Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

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Evidently your knowledge on an Afrocentric education must have came from a cracker jack box. My oldest is getting her masters paid for by the university she attends. Both my younger daughters are in engineering classes. So much for your theory.
My knowledge of Afrocentric education comes largely from you and some of your idiotic links. Therefor I understand it to be primarily a pathetically desperate attempt to make a silk purse out of a sows ear, and just as futile.

Sorry, ya got nothing.
Rather than, would you prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School? A more meaningful question might be would you prefer that your kids go to a school where the majority are affluent or the majority are poor? In either case it's a rhetorical question.


IMO the better or more meaningful question would, or should have been, "Would you prefer your children go to a school that helps teach your kids to live happy full lives, or one that trains them to regurgitate test answers.
Actually the best way to select a public school is to use the state report card of school progress. This gives you a pretty good idea of the quality of the schools then contact parents in the school and ask their opinion. Basing decisions on race statistics or income data is not much help for a lot of people because they simply can't live in the areas with the best schools because of cost or location, so they have to settle for something less.

Teaching kids to live happy lives is really not the job of the schools, but rather the parents. Although kids spend a lot of time in school, parents not schools provide the biggest impact on their lives.

I take it then, that you are against sports, arts, reading meaningful stories, healthy debate, vocational skills training, interactive education, etc. Happy full life, to me, is finding balance in all things, picking a career that you are happy to work in, etc. Some parents can teach these things, some haven't learned them yet, some understand but don't bother to take the time. Kids spend eight hours a day at school, plenty of time to learn more than just how to put down answers on a test.
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You left out the choice of Majority Hispanic School of which I went to as a White person.
It was not a problem at all that the majority of my High School was Hispanic with the Minority's being White and Black.

I could see that in AZ. Question for you? Did they most speak English or Spanish?

I had a co-worker that stated there are a ton of averages of going to a Hispanic majority school (he was white). He stated that standards are lower and it much easier to get to the top of your class. In the end, he received a nice academic scholarship to U of I.

Some majority white schools it's harder to get A's and solid GPA doesn't guarantee you a high class ranking.
They would say a majority white school. Even Black HONEST parents would say this. First off it has been proven time and time again, white kids can NOT survive in an all black school. They will be harassed daily, both physically and mentally. Some of the beatings will be so vicious that the scars will be permanent. They don't teach in those schools because they have to deal with too many kids messing around and not interested in learning.

No, HONEST person, white or black would want to be in a majority Black school. Screw the PC shit when it comes to your kids.

If my kids were going to go to a all black school. I would find a way to send them to private school or home-school them!
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Evidently your knowledge on an Afrocentric education must have came from a cracker jack box. My oldest is getting her masters paid for by the university she attends. Both my younger daughters are in engineering classes. So much for your theory.
My knowledge of Afrocentric education comes largely from you and some of your idiotic links. Therefor I understand it to be primarily a pathetically desperate attempt to make a silk purse out of a sows ear, and just as futile.

Sorry, ya got nothing.

Thats what I would say if I did not want to face facts. I would try and discredit the source. Luckily the information is not really for diehard cave apes like yourself. :lol:
Evidently your knowledge on an Afrocentric education must have came from a cracker jack box. My oldest is getting her masters paid for by the university she attends. Both my younger daughters are in engineering classes. So much for your theory.
My knowledge of Afrocentric education comes largely from you and some of your idiotic links. Therefor I understand it to be primarily a pathetically desperate attempt to make a silk purse out of a sows ear, and just as futile.

Sorry, ya got nothing.

Thats what I would say if I did not want to face facts. I would try and discredit the source. Luckily the information is not really for diehard cave apes like yourself. :lol:
You can only discredit that which has credit. Again, ya got nothing.
Yes there are children raised by IWSB's (intelligent and well-socialized blacks). But by no means are they the majority in your school.

And yet still, What would be the result if I were to fill a school full of poor Asians? How about poor Whites? Would there be a noticeable difference in safety and educational attainment than a school full of poor blacks? I would contend so. So what would be the driving factor for violence and low test scores in such a scenario? I would argue culture.
I believe poverty is a better indicator than race when looking at educational performance. There is a high correlation between race and poor educational performance but there is also a high correlation between poverty an educational performance. There are some terrible poor black schools but there's also some terrible poor white schools.

In African communities that are predominately black we see strong correlation between poverty and poor performance. In countries like Finland where communities are predominately white we see the same correlation.

There's essential nothing that can done about a child's race but there's a lot than can be done about childhood poverty which we know has a major impact on educational performance.

By that same standard poor whites, who outnumber poor blacks, should be suspended at a higher rate then poor blacks. They aren't.

San Francisco Unified eliminates ?willful defiance? as a reason to expel or suspend students | EdSource Today

Study: Black students suspended more often than others

The problem has little to do with poverty. I could fly in a poor family from South East Asia and allow them to raise their children here in the United States while working for minimum wage and you could bet your ass that those kids would beat the hell out of both white and black students in GPA. The problem with low black educational attainment is that despite Affirmative Action they still cant preform to the level of whites or Asians because culturally they value education less than whites or Asians. This is evident from elementary schools all the way to college via the degrees they choose to pursue.
Poverty has everything to do with poor educational achievement. While the achievement gap between white and black students has narrowed significantly over the past few decades, the gap between rich and poor students has grown substantially during the same period. It's not the color of one's skin that determines academic success.


They would say a majority white school. Even Black HONEST parents would say this. First off it has been proven time and time again, white kids can NOT survive in an all black school. They will be harassed daily, both physically and mentally. Some of the beatings will be so vicious that the scars will be permanent. They don't teach in those schools because they have to deal with too many kids messing around and not interested in learning.

No, HONEST person, white or black would want to be in a majority Black school. Screw the PC shit when it comes to your kids.

If my kids were going to go to a all black school. I would find a way to send them to private school or home-school them!
I think quite a few people, black or white would like have their kids go to Benjamin Banneker High School, a magnet school with a student population that's 85% black, test scores are in the top 10%, with very few discipline problems. My nephew who is white attends a school in Florida that is over 50% black. He's on the Student Council, plays football, makes good grades and likes the school. Kids views on race have changed remarkable in last 20 years. Of course, some places are as racist as they were 50 years ago but even that is slowly changing.
They would say a majority white school. Even Black HONEST parents would say this. First off it has been proven time and time again, white kids can NOT survive in an all black school. They will be harassed daily, both physically and mentally. Some of the beatings will be so vicious that the scars will be permanent. They don't teach in those schools because they have to deal with too many kids messing around and not interested in learning.

No, HONEST person, white or black would want to be in a majority Black school. Screw the PC shit when it comes to your kids.

If my kids were going to go to a all black school. I would find a way to send them to private school or home-school them!
I think quite a few people, black or white would like have their kids go to Benjamin Banneker High School, a magnet school with a student population that's 85% black, test scores are in the top 10%, with very few discipline problems. My nephew who is white attends a school in Florida that is over 50% black. He's on the Student Council, plays football, makes good grades and likes the school. Kids views on race have changed remarkable in last 20 years. Of course, some places are as racist as they were 50 years ago but even that is slowly changing.

You're probably aware that in New York City, students must apply to attend a public high school. Each fall, eighth grade students must submit an application listing up to 12 programs ranked in order of preference. Applicants are then matched to one of their ranked schools according to admissions priority, method, and available seats.

You sound like you know quite a bit about Benjamine Banneker High School, so answering one simple question about it should be pretty easy:

Does the ADMISSION POLICY at Benjamine Banneker High School guarantee offers to students who apply and live in the zoned area?
They would say a majority white school. Even Black HONEST parents would say this. First off it has been proven time and time again, white kids can NOT survive in an all black school. They will be harassed daily, both physically and mentally. Some of the beatings will be so vicious that the scars will be permanent. They don't teach in those schools because they have to deal with too many kids messing around and not interested in learning.

No, HONEST person, white or black would want to be in a majority Black school. Screw the PC shit when it comes to your kids.

If my kids were going to go to a all black school. I would find a way to send them to private school or home-school them!

I would never send my kids to a majority white school. My wife attended a all white high school where she was the only Black person and she hated it. The fact you believe that to be dishonest only makes you an ignorant person.
They would say a majority white school. Even Black HONEST parents would say this. First off it has been proven time and time again, white kids can NOT survive in an all black school. They will be harassed daily, both physically and mentally. Some of the beatings will be so vicious that the scars will be permanent. They don't teach in those schools because they have to deal with too many kids messing around and not interested in learning.

No, HONEST person, white or black would want to be in a majority Black school. Screw the PC shit when it comes to your kids.

If my kids were going to go to a all black school. I would find a way to send them to private school or home-school them!

I would never send my kids to a majority white school. My wife attended a all white high school where she was the only Black person and she hated it. The fact you believe that to be dishonest only makes you an ignorant person.

Was that in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, or 10s? Times have changed, people need to let go of their hate.
They would say a majority white school. Even Black HONEST parents would say this. First off it has been proven time and time again, white kids can NOT survive in an all black school. They will be harassed daily, both physically and mentally. Some of the beatings will be so vicious that the scars will be permanent. They don't teach in those schools because they have to deal with too many kids messing around and not interested in learning.

No, HONEST person, white or black would want to be in a majority Black school. Screw the PC shit when it comes to your kids.

If my kids were going to go to a all black school. I would find a way to send them to private school or home-school them!

I would never send my kids to a majority white school. My wife attended a all white high school where she was the only Black person and she hated it. The fact you believe that to be dishonest only makes you an ignorant person.

Was that in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, or 10s? Times have changed, people need to let go of their hate.

90's. I have a niece that hates the school she goes to now because its it majority white. She had one guy wave a confederate flag at her. times have changed but it seems if its a majority any race there are problems with hate.
I would never send my kids to a majority white school. My wife attended a all white high school where she was the only Black person and she hated it. The fact you believe that to be dishonest only makes you an ignorant person.

Was that in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, or 10s? Times have changed, people need to let go of their hate.

90's. I have a niece that hates the school she goes to now because its it majority white. She had one guy wave a confederate flag at her. times have changed but it seems if its a majority any race there are problems with hate.

Tell her its the only academics that matter.

Problem Solved.
Would you Prefer that your kids go to a Majority White or Majority Black School?

I would prefer my kid go to a school where she gets a quality education and where there's no hatred or bigotry taught or displayed by teachers or students.
Was that in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, or 10s? Times have changed, people need to let go of their hate.

90's. I have a niece that hates the school she goes to now because its it majority white. She had one guy wave a confederate flag at her. times have changed but it seems if its a majority any race there are problems with hate.

Tell her its the only academics that matter.

Problem Solved.

Did I mention she was a teenager? She wants to go to another school that is just as good but way more diverse. She shouldn't have to put up with racist BS because of academics.
I would never send my kids to a majority white school. My wife attended a all white high school where she was the only Black person and she hated it. The fact you believe that to be dishonest only makes you an ignorant person.

Was that in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, or 10s? Times have changed, people need to let go of their hate.

90's. I have a niece that hates the school she goes to now because its it majority white. She had one guy wave a confederate flag at her. times have changed but it seems if its a majority any race there are problems with hate.

Where I grew up, the confederate flag stood for the south, not slavery. I used to fly the confederate flag on the back of my window in my old camaro, similar to the way the general lee did years later in dukes of hazard. Remember that only about 1% of the population had slaves and there were just as many slave owners in the north. For many, the war was over liberty, not the liberty to have slaves, more the liberty to be free from the growing federalist movement. Look where we are now, this country is still split in two.

I really don't want my state to be forced to have the same rules and regulations as the libtarded states of California and New York.

The PC police calling the confederate flag racist? Racist my ass. Bring a burning cross, a white cape, and a hangman's noose together, yeah that's racist.
90's. I have a niece that hates the school she goes to now because its it majority white. She had one guy wave a confederate flag at her. times have changed but it seems if its a majority any race there are problems with hate.

Tell her its the only academics that matter.

Problem Solved.

Did I mention she was a teenager? She wants to go to another school that is just as good but way more diverse. She shouldn't have to put up with racist BS because of academics.
How minority kids are treated in schools by the majority has a lot to do with where the school is located. In areas where a minority is considered to be a threat, be them Blacks, White, Latinos, or Orientals, parents will caution their children and often impart to them their own prejudices. The results are often a pretty bad experience for the minority kids. If I were in such a situation, I would try to move to an area with a good mix of minorities and above average family income where kids are likely to be judged on own merits not their skin color or ethnicity.

I have grandkids in northern Florida and Seattle. There is a huge difference in how minority kids are treated in school. My granddaughter in Seattle is a teenager and dates white, black, and oriental kids. When she has a sleep over, there's a real mix races, religions, and ethnicity. That is certainly not the case with my grandson in Florida.
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I would never send my kids to a majority white school. My wife attended a all white high school where she was the only Black person and she hated it. The fact you believe that to be dishonest only makes you an ignorant person.

Was that in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, or 10s? Times have changed, people need to let go of their hate.

90's. I have a niece that hates the school she goes to now because its it majority white. She had one guy wave a confederate flag at her. times have changed but it seems if its a majority any race there are problems with hate.
Tell her its the only academics that matter.

Problem Solved.

Did I mention she was a teenager? She wants to go to another school that is just as good but way more diverse. She shouldn't have to put up with racist BS because of academics.
How minority kids are treated in schools by the majority has a lot to do with where the school is located. In areas where a minority is considered to be a threat, be them Blacks, White, Latinos, or Orientals, parents will caution their children and often impart to them their own prejudices. The results are often a pretty bad experience for the minority kids. If I were in such a situation, I would try to move to an area with a good mix of minorities and above average family income where kids are likely to be judged on own merits not their skin color or ethnicity.

I have grandkids in northern Florida and Seattle. There is a huge difference in how minority kids are treated in school. My granddaughter in Seattle is a teenager and dates white, black, and oriental kids. When she has a sleep over, there's a real mix races, religions, and ethnicity. That is certainly not the case with my grandson in Florida.

There may be something to that. My niece dated a black guy at UConn (he's now a model in NYC) and she wasn't allowed to bring him to her roommate's weekend party in Stamford. He had a great time down here in redneck Florida. We raced Sea Doos during the day and gigged nile perch at night. He grew up in a very sheltered environment and didn't learn that he was not supposed to date white women until he got an apartment in Harlem. He's told it's okay to fuck a few, but he needs to settle down with a black woman if he wants to be respectable.

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