Will You Be Part of the Resistance?


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
Many Dems, Hollywood, and the Media took great pride in being part of what they called "the resistance" against President Trump.

So that begs the question: Will you be part of the resistance against Biden? Should those on the Right go after Biden with the same tactics and vehemence with which Trump was attacked? That would include illegal spying and wire taps, phony investigations, and daily lies usually started by the Media? How should those on the Right respond?

Please discuss. :)
The media are mostly liberal.

Twitter (I hear, since I have never visited it) is already censoring anti-Biden comments, so I assume that starting on January 20, censorship in this country will be on steroids.

People who oppose the Dem agenda do not have any prestigious media outlets, except for FOX NEWS, and it seems that even FOX may be changing.

The Dems have the prestigious New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, & NBC. The Republicans simply cannot compete.
Many Dems, Hollywood, and the Media took great pride in being part of what they called "the resistance" against President Trump.

So that begs the question: Will you be part of the resistance against Biden? Should those on the Right go after Biden with the same tactics and vehemence with which Trump was attacked? That would include illegal spying and wire taps, phony investigations, and daily lies usually started by the Media? How should those on the Right respond?

Please discuss. :)

Most decent Americans, right or left leaning, will boast that they are taking the "High Road" and thus will not sink down to the level of the radical left. And that, in a tiny nutshell, is why no widespread resistance to Biden-Harris will go down. See, the enemy never even considers taking any higher moral road. The opposite is true, in fact. Just a few weeks ago Joe Biden was refusing to condemn BLM freaks who believed they could summon the dead as they burned, looted and pillaged. We did not resist those creepy bastards, so we're sure as hell, for the most part, not gonna resist Biden.
The media are mostly liberal.

Twitter (I hear, since I have never visited it) is already censoring anti-Biden comments, so I assume that starting on January 20, censorship in this country will be on steroids.

People who oppose the Dem agenda do not have any prestigious media outlets, except for FOX NEWS, and it seems that even FOX may be changing.

The Dems have the prestigious New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, & NBC. The Republicans simply cannot compete.
I would not call them prestigious by any measure, now that they have all shown their true colors.

They are more like Pravda.

But what you say is true, the "right" simply does not have the media outlets to propagandize like the Left is able to do.

And they have all of the money of Soros to do it.

I guess what I would tell people is just to turn off the media. A media that gave us fake poll numbers should be treated accordingly and ignored 100%
Many Dems, Hollywood, and the Media took great pride in being part of what they called "the resistance" against President Trump.

So that begs the question: Will you be part of the resistance against Biden? Should those on the Right go after Biden with the same tactics and vehemence with which Trump was attacked? That would include illegal spying and wire taps, phony investigations, and daily lies usually started by the Media? How should those on the Right respond?

Please discuss. :)
I just joined Parlor...
The media are mostly liberal.

Twitter (I hear, since I have never visited it) is already censoring anti-Biden comments, so I assume that starting on January 20, censorship in this country will be on steroids.

People who oppose the Dem agenda do not have any prestigious media outlets, except for FOX NEWS, and it seems that even FOX may be changing.

The Dems have the prestigious New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, & NBC. The Republicans simply cannot compete.
I would not call them prestigious by any measure, now that they have all shown their true colors.

They are more like Pravda.

But what you say is true, the "right" simply does not have the media outlets to propagandize like the Left is able to do.

And they have all of the money of Soros to do it.

I guess what I would tell people is just to turn off the media. A media that gave us fake poll numbers should be treated accordingly and ignored 100%
Soros and the big guy Bezos..the owner of Amazon and Washington Compost. I bet he will have over 300 billion dollars because Joe Biden wont touch Bezos...
Many Dems, Hollywood, and the Media took great pride in being part of what they called "the resistance" against President Trump.

So that begs the question: Will you be part of the resistance against Biden? Should those on the Right go after Biden with the same tactics and vehemence with which Trump was attacked? That would include illegal spying and wire taps, phony investigations, and daily lies usually started by the Media? How should those on the Right respond?

Please discuss. :)
I just joined Parlor...
I think conservatives need to create their own little world. Their own phone company, their own Twitter, they own restaurants, etc.

This nation is cut in two but as it stands now corporations giving to the DNC are getting money from both sides of the nation.
Many Dems, Hollywood, and the Media took great pride in being part of what they called "the resistance" against President Trump.

So that begs the question: Will you be part of the resistance against Biden? Should those on the Right go after Biden with the same tactics and vehemence with which Trump was attacked? That would include illegal spying and wire taps, phony investigations, and daily lies usually started by the Media? How should those on the Right respond?

Please discuss. :)

Well, they already got practice resisting during the Obama years, so I suppose they will.
Many Dems, Hollywood, and the Media took great pride in being part of what they called "the resistance" against President Trump.

So that begs the question: Will you be part of the resistance against Biden? Should those on the Right go after Biden with the same tactics and vehemence with which Trump was attacked? That would include illegal spying and wire taps, phony investigations, and daily lies usually started by the Media? How should those on the Right respond?

Please discuss. :)
I am trying to figure out how to resist--------
I can donate money and that is about it...I'd like to see an insurrection as well but republicans are much to "polite" to do anything worthwhile to actually resist at this point.
We are frogs being slowly boiled.....

If Biden takes the presidency--they will use their time to make sure no legitimate candidate is ever elected again. They will likely go after Trump and his head supporters as well for audits and fake criminal investigations....
Many Dems, Hollywood, and the Media took great pride in being part of what they called "the resistance" against President Trump.

So that begs the question: Will you be part of the resistance against Biden? Should those on the Right go after Biden with the same tactics and vehemence with which Trump was attacked? That would include illegal spying and wire taps, phony investigations, and daily lies usually started by the Media? How should those on the Right respond?

Please discuss. :)
I am trying to figure out how to resist--------
I can donate money and that is about it...I'd like to see an insurrection as well but republicans are much to "polite" to do anything worthwhile to actually resist at this point.
We are frogs being slowly boiled.....

If Biden takes the presidency--they will use their time to make sure no legitimate candidate is ever elected again. They will likely go after Trump and his head supporters as well for audits and fake criminal investigations....

I donated money to groups I supported that I figured would be targeted by the Trump administration or involved in court battles trying to preserve what I thought was important so - Planned Parenthood, PBS, ACLU among others.
Many Dems, Hollywood, and the Media took great pride in being part of what they called "the resistance" against President Trump.

So that begs the question: Will you be part of the resistance against Biden? Should those on the Right go after Biden with the same tactics and vehemence with which Trump was attacked? That would include illegal spying and wire taps, phony investigations, and daily lies usually started by the Media? How should those on the Right respond?

Please discuss. :)
I am trying to figure out how to resist--------
I can donate money and that is about it...I'd like to see an insurrection as well but republicans are much to "polite" to do anything worthwhile to actually resist at this point.
We are frogs being slowly boiled.....

If Biden takes the presidency--they will use their time to make sure no legitimate candidate is ever elected again. They will likely go after Trump and his head supporters as well for audits and fake criminal investigations....

I donated money to groups I supported that I figured would be targeted by the Trump administration or involved in court battles trying to preserve what I thought was important so - Planned Parenthood, PBS, ACLU among others.
Planned parenthood is a ripoff--the ACLU is discriminatory and gets rich off filing nonsense lawsuits--why would you donate to them. AND OH my gawd PBS? There are a zillion cable networks that put out far better content than this tax mooching organization--why donate to them?
Many Dems, Hollywood, and the Media took great pride in being part of what they called "the resistance" against President Trump.

So that begs the question: Will you be part of the resistance against Biden? Should those on the Right go after Biden with the same tactics and vehemence with which Trump was attacked? That would include illegal spying and wire taps, phony investigations, and daily lies usually started by the Media? How should those on the Right respond?

Please discuss. :)
I am trying to figure out how to resist--------
I can donate money and that is about it...I'd like to see an insurrection as well but republicans are much to "polite" to do anything worthwhile to actually resist at this point.
We are frogs being slowly boiled.....

If Biden takes the presidency--they will use their time to make sure no legitimate candidate is ever elected again. They will likely go after Trump and his head supporters as well for audits and fake criminal investigations....

I donated money to groups I supported that I figured would be targeted by the Trump administration or involved in court battles trying to preserve what I thought was important so - Planned Parenthood, PBS, ACLU among others.
Planned parenthood is a ripoff--the ACLU is discriminatory and gets rich off filing nonsense lawsuits--why would you donate to them. AND OH my gawd PBS? There are a zillion cable networks that put out far better content than this tax mooching organization--why donate to them?

Hey, you choose yours and I choose mine :)
With the Democrats corrupting our Democracy with mass numbers of fraudulent votes in the big city shitholes our Republic is lost.

"A Republic, if you can keep it".

Sorry Ben we don't have the courage to keep it.
Many Dems, Hollywood, and the Media took great pride in being part of what they called "the resistance" against President Trump.

So that begs the question: Will you be part of the resistance against Biden? Should those on the Right go after Biden with the same tactics and vehemence with which Trump was attacked? That would include illegal spying and wire taps, phony investigations, and daily lies usually started by the Media? How should those on the Right respond?

Please discuss. :)

Well, they already got practice resisting during the Obama years, so I suppose they will.

Are you comparing what Trump went through to Obama? And you're serious, right?
Me, personally? LOL, I can resist all I want but I don't think anyone will notice. I'll support the same things I've always supported: Wounded Warriors, ASPCA, Nature Conservancy, St Judes, and some local charities. Nationally, I see no reason why the GOP shouldn't treat Biden and the Democrats the same way they treated Trump and the GOP - obstruction at every turn. Maybe the Dems will make a real effort to work with the GOP, but I very much doubt that'll happen. They'll (Dems) want to pass their agenda, which I think is dumbshit crazy and I'd expect the Senate Repubs to oppose the nonsensical stuff. All this talk of bipartisanship is nothing but blather IMHO, their idea of bipartisanship is do it our way. Nothing for your side, we get what we want and you get nothin'. I haven't forgotten Harry Reid and how he ran the Senate when they had control, nor Pelosi every time she's been the Speaker.
But the Dems thought "resistance" was not only morally right but necessary and proper. Is it proper to use the same tactics against Biden as were used against Trump?
Resistance is futile.

This IS the Borg we are talking about, you know.

The way the authoritarian left is leaping headlong into utter fascism, I expect resistance won't just be futile, but illegal as well in the very near future.
Many Dems, Hollywood, and the Media took great pride in being part of what they called "the resistance" against President Trump.

So that begs the question: Will you be part of the resistance against Biden? Should those on the Right go after Biden with the same tactics and vehemence with which Trump was attacked? That would include illegal spying and wire taps, phony investigations, and daily lies usually started by the Media? How should those on the Right respond?

Please discuss. :)

As sad as it is to say, I thought it was terrible the way the Democrats conducted themselves over the past four years.
In light of that, with the utter lack of a desire to be hypocritical, or that disgusting, I don't intend on participating in the same type of foolishness.
I will support people on either side of the aisle who are interested in finding the truth in most matters.

I'm not certain the mainstream media could do anything to repair their reputation with me.
They have reduced their product to something that more closely resembles Cold War Soviet style propaganda ...
And in doing so, I am aware that they aren't interested in talking to me anyway.
They are too busy fighting for the lion's share of the stupid people ... :thup:


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