Wimmins' Suffrage


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Until 1920, the right to vote was withheld from women. It was thought that they could not think rationally, and they would base their precious votes on emotional reactions to people and events, rather than rational analysis, thus bastardizing democratic processes.

And now we have the Kavanaugh matter. Millions of women have convinced themselves that an accuser is being truthful, even though her claims are more than three decades old, totally uncorroborated, politically "convenient," totally inconsistent with all known behavior over many decades by the accused, and totally lacking in any detail that might allow some verification that the event ever actually ocurred. In short, they fervently believe that which is not rationally believable.

They believe her because...

...She is a woman.

...Women don't lie about these things (they do).

...The accused was a fraternity member.

...Many OTHER women WERE attacked and remained silent for a long time.

...Men lie.

We're the Founding Fathers right on this issue?

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