Winter COVID Surge Starts Hitting States With High Vaccination Rates


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
It's like the horror that never goes away.
I tell you, China deserves a swift nuke in the ass!

Experts have been warning about a winter surge in COVID-19 cases and an early increase in case numbers indicate the next wave could even impact states with high vaccination rates.

Michigan, New Hampshire and Minnesota are leading the United States in most COVID-19 cases per 100,000 over the past seven days. Both Minnesota and New Hampshire have fully vaccinated more than 70 percent of their adult residents, and Maine, where more than 80 percent of adults are fully vaccinated, is starting to see a concerning rise in cases.

The surge term is used to create fear that something is about to overwhelm you line a tidal wave. It’s part of the agenda trickery.

Has anyone else received a questionable phon recording purportedly from MD Dept of Health stating that in order for the vaccinated people around you to have their vaccine work that you too Must be vaccinated. I told the woman to take me off the callings but she said they don’t have to because it’s a health crisis.
It gets more insidious every day.
The surge term is used to create fear that something is about to overwhelm you line a tidal wave. It’s part of the agenda trickery.

Has anyone else received a questionable phon recording purportedly from MD Dept of Health stating that in order for the vaccinated people around you to have their vaccine work that you too Must be vaccinated. I told the woman to take me off the callings but she said they don’t have to because it’s a health crisis.
It gets more insidious every day.
No, no one has called us. That's terrible!!

We do keep our phone ringer off. If we don't, we get non-stop scam/spam calls, so one day a few years ago this bright light turned on in my mind ---- why am I letting these criminals into my house? I don't have to, I can just shut them out! Off went the ringer and if it's a real person, they can leave a message. If the plumber is expected or some such, we can turn it back on for a few hours. It's wonderful the misbehavior and manipulation we avoid this way.
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The surge term is used to create fear that something is about to overwhelm you line a tidal wave. It’s part of the agenda trickery.

Has anyone else received a questionable phon recording purportedly from MD Dept of Health stating that in order for the vaccinated people around you to have their vaccine work that you too Must be vaccinated. I told the woman to take me off the callings but she said they don’t have to because it’s a health crisis.
It gets more insidious every day.

I don't live in fear, but I do recognize there is a virus out there wreaking havoc across this country.
It's like the horror that never goes away.
I tell you, China deserves a swift nuke in the ass!
Yeah, the Wall Street Journal runs graphs that update the Hopkins epidemiology data daily. It's definitely another surge (No. 4) and deaths are again running more than a thousand a day, across the whole country.

It is apparent that nothing works to stop it, but so many don't want to see that, because it would mean they've been betrayed by all these lying docs and pols.
I don't live in fear, but I do recognize there is a virus out there wreaking havoc across this country.
And I recognize correctly that air borne diseases are and always have been with us and that reeking havoc to try and hide from it or prevent it from having effects that viruses do is an act of folly with its primary purpose already accomplished.
No, no one has called us. That's terrible!!

We do keep our phone ringer off. If we don't, we get non-stop scam/spam calls, so one day a few years ago this bright light turned on in my mind ---- why am I letting these criminals into my house? I don't have to, I can just shut them out! Off went the ringer and if it's a real person, they can leave a message. If the plumber is expected or some such, we can turn it back on for a few hours. It's wonderful the misbehavior and manipulation we avoid this way.
Remember do not call?
Never was it effective
Remember do not call?
Never was it effective
Yeah --------- it went completely ineffective, didn't it. That was sad. I blame the federal government for letting telephonic communication go to the dogs completely. It's really too bad. It was taken over by criminals and people wanting money for every cause under the sun, and horrible push-poll surveyors who used the political message exemption as cover for asking "if you know" followed by foul lies about a candidate. I got one of those years ago (it was bad), hung up, and never took another poll. And they wonder why Republicans won't take polls ---- it's because dems talk so DIRTY over the phone!
It's like the horror that never goes away.
I tell you, China deserves a swift nuke in the ass!

. . . and TBH?

I don't trust any of this propaganda.

If we compare the number of cases, with the number of folks that actually go to the hospital? Or die from it? I am suspect.

. . . I think what we will see, is the corrupt hospital and medical cartels, are once again, taking folks that are infected with serious cases of the flu, testing them with PCR tests that have exaggerated cycles of over 40 or 50, which will find the disease in just about anyone or anything, just to get federal funding and make it all political.

What will happen when flu season is over, and we barely find, yeah, yet again, hardly any cases of flu again?

. . . all to push this paradigm to increase totalitarianism of the "New Normal." :dunno:

Naw. . . I am not going to buy news pushed by a source owned by, of all folks. . . Bill Gates? :auiqs.jpg:
deaths are again running more than a thousand a day
What is the number we used to see during a regular flu season every year though?


. . . and remember, we have health authorities that have admitted, that they will count ANYTHING as a COIVD death. Just take a blood sample, and exaggerate the cycles on the PCR test, BAM, COVID death.


Yeah . . ..

I believe that was a government administered program. :rolleyes:
My husband says the government could force the phone companies to stop letting these calls through in one second: the phone companies make their billions by all the scammer calls. They are allowing it on purpose, for money.

I would like a system where no scam/spam calls are let through at all. THEN docs and "charities" and politician calls would be opt-in (or even opt-out, if it's easy). Docs are the very worst: the "health calls," which are mostly drugstores harassing one about prescriptions or docs trying to drum up business, prospecting around in your body to find some way to make money off you, with invasive procedures or endless doses of poison we never asked for. I no longer let anyone have any phone number of mine. I have an ancient work number I use if I can't get past a page on the Internet for ordering things. Otherwise in person I just say no --- I don't like to lie, but I won't answer questions they shouldn't be asking. I don't need to be giving people personal information.

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