Will rational people listen to him, at least?

No I didn't watch the video- I READ what he said. Does that mean I can't comment?


“I told the Acting Secretary that my biggest immediate concern is the violence federal officers brought to our streets in recent days,

I suppose the violence already happening doesn't matter. And, for the record, I don't condone the initiation of violence- I do, however, advocate retaliation in self defense, swiftly and violently- without compunction.
No I didn't watch the video- I READ what he said. Does that mean I can't comment?


“I told the Acting Secretary that my biggest immediate concern is the violence federal officers brought to our streets in recent days,

I suppose the violence already happening doesn't matter. And, for the record, I don't condone the initiation of violence- I do, however, advocate retaliation in self defense, swiftly and violently- without compunction.
Glad you read it. I thought it was interesting.

It’s tough you didn’t have the video or audio available. You could have showed that part the stood out to you. Tough break, real tough.
For those who don't want to listen to the video, I get that cuz it's some 27 minutes long... so read it here instead.

Here's a couple of comments from Officer Jakhary Jackson:

Ofc. Jakhary Jackson:
A lot of times someone of color, Black, Hispanic, Asian come up to the fence and directly want to talk to me. "Hey, what do you think about George Floyd? What do you think about what happened about this?" I go up to the fence, someone white comes up, "F the police. Don't talk to him." That was the most bizarre thing because I could see it coming. I even had a young African-American girl tell me, "Why is it you guys aren't talking to us?" I said, "Honestly, this is now the 23rd day of doing it, every time I try to have a conversation with someone who looks like me, someone white comes up and blocks them and tells them not to talk." And then right when I said that, this White girl popped right in front of her and she said, "He just said that was going to happen." I said, "I told you." She looked at the girl, "Why'd you do that?" Straight up, I said, "I've been called the N-word. She's been called the N-word. Why are you talking to me this way? Why do you feel that she can't speak for herself to me? Why is it that you feel you need to speak for her when we're having a conversation?" And she couldn't answer my question. All she said was, "Someone told me to do it."

Ofc. Jakhary Jackson:
It says something when you're at a Black Lives Matter protest. You have more minorities on the police side than you have in a violent crowd. And you have White people screaming at Black officers, "You have the biggest nose I've ever seen." You hear these things and you go, "Are they
[BLM] going to say something to this person?" No. And that's just one example.

Ofc. Jakhary Jackson:
Having people tell you what to do with your life. That you need to quit your job. That you're hurting your community, but they're not even a part of the community. Once again, you, as a privileged White person telling someone of color what to do with their life.

Ofc. Jakhary Jackson:
I'll say this, we don't even want to come out.
[To demontrations] We would love for a demonstration to be peaceful and not even have to be involved. It's a lot of work. It's, like I said, our work, we're pulled off the street and we're not able to take 911 calls. I had a young African-American male while we were, and I don't even remember what night it was because there's been so many, but he walked up to me. He wasn't part of the protest or anything. We were staged far away from the Justice Center and he walked up. He said, "Hey man, I just want to say I'm so upset that you all are here, but if my grandma called the police, there's no one there to help my grandma. That bothers me that you have a group of White people that are throwing a temper tantrum downtown, but if my grandma needs help you all aren't even there to go help her."

We should think about that before we start calling for the defunding or abolishing the police.

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