Baltimore Sun Attacks Trump Supporter Who Organized Massive City Clean Up

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Last week, Townhall covered MAGA supporter Scott Presler's call to action in Baltimore by inviting "Americans to help Americans" and go clean up neighborhoods in Charm City. Presler at first kept secret when the event would occur for fear of retaliation from the far-left like Antifa. But, on Saturday, Presler and 100 other citizens from all over the country traveled to West Baltimore for the massive trash clean up. By all measures, it was hugely successful. However, on Monday, the Baltimore Sun's editorial board ran an op-ed, trashing Presler and his group saying they only did the event to embarrass Baltimore and its residents.

The op-ed was snarkily titled, "We assume it was pure motives that led a Trump supporter to launch a cleanup in Cummings’ district, right?"

"The effort was organized by pro-Trump activist Scott Presler. He claimed the event was not political. Yes, he was inspired to come by tweets from President Donald Trump describing the area, represented by U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, as a 'rodent infested mess,'" the editors wrote. "But the visit wasn’t about showing support or animosity for either man, he said."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Only a group of black thug supporting MSM would attack WHITE PRIVILEGE PEOPLE who came into their garbage filled neighborhood that the lazy blacks caused and the black DemonRATS that run the city can't be bothered to clean it up....that would be RACIST, to clean up what your black brothers did. And many wonder why the division between blacks and whites has gone down the sewer pipe since the Surrender Monkey did absolutely NOTHING to help.... PATHETIC!!!!
For the writers at the Baltimore Sun, Presler's visit simply "reinforces the tired image of our failing urban cores. That the poor people in this dilapidated city can’t take care of their own neighborhoods and all the public officials around them have failed as well."

They spelled "true" wrong.
Olivia looks like she could beat the ever living snot out most men. Send her down to the editorial board to set the record straight.
Obviously they don't like a Trump fan being the person who spear heads such an event. My only question is why should they be attacked because another kind of person didn't think of the idea sooner?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I am not complaining though. The more that people "protest", the more attention that the person responsible for the gathering ends up scoring. To me, it should be appreciated while its in the person's picture because eventually the attention will be on someone else. (wondering why my late beautiful precious Billy Joe Royal had to wait two decades just to get his second top ten song)
Some of these politicians are being Blackmailed. They want to help Pres.Trump to drain the swamp. But the Deep State will not let them. They knows every move that a person make. When they finds something on the politicians. That they will blackmail them to control them.
I already knew that these books deals that these politicians has been receiving are pay-off money. That is how they launders the bribe money. The Clinton received theirs right after the lawsuit trial of Bill vs Paula Jones was over.
Pugh and Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rossello would of have been a great ally to Pres.Trump's administration.

Baltimore Mayor Catherine E. Pugh says she has given President-elect Donald Trump a letter describing the city's need for federal money.

Pugh, a Democrat, and Trump, a Republican, met Saturday afternoon at the Army-Navy football game at M&T Bank Stadium.

"With @realDonaldTrump in Baltimore I delivered a letter noting importance of our infrastructure needs & need for investment of federal funds," Pugh tweeted after the encounter. She included a photo of the pair shaking hands.

The exchange came two days after the new Baltimore City Council voted unanimously to condemn Trump's rhetoric.

Pugh hands Trump letter noting city's 'needs'

Lashing out at probes into his 2016 campaign and Russian election interference, President Donald Trump said Friday that investigators ought to look into a book deal signed by former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama.

"Let's look into Obama the way they've looked at me," Trump told reporters in the Oval Office. "Let's subpoena all of his records."

Though Trump didn't elaborate, he appeared to be referencing reports that the Obamas secured a $60 million advance for one book written each by Michelle and Barack Obama. The former first lady's book, "Becoming," was published last year and quickly became a best seller.
Donald Trump rips book deal for Barack, Michelle Obama, complains about White House AC

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