World War III?


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
While I do not believe we are, not really, is it worth exploring the possibility? The possibility that we are experiencing the early days of World War 3. Turkey and Russia are at each others' throats. Turkey is weaponizing mass wave human migration against southern Europe while the Greek People riot in the street. Russia is killing Turkish troops stationed in Syria. Both nations are very close to full scale, open war. Why does it matter? Turkey is a NATO member. Russia, obviously, is not. Thus, could a Russo-Turkish War drag NATO, and more importantly, the US, into a worldwide conflict?

Additionally, all over the world large populations of extremely poor and needy people have been relocating from Third World hell holes to First World bastions of freedom and wealth. No "bridge" or economy is strong enough to sustain that kind of traffic or population swell for too long. Just ask the ancient Egyptians.

Historically, how many global or nearly global wars have initiated in Europe? History tends to repeat itself, right? We've got Brexit, NATO starting pay for its own regional defense and NATO states in jeopardy. We've got new, strengthened US relations with India, something the Chinese surely can't ignore or dismiss. We've got economic tensions between the US and China despite new trade agreements. And we've got plenty of Chinese military saber rattling in the Pacific, as well as Chinese military advisors posted around the globe, from South America to throughout the African Continent. We've got Chinese espionage rampant throughout our American institutions of higher learning and corporate headquarters, along with American educators (professors) and officials aiding Chinese efforts to undermine our own government.

Meanwhile, we've got the democrats shouting to the skies about Russian interference in our elections, fighting words if ever there were. What happens after the democrats retake the White House at some point down the road? Will they suddenly profess their undying love for the Russians and apologize for years of serious accusations against Moscow? I think not.

And of course we've got a global pandemic spreading around the world, nation by nation, maiming and killing as it goes. Where did the source of said global outbreak originate? China. What happens if intelligence agencies uncover that the Corona Virus was also weaponized by the Chinese? What happens if said intelligence agency is Russian? How would the Russians respond to a mass outbreak of a Chinese sourced virus within their borders? Nuke them down?

Talk about powder kegs!

Lastly, we've got everyone from the Iranians (their own government directly weakened by a Chinese sourced virus), to the Turks, the Russians, the Israelis, the US and various NATO European military advisors all operating within the compact borders of Syrian sovereign soil. I repeat: at least three, count them, three thermonuclear weapon equipped nations are all bumping elbows in one tiny Middle Eastern nation. Would anyone care for a steaming cup of Armageddon?

Admittedly I am not taking all of this fear mongering as seriously pehaps as I, personally should be. But therein lies the question of this post: should we be taking it all a whole hell of lot more seriously? Or will it all blow over like it almost always does? Will we be saved by the bell or live to witness a war more devastating than WW1 and WW2 combined? Am I the only one thinking about this at the moment?
While I do not believe we are, not really, is it worth exploring the possibility? The possibility that we are experiencing the early days of World War 3. Turkey and Russia are at each others' throats. Turkey is weaponizing mass wave human migration against southern Europe while the Greek People riot in the street. Russia is killing Turkish troops stationed in Syria. Both nations are very close to full scale, open war. Why does it matter? Turkey is a NATO member. Russia, obviously, is not. Thus, could a Russo-Turkish War drag NATO, and more importantly, the US, into a worldwide conflict?

Additionally, all over the world large populations of extremely poor and needy people have been relocating from Third World hell holes to First World bastions of freedom and wealth. No "bridge" or economy is strong enough to sustain that kind of traffic or population swell for too long. Just ask the ancient Egyptians.

Historically, how many global or nearly global wars have initiated in Europe? History tends to repeat itself, right? We've got Brexit, NATO starting pay for its own regional defense and NATO states in jeopardy. We've got new, strengthened US relations with India, something the Chinese surely can't ignore or dismiss. We've got economic tensions between the US and China despite new trade agreements. And we've got plenty of Chinese military saber rattling in the Pacific, as well as Chinese military advisors posted around the globe, from South America to throughout the African Continent. We've got Chinese espionage rampant throughout our American institutions of higher learning and corporate headquarters, along with American educators (professors) and officials aiding Chinese efforts to undermine our own government.

Meanwhile, we've got the democrats shouting to the skies about Russian interference in our elections, fighting words if ever there were. What happens after the democrats retake the White House at some point down the road? Will they suddenly profess their undying love for the Russians and apologize for years of serious accusations against Moscow? I think not.

And of course we've got a global pandemic spreading around the world, nation by nation, maiming and killing as it goes. Where did the source of said global outbreak originate? China. What happens if intelligence agencies uncover that the Corona Virus was also weaponized by the Chinese? What happens if said intelligence agency is Russian? How would the Russians respond to a mass outbreak of a Chinese sourced virus within their borders? Nuke them down?

Talk about powder kegs!

Lastly, we've got everyone from the Iranians (their own government directly weakened by a Chinese sourced virus), to the Turks, the Russians, the Israelis, the US and various NATO European military advisors all operating within the compact borders of Syrian sovereign soil. I repeat: at least three, count them, three thermonuclear weapon equipped nations are all bumping elbows in one tiny Middle Eastern nation. Would anyone care for a steaming cup of Armageddon?

Admittedly I am not taking all of this fear mongering as seriously pehaps as I, personally should be. But therein lies the question of this post: should we be taking it all a whole hell of lot more seriously? Or will it all blow over like it almost always does? Will we be saved by the bell or live to witness a war more devastating than WW1 and WW2 combined? Am I the only one thinking about this at the moment?

Our economic system is propped up by endless wars of imperialism and economic colonization.

War without end
European and Mideast countries have been squabbling for centuries without US aid or interference and it seems it will continue for more centuries. As far as the U.S. goes the concept of WW3 is about self interest. You could make a case that MacArthur's incredible blunder in Korea that invited the Red Chinese and Russia into a shooting war with the U.S. might have ushered in the beginning of WW3 but the media loved the "Old Soldier" so they ignored the implication. In recent times Clinton's bombing campaign of a defenseless country in Europe could have been seen as the beginning of WW3 but the media loved it so it was celebrated. It seems that President Trump might be on the verge of an historic agreement with the Afghan regime and will withdraw Troops. That might come as bad news to the left.
While I do not believe we are, not really, is it worth exploring the possibility? The possibility that we are experiencing the early days of World War 3. Turkey and Russia are at each others' throats. Turkey is weaponizing mass wave human migration against southern Europe while the Greek People riot in the street. Russia is killing Turkish troops stationed in Syria. Both nations are very close to full scale, open war. Why does it matter? Turkey is a NATO member. Russia, obviously, is not. Thus, could a Russo-Turkish War drag NATO, and more importantly, the US, into a worldwide conflict?

Additionally, all over the world large populations of extremely poor and needy people have been relocating from Third World hell holes to First World bastions of freedom and wealth. No "bridge" or economy is strong enough to sustain that kind of traffic or population swell for too long. Just ask the ancient Egyptians.

Historically, how many global or nearly global wars have initiated in Europe? History tends to repeat itself, right? We've got Brexit, NATO starting pay for its own regional defense and NATO states in jeopardy. We've got new, strengthened US relations with India, something the Chinese surely can't ignore or dismiss. We've got economic tensions between the US and China despite new trade agreements. And we've got plenty of Chinese military saber rattling in the Pacific, as well as Chinese military advisors posted around the globe, from South America to throughout the African Continent. We've got Chinese espionage rampant throughout our American institutions of higher learning and corporate headquarters, along with American educators (professors) and officials aiding Chinese efforts to undermine our own government.

Meanwhile, we've got the democrats shouting to the skies about Russian interference in our elections, fighting words if ever there were. What happens after the democrats retake the White House at some point down the road? Will they suddenly profess their undying love for the Russians and apologize for years of serious accusations against Moscow? I think not.

And of course we've got a global pandemic spreading around the world, nation by nation, maiming and killing as it goes. Where did the source of said global outbreak originate? China. What happens if intelligence agencies uncover that the Corona Virus was also weaponized by the Chinese? What happens if said intelligence agency is Russian? How would the Russians respond to a mass outbreak of a Chinese sourced virus within their borders? Nuke them down?

Talk about powder kegs!

Lastly, we've got everyone from the Iranians (their own government directly weakened by a Chinese sourced virus), to the Turks, the Russians, the Israelis, the US and various NATO European military advisors all operating within the compact borders of Syrian sovereign soil. I repeat: at least three, count them, three thermonuclear weapon equipped nations are all bumping elbows in one tiny Middle Eastern nation. Would anyone care for a steaming cup of Armageddon?

Admittedly I am not taking all of this fear mongering as seriously pehaps as I, personally should be. But therein lies the question of this post: should we be taking it all a whole hell of lot more seriously? Or will it all blow over like it almost always does? Will we be saved by the bell or live to witness a war more devastating than WW1 and WW2 combined? Am I the only one thinking about this at the moment?

I say we sit it out and sell food ,supplies and weapons to all sides
Usually the U.S. picks a side but the dirty little secret is that the CIA sometimes works against "official" U.S. interests and picks their own side to award clandestine aid in exchange for some global agenda that fails in the majority of the time.
WWIII will be a cyber war
Not alone, no, too much socialism going to the war profiteers and arms dealers.
The major powers are not about to engage in conflict of the scope and horror or WWI and WWII

A well planned cyber attack can take out your adversaries economy destroying the power grid, communications, internet, banking
While I do not believe we are, not really, is it worth exploring the possibility? The possibility that we are experiencing the early days of World War 3. Turkey and Russia are at each others' throats. Turkey is weaponizing mass wave human migration against southern Europe while the Greek People riot in the street. Russia is killing Turkish troops stationed in Syria. Both nations are very close to full scale, open war. Why does it matter? Turkey is a NATO member. Russia, obviously, is not. Thus, could a Russo-Turkish War drag NATO, and more importantly, the US, into a worldwide conflict?

Additionally, all over the world large populations of extremely poor and needy people have been relocating from Third World hell holes to First World bastions of freedom and wealth. No "bridge" or economy is strong enough to sustain that kind of traffic or population swell for too long. Just ask the ancient Egyptians.

Historically, how many global or nearly global wars have initiated in Europe? History tends to repeat itself, right? We've got Brexit, NATO starting pay for its own regional defense and NATO states in jeopardy. We've got new, strengthened US relations with India, something the Chinese surely can't ignore or dismiss. We've got economic tensions between the US and China despite new trade agreements. And we've got plenty of Chinese military saber rattling in the Pacific, as well as Chinese military advisors posted around the globe, from South America to throughout the African Continent. We've got Chinese espionage rampant throughout our American institutions of higher learning and corporate headquarters, along with American educators (professors) and officials aiding Chinese efforts to undermine our own government.

Meanwhile, we've got the democrats shouting to the skies about Russian interference in our elections, fighting words if ever there were. What happens after the democrats retake the White House at some point down the road? Will they suddenly profess their undying love for the Russians and apologize for years of serious accusations against Moscow? I think not.

And of course we've got a global pandemic spreading around the world, nation by nation, maiming and killing as it goes. Where did the source of said global outbreak originate? China. What happens if intelligence agencies uncover that the Corona Virus was also weaponized by the Chinese? What happens if said intelligence agency is Russian? How would the Russians respond to a mass outbreak of a Chinese sourced virus within their borders? Nuke them down?

Talk about powder kegs!

Lastly, we've got everyone from the Iranians (their own government directly weakened by a Chinese sourced virus), to the Turks, the Russians, the Israelis, the US and various NATO European military advisors all operating within the compact borders of Syrian sovereign soil. I repeat: at least three, count them, three thermonuclear weapon equipped nations are all bumping elbows in one tiny Middle Eastern nation. Would anyone care for a steaming cup of Armageddon?

Admittedly I am not taking all of this fear mongering as seriously pehaps as I, personally should be. But therein lies the question of this post: should we be taking it all a whole hell of lot more seriously? Or will it all blow over like it almost always does? Will we be saved by the bell or live to witness a war more devastating than WW1 and WW2 combined? Am I the only one thinking about this at the moment?

Hate to tell you but the World has been at war since the end of World War II, so we have been in World War III, IV, V and VI while we just call it something else...
WWIII will be a cyber war
Not alone, no, too much socialism going to the war profiteers and arms dealers.
The major powers are not about to engage in conflict of the scope and horror or WWI and WWII

A well planned cyber attack can take out your adversaries economy destroying the power grid, communications, internet, banking
And then the power structure can rely upon our mass surveillance state, our militarized white nationalist infiltrated "law enforcement"
apparatus and our for profit concentration/internment camp apparatus to "keep order" in "the homeland.

America doesn't invite nations into wars, we just start dropping bombs and firing missiles.

Capital will decide.
WWIII will be a cyber war
Not alone, no, too much socialism going to the war profiteers and arms dealers.
The major powers are not about to engage in conflict of the scope and horror or WWI and WWII

A well planned cyber attack can take out your adversaries economy destroying the power grid, communications, internet, banking
And then the power structure can rely upon our mass surveillance state, our militarized white nationalist infiltrated "law enforcement"
apparatus and our for profit concentration/internment camp apparatus to "keep order" in "the homeland.

America doesn't invite nations into wars, we just start dropping bombs and firing missiles.

Capital will decide.

Damn are goofy
WWIII will be a cyber war
Not alone, no, too much socialism going to the war profiteers and arms dealers.
The major powers are not about to engage in conflict of the scope and horror or WWI and WWII

A well planned cyber attack can take out your adversaries economy destroying the power grid, communications, internet, banking
And then the power structure can rely upon our mass surveillance state, our militarized white nationalist infiltrated "law enforcement"
apparatus and our for profit concentration/internment camp apparatus to "keep order" in "the homeland.

America doesn't invite nations into wars, we just start dropping bombs and firing missiles.

Capital will decide.

Damn are goofy
Empires in decline always redirect the militarism back home when undergoing contraction.
WWIII will be a cyber war
Not alone, no, too much socialism going to the war profiteers and arms dealers.
The major powers are not about to engage in conflict of the scope and horror or WWI and WWII

A well planned cyber attack can take out your adversaries economy destroying the power grid, communications, internet, banking
And then the power structure can rely upon our mass surveillance state, our militarized white nationalist infiltrated "law enforcement"
apparatus and our for profit concentration/internment camp apparatus to "keep order" in "the homeland.

America doesn't invite nations into wars, we just start dropping bombs and firing missiles.

Capital will decide.

Damn are goofy
Empires in decline always redirect the militarism back home when undergoing contraction.
Explain the British Empire
Not alone, no, too much socialism going to the war profiteers and arms dealers.
The major powers are not about to engage in conflict of the scope and horror or WWI and WWII

A well planned cyber attack can take out your adversaries economy destroying the power grid, communications, internet, banking
And then the power structure can rely upon our mass surveillance state, our militarized white nationalist infiltrated "law enforcement"
apparatus and our for profit concentration/internment camp apparatus to "keep order" in "the homeland.

America doesn't invite nations into wars, we just start dropping bombs and firing missiles.

Capital will decide.

Damn are goofy
Empires in decline always redirect the militarism back home when undergoing contraction.
Explain the British Empire

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