Will liberal Jews still support Obama if he allows The U.N. to declare "Palestinian Statehood


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
We may find out as Obama "explores other options" on the "two state solution"....

"We take him at his word when he said that it wouldn't happen during his prime ministership, and so that's why we've got to evaluate what other options are available to make sure that we don't see a chaotic situation in the region," the president said in an interview with The Huffington Post on Friday

Though he pledged to keep working with the Israeli government on military and intelligence operations, Obama declined to say whether the United States would continue to block Palestinian efforts to secure statehood through the United Nations. In a phone conversation the two had on Thursday, he said he indicated to Netanyahu that "it is going to be hard to find a path where people are seriously believing that negotiations are possible."

Obama Details His Disappointment With Netanyahu In First Post-Election Comments
Will they still support Obama if he supports Israeli apartheid regimes? It's tricky all right.
Hillary will do better with Women and Hebrews than President Obama did.



Another hurdle for you guys to try to overcome.
Will they still support Obama if he supports Israeli apartheid regimes? It's tricky all right.

The word apartheid is rather ignorant. Do the results of the latest election indicate that to you?

"A record 28 female MKs were slated to enter the Knesset, up slightly from 27 in the 19th Knesset and 21 in the 18th Knesset.

There was also a large increase in number of Arab MKs, 17, up from 12 after the previous elections."

Read more: All 120 incoming Knesset members | The Times of Israel All 120 incoming Knesset members The Times of Israel
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The word apartheid is rather ignorant. Do the results of the latest election indicate that to you?

"A record 28 female MKs were slated to enter the Knesset, up slightly from 27 in the 19th Knesset and 21 in the 18th Knesset.

There was also a large increase in number of Arab MKs, 17, up from 12 after the previous elections."

Read more: All 120 incoming Knesset members | The Times of Israel All 120 incoming Knesset members The Times of Israel
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I think it is more than just ignorant. It takes a special combination of stupidity and dishonesty to express such mindless twaddle.
Israel enforces apartheid regimes in the occupied territories.

edit...The ANC doesn't have the best of relations with Israel. Funny that, South Africa and israel used to be really tight.
Israel enforces apartheid regimes in the occupied territories.

It is Israel that has enforced Fatah and/or Hamas, now is it?

That's some pretty retarded stuff, there.
That you don't understand Bantustans and separateness and not equal is not unexpected from a member of a nation that had legal apartheid within our lifetimes.
What is it about Israel threads that bring out the jew hating zombies on this site?
Anyway, American Jews would support Democrats if Obama decided to bomb Tel Aviv. Yes, they're that stupid.
What is it about Israel threads that bring out the jew hating zombies on this site?

It is every site, and not just this one, Rabbi. The word Israel acts as does a red flag to a raging bull.

Antisemitism is now very much politically correct for the mindless portion of the left, and when you add in the old fashioned Neo Nazis of the right (albeit in far fewer numbers), it acts as a one-two punch with both types of antisemites reinforcing the other.

Heck, I have seen one very prominent politically-correct poster here defend Islamists who call for genocide in one breath while whining about the application of the term antisemitic in the next, so we have arrived at a point in the evolution of political opinion where even the calling for the extermination of world Jewry has become normalized on the left.

Damn, I miss the days of my youth when people still thought being a Nazi was a bad thing. Today, it just receives knowing nods of approval by hipster idiots who see it as fashionable.
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