Will Oligarch Bloomberg Outspend Clinton to Buy The White House?

How much will it Cost The Democrats?

  • $ 1 Billion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $1.5 Billion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $2 Billion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $2.5 Billion

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • $3 Billion

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • $3.5 Billion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $4 Billion

    Votes: 7 77.8%

  • Total voters

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
The Clinton Campaign Spent between $1.5 to $2 Billion in an effort to buy her and her handlers way in to The White House.

Bloomberg has spent $400 Million so far.
And other candidates are spending money at a furious pace. Donald Trump spent only $225 Million and was outspent 6-1 by Clinton in 2016.

So the question is here:

How much money will The Democrat Party need to spend to buy The White House?
I don't believe they have enough to do that.

Bloomberg's commercials have become tres-annoying, and are having a bit of an opposite of the desired effect.
The poll choices are inadequate. Bloomberg buying the nomination will cost the Dems their party - it will fracture into the Corporatist Wing and the Communist one.

This makes him a tad more likable than hiLIARy - at least he's being honest about being a Nanny Stater:

The Poll actually asks how much Money it will Cost The Dems to Buy The White House regardless of who is the nominee.

Below I will post "Candidate Committee Money" This does not take in to account Dark Money, or people who fund their campaigns with their own money.

Bernie Sanders has $100 Million, and guess what, this is a good way to get rich. They don't actually have to give that money back when their campaigns are over if they don't spend it all.
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Tom Steyer (D)
(Image: AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)
Tom Steyer is a former hedge fund chief and top donor to Democratic outside groups who is pushing Democrats to impeach President Donald Trump. Despite being a billionaire himself, Steyer launched his campaign by decrying the influence of wealthy individuals in the political process.

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Michael Bloomberg (D)
(Image: Roy Rochlin/Getty Images, cropped)
Michael Bloomberg is the former mayor of New York and a billionaire businessman. Bloomberg switched his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat in 2018 and spent millions to elect Democrats that year. The richest man to run for president, Bloomberg is self-funding his campaign and refusing to accept contributions.

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Bernie Sanders (D)
Sen. Bernie Sanders is an independent senator from Vermont running as a Democrat. He ran for president in 2016, and although he lost in the primary to Hillary Clinton, he still has a fiercely dedicated fan base of economically progressive liberals backing him. Sanders’ candidacy also made more visible the Democratic Socialists of America, a far-left political organization that often operates within the Democratic party.

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The more this tyrant's words are exposed the fewer people he will attract..

Seems to me, people like Bloomberg, Trump and Steyer lose money when they run, as they use a lot of their own personal fortunes, but someone like Bernie Sanders. Elizabeth Warren, and Biden can become a Multi Millionaires over night, because they are allowed to keep the money they don't spend.
Elizabeth Warren (D)
Sen. Elizabeth Warren is the senior senator from Massachusetts. She announced an exploratory committee for President on Dec. 31. While in the House, Warren gained notoriety as an advocate for greater regulation of Wall Street in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, and since her election to the Senate in 2013 she has used her seat to solidify her role as a progressive figurehead.

The Clinton Campaign Spent between $1.5 to $2 Billion in an effort to buy her and her handlers way in to The White House.

Bloomberg has spent $400 Million so far.
And other candidates are spending money at a furious pace. Donald Trump spent only $225 Million and was outspent 6-1 by Clinton in 2016.

So the question is here:

How much money will The Democrat Party need to spend to buy The White House?
You can’t buy the White House. You can buy exposure but the White House goes to who the people vote for.
The Clinton Campaign Spent between $1.5 to $2 Billion in an effort to buy her and her handlers way in to The White House.

Bloomberg has spent $400 Million so far.
And other candidates are spending money at a furious pace. Donald Trump spent only $225 Million and was outspent 6-1 by Clinton in 2016.

So the question is here:

How much money will The Democrat Party need to spend to buy The White House?
About $132 billion/year to pay for their illegal Democrats.
Pete Buttigieg (D)
Pete Buttigieg is the mayor of South Bend, Indiana. The 37-year-old Navy veteran is the first openly-gay Democrat to run for President and received high praise for robust economic growth in South Bend under his watch.

Joe Biden (D)
Joe Biden is the former United States vice president under Pres. Barack Obama. During his time as vice president, Biden was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He also became a favorite subject of comedic internet memes. Before being elected to the vice presidency, Biden served as a senator for Delaware from 1973 to 2009.

Amy Klobuchar (D)
Amy Klobuchar is a senator for Minnesota. She is the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer rights. Klobuchar's name-recognition recently spiked when an exchange between herself and Brett Kavanaugh during the Supreme Court nominee's confirmation hearing became heated. Within days, the incident was parodied on Saturday Night Live. Before being elected to the Senate, Klobuchar was a prosecutor.

Tulsi Gabbard (D)
Tulsi Gabbard is a congresswoman from Hawaii. A 37-year-old Iraq War veteran, Gabbard pushes progressive policies such as Medicare for All and a new Glass–Steagall Act, and has spoken out against U.S. efforts to force regime changes in foreign countries. She gained national attention in 2016 when she stepped down as DNC vice chair to endorse Bernie Sanders' campaign.

William F. Weld (R)
(Image: Flickr/Gage Skidmore)
William Weld is a former governor of Massachusetts. He is the first high-profile Republican to explore a primary challenge against President Donald Trump in 2020. Weld ran as the Libertarian Party's vice presidential nominee in 2016 with former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson as an alternative to Trump, and has openly criticized Trump for his treatment of U.S. allies.

The Clinton Campaign Spent between $1.5 to $2 Billion in an effort to buy her and her handlers way in to The White House.

Bloomberg has spent $400 Million so far.
And other candidates are spending money at a furious pace. Donald Trump spent only $225 Million and was outspent 6-1 by Clinton in 2016.

So the question is here:

How much money will The Democrat Party need to spend to buy The White House?
You can’t buy the White House. You can buy exposure but the White House goes to who the people vote for.
They sure as Hell are trying to buy it though. Look at Old Bernie with $100 Million Dollars.

What is a Communist doing with $100 Million?

Shouldn't he be sharing that with everyone on The USMB??
Pretty sure this is a thread that you may not see a Single Leftist Lying Commie, because the sheer amounts of money these Candidates have completely Refutes their Socialist Communist Narrative..

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