Will the Democrats dump Biden?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2014
Do you think the Democrats will not re nominate Biden?

He is in poor health. His disapproval ratings is the highest of any President in history.

Inflation is sky high, the cost of energy artificially high, banks are failing, millions of Illegals are flooding in, family income has declined, crime is rampant in Democrat controlled cities. It seems that everything he does is wrong like Obama said would happen.

The Democrats know he can't win, even if they try to pull off another election thievery like they did in 2020.

What do you think?
Do you think the Democrats will not re nominate Biden?

He is in poor health. His disapproval ratings is the highest of any President in history.

Inflation is sky high, the cost of energy artificially high, banks are failing, millions of Illegals are flooding in, family income has declined, crime is rampant in Democrat controlled cities. It seems that everything he does is wrong like Obama said would happen.

The Democrats know he can't win, even if they try to pull off another election thievery like they did in 2020.

What do you think?
Yes. They will overwhelmingly renominate Joe Biden. This is especially true if the Republicans insist on re-nominating Trump or a Trumper that supported the big lie.
Do you think the Democrats will not re nominate Biden?

He is in poor health. His disapproval ratings is the highest of any President in history.

Inflation is sky high, the cost of energy artificially high, banks are failing, millions of Illegals are flooding in, family income has declined, crime is rampant in Democrat controlled cities. It seems that everything he does is wrong like Obama said would happen.

The Democrats know he can't win, even if they try to pull off another election thievery like they did in 2020.

What do you think?
No he will run again and our backup plan is Kamala Harris.

Who would you prefer? Hillary? Pelosi? AOC? Gretchen Whitmer?
Not unless they absolutely have to.

Biden is the ultimate president for their party, for central banks foriegn powers, and for globalists like the world economic forum.

Joe Biden has caused more change (none of it good) in the two years as president than most presidents have done in 2 terms. He has most certainly transformed the country more in 2 than any president has in 4 years.

But the fact remains he is a bumbling fool, has been since he was younger. There is no way he did all of this on his own.

Joe Biden can be bought. He will sign or say anything he is told to which makes him the perfect president.
Not unless they absolutely have to.

Biden is the ultimate president for their party, for central banks foriegn powers, and for globalists like the world economic forum.

Joe Biden has caused more change (none of it good) in the two years as president than most presidents have done in 2 terms. He has most certainly transformed the country more in 2 than any president has in 4 years.

But the fact remains he is a bumbling fool, has been since he was younger. There is no way he did all of this on his own.

Joe Biden can be bought. He will sign or say anything he is told to which makes him the perfect president.
Which is it? Has he been effective for the left or is he a bumbling fool? Seems you want it both ways.
When Biden was elected in 2020, I expected Kamala Harris to step up as the heir apparent. She has proved to be uninspiring as VP. I don’t see any Democrat as a better option than Biden.

But I also don’t see any Republican as a better option than Biden. Since they seem intent on throwing Trump at us for the third time, I see no better option than

Biden 2024
Yes. They will overwhelmingly renominate Joe Biden. This is especially true if the Republicans insist on re-nominating Trump or a Trumper that supported the big lie.

And you'll vote for the old corrupt dumbass again, stupid is as stupid does. :dunno:
And you'll vote for the old corrupt dumbass again, stupid is as stupid does. :dunno:
I cannot support turning the country over to a person or group, that attempted or supported, doing away with the results of a free election, found fair with 63 court challenges at the time, including the Supreme Court, as well as all agencies, with trump appointed heads vouching for the overall accuracy and fairness of the election, and team trump knowing this and still trying overthrow our election process under our constitutional law, to achieve their goals, right or wrong, and in that case, it was wrong.
Do you think the Democrats will not re nominate Biden?

He is in poor health. His disapproval ratings is the highest of any President in history.

Inflation is sky high, the cost of energy artificially high, banks are failing, millions of Illegals are flooding in, family income has declined, crime is rampant in Democrat controlled cities. It seems that everything he does is wrong like Obama said would happen.

The Democrats know he can't win, even if they try to pull off another election thievery like they did in 2020.

What do you think?
I'm thinking if Joe dies that would increase his popularity like it did for that politician in PA who died and got elected
I cannot support turning the country over to a person or group, that attempted or supported, doing away with the results of a free election, found fair with 63 court challenges at the time, including the Supreme Court, as well as all agencies, with trump appointed heads vouching for the overall accuracy and fairness of the election, and team trump knowing this and still trying overthrow our election process under our constitutional law, to achieve their goals, right or wrong, and in that case, it was wrong.
If you think about it, it didn't really matter to the courts whether the election was rigged or not. They knew there would be no workable government to run the country during all the legal wrangling. They understood that sweeping everything under the rug would produce the least chaos and provide the best continuity, so that's exactly what the courts did. Plenty of Republicans and Democrats felt the same way.
When Biden was elected in 2020, I expected Kamala Harris to step up as the heir apparent. She has proved to be uninspiring as VP. I don’t see any Democrat as a better option than Biden.

But I also don’t see any Republican as a better option than Biden. Since they seem intent on throwing Trump at us for the third time, I see no better option than

Biden 2024

We made the same mistake we are making now in 2000, 2004, 2016. We elect a Republican not realizing they will appointing right wing political cronies to the Supreme Court who will go along with right wing ideology no matter how weak their constitutional arguments are. I believe if you look up their thinking in Gore V Bush you will see they used the weakest of arguments in why they think Bush won.

Abortion, weakening the EPA and other agencies in favor of letting rich people and corporations get away with murder.

A Supreme Court who will not punish Sidney Powell and Trump for trying to steal the 2020 election.

A Supreme Court who takes gifts from Billionaires who lie and say they have no business before the courts.

This is why we need to elect Democrats until the Supreme Court once again leans left. And that could be decades.
When Biden was elected in 2020, I expected Kamala Harris to step up as the heir apparent. She has proved to be uninspiring as VP. I don’t see any Democrat as a better option than Biden.

But I also don’t see any Republican as a better option than Biden. Since they seem intent on throwing Trump at us for the third time, I see no better option than

Biden 2024
So the best you tards have is an incestuous pedo that cant speak a complete sentence or walk a straight line. Gotcha :thup:
The equity gang.

The question is, do you want more conservative judges legislating right wing ideology from the bench?

the conservative majority, has been using unsigned and unexplained orders to a degree and in ways which really have no precedent in the court's history

The shadow, or emergency, docket, is the way many cases today, sometimes hugely consequential cases, are decided, without full briefing or oral argument, and without any written opinion.

These cases are brought to the court by a state, or a company, or a person who has lost in the lower courts, often at an early stage, and that loser is now asking the Supreme Court to block the lower court order while the case proceeds through the lower court appeals process, which typically takes many months. Most recently, the Supreme Court issued an emergency order blocking lower court decrees that would have made it far more difficult to obtain mifepristone, the pill used in the majority of abortions in the United States today. As is typical in these shadow docket cases, the court issued no written opinion in the case, though Justice Alito, one of the two dissenters, issued an angry explanation for his disagreement with the majority.

Up until relatively recently, these shadow docket actions were quite rare. The statistics tell the story, statistics compiled by Vladeck. During the 16 years of the Bush and Obama administrations, the federal government, the most frequent litigant in the Supreme Court, only asked the justices for emergency relief eight times--or on average once every two years.

But in the Trump administration, and with a newly energized conservative majority on the court, the picture changed dramatically. In just four years, the Trump Justice Department asked the court for emergency relief an astounding 41 times, and the court actually granted all or part of those requests in 28 of the cases.

In short, not only did the Trump administration aggressively seek to use the emergency docket, often leapfrogging over appeals courts entirely, but it succeeded with the tactic.

for example, the challenge to President Trump's controversial diversion of military construction funds to build his border wall. A federal district court judge, after hearing the case, ruled that the diversion was unconstitutional, and barred the administration from using the money for a different use than Congress authorized. Within weeks the Trump administration went to the Supreme Court with an emergency appeal to block the lower court order, and the justices restored the money diversion by a 5-to-4 vote, with no written opinion for either the majority or dissent.

these emergency rulings are supposed to be temporary, to allow the cases to play out through the appeals process in the lower courts, and then possibly to return for full consideration by the Supreme Court later.

But "the dirty secret is that later never comes," he says. "By the time the border wall case," or "all kinds of other challenges to Trump policies make their way back to the Supreme Court, at the far end of the normal litigation process, President Biden is in office and those policies have been discontinued, and the cases are thrown out."

That pattern, he says, was repeated over and over again, thus allowing Trump "to carry out policies that lower courts had held to be unlawful because the Supreme Court, through unsigned and unexplained orders" said, in effect, 'Go ahead President Trump, we'll deal with this later.'"
We made the same mistake we are making now in 2000, 2004, 2016. We elect a Republican not realizing they will appointing right wing political cronies to the Supreme Court who will go along with right wing ideology no matter how weak their constitutional arguments are. I believe if you look up their thinking in Gore V Bush you will see they used the weakest of arguments in why they think Bush won.

Abortion, weakening the EPA and other agencies in favor of letting rich people and corporations get away with murder.

A Supreme Court who will not punish Sidney Powell and Trump for trying to steal the 2020 election.

A Supreme Court who takes gifts from Billionaires who lie and say they have no business before the courts.

This is why we need to elect Democrats until the Supreme Court once again leans left. And that could be decades.

You don't understand the Constitution. Abortion and marriage are not mentioned in the Constitution. Therefore, they are state issues. Once you understand that, you can clearly understand why Roe V Wade was overturned and why same-sex marriage will soon be overturned and returned to the states to let the voters decide. That's called "democracy".

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