Would You Buy A Doomsday Food Bucket from Jim Bakker-Or Anyone?


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
I first became aware of these Doomsday Prepper Food Buckets from the unhinged snake oil salesman Jim Bakker:




Now Bakker does not have both oars in the water and I don’t know if he actually believes that end times is upon us because we have turned against God, if he is a shameless profiteer, or a little of both. If I had to guess, I would say both.

However, being curious about what this stuff really is, I turned to Goggle, and much to my amazement, I found that Bakker is not the only one selling these buckets. There are 6 on Amazon alone, and others as well!! And, they are clearly for profit and not religiously motivated, although they are probably aware of who the market is.


So, I have a few questions of the good folks on USMB

1. Has anyone bought this stuff or do you plan to?

2. How is it?

3. Do you really believe that it will last 25 years?

4. If yes, what sort of scenario do you see coming that this stuff would be needed keep you alive?

5. If you believe that the end is near, is it the result of divine retribution, or just the stupidity of human kind?

6. What others doomsday prepping are you doing?
Buy seeds..........that once grown allow you to get new seeds from them..........

There ya go.......cheap......easy to store.........reproduces itself.
I...because we have turned against God, if he is a shameless profiteer, or a little of both. If I had to guess, I would say both.

Based on what, besides your hatred?

You made a judgement on this guy, with nothing to back it up.

When called on it, you post some stupid emoticons?

I'll take that as an admission that you are making your "judgement" based just on your hate.

You even in a disaster area?
I...because we have turned against God, if he is a shameless profiteer, or a little of both. If I had to guess, I would say both.

Based on what, besides your hatred?

You made a judgement on this guy, with nothing to back it up.

When called on it, you post some stupid emoticons?

I'll take that as an admission that you are making your "judgement" based just on your hate.

You even in a disaster area?
Not judging. Observing. The guy is a nut job.
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I...because we have turned against God, if he is a shameless profiteer, or a little of both. If I had to guess, I would say both.

Based on what, besides your hatred?

You made a judgement on this guy, with nothing to back it up.

When called on it, you post some stupid emoticons?

I'll take that as an admission that you are making your "judgement" based just on your hate.

You even in a disaster area?
No judging. Observing. The guy is a nut job.

Wow. IN one line you claim not to be judging and then call the guy a nut job.

LIberals. All the self awareness of a potted plant.

What diff does it make whom you purchase it from? If it keeps your ass alive. you should be questioning the impetus BEHIND their sale and not the salesman you dim shitlib.
It’s good idea to be prepared.
Right. These food buckets will surly withstand a nuclear blast. But there won't be anyone to eat them. If there is, the water needed to prepare them will be radioactive, if there is any water at all.

Food buckets are obviously not meant to survive exposed to a nuclear blast.

Clean water would obviously be an issue that one would have to consider also.

Have you ever been in a disaster?
It’s good idea to be prepared.
Right. These food buckets will surly withstand a nuclear blast. But there won't be anyone to eat them. If there is, the water needed to prepare them will be radioactive, if there is any water at all.

Food buckets are obviously not meant to survive exposed to a nuclear blast.

Clean water would obviously be an issue that one would have to consider also.

Have you ever been in a disaster?
Yes, right here on the USMB
What diff does it make whom you purchase it from? If it keeps your ass alive. you should be questioning the impetus BEHIND their sale and not the salesman you dim shitlib.
Lighten up dude. It was just an interesting question.
It's never 'interesting' with your type.

He is always a smug jerk and wonders why people are testy with him.
Exactly, there is always some ulterior motive. Yet he is either too dim or too conflicted to attack the true bullshit of the matter as it would make him look either anti-semitic or 'bigoted'. The left are cowards at the end oft the day.
Shallow ***** with their crotches, hearts and stomachs at the heart of every move.
It’s good idea to be prepared.
Right. These food buckets will surly withstand a nuclear blast. But there won't be anyone to eat them. If there is, the water needed to prepare them will be radioactive, if there is any water at all.

Food buckets are obviously not meant to survive exposed to a nuclear blast.

Clean water would obviously be an issue that one would have to consider also.

Have you ever been in a disaster?
Yes, right here on the USMB

I was, as a child. We lost power for weeks, in the depths of winter.

Had to get water from a local spring and burn wood to survive.
What diff does it make whom you purchase it from? If it keeps your ass alive. you should be questioning the impetus BEHIND their sale and not the salesman you dim shitlib.
Lighten up dude. It was just an interesting question.
It's never 'interesting' with your type.

He is always a smug jerk and wonders why people are testy with him.
Exactly, there is always some ulterior motive. Yet he is either too dim or too conflicted to attack the true bullshit of the matter as it would make him look either anti-semitic or 'bigoted'. The left are cowards at the end oft the day.
Shallow ***** with their crotches, hearts and stomachs at the heart of every move.

Does ANYONE really believe he is here to discuss the topic?

We all know he just wants to smear people who are different than him.

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