Would you fight for your country?

If my votes counted, my opinions on how the country was run mattered and I received a house.
If my votes dont count, my opinions ignored and I have to be poor for the rest of my life then you can go do you know what to yourself.
What I mean is, who gathered the data? What were the questions?

I would only ever take up arms for country if I believed the war to be just and a real existential threat to the country existed.

We haven't fought a just war since WWII

The Cold War struggle against the Soviet Union wasn't worth fighting?

This is a map of the citizens who said they would fight for their country.

Dark red means you don't GAF about your country and wouldn't care if it burned.

Dark blue means you'd fight to the death to defend your country.

Germany, the Netherlands, could care less if they lost their country.

Finland and Turkey would put up a fight.

Would you fight for your country?

Problem is people who say they would, might not.

I wouldn't. Mostly because at present I know that if my country were at war, it would be over oil and would be because the rich want to get richer by taking out OPEC countries.

(see the four OPEC countries that hated the US in 2001, Iraq (invaded), Libya (bombed), Iran (had Iraq and Afghanistan prepped for invasion bases and heavy sanctions when they realized it'd be harder than they thought) and Venezuela (heavy sanctions, as a jungle country it's too much like Vietnam for anyone's invasion tastes, and there was the 2002 coup helped by the US).
That wasn't a war that was political games.

But no Korea and Vietnam weren't worth fighting. Neither were any of the wars in the Middle East

Korea and Veitnam were part of the Cold War.

The Cold War started after WWII and ended with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989.
Korea and Veitnam were part of the Cold War.

The Cold War started after WWII and ended with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989.
Those weren't wars. War was never declared. Those were games of political brinkmanship

And the USSR had started to collapse under its own weight in the late 70's it's fall was inevitable and neither Korea nor Vietnam had much to do with it
Those weren't wars. War was never declared. Those were games of political brinkmanship

And the USSR had started to collapse under its own weight in the late 70's it's fall was inevitable and neither Korea nor Vietnam had much to do with it

If you don't believe the American struggle against the USSR for over 40 years had nothing to do with the collapse of the Soviet Union, there's probably not a lot I can do to convince you.
If you don't believe the American struggle against the USSR for over 40 years had nothing to do with the collapse of the Soviet Union, there's probably not a lot I can do to convince you.
The USSR was going to collapse with or without Korea or Vietnam so those "wars" were an unnecessary waste of life, resources and time.

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