
You'd think there'd be at least some DNA evidence from a gang rape. Here:

"Isn't the absence of DNA evidence, given the way the victim has described the crime, in and of itself almost enough to raise a reasonable doubt?" he said. "That's all the defense has to do."

Any jury probably will have members that watch CSI and come to the same conclusion. On the same site you linked:


I realize that's a statement from one of the players attorneys, and there's evidence she was sexually assaulted, but not by these lacrosse players.

Accusing innocent people with no evidence doesn't look for a prosecutor, either.
I haven't followed the case real close, but I did hear a comment about, what if they wore condoms?
Semen isn't the only bodily fluid that has DNA in it. Apparently they did a "full swab" on her. If this is the case, then the DNA lab would have found sweat or saliva on her. Condom or no condom, they would have left some kind bio-evidence.
Not to mention the time-stamped video of her showing up at the party intoxicated and somewhat unkempt - bruised knees, messed up clothes, etc.

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