Workers Younger Than 55 Lost 259K Jobs In April


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
And everyone is flocking to bonds because Obama's economy is so good. Wait until 1st quarter GDP gets downgraded to negative from its epic fail of .01%


Workers Younger Than 55 Lost 259K Jobs In April | Zero Hedge

Taking another peek beneath the only headline that vacuum tubes and algos care about, namely the headline establishment survey print, reveals another mockery of a "recovery", because in addition to the farce that 1 million Americans were added to the "not in labor force" number, a breakdown of jobs added by age group reveals more of the same.

Namely, in the one most important age group for jobs, those workers aged 25-54 which represent the bulk of the US labor force and are also the best and most productive group, the total number of jobs tumbled from 95,360K to 95,151K, a drop of 209K!

But wait, because it wasn't just the most important age group bucket: it was all younger workers who got the shaft: jobs in the 16-19 age group dropped by 24K, while those in the 20-24 age group declined by another 26K, which means that in the "young" workers category, those under 55, some 259K jobs were lost.

So did anyone gain jobs in April? Why yes: according to the establishment survey, the only beneficiary of whatever this "recovery" is, were workers aged 55-69, who gained 174K jobs.
Namely, in the one most important age group for jobs, those workers aged 25-54 which represent the bulk of the US labor force and are also the best and most productive group, the total number of jobs tumbled from 95,360K to 95,151K, a drop of 209K!

A loss or change of .02 of 1%, which means they were promoted or moved to another field.

Geaxu4it, the above is why millenials laugh at folks like you.
And everyone is flocking to bonds because Obama's economy is so good. Wait until 1st quarter GDP gets downgraded to negative from its epic fail of .01%
This is a classic case of someone picking and choosing when they accept a statistic as being a valid/useful indicator of the economy.

If inflows/outflows from stocks to bonds is a good barometer of the economy, where were you when stocks had seven consecutive months of inflows in 2013? I must have missed your thread where you were proclaiming the economy is good because of it.
And everyone is flocking to bonds because Obama's economy is so good. Wait until 1st quarter GDP gets downgraded to negative from its epic fail of .01%


Workers Younger Than 55 Lost 259K Jobs In April | Zero Hedge

Taking another peek beneath the only headline that vacuum tubes and algos care about, namely the headline establishment survey print, reveals another mockery of a "recovery", because in addition to the farce that 1 million Americans were added to the "not in labor force" number, a breakdown of jobs added by age group reveals more of the same.

Namely, in the one most important age group for jobs, those workers aged 25-54 which represent the bulk of the US labor force and are also the best and most productive group, the total number of jobs tumbled from 95,360K to 95,151K, a drop of 209K!

But wait, because it wasn't just the most important age group bucket: it was all younger workers who got the shaft: jobs in the 16-19 age group dropped by 24K, while those in the 20-24 age group declined by another 26K, which means that in the "young" workers category, those under 55, some 259K jobs were lost.

So did anyone gain jobs in April? Why yes: according to the establishment survey, the only beneficiary of whatever this "recovery" is, were workers aged 55-69, who gained 174K jobs.

You are pretty fucking dumb, boy. You have already been shown to be totally ridicoulous in your use of false math.
And everyone is flocking to bonds because Obama's economy is so good. Wait until 1st quarter GDP gets downgraded to negative from its epic fail of .01%


Workers Younger Than 55 Lost 259K Jobs In April | Zero Hedge

Taking another peek beneath the only headline that vacuum tubes and algos care about, namely the headline establishment survey print, reveals another mockery of a "recovery", because in addition to the farce that 1 million Americans were added to the "not in labor force" number, a breakdown of jobs added by age group reveals more of the same.

Namely, in the one most important age group for jobs, those workers aged 25-54 which represent the bulk of the US labor force and are also the best and most productive group, the total number of jobs tumbled from 95,360K to 95,151K, a drop of 209K!

But wait, because it wasn't just the most important age group bucket: it was all younger workers who got the shaft: jobs in the 16-19 age group dropped by 24K, while those in the 20-24 age group declined by another 26K, which means that in the "young" workers category, those under 55, some 259K jobs were lost.

So did anyone gain jobs in April? Why yes: according to the establishment survey, the only beneficiary of whatever this "recovery" is, were workers aged 55-69, who gained 174K jobs.

Read the first post under your blog article link. Hilarious.
I am over 55, I lost my job back in last April, a year ago. Funny thing about that. Almost everyone my age got the boot. Thanks Obama. I also had to hunt up a new doctor, I couldn't keep my sawbones I had since forever. Thanks, dude, really.
I didn't lose my job, I had to stop because of health issues....and I still have the same doc...and neuro surgeon...
Obama doesn't live in the world. The real world. I would love to meet him, as a real person. In his world. His politics, the dynamics. And tell him, or remind him, that isn't the same world the rest of us Americans live in.
95,360 - 95,151 = 209,000??? :eek::eek::eek:

He stated 95,360K That's 95,360,000. He also stated -95,151K. That's -95,151,000.

When you do the math without the fuzz, that is 209,000.

Fuzzy math sucks. I recommend a remedial math course and one in science also that deals in math terms. Chemistry might help you not make the village idiot list online, even if it is a struggle.
Promoted. Right. Not liking that word too much.Don't kid yourselves. What about those that just got fired because we were old,for corporate profit. All those old folks. I am thinking profits in the form of the stock market. That is the bottom line.
95,360 - 95,151 = 209,000??? :eek::eek::eek:
95,360 K - 95,151 K = 209 K a

From #2 above:
A loss or change of .02 of 1%, which means they were promoted or moved to another field.

Amelia, tell us how many retired in April?

That's a pretty out-of-the-blue question to ask me, considering I only entered the thread to correct blackflag's mathematical expression.

I definitely don't understand the rationale for your conclusion about people being promoted.

And I don't know how many people retired in April.
95,360 - 95,151 = 209,000??? :eek::eek::eek:
95,360 K - 95,151 K = 209 K a

From #2 above:
A loss or change of .02 of 1%, which means they were promoted or moved to another field.

Amelia, tell us how many retired in April?
Jake, I know you mean well, but while we're adding and subtracting, you need to also consider the other numbers including the number of high school and college graduates who will be entering the workforce, the 600,000 immigrants from Africa President Obama has hastened to bring here next year, and the million a year still pouring across the porous southern border by obstructing Federal immigration laws at the Cabinet Position of Eric Holder's behest.

Trust me, the job situation is bleaker than it looks on paper, and it needs to be fixed with as severe methods as we can possibly slap back at Obama's unsustainable foisterings of impossible scenarios onto the payment schedule of this nation, which he has already strapped with an $18 Trillion Dollar National Debt, all the while winking and smiling that he was doing a good job.

Nothing could be further from the truth in the jobs market: Obama has failed, and he's still failing on steroids.

I'm sorry he hates our nation with people who want to the American people off the face of the earth and take away America from this nation's founder's generations of people from every kindred and every tribe on this terrestrial ball. And I object to the totalitarianism he has exhibited in executing his will to supersede that of the American people at large.

Obama seems to be having his way wiping the American people off the face of the earth faster than Ahmadinejad of Iran would have had he not gotten too big for his britches and angered the Ayatollah's reign of fanaticism.

And Obama thinks he is too good to do a budget for this nation that doesn't bury it in interest, destroying private sector jobs to punish people he doesn't realize are the most charitable people on earth when it comes to helping other nations out who have a hunger for freedom and justice.

I blame the most corrupt journalism school that has ever existed on this planet for shutting its eyes to joblessness and hopelessness of getting a job for graduates looking for work that will help them establish their own family. What chance do they have if employers are afraid to hire them, considering all the bankruptive forces Obama is instituting as law through proclamation of his will over that of Congressional law.

The papers and television news networks are fallen. People are starting to hate liberal cronyism and slobbering over corrupt politicians in the leftists' good ol' boys 'n' girls club.
I am over 55, I lost my job back in last April, a year ago. Funny thing about that. Almost everyone my age got the boot. Thanks Obama. I also had to hunt up a new doctor, I couldn't keep my sawbones I had since forever. Thanks, dude, really.

And what was the insurance you had? Employee insurance? You would have lost anyway? Or 20 dollar insurance where you could visit a doctor twice a year.

Make it good. All the best lies have already been used up.
95,360 - 95,151 = 209,000??? :eek::eek::eek:
95,360 K - 95,151 K = 209 K a

From #2 above:
A loss or change of .02 of 1%, which means they were promoted or moved to another field.

Amelia, tell us how many retired in April?

Or simply laid off.
My suburban town has a 20% unemployment rate due to the middle-aged white collar professionals being laid off or being tossed, against their will, or ability to afford such, a retirement package.
Most of them have been replaced by business visas or have had their jobs shipped overseas.
Many haven't had an interview in well over 6 months.

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