Without Guns, and Assault Rifles, America would not exist today as a nation.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I would like to say to all you anti gun, anti assault rifle people out there. I must remind you all that with out the Assault rifle, and guns, America would not exist today as a nation. We had an American revelution against British rule, and these Assault rifles and guns allowed us to have our United States of America. So yes , there is a need for us to have the right to purchase assault rifles, and guns. Our second amendment right must not and shall not be infringed upon.We still have a need for all kinds of guns and rifles. Yes even assault rifles.!

Your thoughts.

NO ONE will infringe my RIGHT to bear arms. Not limited to, protecting my family and myself.
The Dems can try to take away my guns. But they have to go through me to do so.


NO ONE will infringe my RIGHT to bear arms. Not limited to, protecting my family and myself.
The Dems can try to take away my guns. But they have to go through me to do so.

We need all kinds of weapons in modern day America. Yes. even assault rifles like the AR-15 and AK-47.
Our rights must never be infringed upon, as a people and a nation. Yes, there is still a need for Assault rifles in America today.
I am from Texas where we have Texas gun laws, you may ask yourself what the heck does that mean? Well it works like this, first you must submit your fingerprints to be run by all concerned agency’s and placed in a data base. Then you must sit through and pass classes on the lawful use of a concealed weapon, when and where you can carry a weapon and the penalties for using it at the wrong time. Once you have done and passed everything above along with a check for psychological problems then you go to a sanctioned shooting range. There you are tested for shooting and handling a weapon. You most shoot at three different B 27 targets which are human silhouettes smaller than the average person, and you must shoot center mass at 9, 21 and 45 feet to score enough points to pass. Then you send everything in and wait 4 to 6 weeks to get your license.

To buy a gun you must have correct Identification be over 21 and pass a background check. This is gun control I can live with the only problem being is this will only keep honest people honest. This is how a bad guy buys a gun. He asks around, finds the one he wants and buys it.

My question is what type of gun control legislation could possibly stop a bad man other than no one can buy guns? So, what’s all the fuss about gun laws? Either I can buy one or not is what it boils down to. Don’t stop me from buying guns, my life or I swear I will defend yours depends on it.
I would like to say to all you anti gun, anti assault rifle people out there. I must remind you all that with out the Assault rifle, and guns, America would not exist today as a nation. We had an American revelution against British rule, and these Assault rifles and guns allowed us to have our United States of America. So yes , there is a need for us to have the right to purchase assault rifles, and guns. Our second amendment right must not and shall not be infringed upon.We still have a need for all kinds of guns and rifles. Yes even assault rifles.!

Your thoughts.
Ya, because AR-15s didn’t jam when the redcoats were charging. :lol:

NO ONE will infringe my RIGHT to bear arms. Not limited to, protecting my family and myself.
The Dems can try to take away my guns. But they have to go through me to do so.

We need all kinds of weapons in modern day America. Yes. even assault rifles like the AR-15 and AK-47.
Our rights must never be infringed upon, as a people and a nation. Yes, there is still a need for Assault rifles in America today.
You’re already not allowed to own a whole range of arms, nukes, wmd, cruise missiles, cluster bombs... so your rights have already been infringed upon.

NO ONE will infringe my RIGHT to bear arms. Not limited to, protecting my family and myself.
The Dems can try to take away my guns. But they have to go through me to do so.

We need all kinds of weapons in modern day America. Yes. even assault rifles like the AR-15 and AK-47.
Our rights must never be infringed upon, as a people and a nation. Yes, there is still a need for Assault rifles in America today.
You’re already not allowed to own a whole range of arms, nukes, wmd, cruise missiles, cluster bombs... so your rights have already been infringed upon.

We need to maintain and have a well armed and regulated states militia. We need to check some of these infringements that have been written into states laws.
I would like to say to all you anti gun, anti assault rifle people out there. I must remind you all that with out the Assault rifle, and guns, America would not exist today as a nation. We had an American revelution against British rule, and these Assault rifles and guns allowed us to have our United States of America. So yes , there is a need for us to have the right to purchase assault rifles, and guns. Our second amendment right must not and shall not be infringed upon.We still have a need for all kinds of guns and rifles. Yes even assault rifles.!

Your thoughts.

Dude.................they didn't have assault rifles back then, they had muskets, which had to be prepped before it could be fired. And, proficient soldiers were known as "minutemen" because they could fire, reload and fire again within a minute. AR-15's fire at a much higher rate than 1 shot per min.

NO ONE will infringe my RIGHT to bear arms. Not limited to, protecting my family and myself.
The Dems can try to take away my guns. But they have to go through me to do so.

We need all kinds of weapons in modern day America. Yes. even assault rifles like the AR-15 and AK-47.
Our rights must never be infringed upon, as a people and a nation. Yes, there is still a need for Assault rifles in America today.
You’re already not allowed to own a whole range of arms, nukes, wmd, cruise missiles, cluster bombs... so your rights have already been infringed upon.
A typical radical liberals response. What do you do when someone decides to bring an automatic AK-47 from Mexico along with pounds of Cocaine? Open the door and say, I am a liberal welcome to the US?
Once the demographics shift takes place your guns will be gone within a decade. Texas shifts to majority Hispanic as early as 2030. Good luck.
I would like to say to all you anti gun, anti assault rifle people out there. I must remind you all that with out the Assault rifle, and guns, America would not exist today as a nation. We had an American revelution against British rule, and these Assault rifles and guns allowed us to have our United States of America. So yes , there is a need for us to have the right to purchase assault rifles, and guns. Our second amendment right must not and shall not be infringed upon.We still have a need for all kinds of guns and rifles. Yes even assault rifles.!

Your thoughts.

Dude.................they didn't have assault rifles back then, they had muskets, which had to be prepped before it could be fired. And, proficient soldiers were known as "minutemen" because they could fire, reload and fire again within a minute. AR-15's fire at a much higher rate than 1 shot per min.
And here's your sign...I used to be amazed how uninformed a liberal is, but after 30 years of study(which if you watch a fly on shit, it is about the same intelligence) I have come to realize that they just dont know why the 2nd amendment was so important. Back in the day of King George, do you know King George? He was the guy who was taxing all his slaves so much in the new world that they got pissed at him(Sorta like the US citizens after 8 years of Obama) and decided to revolt against his rule(Why they didnt vote for the sick bitch). So the King(who was the government of the new world) sent over an army to put down the revolt. Both sides had the most modern devices to fight with...the musket which was accurate up to about 3 feet, then who knew where the ball went(Wait till you see the whites of their eyes). So lets move on to the civil war, where the Democrats of the south, who wanted to keep slaves, used the most modern weapons against their US government who also had the most modern weapons, the cap and ball rifles. This enabled both sides to shoot at a longer distance more accurately. So now we are up to today, the government has fully auto weapons that shoot .223 and unfortunately prevents US from doing the same, but we do have semi auto, that shoots the same. I doubt liberals are smart enough to understand this, but his is the reason why what ever the government makes, the legal US citizens should have the same. Stops rogue governments from going rogue.

The second amendment is there to provide citizens a means of protection against anyone or even government. Without those arms citizens are no threat to government or anyone else who would do them harm.
Why do people believe that the Second Amendment would ...
Once the demographics shift takes place your guns will be gone within a decade. Texas shifts to majority Hispanic as early as 2030. Good luck.

The plan to confiscate Americans weapons will spark a civil war. It won't work.
I am VERY VERY pro gun but demography drives legislation. The only group who are pro-gun are whites. Fewer children were born in the US in 2018 than any year in the last 32.

Fewer Babies Were Born in 2018 Than in Any Year Since 1986. Here's Why

What do you think the governments response to that will be? More immigrants. Peoples who are firmly anti-gun.
Once the demographics shift takes place your guns will be gone within a decade. Texas shifts to majority Hispanic as early as 2030. Good luck.
Anytime you feel like coming to Floor E Da and try to take my guns, go for it tough guy...

It won't be me. it will be legislators over the next two decades. Do you understand how slim the republican margin is in Florida? Your current governor won by less than 10,000 votes. His opponent was virulently anti-gun.
The American that Baby Boomers are passing on is a drug addled, poor, shadow of the one they received.
Once the demographics shift takes place your guns will be gone within a decade. Texas shifts to majority Hispanic as early as 2030. Good luck.

The plan to confiscate Americans weapons will spark a civil war. It won't work.
I am VERY VERY pro gun but demography drives legislation. The only group who are pro-gun are whites. Fewer children were born in the US in 2018 than any year in the last 32.

Fewer Babies Were Born in 2018 Than in Any Year Since 1986. Here's Why

What do you think the governments response to that will be? More immigrants. Peoples who are firmly anti-gun.
I guess you dont see that giant fence going up at the southern border or the illegal aliens that are being deported? Yes, liberal are aborting their babies by the millions each year and I thank them for their contributions to saving this planet. But the Conservatives are having plenty of children to replace those stupid ones who never see the light of day. They will be the future of this country, they will keep fighting against the retardation of liberalism. The cancer called liberalism is going extinct.
Once the demographics shift takes place your guns will be gone within a decade. Texas shifts to majority Hispanic as early as 2030. Good luck.
Anytime you feel like coming to Floor E Da and try to take my guns, go for it tough guy...

It won't be me. it will be legislators over the next two decades. Do you understand how slim the republican margin is in Florida? Your current governor won by less than 10,000 votes. His opponent was virulently anti-gun.
The American that Baby Boomers are passing on is a drug addled, poor, shadow of the one they received.
He would of won by a lot more votes if that crooked black bitch was arrested for tampering with the votes. Not to worry, we are on to the left, and their ways, next time, she will be counting the hole in the middle of her forehead the next time she has a recount.

Why is it only in Democrat Districts that the voters always have problems and must recount over and over until their side wins?
Once the demographics shift takes place your guns will be gone within a decade. Texas shifts to majority Hispanic as early as 2030. Good luck.

The plan to confiscate Americans weapons will spark a civil war. It won't work.
I am VERY VERY pro gun but demography drives legislation. The only group who are pro-gun are whites. Fewer children were born in the US in 2018 than any year in the last 32.

Fewer Babies Were Born in 2018 Than in Any Year Since 1986. Here's Why

What do you think the governments response to that will be? More immigrants. Peoples who are firmly anti-gun.
I guess you dont see that giant fence going up at the southern border or the illegal aliens that are being deported? Yes, liberal are aborting their babies by the millions each year and I thank them for their contributions to saving this planet. But the Conservatives are having plenty of children to replace those stupid ones who never see the light of day. They will be the future of this country, they will keep fighting against the retardation of liberalism. The cancer called liberalism is going extinct.
I guess you don't see the immigration legislation which has permitted the US to go from 98% white in 1965 to 64% in 2018.
I guess you can't see the supreme court ruling which grants citizenship to any person born within national borders. I guess you don't notice anchor baby legislation which permits families to stay.
You keep staring at that wall though buddy :D
Once the demographics shift takes place your guns will be gone within a decade. Texas shifts to majority Hispanic as early as 2030. Good luck.
Anytime you feel like coming to Floor E Da and try to take my guns, go for it tough guy...

It won't be me. it will be legislators over the next two decades. Do you understand how slim the republican margin is in Florida? Your current governor won by less than 10,000 votes. His opponent was virulently anti-gun.
The American that Baby Boomers are passing on is a drug addled, poor, shadow of the one they received.
He would of won by a lot more votes if that crooked black bitch was arrested for tampering with the votes. Not to worry, we are on to the left, and their ways, next time, she will be counting the hole in the middle of her forehead the next time she has a recount.

Why is it only in Democrat Districts that the voters always have problems and must recount over and over until their side wins?
Ah yes..."if it wuddn't fer!"
Your demography is shifting. Boomers are passing and they are not being replaced by other whites...because white people do not have children...
This is not rocket science...do yourself a favor and watch some old films from Miami in the 1950's...Any city as a matter of fact.

When the shift is complete and whites drop below 50% ~2050...the shit is gonna hit.
But WE will probably be dead by then...at least that is the alibi we all tell ourselves.

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