With Trumps Twitter Tirades Gone The GOP Has No Answers To Biden's Agenda


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Having been banned for life by the social media behemoth for attempting to incite a violent insurrection against the American people, Trump’s ability to command national attention through constant displays of attention-seeking vanity on Twitter has been neutered. And as a result the Trump who Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is en route to pay homage to this week is but a shadow of his former self.

As Natasha Korecki notes for POLITICO, Trump’s now permanently flaccid Twitter “non-status” has eliminated the primary means that Republicans, in their abject dependence on Trump, had relied on to give voice to conservative positions.

But it was not simply Trump who was diminished by his removal from Twitter. We have to remember that Trump didn’t come up with the content for his tweets by himself. He wasn’t smart enough for that. No, invariably he was highlighting or repeating something he had just seen on right-wing media, most often on Fox News. Trump’s tweets essentially parroted the Fox News line rather than the other way around. So not only was Trump himself cut off by his banning, but the entire spigot of right-wing dissemination that he would readily spew was curtailed as well; as a result, Fox News no longer has a giant orange megaphone in the White House to distribute its content.

The freebies are gone for the media welfare queens. You want coverage? You pay for it.
Having been banned for life by the social media behemoth for attempting to incite a violent insurrection against the American people, Trump’s ability to command national attention through constant displays of attention-seeking vanity on Twitter has been neutered. And as a result the Trump who Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is en route to pay homage to this week is but a shadow of his former self.

As Natasha Korecki notes for POLITICO, Trump’s now permanently flaccid Twitter “non-status” has eliminated the primary means that Republicans, in their abject dependence on Trump, had relied on to give voice to conservative positions.

But it was not simply Trump who was diminished by his removal from Twitter. We have to remember that Trump didn’t come up with the content for his tweets by himself. He wasn’t smart enough for that. No, invariably he was highlighting or repeating something he had just seen on right-wing media, most often on Fox News. Trump’s tweets essentially parroted the Fox News line rather than the other way around. So not only was Trump himself cut off by his banning, but the entire spigot of right-wing dissemination that he would readily spew was curtailed as well; as a result, Fox News no longer has a giant orange megaphone in the White House to distribute its content.

The freebies are gone for the media welfare queens. You want coverage? You pay for it.
Mr Trump didn't incite violence--but Pelosi/BLM/etc did
..you are babbling crap
Having been banned for life by the social media behemoth for attempting to incite a violent insurrection against the American people, Trump’s ability to command national attention through constant displays of attention-seeking vanity on Twitter has been neutered. And as a result the Trump who Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is en route to pay homage to this week is but a shadow of his former self.

As Natasha Korecki notes for POLITICO, Trump’s now permanently flaccid Twitter “non-status” has eliminated the primary means that Republicans, in their abject dependence on Trump, had relied on to give voice to conservative positions.

But it was not simply Trump who was diminished by his removal from Twitter. We have to remember that Trump didn’t come up with the content for his tweets by himself. He wasn’t smart enough for that. No, invariably he was highlighting or repeating something he had just seen on right-wing media, most often on Fox News. Trump’s tweets essentially parroted the Fox News line rather than the other way around. So not only was Trump himself cut off by his banning, but the entire spigot of right-wing dissemination that he would readily spew was curtailed as well; as a result, Fox News no longer has a giant orange megaphone in the White House to distribute its content.

The freebies are gone for the media welfare queens. You want coverage? You pay for it.
we don't want to answer Biden's idiocy:
.....pandemic/unemployment and he wants MORE workers to come into the US--foreigners at that = IDIOCY
.....Biden/Harris/blacks are like doctors working on a patient's broken foot---while the patient is bleeding to death
Having been banned for life by the social media behemoth for attempting to incite a violent insurrection against the American people, Trump’s ability to command national attention through constant displays of attention-seeking vanity on Twitter has been neutered. And as a result the Trump who Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is en route to pay homage to this week is but a shadow of his former self.

As Natasha Korecki notes for POLITICO, Trump’s now permanently flaccid Twitter “non-status” has eliminated the primary means that Republicans, in their abject dependence on Trump, had relied on to give voice to conservative positions.

But it was not simply Trump who was diminished by his removal from Twitter. We have to remember that Trump didn’t come up with the content for his tweets by himself. He wasn’t smart enough for that. No, invariably he was highlighting or repeating something he had just seen on right-wing media, most often on Fox News. Trump’s tweets essentially parroted the Fox News line rather than the other way around. So not only was Trump himself cut off by his banning, but the entire spigot of right-wing dissemination that he would readily spew was curtailed as well; as a result, Fox News no longer has a giant orange megaphone in the White House to distribute its content.

The freebies are gone for the media welfare queens. You want coverage? You pay for it.
Mr Trump didn't incite violence--but Pelosi/BLM/etc did
..you are babbling crap
He only knows what his coprorate paymaters at Daily Kooks tell him to know.
Having been banned for life by the social media behemoth for attempting to incite a violent insurrection against the American people, Trump’s ability to command national attention through constant displays of attention-seeking vanity on Twitter has been neutered. And as a result the Trump who Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is en route to pay homage to this week is but a shadow of his former self.

As Natasha Korecki notes for POLITICO, Trump’s now permanently flaccid Twitter “non-status” has eliminated the primary means that Republicans, in their abject dependence on Trump, had relied on to give voice to conservative positions.

But it was not simply Trump who was diminished by his removal from Twitter. We have to remember that Trump didn’t come up with the content for his tweets by himself. He wasn’t smart enough for that. No, invariably he was highlighting or repeating something he had just seen on right-wing media, most often on Fox News. Trump’s tweets essentially parroted the Fox News line rather than the other way around. So not only was Trump himself cut off by his banning, but the entire spigot of right-wing dissemination that he would readily spew was curtailed as well; as a result, Fox News no longer has a giant orange megaphone in the White House to distribute its content.

The freebies are gone for the media welfare queens. You want coverage? You pay for it.
I've been reading the Ayatollahs FB posts showing off his kids. Nice to see the Ayatollahs family. Beautiful family. Someone needs to tell all his wives to shave though.
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The GOP has had NO answers..or any type of platform for the last 13 years. Since Obama was elected, it's been "let's just oppose what Democrats put forward". Example?...the've had 11 years to come up with an alternative to the ACA and have so far failed. And scratchings on the back of a napkin don't count.
Having been banned for life by the social media behemoth for attempting to incite a violent insurrection against the American people, Trump’s ability to command national attention through constant displays of attention-seeking vanity on Twitter has been neutered. And as a result the Trump who Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is en route to pay homage to this week is but a shadow of his former self.

As Natasha Korecki notes for POLITICO, Trump’s now permanently flaccid Twitter “non-status” has eliminated the primary means that Republicans, in their abject dependence on Trump, had relied on to give voice to conservative positions.

But it was not simply Trump who was diminished by his removal from Twitter. We have to remember that Trump didn’t come up with the content for his tweets by himself. He wasn’t smart enough for that. No, invariably he was highlighting or repeating something he had just seen on right-wing media, most often on Fox News. Trump’s tweets essentially parroted the Fox News line rather than the other way around. So not only was Trump himself cut off by his banning, but the entire spigot of right-wing dissemination that he would readily spew was curtailed as well; as a result, Fox News no longer has a giant orange megaphone in the White House to distribute its content.

The freebies are gone for the media welfare queens. You want coverage? You pay for it.
Just what libs have always dreamed of

Mind and speech control

Broken link.

May I have another, sir?
Works for me.

Having been banned for life by the social media behemoth for attempting to incite a violent insurrection against the American people, Trump’s ability to command national attention through constant displays of attention-seeking vanity on Twitter has been neutered. And as a result the Trump who Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is en route to pay homage to this week is but a shadow of his former self.
Yes, freedom of speech isn't important unless it serves "the other side" fucking idiots- good lord people.
Dems are more afraid of Trump now that he's out of office, even the liberal news media is freaking out. One host compared Trump's silence to that of Jaws swimming out to sea. :auiqs.jpg:

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