Will You Vote Republican?

There's no valid reason to vote for either party.

There's also no valid ability to vote for either party.

In American politics, ballots are cast for individuals rather than for parties. The people select the candidates through primary elections, not party leadership. Political parties are subordinate to the whims of the people, and the vast majority of politicians throughout every level of governance cast their political party's stated ideology aside to assure contributions to their campaign fund--thus securing their re-election--and to clear the way for a trip through the revolving door, gaining an over-paid executive position at a private company after they leave office.

Parties tend to be principled. Candidates, by and large, are not. The logical course of action would be to vote for the minority of principled candidates rather than hucksters who have nothing to do with political parties, yet run as a member of one simply to get elected.
I remember some years ago there was an option to vote Democrat or Republican. It may have been on voting machines, but that's gone now.
First of all, I am in favor of government run medical coverage. Just like they have in the rest of the civilized world.

You need to look closer at these government run systems...they are lying to you about how good they are...
You then bring up Kelo vs New London. But I don't know what that was all about

The liberals on the supreme court decided in favor of New London...a 5-4 split...the conservatives voted against the decision...

A large commercial enterprise wanted Kelos land...she didn't want to sell...so the town, who wanted the increased tax revenue from the commercial enterprise, used the Eminent Domain clause to force her to sell to the village...who then sold the property to the commercial enterprise...she sued to stop it and it went all the way to the supreme court...who ruled that yes...a town or state government can seize privately held property in order to sell it to another private enterprise if they expect to generate more tax revenue...which would serve the common good...

You can look up the exact decision on wikipedia...

Kelo v. City of New London, 545 U.S. 469 (2005)[1] was a case decided by theSupreme Court of the United States involving the use of eminent domain to transfer land from one private owner to another private owner to further economic development. In a 5–4 decision, the Court held that the general benefits a community enjoyed from economic growth qualified private redevelopment plans as a permissible "public use" under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment.

The case arose in the context of condemnation by the city of New London, Connecticut, of privately owned real property, so that it could be used as part of a “comprehensive redevelopment plan.” However, the private developer was unable to obtain financing and abandoned the redevelopment project, leaving the land as an empty lot, which was eventually turned into a temporary dump.[2]

They took her home because they could get more tax money to spend...and it went bust so she lost her home anyway...and they got nothing from it...typical liberal government...

Other cases...in particular, gun rights cases were all 5-4 splits...McCdonald, heller and Lopez...

One vote difference and gun rights are gone...
Are the Republicans the ones who are at war with Women,Gays,Hispanics,Blacks,Immigrants,Transgenders,Planned Parenthood,Sandra Fluke.
Against big government,higher taxes,ObamaCare....

Those guys?

Along with allowing Japanese product dumping, the fake gasoline shortage of the 70's, Iran/Contra, the S&L crisis, deregulating the healthcare insurance industry removing competition, allowing said healthcare insurance companies to invest policy monies in high-risk investments, the stock market crash of 1987-88, deregulating derivatives, and the worst market crash in history....2008.
The real question is "Why would you vote Republican"?

There are many reasons to vote Democrat. Everything from health care to woman's rights, to the ending DADT to economics and so on.

But besides racism, failed policies, hate, ignorance, why would you vote Republican?
I already told you why everybody should vote republican come november. This is coming from somebody who is on food stamps. And doesn't get nearly enough of them. Though I do get enough to last me through the month. As long as I eat cheap hot dogs and maraconi and cheese. Which is a shit diet. Though when it comes to voting, I will vote republican for the major candidates. But for the lesser ones, I will go with the party I normally choose. If there isn't a facist running. Which is the green party.
your on food stamps?....maybe instead of spending time posting here .....get out and look for a fucking job....
Harry Dresden,
You know, I didn't start this thread as "Wanted: Advice from Ignorant Shitheads." You don't know me. But while I'm here, I will impart some of my unbeatable wisdom to you. Many working people have to get food stamps just to get by. Republicans aren't likely to change that. But I am for anything that would keep Mexico from being part of the U.S. But feel free to keep insulting me. I will just ignore anything else you have to say.
man that was unbeatable.....now let me give you some unbeatable wisdom....you vote for either one of the parties....you wont be getting off food stamps anytime soon....they have you just were they want you....depending on them....cut the cord.....
I would rather eat worms than vote republican. Though it seems that I have no choice. Obama recently said that he was going to put off his executive decision on immigration until after the november election. That is because most Americans probably wouldn't like what he has planned.
Apparently Obama wants to deport fewer invaders. But it would be difficult for the U.S. to deport fewer illegal invaders than it already does. Take the illegal woman and children invaders swarming over the southern border. After processing them, they release them into the U.S. With the provision that they register themselves with immigration when they get where they're going. So they can someday have a hearing as to wherher ot not they will be allowed to stay. Apparently a whole twenty percent register themselves.

As far as the other illegal invaders go, I heard an estimate that about ninety eight percent of those trying to illegally enter the U.S. eventually succeed. But the number is actually much higher than that. Because I have seen interviews of illegal immigrants who go back to Mexico to visit relatives and come back into the U.S. At any U.S. and Mexico border crossing, any American who wants to visit Mexico is free to do so. As far as I know, Mexicans have the same ability to come into the U.S. I don't even know why many bother trying to sneak across. Unless they were busted for something once or were involved in some other criminal act.

Basically, all of our border security is just an expensive sham. But that is no reason for Obama to want to deport fewer illegals. Though I can see many reasons why he would want to do it. One of which is that in an aesthetic sense, Mexicans are a breed of human that even a negro can look up to. But this is America! We don't need to become part of Mexico! Also, apart from being hot, there is nothing wrong with Mexico. Mexico is screwed up for one reason only. Because Mexicans are screwed up! We don't need that type here. So even though it makes my skin crawl to do so, come November, I am going to vote republican. If you are a true American, you should do the same.

I'll vote for whom I very well please. Just as you will. The lecture isn't required, though you are entitled to your opinion. Frankly, the way Obama has run this country, I wouldn't blame anyone for voting Republican.
I would rather eat worms than vote republican. Though it seems that I have no choice. Obama recently said that he was going to put off his executive decision on immigration until after the november election. That is because most Americans probably wouldn't like what he has planned.
Apparently Obama wants to deport fewer invaders. But it would be difficult for the U.S. to deport fewer illegal invaders than it already does. Take the illegal woman and children invaders swarming over the southern border. After processing them, they release them into the U.S. With the provision that they register themselves with immigration when they get where they're going. So they can someday have a hearing as to wherher ot not they will be allowed to stay. Apparently a whole twenty percent register themselves.

As far as the other illegal invaders go, I heard an estimate that about ninety eight percent of those trying to illegally enter the U.S. eventually succeed. But the number is actually much higher than that. Because I have seen interviews of illegal immigrants who go back to Mexco to visit relatives and come back into the U.S. At any U.S. and Mexico border crossing, any American who wants to visit Mexico is free to do so. As far as I know, Mexicans have the same ability to come into the U.S. I don't even know why many bother trying to sneak across. Unless they were busted for something once or were involved in some other criminal act.

Basically, all of our border security is just an expensive sham. But that is no reason for Obama to want to deport fewer illegals. Though I can see many reasons why he would want to do it. One of which is that in an aesthetic sense, Mexicans are a breed of human that even a negro can look up to. But this is America! We don't need to become part of Mexico! Also, apart from being hot, there is nothing wrong with Mexico. Mexico is screwed up for one reason only. Because Mexicans are screwed up! We don't need that type here. So even though it makes my skin crawl to do so, come November, I am going to vote republican. If you are a true American, you should do the same.
Even if you had a point about immigration, it wouldn't be a good enough reason to even consider voting republican. Republicans by and large are self interested scum bags who have nothing to offer this nation and they have the bullshit policies to prove it.
Something that makes my skin crawl even more than voting republican is seeing this country overrun by Mexicans. Even though many are only part Indian, I agree with an old U.S. army offer when he said that the only good Indian is a dead Indian. I would rather roast in the burning fires of hell than see the U.S. become part of Mexico. If the republicans will help keep that from happening, then that is by far enough of a reason to vote for such scum. But despite that, republican and democrat are two sides of the same coin.

I'm pretty sure you'll see both (at least in your mind). Good.
First of all, I am in favor of government run medical coverage. Just like they have in the rest of the civilized world.

You need to look closer at these government run systems...they are lying to you about how good they are...
This government has every conceivable reason to lie to us about how bad government rin medical coverage is. Especially the republicans. Another thing is that if you have never seen the documentary "Sicko," I would recommend that you do so. Not that I agree with absolutely everything it says, it will give you an insight into a reality you aren't familiar with. Also, the stories of peoples' misfortune from not being able to afford medical coverage are endless.

I have a horror story myself that involves insurance companies. Who are experts at denying people medical coverage. I was in Flordia once. I was stopped at a red light with a pickup truck behind me. A car plowed into the back of the pickup. Which in turn plowed into me. It was a miracle I wasn't killed. When a cop showed up, he said that he normally expected to find a couple dead people at an accident like that. The driver of the car was insured. But apparently, at least some time in his past, he had had an eleptic seizure. Which he didn't tell the insurance company. So they denied him coverage and I got shit out of the whole deal.
But as with all the people who have their past dug into to have their claims denied, I too was screwed. As far as I'm concerned, the driver who hit me was insured. He didn't forge his insurance papers. If insurance companies have a reason to deny people, it is something that must be discovered before they get insured. Not after.
You then bring up Kelo vs New London. But I don't know what that was all about

The liberals on the supreme court decided in favor of New London...a 5-4 split...the conservatives voted against the decision...

A large commercial enterprise wanted Kelos land...she didn't want to sell...so the town, who wanted the increased tax revenue from the commercial enterprise, used the Eminent Domain clause to force her to sell to the village...who then sold the property to the commercial enterprise...she sued to stop it and it went all the way to the supreme court...who ruled that yes...a town or state government can seize privately held property in order to sell it to another private enterprise if they expect to generate more tax revenue...which would serve the common good...

You can look up the exact decision on wikipedia...

Kelo v. City of New London, 545 U.S. 469 (2005)[1] was a case decided by theSupreme Court of the United States involving the use of eminent domain to transfer land from one private owner to another private owner to further economic development. In a 5–4 decision, the Court held that the general benefits a community enjoyed from economic growth qualified private redevelopment plans as a permissible "public use" under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment.

The case arose in the context of condemnation by the city of New London, Connecticut, of privately owned real property, so that it could be used as part of a “comprehensive redevelopment plan.” However, the private developer was unable to obtain financing and abandoned the redevelopment project, leaving the land as an empty lot, which was eventually turned into a temporary dump.[2]

They took her home because they could get more tax money to spend...and it went bust so she lost her home anyway...and they got nothing from it...typical liberal government...

Other cases...in particular, gun rights cases were all 5-4 splits...McCdonald, heller and Lopez...

One vote difference and gun rights are gone...
The decision you describe is something more attributable to republicans. Who view the poor as their serfs who must do what they say. It is a very old story with the wealthy vs the poor. You have to be high to blame such a thing on liberals. Who are, in theory, supporters of the poor.
Will I vote Republican next time?


I've voted Democrat in the past two general elections.

The Dems have had enough time to screw things up.

Time to give the other guys another chance.

Just to keep one side or the other from entrenching too deeply.
Then you bring up freedom. Don't you know that is a word to sucker the gulluble? For instance, I was watching a program about the KKK once. Apparently they were sued and had all their assets seized. Why? Because their leader basically said at a rally that he wanted to see all ******* dead. He didn't tell anybody to make them that way. In his opinion, that was just the state in which he preferred to see them. Apparently, he didn't have the "freedom" to say such a thing.

A black man was tried for the murder of a white police officer. The trial ended in a hung jury.

United Klans of America leader Bennie Hays said, "If a black man can get away with killing a white man, we ought to be able to get away with killing a black man." And then the Klan burned a cross on the courthouse lawn.

That night, the son of Bennie Hayes and another man drove around looking for a black man to kill. They found and lynched Michael Donald.

United Klans of America was sued and they lost. Their headquarters had to be sold so the proceeds could be given to the mother of the victim.


The black man who killed the white police officer was found guilty in his retrial.

Those are the FACTS.
For decades now, when I vote I have two, and only two, options.

Option A: Vote for the Republican.

Option B: Don't vote.

I have been exercising Option B since 2006. And that is because it wasn't just Bush who turned me sour on the GOP, but the whole fricking GOP Congress, too.

Creating a police state, spying on American citizens, torturing our enemies, expanding the size and scope of the federal government, usurping the states' powers, violating the Constitution, doubling the federal debt, striving for power for power's sake, ejecting every conservative principle out the window, allowing bigots and retards to take the wheel, and making unbelievably incompetent decisions that have put our nation's security in peril well beyond the foreseeable future.

That's the GOP I stopped voting for.

The Democratic Party has not changed one bit. They are still the same old party I have always detested. So why the ever loving hell would I vote Democratic?

When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. If you are voting for the lesser of two evils, you are still voting for evil. Even worse, you are telling that evil it is doing something right. That is sheer insanity.
I would rather eat worms than vote republican. Though it seems that I have no choice. Obama recently said that he was going to put off his executive decision on immigration until after the november election. That is because most Americans probably wouldn't like what he has planned.
Apparently Obama wants to deport fewer invaders. But it would be difficult for the U.S. to deport fewer illegal invaders than it already does. Take the illegal woman and children invaders swarming over the southern border. After processing them, they release them into the U.S. With the provision that they register themselves with immigration when they get where they're going. So they can someday have a hearing as to wherher ot not they will be allowed to stay. Apparently a whole twenty percent register themselves.

As far as the other illegal invaders go, I heard an estimate that about ninety eight percent of those trying to illegally enter the U.S. eventually succeed. But the number is actually much higher than that. Because I have seen interviews of illegal immigrants who go back to Mexco to visit relatives and come back into the U.S. At any U.S. and Mexico border crossing, any American who wants to visit Mexico is free to do so. As far as I know, Mexicans have the same ability to come into the U.S. I don't even know why many bother trying to sneak across. Unless they were busted for something once or were involved in some other criminal act.

Basically, all of our border security is just an expensive sham. But that is no reason for Obama to want to deport fewer illegals. Though I can see many reasons why he would want to do it. One of which is that in an aesthetic sense, Mexicans are a breed of human that even a negro can look up to. But this is America! We don't need to become part of Mexico! Also, apart from being hot, there is nothing wrong with Mexico. Mexico is screwed up for one reason only. Because Mexicans are screwed up! We don't need that type here. So even though it makes my skin crawl to do so, come November, I am going to vote republican. If you are a true American, you should do the same.
Even if you had a point about immigration, it wouldn't be a good enough reason to even consider voting republican. Republicans by and large are self interested scum bags who have nothing to offer this nation and they have the bullshit policies to prove it.
Something that makes my skin crawl even more than voting republican is seeing this country overrun by Mexicans. Even though many are only part Indian, I agree with an old U.S. army offer when he said that the only good Indian is a dead Indian. I would rather roast in the burning fires of hell than see the U.S. become part of Mexico. If the republicans will help keep that from happening, then that is by far enough of a reason to vote for such scum. But despite that, republican and democrat are two sides of the same coin.

I'm pretty sure you'll see both (at least in your mind). Good.
From your comment, I take it that you are a negro (you know what I mean) lover. Or maybe you are a Jew. Thoug maybe you are one of the people sold on the whole "poor Indians, asshole Whites" thing. But if you are White, your attitude is just tragic. Though I do know the cause of such an attitude amongst Whites. In our diseased culture, many White people get a filthy emotional thrill out of supporting other species of human. But for people who would treat you as an enemy, everything is a weapon to be used against you. Including your own empathy. Also, if you are White, you can't be "for" some other species of human and be "for" your own kind. You have to choose sides. I invite you to read the other threads I started. That is if you can handle the truth. Maybe that will wake you up some.
I always vote for the candidate I feel to be best qualified regardless of party.
All candidates are nothing more than meat puppets for corporations. The only qualification one may have over another is the ability to make bullshit believable. Kissing hands and shaking babies are their real qualifications.
There's no valid reason to vote for either party.

There's also no valid ability to vote for either party.

In American politics, ballots are cast for individuals rather than for parties. The people select the candidates through primary elections, not party leadership. Political parties are subordinate to the whims of the people, and the vast majority of politicians throughout every level of governance cast their political party's stated ideology aside to assure contributions to their campaign fund--thus securing their re-election--and to clear the way for a trip through the revolving door, gaining an over-paid executive position at a private company after they leave office.

Parties tend to be principled. Candidates, by and large, are not. The logical course of action would be to vote for the minority of principled candidates rather than hucksters who have nothing to do with political parties, yet run as a member of one simply to get elected.
I remember some years ago there was an option to vote Democrat or Republican. It may have been on voting machines, but that's gone now.
Yes, when I first voted, there was a lever you could pull which would select an entire party ticket. Then I joined the military and voted by absentee ballot for 20 years, so I don't know if those machines are still around.
The real question is "Why would you vote Republican"?

There are many reasons to vote Democrat. Everything from health care to woman's rights, to the ending DADT to economics and so on.

But besides racism, failed policies, hate, ignorance, why would you vote Republican?

If you are for fomenting racism, failed policies, hate, ignorance, division, pollution, regulatory strangulation, socialism, class warfare, lying, importing millions of illegal welfare recipients, and you basically loath success then vote Dem.
I would rather eat worms than vote republican. Though it seems that I have no choice. Obama recently said that he was going to put off his executive decision on immigration until after the november election. That is because most Americans probably wouldn't like what he has planned.
Apparently Obama wants to deport fewer invaders. But it would be difficult for the U.S. to deport fewer illegal invaders than it already does. Take the illegal woman and children invaders swarming over the southern border. After processing them, they release them into the U.S. With the provision that they register themselves with immigration when they get where they're going. So they can someday have a hearing as to wherher ot not they will be allowed to stay. Apparently a whole twenty percent register themselves.

As far as the other illegal invaders go, I heard an estimate that about ninety eight percent of those trying to illegally enter the U.S. eventually succeed. But the number is actually much higher than that. Because I have seen interviews of illegal immigrants who go back to Mexco to visit relatives and come back into the U.S. At any U.S. and Mexico border crossing, any American who wants to visit Mexico is free to do so. As far as I know, Mexicans have the same ability to come into the U.S. I don't even know why many bother trying to sneak across. Unless they were busted for something once or were involved in some other criminal act.

Basically, all of our border security is just an expensive sham. But that is no reason for Obama to want to deport fewer illegals. Though I can see many reasons why he would want to do it. One of which is that in an aesthetic sense, Mexicans are a breed of human that even a negro can look up to. But this is America! We don't need to become part of Mexico! Also, apart from being hot, there is nothing wrong with Mexico. Mexico is screwed up for one reason only. Because Mexicans are screwed up! We don't need that type here. So even though it makes my skin crawl to do so, come November, I am going to vote republican. If you are a true American, you should do the same.
Even if you had a point about immigration, it wouldn't be a good enough reason to even consider voting republican. Republicans by and large are self interested scum bags who have nothing to offer this nation and they have the bullshit policies to prove it.
Something that makes my skin crawl even more than voting republican is seeing this country overrun by Mexicans. Even though many are only part Indian, I agree with an old U.S. army offer when he said that the only good Indian is a dead Indian. I would rather roast in the burning fires of hell than see the U.S. become part of Mexico. If the republicans will help keep that from happening, then that is by far enough of a reason to vote for such scum. But despite that, republican and democrat are two sides of the same coin.

I'm pretty sure you'll see both (at least in your mind). Good.
From your comment, I take it that you are a negro (you know what I mean) lover. Or maybe you are a Jew. Thoug maybe you are one of the people sold on the whole "poor Indians, asshole Whites" thing. But if you are White, your attitude is just tragic. Though I do know the cause of such an attitude amongst Whites. In our diseased culture, many White people get a filthy emotional thrill out of supporting other species of human. But for people who would treat you as an enemy, everything is a weapon to be used against you. Including your own empathy. Also, if you are White, you can't be "for" some other species of human and be "for" your own kind. You have to choose sides. I invite you to read the other threads I started. That is if you can handle the truth. Maybe that will wake you up some.

You are incredibly sick.
There's no valid reason to vote for either party.

There's also no valid ability to vote for either party.

In American politics, ballots are cast for individuals rather than for parties. The people select the candidates through primary elections, not party leadership. Political parties are subordinate to the whims of the people, and the vast majority of politicians throughout every level of governance cast their political party's stated ideology aside to assure contributions to their campaign fund--thus securing their re-election--and to clear the way for a trip through the revolving door, gaining an over-paid executive position at a private company after they leave office.

Parties tend to be principled. Candidates, by and large, are not. The logical course of action would be to vote for the minority of principled candidates rather than hucksters who have nothing to do with political parties, yet run as a member of one simply to get elected.
I remember some years ago there was an option to vote Democrat or Republican. It may have been on voting machines, but that's gone now.
Yes, when I first voted, there was a lever you could pull which would select an entire party ticket. Then I joined the military and voted by absentee ballot for 20 years, so I don't know if those machines are still around.
It's call called straight ticket or straighten party voting. It was a very common occurrence up until around the 1960s and 1970s. There are about a dozen states that still allow it.

In the early days of the parties, it was nearly impossible not to vote on a straight-party line vote. Voters would receive a colored ballot based on party affiliation with that party's nominees on it. A split-ticket vote would require two different colored ballots, which confused the voter. Often, the voter would choose a specific party, and vote for everyone from that party.

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