Will You Vote Republican?

I would rather eat worms than vote republican. Though it seems that I have no choice. Obama recently said that he was going to put off his executive decision on immigration until after the november election. That is because most Americans probably wouldn't like what he has planned.
Apparently Obama wants to deport fewer invaders. But it would be difficult for the U.S. to deport fewer illegal invaders than it already does. Take the illegal woman and children invaders swarming over the southern border. After processing them, they release them into the U.S. With the provision that they register themselves with immigration when they get where they're going. So they can someday have a hearing as to wherher ot not they will be allowed to stay. Apparently a whole twenty percent register themselves.

As far as the other illegal invaders go, I heard an estimate that about ninety eight percent of those trying to illegally enter the U.S. eventually succeed. But the number is actually much higher than that. Because I have seen interviews of illegal immigrants who go back to Mexco to visit relatives and come back into the U.S. At any U.S. and Mexico border crossing, any American who wants to visit Mexico is free to do so. As far as I know, Mexicans have the same ability to come into the U.S. I don't even know why many bother trying to sneak across. Unless they were busted for something once or were involved in some other criminal act.

Basically, all of our border security is just an expensive sham. But that is no reason for Obama to want to deport fewer illegals. Though I can see many reasons why he would want to do it. One of which is that in an aesthetic sense, Mexicans are a breed of human that even a negro can look up to. But this is America! We don't need to become part of Mexico! Also, apart from being hot, there is nothing wrong with Mexico. Mexico is screwed up for one reason only. Because Mexicans are screwed up! We don't need that type here. So even though it makes my skin crawl to do so, come November, I am going to vote republican. If you are a true American, you should do the same.
Even if you had a point about immigration, it wouldn't be a good enough reason to even consider voting republican. Republicans by and large are self interested scum bags who have nothing to offer this nation and they have the bullshit policies to prove it.
Stoll better than the shithead dimwits.

How could anyone vote for someone that stupid?

How could anyone vote for someone that stupid?
I take it from your post that you don't agree with the whole human caused global warming thing. You inspired me to start a new thread. Hope you read it. And all the others I've started for that matter.
Then you bring up freedom. Don't you know that is a word to sucker the gulluble? For instance, I was watching a program about the KKK once. Apparently they were sued and had all their assets seized. Why? Because their leader basically said at a rally that he wanted to see all ******* dead. He didn't tell anybody to make them that way. In his opinion, that was just the state in which he preferred to see them. Apparently, he didn't have the "freedom" to say such a thing.

A black man was tried for the murder of a white police officer. The trial ended in a hung jury.

United Klans of America leader Bennie Hays said, "If a black man can get away with killing a white man, we ought to be able to get away with killing a black man." And then the Klan burned a cross on the courthouse lawn.

That night, the son of Bennie Hayes and another man drove around looking for a black man to kill. They found and lynched Michael Donald.

United Klans of America was sued and they lost. Their headquarters had to be sold so the proceeds could be given to the mother of the victim.


The black man who killed the white police officer was found guilty in his retrial.

Those are the FACTS.
Sorry about replying so late. Maybe I was wrong about the story. After all, I got it from some news program. As far as lynching a black guy goes, they deserve it. Some guy attacks a cop in Fugerson and gets shot. He got what he deserved. But it caused negeroid riots and protests. Some black guy later on shoots at a cop not far from that town. The cop shoots back and kills the worthless tar baby. This causes the porch monkeys to riot and protest again. These and a shitload of similar ones are the only facts that matter.

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