Will Bragg Recommend His Usual 'Cashless Bail' Or Ask For Several Mil, Claim Trump Is A Flight Risk?

That's noteven close to what you posted.

As you well know but can't handle, apparently, that is precisely what I posted (#29 of this thread.)

"The Cry Baby Loser will piss and moan for all he's allegedly worth."
Your desperate attempt to deny what is documented is futile.

What we have, despite all the hysteria for fund-raising purposes, is an ordinary citizen who is not above the law, indicted for a relatively-minor offense - paying hush money to one of his bimbos with whom he rutted behind the back of a pregnant trophy wife, and falsely claiming the pay-off as a legal expense.

He can now welcome his day in court, his opportunity to clear his name where his recourse to hysterics and tantrumps are of no consequence.

Of course, unavoidably, his current wife and female voters in America are being reminded of his being a skanky guy, and that does not accrue to his repute.

... Trump has a problem with women.

Specifically, he faces new struggles with female voters who are about to be reminded — perhaps daily, for months on end — of his alleged extramarital dalliances.
That’s a perilous prospect for a politician whose quest to return to the White House requires him to get a bigger share of the female vote than he did when he fell to defeat to President Biden in 2020.
Regardless of whether Trump is ultimately found guilty of the offenses contained in the indictment that will be unsealed Tuesday in Manhattan, the case is sure to put the spotlight back on accusations of tawdry encounters.
Even some people in Trump’s circle worry about the impact on moderate, suburban female voters.
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He settled out of court with a goal digging bimbo.

Then he should have reported that on his disclosure forms before the election instead of trying to hide them.

Why were FBI informants there?
There weren't, but never mind.
Which were far more secure than the ones Biden stole while in the Senate and stored in a cardboard box by his Corvette.

Except there's no evidence Biden knew they were there and he immediately reported them when found. As opposed to Trump, who KNEW he had these documents and refused to return them.

Nah, you're right.

The chinese just gave them the money for no quid pro quo. Just a few million for their grandkids' education. Well, some of their grandkids . . .

No, the Chinese gave them money for consulting services...
Just like they do to hundreds of other businesses that do business in China.
As much as you guys like to panic over China, it's a monster that your side helped create, starting when Tricky Dick flew over there and shook Mao's bloody hand.
Then he should have reported that on his disclosure forms before the election instead of trying to hide them.
The FEC found nothing to charge him with. Do you know something that they don't?
There weren't, but never mind.
They were, but I understand why you'd want to gloss over that after you brought Jan 6 into this.
Except there's no evidence Biden knew they were there and he immediately reported them when found. As opposed to Trump, who KNEW he had these documents and refused to return them.
Who do you think put them there? Hunter Biden? That is absurd. Trump invited the FBI into his home many time to check up on the security of his declasified documents which still had classified markings. The FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago was a political farce and unless you are dumber than dirt, you know that.
No, the Chinese gave them money for consulting services...
Just like they do to hundreds of other businesses that do business in China.
As much as you guys like to panic over China, it's a monster that your side helped create, starting when Tricky Dick flew over there and shook Mao's bloody hand.
You believe that Hunter is an expert in both the Ukrainian Petroleum industry and the Chinese manufacturing sector and that his expertise is worth millions of dollars?

He must have learned a lot wandering homeless encampments looking for crack.

Why don't you just ask the DNC to pick an honest person next time, so you don't have to offer absurd defenses like that?
The FEC found nothing to charge him with. Do you know something that they don't?
Well, Bragg clearly does, and was able to convince a grand jury to indict him on 30 counts.

They were, but I understand why you'd want to gloss over that after you brought Jan 6 into this.

Look, I know you wingnuts want to treat January 6th like a broken cookie jar, but you are the ones who did it. Not some mysterious FBI informant, but the Orange Shitgibbon screaming about a "Stolen Election" for two months.

Who do you think put them there? Hunter Biden? That is absurd. Trump invited the FBI into his home many time to check up on the security of his declasified documents which still had classified markings. The FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago was a political farce and unless you are dumber than dirt, you know that.

Actually, what I know is that Trump was owned by the Russians and the Saudis.. so him having classified documents - boxes full of them, not just a couple of old briefing papers like Biden had - is kind of a big deal.

You believe that Hunter is an expert in both the Ukrainian Petroleum industry and the Chinese manufacturing sector and that his expertise is worth millions of dollars?

He must have learned a lot wandering homeless encampments looking for crack.

Well, no, the Ukrainians and Chinese thought that. Which is why the paid him that kind of money. Probably better than Trump putting his idiot son-in-law in charge of

Heck, Dubya Bush made him a board member for Amtrak.

Why don't you just ask the DNC to pick an honest person next time, so you don't have to offer absurd defenses like that?

Biden had 8 years as Vice President and 30 years as a Senator. He's probably the most qualified guy since George H. Bush.

As opposed to you guys, who had 10 or so perfectly qualified governors and Senators, and you went with the Reality TV Insult Comic.
Well, Bragg clearly does, and was able to convince a grand jury to indict him on 30 counts.
Prosecutors can indict a ham sandwich. It's absurd to think that Bragg knows more about federal election law that the FEC.
Look, I know you wingnuts want to treat January 6th like a broken cookie jar, but you are the ones who did it. Not some mysterious FBI informant, but the Orange Shitgibbon screaming about a "Stolen Election" for two months.
Then why doesn't the FBI just say "No, of course we didn't have informants working for us among the protesters on Jan 6?"

Actually, what I know is that Trump was owned by the Russians and the Saudis.. so him having classified documents - boxes full of them, not just a couple of old briefing papers like Biden had - is kind of a big deal.
How do you know how many documents he had?
Well, no, the Ukrainians and Chinese thought that. Which is why the paid him that kind of money. Probably better than Trump putting his idiot son-in-law in charge of
I admire your loyalty that you are willing to pretend you think the Ukrainians and the Chinese thought Hunter Biden had that kind of expertise.
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Yet you happily participate in a party exclusively made up of fools and assholes.
Not everyone agrees with your morals or low standards…Need I remind you that you voted for a man that needs help knowing which way to walk, who’s hand to shake, what town he’s in, or what day it is? YOU did that to the country.
Just recently he settled Trump University fraud for $25 million, he settle his Trump Charity fraud by closing the charity and paying $2 million, he sacrificed his chief accountant who is in jail for the Trump organization crimes....another court suit in NY in a few months for Trump Org cooking the books, tax evasion, etc

Teflon Don, is no longer Teflon, with this indictment and the at minimum, two others coming soon.I

He's been a crook his whole ADULT :) life j-mac....near every New Yorker with eyes and ears knows it....
So, nothing….got it.
Prosecutors can indict a ham sandwich. It's absurd to think that Bragg knows more about federal election law that the FEC.
He's not indicting Trump on Federal Law, he's indicting him on NY State law.

Then why doesn't the FBI just say "No, of course we didn't have informants working for us among the protesters on Jan 6?"
Why should they? There's a big gap between "informants" and "instigators". I'm sure the FBI is keeping an eye on all the hate groups that Trump has enabled.

How do you know how many documents he had?
Because they've disclosed the number, and it's pretty small. Something a GS-10 probably put in the wrong box on packing day.

I admire your loyalty that you are willing to pretend you think the Ukrainians and the Chinese thought Hunter Biden had that kind of expertise.
Uh, read Hunter's resume. before he had to take on foreign clients, he had decades working in corporate governance and lobbying, that he had to give up because his father became Vice President.
DA Bragg doesn't usually attempt to prosecute many felony cases, and when he does it is said he doesn't even try to win. He is making an exceptions this time for Trump.

Do you think he will recommend a 'cashless bail' like he does for his usual violent clientele or do you think he will insist on an extremely high bail for Trump, maybe even argue he be held in custody because he is a 'flight risk'?

I wouldn't put anything past Bragg and Democrats at this point.

Trump has money
His own plane
Is known to use multiple alias'
Has called for violence
Has threatened violence against prosecutors.

There's good reason to go no bail or, if they don't want him in Rikers, lock him up at Mara Lago with no guests, staff, visitors beyond attorneys, no TV, no cell phone, no internet access and locator shackles.

Personally I Like option 2.
Imagine Trump absent his sycophants, twitter feed, fb feed, and preparing his own meals...
They'll Baker Act his ass in 4 days.
View attachment 771847

Feel better now after your tantrum?

Why don't you grab your blankie and go take a nap - you're dismissed.
Guys, guys, it pains everyone to see the two of you fight like this. There is common ground that can be used to unite you. In this instance, you are BOTH pathetic little p*Susie’s in need of your binkie
Fake, propagandistic claims abound.

The American judicial system requires that accusations be substantiated by facts, and the accused is given an opportunity to refute them before justice is achieved. E.g.,

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Hyper-partisan media and its dupes exploit a much lower standard.

Citizen Trump will have his day in court, and his blowing gas to wee wee up his cult and raise money will have no bearing on the adjudication.

What a country!

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Trump has money
His own plane
Is known to use multiple alias'
Has called for violence
Has threatened violence against prosecutors.

There's good reason to go no bail or, if they don't want him in Rikers, lock him up at Mara Lago with no guests, staff, visitors beyond attorneys, no TV, no cell phone, no internet access and locator shackles.

Personally I Like option 2.
Imagine Trump absent his sycophants, twitter feed, fb feed, and preparing his own meals...
They'll Baker Act his ass in 4 days.
What an imaginative fantasy ... way to think outside the box, snowflake.

Guys, guys, it pains everyone to see the two of you fight like this. There is common ground that can be used to unite you. In this instance, you are BOTH pathetic little p*Susie’s in need of your binkie
If you're cruisin' for fairies, Chaz, you've got the wrong GUY. You're obviously looking fr pronouns. Good luck with that.
What an imaginative fantasy ... way to think outside the box, snowflake.

I know English is difficult for the tiny minded poop throwers.
Try dropping the poop and pickup some 1st grade readers.
Unless, of course, you think "run dick run" is a reference to your medical history.
DA Bragg doesn't usually attempt to prosecute many felony cases, and when he does it is said he doesn't even try to win. He is making an exceptions this time for Trump.

Do you think he will recommend a 'cashless bail' like he does for his usual violent clientele or do you think he will insist on an extremely high bail for Trump, maybe even argue he be held in custody because he is a 'flight risk'?

I wouldn't put anything past Bragg and Democrats at this point.

Wrong question. The right question is what conditions will be in the bail agreement? It is common and usual to prohibit the accused from leaving the jurisdiction. The accused must also appear at various hearings between the arraignment and the trial. Failure to appear is a crime.

It is also common to prohibit the accused from having contact with witnesses for the prosecution except as needed for depositions with the prosecutor present.

So what conditions will be placed on Trump? Will he be able to leave New York City? Will he be free to travel around the nation campaigning? Every time there is a hearing on evidence Trump will be there. Every motion filed by the defense or prosecution which requires a hearing will also require the presence of Trump.

The Gag order is the least of his worries. His campaign schedule is going to be seriously impacted by this.

But there is more. Trump could use this to request an expedited trial schedule. To demonstrate that the charges are false so he many resume the full campaign schedule. That would be dumb. The defense won’t get all the information from the prosecutors for another few days and that will take a couple months to examine the discovery. Then there has to be time to do investigations into the people. Finding information that would put their statements into doubt. A year is a good time for defense, it allows them to do the work they need to. At least if they want to mount a successful defense.

It is possible that Bragg’s office will do it for them by withholding evidence during discovery. Or lying about evidence that Trump’s team can prove they’ve got. That is how the Bundy boneheads got their charges dismissed. Properly I might add.

But again. Catching the DA or cops in a lie is something that takes time to develop and rushing in is risky.

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