Worst. Ranking. List. EVER!!!

Bootney Lee Farnsworth

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2017
Survey: Historians rank Obama 12th best president

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - always overrated
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Dwight Eisenhower
6. Harry Truman
7. Thomas Jefferson
8. John F. Kennedy
9. Ronald Reagan
10. Lyndon Johnson :lol:
11. Woodrow Wilson
12. Barack Obama :lol::lol::lol:
13. James Monroe
14. James Polk
15. Bill Clinton
16. William McKinley
17. James Madison
18. Andrew Jackson
19. John Adams
20. George H.W. Bush
21. John Q. Adams
22. Ulysses Grant
23. Grover Cleveland
24. William Taft
25. Gerald Ford
26. Jimmy Carter
27. Calvin Coolidge - should be top 5
28. Richard Nixon
29. James Garfield
30. Benjamin Harrison
31. Zachary Taylor
32. Rutherford Hayes
33. George W. Bush
34. Martin Van Buren
35. Chester Arthur
36. Herbert Hoover
37. Millard Fillmore
38. William Harrison
39. John Tyler
40. Warren Harding
41. Franklin Pierce
42. Andrew Johnson
43. James Buchanan
They put the black guy one spot below the one that resegregated the military.
Can't wait to hear the whining about Dubya ranked at 33
What historians?
This particular panel of historians consisted of 91 historians selected and organized by C-Span. The metrics consisted of judging each President on a scale using ten "leadership" attributes. Most of these historian panels/groups consist of significantly large numbers of participants and include a wide range of historians of differing leanings and political influences.
This is only the third group and rating done by C-Span. To have genuine confidence in accuracy other ratings by other groups need to be compared.
Survey: Historians rank Obama 12th best president

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - always overrated
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Dwight Eisenhower
6. Harry Truman
7. Thomas Jefferson
8. John F. Kennedy
9. Ronald Reagan
10. Lyndon Johnson :lol:
11. Woodrow Wilson
12. Barack Obama :lol::lol::lol:
13. James Monroe
14. James Polk
15. Bill Clinton
16. William McKinley
17. James Madison
18. Andrew Jackson
19. John Adams
20. George H.W. Bush
21. John Q. Adams
22. Ulysses Grant
23. Grover Cleveland
24. William Taft
25. Gerald Ford
26. Jimmy Carter
27. Calvin Coolidge - should be top 5
28. Richard Nixon
29. James Garfield
30. Benjamin Harrison
31. Zachary Taylor
32. Rutherford Hayes
33. George W. Bush
34. Martin Van Buren
35. Chester Arthur
36. Herbert Hoover
37. Millard Fillmore
38. William Harrison
39. John Tyler
40. Warren Harding
41. Franklin Pierce
42. Andrew Johnson
43. James Buchanan

Good list....I would expect Trump to fall in somewhere after Warren G Harding
Obama should eventually climb to the top ten
FDR was a disaster
80 years of history disagree with you. The citizenry of America elected him as President four times and decades of these historian ratings put him consistently in the top three rated Presidents. His influence and legacy are overwhelmingly felt to this very day. His programs and accomplishments are undeniable. Americans are still using the infrastructure he was responsible for building and creating during his time as President.
Clearly, FDR's ranking required the passage of some years in order to evaluate his actions. The population of the 30's and 40's who elected him four times could not have known (generally) how his actions prolonged and worsened the Depression, or what alternative actions w/r/t the World War might have rendered better results for the U.S.

A poll like this is near worthless. For any single president on this list, you could find historians whose opinions are all over the lot. Like voting on who is the prettiest starlet in Hollywood - there is no definitive answer. Opinions differ.
FDR was a disaster
80 years of history disagree with you. The citizenry of America elected him as President four times and decades of these historian ratings put him consistently in the top three rated Presidents. His influence and legacy are overwhelmingly felt to this very day. His programs and accomplishments are undeniable. Americans are still using the infrastructure he was responsible for building and creating during his time as President.
According to our Representatives, who, for the entirety of my existence, have been saying the infrastructure he created and are still using is crumbling and hasn't been repaired nor addressed since... well... FDR.
1. Abraham Lincoln - No brainer...saved the country and created the UNITED States
2. George Washington- Father of our country but did not accomplish much as President
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Made the US a modern Democracy and global Superpower
4. Teddy Roosevelt- The first modern President, gave us global reach
5. Dwight Eisenhower- Eight years of prosperity and National Hwy System
6. Harry Truman- Dropped the bomb, saved Europe, Korean War
7. Thomas Jefferson- Louisiana Purchase
8. John F. Kennedy- Overrated, did not accomplish much in three years
9. Ronald Reagan- Will drop as the impact of his economic policies set in
10. Lyndon Johnson- Great on social programs, blundered in Vietnam
11. Woodrow Wilson- WWI, League of Nations, horrible on Civil Rights
12. Barack Obama - Prevented a depression, Obamacare
13. James Monroe- Overrated as President, average at best
14. James Polk- Best of his era
15. Bill Clinton- Booming economy, relative peace......should rise
16. William McKinley- No idea why he is this high. Best thing is he gave us Teddy R
17. James Madison- Almost lost the country in 1812 in a stupid war
18. Andrew Jackson- Dropping on the list
19. John Adams- Great mind, founding father, not much of a President
20. George H.W. Bush- Average President, calm leadership, liberated Kuwait
21. John Q. Adams- Smartest President, not very good at it
22. Ulysses Grant- Disaster, shouldn't be this high
23. Grover Cleveland- Why this high?
24. William Taft- Teddy Roosevelt should have taken another term
25. Gerald Ford- Powerless after Watergate and Pardon
26. Jimmy Carter- Nice man, poorly suited for the job
27. Calvin Coolidge - caused the Great Depression
28. Richard Nixon- Knew the job better than most presidents, emotionally unfit to be President
29. James Garfield- shot
30. Benjamin Harrison
31. Zachary Taylor
32. Rutherford Hayes
33. George W. Bush- Worst modern President, 9-11, two wars and a collapsed economy
34. Martin Van Buren
35. Chester Arthur
36. Herbert Hoover- took the blame for a Depression started by Harding and Coolidge
37. Millard Fillmore
38. William Harrison- Only lasted 30 days, not much to evaluate
39. John Tyler
40. Warren Harding- The Donald Trump of his day. Ill suited for the job
41. Franklin Pierce- No interest in being President
42. Andrew Johnson- Botched reconstruction, could not get along with either party
43. James Buchanan- brought us the Civil War
What historians?
This particular panel of historians consisted of 91 historians selected and organized by C-Span. The metrics consisted of judging each President on a scale using ten "leadership" attributes. Most of these historian panels/groups consist of significantly large numbers of participants and include a wide range of historians of differing leanings and political influences.
This is only the third group and rating done by C-Span. To have genuine confidence in accuracy other ratings by other groups need to be compared.

Right off the top, putting Obama anywhere near that high destroys any confidence in the accuracy of the opinions. What exactly did he do, other than create domestic and international chaos?

"Commanding moral authority"? How insulting.
Clearly, FDR's ranking required the passage of some years in order to evaluate his actions. The population of the 30's and 40's who elected him four times could not have known (generally) how his actions prolonged and worsened the Depression, or what alternative actions w/r/t the World War might have rendered better results for the U.S.

A poll like this is near worthless. For any single president on this list, you could find historians whose opinions are all over the lot. Like voting on who is the prettiest starlet in Hollywood - there is no definitive answer. Opinions differ.
FDR was more concerned with easing the suffering caused by the Depression rather than helping the banks and capitalists prosper
The US came out of WWII as a military and economic Super Power
1. Abraham Lincoln - No brainer...saved the country and created the UNITED States
But, acted like a damn tyrant in the process.

12. Barack Obama - Prevented a depression, Obamacare
:lol: See FDR's prolonging the Great Depression

28. Richard Nixon- Knew the job better than most presidents, emotionally unfit to be President
agree and agree

27. Calvin Coolidge - caused the Great Depression
you are a damn idiot if you believe this
1. Abraham Lincoln - No brainer...saved the country and created the UNITED States
But, acted like a damn tyrant in the process.

12. Barack Obama - Prevented a depression, Obamacare
:lol: See FDR's prolonging the Great Depression

28. Richard Nixon- Knew the job better than most presidents, emotionally unfit to be President
agree and agree

27. Calvin Coolidge - caused the Great Depression
you are a damn idiot if you believe this

Abe Lincoln: Desperate times call for desperate measures. He did what had to be done to save the country. Great man who was underappreciated while he was President, but God Like after he was assassinated

Barack Obama: If he listened to what Republicans wanted us to do, the nation would have fallen into a depression

Calvin Coolidge: Hands off President. Let the business sector do what they want and prosperity will follow. Prosperity did follow.....until they led us into the Great Depression

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