Woman killed in Capitol during pro-Trump breach

Will this murder help or hurt the Biden Harris administration?
75 MILLION Americans will never forget this. And when the left crashes this country the victims will blame Biden Harris.

Enjoy your 2 years of rule. Your failure will be EPIC

That is all we could hope for. Apparently Americans didn't learn from the first two years of the Kenyan Klown, so these next two years of a country being destroyed will be another reminder. It's just a shame the people who voted intelligently have to also suffer.
So much irony.

First - don't know much about the woman who was shot, and ultimately died. They haven't reported much, and I haven't seen anything about who shot her and how.

But some things are noteworthy.

When a leftist protestor was shot and severely injured by a rubber bullet to the head - it was fully "justified" even though his only "crime" was standing across the street holding up a radio blaring music.
So much irony.

First - don't know much about the woman who was shot, and ultimately died. They haven't reported much, and I haven't seen anything about who shot her and how.

But some things are noteworthy.

When a leftist protestor was shot and severely injured by a rubber bullet to the head - it was fully "justified" even though his only "crime" was standing across the street holding up a radio blaring music.

Being hurt by a rubber bullet is much different than being shot to death by a real bullet. But I agree with your first part. We don't have any of the details yet.
go to Lin woods twitter

Paul Sperry

BREAKING: Former FBI agent on the ground at U.S. Capitol just texted me and confirmed that at least 1 "bus load" of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false Trump flag ops8
Imagine being dumb enough to believe anything Lin Wood says.

If the woman who was shot had not decided to be part of a mob that besieged the Capitol building, she would be alive today. This Mob, incited by Trump, broke the law and had members of Congress fearing for their lives.
Trump bears responsibility for her death as he encouraged her to break the law. She paid with her life.

Condolences to her family.

So true----it a fat imbecile had not decided to ILLEGALLY sell loosies and get high on ketamine
he might be alive today-----instead he is a SAINT ---
internationally no less----depicted with a halo on his
filthy criminal head
If the woman who was shot had not decided to be part of a mob that besieged the capital building, she would be alive today. This Mob, incited by Trump, broke the law and had members of Congress gearing for their lives. Trump bears responsibility for her death. He encouraged her and the mob to do what they did.

The officer did what he has to do in trying circumstances. Condolences to her family, but she made the choice to be part of a mob.
Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity, Carlson and the rest have to be held accountable.

They've spent the last 30 years turning these people into paranoid lunatics.

Are they going to act surprised that this happened?

You have it all ass backwards there lefttard.

Conservative talking heads don't get rich and famous by converting or convincing people adopt their views.

Conservative talking heads gain their fame and fortune by lending a voice to the beliefs and views that conservatives already hold.

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