Would you let Donald Trump hang out in your house?

Those premises don't follow, nobody's insulting my intelligence by advertising me products. They're floating me a product I can then choose to buy, or not, and my intelligence is the underlying "decider." Not their hypnotism, as you call it. It makes no difference, whatever way you kick it to me, I'm not buying a care bear or a rainbow bright. Also, I dont turn my senses off while watching a movie. I use sight, hearing....shit the whole enjoyment I get out of watching is the ability of MY imagination to fantasize the picture as a reality. Im engaged in the piece of work.....some is good... some is cheesy and terrible...and its a net positive addition to my life for its ability to allow me to unwind and enjoy someone's creativity.

Okay, you're determined to derail the point here. For the third time now --- it ain't WHAT IS advertised. It's the fact that, because advertising "whatever" is the prime directive ---- there remains no incentive to create worthy programming.

One Clear Channel exec said to one of his TV station program directors --- "What's the definition of programming?" When the PD didn't answer the exec told him "Programming is the shit we run between commercials". And that shit will be whatever swill draws flies, which is why we get "breaking news" about OJ or the next missing white girl or how frickin' Michael Jackson died.

And THAT exists BECAUSE the only function of the content is to get you gawking, nice and malleable, so they can sell pickup trucks to city dwellers.

We're way off topic.

Pigo. Shows like Peaky Blinders and Game of Thrones are pop culture necessities. You're missing out.
I boycotted G.O.T. because I noticed about 8-10yrs ago, HBO consistently tries to sneak naked dicks into their programming.

Gratuitous nudity is just part of the package. I read the books. They have a strong XXX element to them too.
I get it...I just wanted to take a meaningless, er principled...stance, against their obsession with dick-smuggling. Its a long pattern HBO has that started around.....OZ.

OZ was disturbing. Should be mandatory watch for all Sophomore boys before they get their license to drive. You DUI and kill someone...you end up in OZ. It would scare them shitless!!!
Would you let Donald Trump hang out in your house, maybe drink some beers or watch some television?

If so, why or why not?
No. I don't associate with racists.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

I could invite my Mexican neighbors over to meet him.

And just as they come in I tell him, "they're rapists".

Do you lock your door at night? Or do you not even have a door and allow people to stroll in and out as they please?
Yes I know, these are all allegations, innocent until proven guilty blablabla. But do you honestly think all these women are lying? This man boasts about grabbing women by the P, and he is also standing up for fellow rapist Brett

Donald Trump, an American businessman and current President of the United States, has been accused of sexual assault and sexual harassment, including non-consensual kissing or groping, by at least nineteen women since the 1980s.

View attachment 217749
One day you might touch a female yourself.
Keep your head held high!
I have kissed 43 girls
Had unprotected anal sex with 29 different girls
Had a girl grabbed my ass
had a girl grab my dick at a club
had three different girls ask me for sex
had two girls ask me out (to be their bf)
had one girl named Nicole lured me to the toilet and tried to rape me
Had a 58 year old attracted to me and touching me
had my ass licked by a girl
and many more thank you very much
Would you let Donald Trump hang out in your house, maybe drink some beers or watch some television?

If so, why or why not?
No. I don't associate with racists.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

I could invite my Mexican neighbors over to meet him.

And just as they come in I tell him, "they're rapists".

Do you lock your door at night? Or do you not even have a door and allow people to stroll in and out as they please?

All us Progs have signs on our front lawns saying: "Door is open - help yourself to free shit" :eusa_dance:
Would you let Donald Trump hang out in your house, maybe drink some beers or watch some television?

If so, why or why not?
No. I don't associate with racists.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

I could invite my Mexican neighbors over to meet him.

And just as they come in I tell him, "they're rapists".

Do you lock your door at night? Or do you not even have a door and allow people to stroll in and out as they please?

All us Progs have signs on our front lawns saying: "Door is open - help yourself to free shit" :eusa_dance:

You get my point, Doc. People protect their homes, kids, pets, etc. But some don't want the same for the country? It is mind boggling to me.
Yes I know, these are all allegations, innocent until proven guilty blablabla. But do you honestly think all these women are lying? This man boasts about grabbing women by the P, and he is also standing up for fellow rapist Brett

Donald Trump, an American businessman and current President of the United States, has been accused of sexual assault and sexual harassment, including non-consensual kissing or groping, by at least nineteen women since the 1980s.

View attachment 217749

How about you blow it out your stupid ass. God you are an idiot.
Yes I know, these are all allegations, innocent until proven guilty blablabla. But do you honestly think all these women are lying? This man boasts about grabbing women by the P, and he is also standing up for fellow rapist Brett

Donald Trump, an American businessman and current President of the United States, has been accused of sexual assault and sexual harassment, including non-consensual kissing or groping, by at least nineteen women since the 1980s.

View attachment 217749
damn - ignore in 1 post. a new record.
I’m sure that’s never been said by introverted word nerds who read encyclopedias for fun. I know your type, you’re always the smartest person in the room...just ask you.
I wonder what percentage of billionaires are stupid?
Remember, the awesome creature shown below will tell you he’s got it all figured out, he’s got life by the balls and everybody else is stupid.

Trump Voter ^ All that's missing is the MAGA hat
Would you let Donald Trump hang out in your house, maybe drink some beers or watch some television?

If so, why or why not?
No. I don't associate with racists.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

I could invite my Mexican neighbors over to meet him.

And just as they come in I tell him, "they're rapists".

Do you lock your door at night? Or do you not even have a door and allow people to stroll in and out as they please?

All us Progs have signs on our front lawns saying: "Door is open - help yourself to free shit" :eusa_dance:

You get my point, Doc. People protect their homes, kids, pets, etc. But some don't want the same for the country? It is mind boggling to me.

Good point.

So how do we protect the country from Orange Rumpy?
Yes I know, these are all allegations, innocent until proven guilty blablabla. But do you honestly think all these women are lying? This man boasts about grabbing women by the P, and he is also standing up for fellow rapist Brett

Donald Trump, an American businessman and current President of the United States, has been accused of sexual assault and sexual harassment, including non-consensual kissing or groping, by at least nineteen women since the 1980s.

View attachment 217749

When you guys stop honoring bill clinton and his 3 rape allegations and over a dozen sexual assault allegations.....then I might take you seriously...oh, and you could kick keith ellison, sheered brown, cory booker and bob menendez out of your party.....violence, sexual assault and rape.......and still in your party.
Did Trump rape anyone like Bill Clinton? How about exposing himself, like to Paula Jones? Maybe Trump used a cigar on an intern too? The dems and MSM better remember the lineup of Bubba's women that Trump has that they blew off. Maybe Trump can re-introduce them at the State of the Union speech??

Yep....this gets worse and worse for the rapist bill clinton and eventually his wife, who helped him cover up the rapes. Every time they mention Kavanaugh, bill clinton is thrown in their faces...with far worse allegations of rape and actual violent, sexual assault....
Would you let Donald Trump hang out in your house, maybe drink some beers or watch some television?

If so, why or why not?
No. I don't associate with racists.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

I could invite my Mexican neighbors over to meet him.

And just as they come in I tell him, "they're rapists".

Do you lock your door at night? Or do you not even have a door and allow people to stroll in and out as they please?

All us Progs have signs on our front lawns saying: "Door is open - help yourself to free shit" :eusa_dance:

You get my point, Doc. People protect their homes, kids, pets, etc. But some don't want the same for the country? It is mind boggling to me.

Your Donald is not protecting neither our country, nor those of our allies.
He protects his murderous autocrat pals - that's about that.
No. I don't associate with racists.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

I could invite my Mexican neighbors over to meet him.

And just as they come in I tell him, "they're rapists".

Do you lock your door at night? Or do you not even have a door and allow people to stroll in and out as they please?

All us Progs have signs on our front lawns saying: "Door is open - help yourself to free shit" :eusa_dance:

You get my point, Doc. People protect their homes, kids, pets, etc. But some don't want the same for the country? It is mind boggling to me.

Good point.

So how do we protect the country from Orange Rumpy?

No. I don't associate with racists.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

I could invite my Mexican neighbors over to meet him.

And just as they come in I tell him, "they're rapists".

Do you lock your door at night? Or do you not even have a door and allow people to stroll in and out as they please?

All us Progs have signs on our front lawns saying: "Door is open - help yourself to free shit" :eusa_dance:

You get my point, Doc. People protect their homes, kids, pets, etc. But some don't want the same for the country? It is mind boggling to me.

Good point.

So how do we protect the country from Orange Rumpy?

You vote him out. Duh? Do you not know how US politics work? Maybe you should buy a TV?
No. I don't associate with racists.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

I could invite my Mexican neighbors over to meet him.

And just as they come in I tell him, "they're rapists".

Do you lock your door at night? Or do you not even have a door and allow people to stroll in and out as they please?

All us Progs have signs on our front lawns saying: "Door is open - help yourself to free shit" :eusa_dance:

You get my point, Doc. People protect their homes, kids, pets, etc. But some don't want the same for the country? It is mind boggling to me.

Your Donald is not protecting neither our country, nor those of our allies.
He protects his murderous autocrat pals - that's about that.

He wants border security. I agree. Not sure how you don't think that is not protecting our country?

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