draws off their investment without limitation to any amount of privately earned income.

Do you like it?

yes, i agree with you. I also like the suggestion that pres bush made to have soc sec put into your private investment where the gov't could not touch it or spend it. No one jumped on his suggestion but it was the best suggestion for everyone and especially for the youth today. You manage your own investment and retirement. Too bad no one jumped on the suggestion. I do know that when i was younger, i made private investments and today it has sure helped me. Soc sec isn't enough and especially when that money is going on other things then your retirement. I trust my stock broker more then i do gov't. And i can handle it myself. You don't have to play stocks but put it in other insured investments. You will be glad you did one day.
Obviously youre not schooled in the proper terminology.
i suggest using wikipedia or websters dictionary.

This is the funniest post I've seen all day.

I love his posts. They're like a big box o' chocolates!


But we always know what we're gonna get.


I asked him the other day how much of a hit did he take when the Bush recession hit. He never answered. (I lost money.)

I also asked how much of his Social Security he lost with that same Bush recession. He never answered. (I didn't lose a penny.)

The rw's didn't answer these simple questions either.

How much did your parents lose? Your grandparents? You working children?

I believe my social security contributions should go in to an account that I have control over. I should be able to invest it or assign an investment manager to handle investing it for me. The money in the account should be my property, the government should not be able to include it in the general fund and 'borrow' it as they do now. If I pass away before I collect my contributions the remaining balance should be transferred to my heirs.

What's stopping any of you from having an account that you control and manage?

If you do not have such an account, you are a fool.
I took no hit.
i do nothing financially risky.
neddite and all the lib losers.
cannot debate a one op or proposal i make.
This is the funniest post I've seen all day.

I love his posts. They're like a big box o' chocolates!


But we always know what we're gonna get.


I asked him the other day how much of a hit did he take when the Bush recession hit. He never answered. (I lost money.)

I also asked how much of his Social Security he lost with that same Bush recession. He never answered. (I didn't lose a penny.)

The rw's didn't answer these simple questions either.

How much did your parents lose? Your grandparents? You working children?

I believe my social security contributions should go in to an account that I have control over. I should be able to invest it or assign an investment manager to handle investing it for me. The money in the account should be my property, the government should not be able to include it in the general fund and 'borrow' it as they do now. If I pass away before I collect my contributions the remaining balance should be transferred to my heirs.

What's stopping any of you from having an account that you control and manage?

If you do not have such an account, you are a fool.

I answered your question. On paper, we lost about half of our more aggressive investments and up to about 1/4th of our conservative investments. And though we aren't yet back to where we were before the housing bubble crash that also crashed the market in 2008, through careful investing we have recouped a good part of our losses.

But even if we hadn't recouped a dime of those losses, had we been investing all those social security contributions all our working careers instead of turning them over the government to waste, and even if we had taken a 50% hit on all our investments in 2008 and needed to retire at that time, we still would have been fourfold or more better off than we would be depending on social security benefits.
I believe my social security contributions should go in to an account that I have control over. I should be able to invest it or assign an investment manager to handle investing it for me. The money in the account should be my property, the government should not be able to include it in the general fund and 'borrow' it as they do now. If I pass away before I collect my contributions the remaining balance should be transferred to my heirs.

How do we pay current beneficiares?
I believe my social security contributions should go in to an account that I have control over. I should be able to invest it or assign an investment manager to handle investing it for me. The money in the account should be my property, the government should not be able to include it in the general fund and 'borrow' it as they do now. If I pass away before I collect my contributions the remaining balance should be transferred to my heirs.

How do we pay current beneficiares?

The leftists keep telling us the fund is solvent. Therefore, technically there is sufficient funds to pay current beneficiaries while those coming up can be gradually weaned off the system. If we don't do it, the whole thing collapses somewhere on down the line.

I agree with OohPoo except that I don't think the government should be collecting social security taxes at all, but should provide a means for all of us to establish our own tax free accounts as they do now with 401Ks, IRAs and such. Ditto with medical savings accounts that the people can draw from for their medical needs or, if they stay healthy, can use for anything they want after a time. What greater incentive would promote the general welfare than that?

And employers could choose to contribute to those tax free accounts as an extra employee benefit if they chose to do so. What greater incentive would attract quality people to work for you?

There are so many ways to accomplish the general welfare other than a nanny state or forcing people to do what they should be doing for themselves.

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