Would you like government imposed social security,or personal control?

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Im not lying,hehehe....youre pissed,excellent.
i emailed scummy josefk the amr files on carlos gonzalez...
there are three articles on that site that are mine.
some info not released yet..
do you want to try me,too,daws?????
youre just pissed cause im real.
and i got your little gods number
legally ill tank him.
Article on connect with new chicago party on that site is mine...
two others as well...
shall i go on?
i just shutup josefk
do you want to be next?
Article on connect with new chicago party on that site is mine...
two others as well...
shall i go on?
i just shutup josefk
do you want to be next?
Heres the question,board.
would you like to continually be raped by imposed FDR grade communist personal redistribution tax called SOCIAL SECURITY,where the government can redistribute to illegal aliens,payments to alcohol and drug addicts,and self inflicted maladies...


PERSONAL FUTURE SAVINGS INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS,where only US CITIZENS are able to participate ELECTIVELY,not imposed,whereas the US CITIZEN has complete control of their financial future without disbursement or interferance from the government?

1.my proposal i have thoughtfully created grants the elimination of the SSA,and the general fund.At eighteen years of age,each us citizen will be advised of the creation of a future citizen investment fund account.

2.each account will be created based on each individuals SSN.thats the account number. And options are advised-
A.it will be a US TREASURY held money market account with an APY of 3%.

3.the citizen,having full control of their future,will have the option to either VEST or NOT VEST.
the frequency,amount,and type of vesting deposit,which the citizen can change at any time.
after five years,any citizen can make a withdrawal,and start reinvesting.after all,citizens,not government,will have control.
after age 65,citizens are fully vested,abd can receive mobthly draws off their investment without limitation to any amount of privately earned income.

Do you like it?

And how exactly do you plan to pay current benficiaries, numb nuts? From a magical money tree?
Sorry but I'm not interested in paying for TWO people's retirements.

after five years,any citizen can make a withdrawal
And when the 2nd Great Depression hits any everyone's blown their retirement on the next big bubble - what then? We all just starve to death?

called SOCIAL SECURITY,where the government can redistribute to illegal aliens
Illegal aliens pay into social security, they don't get paid out of it. Please stop being stupid.
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From the fund that exists already,which will be frozen,and disbursed to cases nonself inflicted.
no more ssa,no more general fund.
no more FDR imposed tax.
Grandfathered investors once reapproved,get the same monthly benefits under the new system with a lumpsum deposit of 10 years worth of benefits disbursed under same previous amount under old system.but,with same electivity as new investors.
Im not lying,hehehe....youre pissed,excellent.
i emailed scummy josefk the amr files on carlos gonzalez...
there are three articles on that site that are mine.
some info not released yet..
do you want to try me,too,daws?????
youre just pissed cause im real.
and i got your little gods number
legally ill tank him.
pissed? you have far too much entertainment value for me to be pissed :lol::lol:
on the other hand,, if your not out right lying then me thinks it's plagiarism.
not only is that it's chicken shit, and illegal.
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Considering the fact that government Social security results in me having more money to retire with I'd go with SS.
^Privatized SS in Chile and UK resulted in administration cost increasing by 13-20 times.

You’re in good hands with Social Security: But Privatization Proposals Would Unravel Its Ability to Insure Against Loss of Income, Disability, and Death | Economic Policy Institute
^SS keeps 39% of the elderly out of poverty
^SS returns are 26% higher than private alternatives

More lies...you can't even summarize these links without crapping out falsehoods.

You're a pro.

You keep your SS. I'll take my chances.
what chances? the church will keep you in supersized cans of potted meat and diy bake goods for life or the afterlife!
Anything the illegals put into the system will be used for their deportation.
seems I've heard this before:[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs5bnVoZK4Q]Cabaret - Tomorrow Belongs to Me - YouTube[/ame] The whole trust fund will be seized,no more taxes,as federal and ssa taxes will be phased out.

Illegal aliens will all be deported,as being here illegally is a crime

Anypne housing them,privately, oyr corporately,will be prosecuted as well.

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Anything the illegals put into the system will be used for their deportation.
seems I've heard this before:[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs5bnVoZK4Q]Cabaret - Tomorrow Belongs to Me - YouTube[/ame] The whole trust fund will be seized,no more taxes,as federal and ssa taxes will be phased out.

Illegal aliens will all be deported,as being here illegally is a crime

Anypne housing them,privately, oyr corporately,will be prosecuted as well.

Expected from a fascist idiot.
vampi is functionally illiterate on this forum but someplace else he has written documents that the government, local and national, value his input and fine work. He says his documents are posted on some board but can't link to it. Further its under one or more names other than his own but he won't tell us the names. If you call his bluff, he first calls you some really nasty names and then, POOF! he disappears ...

Probably off to suck the blood of those pesky commmie pinko marxist fascist LIB-ruls.

No worries. He'll be back tomorrow with another wacky Plan Of The Future which will he will tell us that Breitbart, Georgia, the US gumt, or, my all time fave, COMMIE BLASTERS will immediately turn into national law.



Sounds like a silly junior high commmic book. But then, so does vampi.
not a you or one liberal can factually debate,or discredit anything.
i offer links,etc.nobody checks them out.
because my critics know im right.
im probably far better educated than faggy neddite,josefk,etc.
and im an ordinary american.
dare you to read my op,and debate me,otherwise leave.

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