Why We Get Terrorism...

Like oppression of women, gays and people of different religion?


JERUSALEM — Ten women, including two American rabbis, were detained by the Israeli police on Monday for praying at the Western Wall wearing prayer shawls that are traditionally used by men, in the latest escalation of a conflict over one of Judaism’s holiest sites.

BBC NEWS Middle East Gunman attacks Israeli gay centre
A lone gunman has killed two people and wounded at least 10 at a gay support centre in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv before escaping.

Most of the victims were gay teenagers, who were meeting at the centre on Nachmani street when the gunman entered and started firing indiscriminately.

The black-clad man is still at large and police have ordered the temporary closure of all gay clubs in the city.

Gay leaders say it is Israel's worst-ever hate crime against the community.

On Eve of Pope s visit to Israel Radical Israeli Settlers attack Christian Village Informed Comment

Just weeks before Pope Francis’ first official visit to the Holy Land, a number of Christian holy sites in Israel and Palestine have been targeted in ‘price tag’ attacks by the radical Israeli settler movement. These attacks have been increasing since 2008.

So. in Israel, women get arrested for praying, gays get shot at and Christians are attacked.
Nice place.

I read your links. The same can be said for the US or any other free society. People are free to distain. There is much in a free society in which to find fault. That is pretty much the definition.....

What is your solution? The extremely intolerant radicalism of Islam????

Not at all; just pointing out to the idiots who claim Islam is the cause of all such things, Jews and pretty much everyone else have people that believe the same, just as most Muslims, Jews, Christians and so on, don't do the things mentioned.

If orthodox followship of the Koran (jihad is written there, after all) isn't the "cause" of the barbaric activities we find in the middle east, being exported elsewhere, then what is? You can't blame disenfranchisement. It's like saying poor people are dirty....it just isn't true. And oh by the way, if the Islamo-Nazis are a fringe, then shouldn't we be seeing and hearing the majority of Muslims speaking out against it? Taking action against the jihad? NO. Thus, what is the rest of the world supposed to think?

And please point out specific examples of "Jews and pretty much everyone else" adhering to a jihad???? You cannot, because it doesn't exist.

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