Why We Get Terrorism...

Yeah, & if we dump Israel the Palestinians can join ISIS to kill us Americans instead of Israeli's.

I don't think there has ever been a nation so easily scared as the US of A.

"There are people with guns who don't like us. They want us dead."
"OMG! We must get them first. Where are they?"
"6000 miles away."
"Quick. We must spend billions to get within range of the mass of their weapons. What range do they have?"
"Oh, about two miles max for 99% of their weapons. 3 to 5 miles for a tiny number. But they are shit at targeting."
"Bugger. We must hurry. And whatever you do, don't talk to them. They may say something we don't agree with."
Yeah, & if we dump Israel the Palestinians can join ISIS to kill us Americans instead of Israeli's.

I don't think there has ever been a nation so easily scared as the US of A.

"There are people with guns who don't like us. They want us dead."
"OMG! We must get them first. Where are they?"
"6000 miles away."
"Quick. We must spend billions to get within range of the mass of their weapons. What range do they have?"
"Oh, about two miles max for 99% of their weapons. 3 to 5 miles for a tiny number. But they are shit at targeting."
"Bugger. We must hurry. And whatever you do, don't talk to them. They may say something we don't agree with."

Great point. Lets just sit back & enjoy more American beheadings.
Yeah, & if we dump Israel the Palestinians can join ISIS to kill us Americans instead of Israeli's.

I don't think there has ever been a nation so easily scared as the US of A.

"There are people with guns who don't like us. They want us dead."
"OMG! We must get them first. Where are they?"
"6000 miles away."
"Quick. We must spend billions to get within range of the mass of their weapons. What range do they have?"
"Oh, about two miles max for 99% of their weapons. 3 to 5 miles for a tiny number. But they are shit at targeting."
"Bugger. We must hurry. And whatever you do, don't talk to them. They may say something we don't agree with."

Great point. Lets just sit back & enjoy more American beheadings.

The airstrikes came before American beheadings.
This is a very complex issue and your standpoint on the matter is very simplistic. The biggest problem I have was the takeover and I don't think a lot of Americans do realize that it was a non-peaceful annexation (seizure) of a territory, a pretty nice one too. So I do feel very strongly that the Palestinians are being subjugated by Jewish Zionists.

At the same time as another put it, if we were to support Palestinians and not Israel than we would lose the only real democracy in the region and the Palestinians would probably try and establish a Sharia State, Shiite Muslims would rise up and war with not just Jews but the Western world. We can all see how the Middle East is a fragile place and changing the balance in anyway can lead to a whole chain of events. The Middle East often thinks Americans and even the American Govt. are working against them. In the case of Palestine, we are not helpers and the entire move since WWII which wasn't an American thing but rather a coalition of many countries, many bribed that brought this change. And don't forget that Millions of Jews had been killed and the population was decimated. The problem really roots in fear, the Zionists should not have tried to make a state that was a Jewish state, but a free state. That is an American ideal and even though our founders were strong believers in Christ, our Govt is not a Christian state but a free state. I don't see that much wrong with a sovereign nation being concerned about its interests, and security. This isn't an American issue, this is a Global issue and really the UN needs to recognize that it is not an imperial magistrate and all should get a say and it should be inclusive for subjugated people. But overall I have seen a lot of what America has done in its history and recent history, covert operations the wiki leaks cables etc. Our earlier history is plagued with a lot of mismanagement, but as we have formed a more perfect union, we generally are working for the benevolence of the people that follow in our belief that people have the right to liberty and an accountable justice system. The people of Israel do provide their people liberty, sometimes at the expense of others, but in comparison to the other states in the region, they are a better example than most. So how do you change the problem, with out causing their to be an uprising, making sure the Jewish community doesn't get dragged into a larger regional war, and how do you protect the interests of all the players involved including states in the region- Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, European states, Ethiopia and America.

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Your right the air strikes was before the be headings they were just killing thousands of Muslims and Christians....damn Americans trying to save innocent people from bloodthirsty assholes, who think they can take what they want after people have spent centuries building a semblance of civility they just take....We aren't striking them solely out of fear but because we can. And anyone who can should! But I don't know where you have been these last few decades but The radicals especially ISIS represent a bigger threat because they have American Passports...you think were really scared of their conventional weapons? The real reason we have terrorism is because terrorists are the cowards....if they want to come to the fight will be right there...they are the ones who hide behind innocent people and blend in to the local regions. Americans have more bravery than any country I know. Are guys will go anywhere and they will never surrender. But this war is not a war for the military, this is a war on ideas, and people need to see who is killing innocent people and who is trying to save them.

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This is a very complex issue and your standpoint on the matter is very simplistic. The biggest problem I have was the takeover and I don't think a lot of Americans do realize that it was a non-peaceful annexation (seizure) of a territory, a pretty nice one too. So I do feel very strongly that the Palestinians are being subjugated by Jewish Zionists.

At the same time as another put it, if we were to support Palestinians and not Israel than we would lose the only real democracy in the region and the Palestinians would probably try and establish a Sharia State, Shiite Muslims would rise up and war with not just Jews but the Western world. We can all see how the Middle East is a fragile place and changing the balance in anyway can lead to a whole chain of events. The Middle East often thinks Americans and even the American Govt. are working against them. In the case of Palestine, we are not helpers and the entire move since WWII which wasn't an American thing but rather a coalition of many countries, many bribed that brought this change. And don't forget that Millions of Jews had been killed and the population was decimated. The problem really roots in fear, the Zionists should not have tried to make a state that was a Jewish state, but a free state. That is an American ideal and even though our founders were strong believers in Christ, our Govt is not a Christian state but a free state. I don't see that much wrong with a sovereign nation being concerned about its interests, and security. This isn't an American issue, this is a Global issue and really the UN needs to recognize that it is not an imperial magistrate and all should get a say and it should be inclusive for subjugated people. But overall I have seen a lot of what America has done in its history and recent history, covert operations the wiki leaks cables etc. Our earlier history is plagued with a lot of mismanagement, but as we have formed a more perfect union, we generally are working for the benevolence of the people that follow in our belief that people have the right to liberty and an accountable justice system. The people of Israel do provide their people liberty, sometimes at the expense of others, but in comparison to the other states in the region, they are a better example than most. So how do you change the problem, with out causing their to be an uprising, making sure the Jewish community doesn't get dragged into a larger regional war, and how do you protect the interests of all the players involved including states in the region- Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, European states, Ethiopia and America.

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That is a good post J Morton.

I don't agree with everything you have put, but clearly you are way ahead of most Americans in your appreciation and understanding of the issues, and honest in your summary.

I would suggest that what Palestinians do with their territory is really up to them, and not to be anticipated by us, nor to be a barrier to us working for them to have it. You cannot refuse to give people back a car stolen from them because you have fears they may drive badly.

Of course, offering "driving lessons" is an option, but not a condition.

Israel exists and will continue, until it collapsed because of its own greed and corruption. It is NOT a democracy, despite the propaganda. It is an ethnocracy - more racist than South Aftica, and more racist than if had the KKK set up an independent state in Alabama.

Israel is European in its education standards and a First World country - which maybe makes it seem more 'like us' which you assume is good, rather than the more arabic looking poorer, more badly managed states around. This is a fallacy. Israel is not a model for other states, ours or theirs.

Arabic states have been dominated by Israel, Europe and the US for a long time, either by direct influence - bribes, supporting their tyrants, and in deciding on their territory / borders. If we have been unable to corrupt them we have pumped billions of dollars of weapons into them. With predictable results.

Given time, they will sort themselves out, just a Europe did. But we have to stay out of it, or do good, rather than arming everyone for OUR short term gain.

Israel is an evil place, and it does more evil by intent, by policy, and for gain. It needs to back off and keep its evil within its own borders, as a minimum standard. Sadly the US of A enables it to do just exactly what it wants.

For this reason many now see the USA as the main sinner and the main culprit. Israel is just the rabid dog.
So be aware. All the instability you sow in the region will only continue to reveal America's character to the world.
The whole world is losing patience with Israel and with the US. Your fire power will protect it for only so long.
I agree that Israel is not a model...but yes it is better than many ultra corrupt Arab states mainly Pakistan, Syria, Iran, Qatar, Yemen, Iraq, Afganhistan, and even the Kingdom which we call an ally, but their human rights are a joke.

Fire power won't protect anyone for too long because we have 1000's of nukes and if it gets to that than Ill see you hopefully in a better place:)

All the stuff you say about us being imperialists over all of the Middle East is a huge exaggeration, we have become involved usually for good intentions like protecting Afghans from Russia. Serbia conflict, Kuwait. Etc.

Stability is in the interests of America, because the financial system thrives on stability. And stability in the Middle East lowers the price on fossil fuels, America is certainly the most powerful and exerts the most influence but Israel is not a product of the US. It is a product of many nations. We have given them arms to defend themselves and again I think the US needs to seriously focus on this issue, but many use those blanket statements because we may say that Israel is a failed policy.

I am not trying to say the US has not done things in its past that has stained our reputation, but in the age of information and social media, the US has to be more transparent and since then, we have usually served the oppressed and helped bring down evil tyrants like Hussein, Gaddafi, and I hope eventually Assad.

We have never sought to occupy, the worst we have done is send arms to fight. Even the oil, we are one of the main buyers of oil. Ask the oil guys they love the US. Everyone thought Iraq was about the oil, but did we exploit that resource. NO. A lot of it is cynical thought that derives from the very difficult issue of Palestine.

This last campaign by Israel was a terrible event and IMO was a crime. Hamas should be recognized as terrorists and so it should have been a counter terrorist operation, not let's just blow everyone and everything up. It is awful but while we have given them an army, we have no interest in oppressing the Palestinians.

We all know this goes deeper than just the land, it is Muslims and Jews that hate each other, there is something to be said that the Jews do have a claim to that land as well. It was seized from them in the rise of Islam and the Ottoman Empire, who were a machine of violence. It is racial or ethnic clashing and Truman never should have jumped on board, but the way it was presented was to be peaceful, and to give the disenfranchised Jews a home. He was pretty hesitant but signed on pretty much because many other European nations were signing on. We didn't have any ulterior motives (IMO) at that time. Maybe only to have some added security as the last 2 world wars had originated right near there.

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US guilty of war crimes in Palestine TheHill

The study notes that “United States law states that no military assistance will be provided to a government that engages in a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights. Yet the United States gives more military assistance to Israel than to any other country, currently in excess of $3.1 billion per year. The U.S. participates in joint military exercises, military research, and weapons development.”

A blog is not a valid source of information as it is just one persons views on a subject.

The US went to war in Afghanistan because of 9/11

9/11 was retaliation from the Muslim world for major injustices from the USA, chief amongst them, US support for Israel's crimes.

And all the dead muslims were retaliation from the US for the 3,000 dead on 9/11 that had nothing to do with Israel.
This is why we get Terrorism in America and feed the Jihadists who would and have killed us...

US guilty of war crimes in Palestine TheHill
The U.S. is not a neutral mediator in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict; it is an active participant and is guilty of the crimes being committed by Israel against Palestinians, most recently, the mass killings and destruction Israel wrought on the Gaza Strip during the summer. The reality that the U.S. is an active supporter of unimaginable suffering may very well be the motivating force behind the U.S.’s adamant attempts to block the Palestinians from using any of the internationally recognized tools of accountability to hold Israel responsible, such as the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court. When an indigenous, stateless population is blocked access to opportunities for justice by superpowers like the U.S., something is wrong—deadly wrong.
While Israeli bombs were hammering Gaza, Alice Lynd with the assistance of Staughton Lynd, drafted a 32-page pamphlet which was published by the Palestine-Israel Working Group of Historians Against the War (HAW) titled, Violations by Israel and the Problem of Enforcement (August 2014). The policy paper places the U.S. in front of its own mirror and meticulously documents how one hand of the U.S. government systematically documents Israeli violations of U.S. law and international law, while the other hand unconditionally dishes out financial, military, and diplomatic support to Israel.
[iframe name="google_ads_iframe_1107919/Content_300x250_CongressBlog_asynch_0" width="300" height="250" id="google_ads_iframe_1107919/Content_300x250_CongressBlog_asynch_0" src="javascript:"[/iframe]
The study notes that “United States law states that no military assistance will be provided to a government that engages in a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights. Yet the United States gives more military assistance to Israel than to any other country, currently in excess of $3.1 billion per year. The U.S. participates in joint military exercises, military research, and weapons development.”

Yes, the U.S. continues to fund and support sworn enemies of the West, while marginalizing support for our strongest ally in the region who is attempting to prevent it's own genocide.

A bassackwards world we live in.....

I'd cut off all aid to any country, nation, group or people opposed to our fundamental idea of freedom. But I'd continue funding allies.

This is basic gamesmanship. Yet our politicians, so wound-around-the-axle with special interests and political correctness, are feckless. And who, in the end, loses? We do. We do. Trust me. Well, most of you won't. But you should. All you lefties out there think you are immune from the caliphate?

Dear Youch ~ I'd simply dump Issheforreal as our ally and the whole world would love us. ~ Lefty Susan
PS This would surely bring us all caliphate immunity, too . . . happy days would be here again :)

No it would bring it closer, and no doubt when the Islamic savages started bombing in the US you would be wanting to kill all the Jews to stop the bombings. Then when they carried on you would be asking who will save me now.
This is a very complex issue and your standpoint on the matter is very simplistic. The biggest problem I have was the takeover and I don't think a lot of Americans do realize that it was a non-peaceful annexation (seizure) of a territory, a pretty nice one too. So I do feel very strongly that the Palestinians are being subjugated by Jewish Zionists.

At the same time as another put it, if we were to support Palestinians and not Israel than we would lose the only real democracy in the region and the Palestinians would probably try and establish a Sharia State, Shiite Muslims would rise up and war with not just Jews but the Western world. We can all see how the Middle East is a fragile place and changing the balance in anyway can lead to a whole chain of events. The Middle East often thinks Americans and even the American Govt. are working against them. In the case of Palestine, we are not helpers and the entire move since WWII which wasn't an American thing but rather a coalition of many countries, many bribed that brought this change. And don't forget that Millions of Jews had been killed and the population was decimated. The problem really roots in fear, the Zionists should not have tried to make a state that was a Jewish state, but a free state. That is an American ideal and even though our founders were strong believers in Christ, our Govt is not a Christian state but a free state. I don't see that much wrong with a sovereign nation being concerned about its interests, and security. This isn't an American issue, this is a Global issue and really the UN needs to recognize that it is not an imperial magistrate and all should get a say and it should be inclusive for subjugated people. But overall I have seen a lot of what America has done in its history and recent history, covert operations the wiki leaks cables etc. Our earlier history is plagued with a lot of mismanagement, but as we have formed a more perfect union, we generally are working for the benevolence of the people that follow in our belief that people have the right to liberty and an accountable justice system. The people of Israel do provide their people liberty, sometimes at the expense of others, but in comparison to the other states in the region, they are a better example than most. So how do you change the problem, with out causing their to be an uprising, making sure the Jewish community doesn't get dragged into a larger regional war, and how do you protect the interests of all the players involved including states in the region- Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, European states, Ethiopia and America.

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That is a good post J Morton.

I don't agree with everything you have put, but clearly you are way ahead of most Americans in your appreciation and understanding of the issues, and honest in your summary.

I would suggest that what Palestinians do with their territory is really up to them, and not to be anticipated by us, nor to be a barrier to us working for them to have it. You cannot refuse to give people back a car stolen from them because you have fears they may drive badly.

Of course, offering "driving lessons" is an option, but not a condition.

Israel exists and will continue, until it collapsed because of its own greed and corruption. It is NOT a democracy, despite the propaganda. It is an ethnocracy - more racist than South Aftica, and more racist than if had the KKK set up an independent state in Alabama.

Israel is European in its education standards and a First World country - which maybe makes it seem more 'like us' which you assume is good, rather than the more arabic looking poorer, more badly managed states around. This is a fallacy. Israel is not a model for other states, ours or theirs.

Arabic states have been dominated by Israel, Europe and the US for a long time, either by direct influence - bribes, supporting their tyrants, and in deciding on their territory / borders. If we have been unable to corrupt them we have pumped billions of dollars of weapons into them. With predictable results.

Given time, they will sort themselves out, just a Europe did. But we have to stay out of it, or do good, rather than arming everyone for OUR short term gain.

Israel is an evil place, and it does more evil by intent, by policy, and for gain. It needs to back off and keep its evil within its own borders, as a minimum standard. Sadly the US of A enables it to do just exactly what it wants.

For this reason many now see the USA as the main sinner and the main culprit. Israel is just the rabid dog.
So be aware. All the instability you sow in the region will only continue to reveal America's character to the world.
The whole world is losing patience with Israel and with the US. Your fire power will protect it for only so long.

Why do so many muslims want to come and live in Europe if they see it as such a bad place
Actually, the U.S went to Iraq and Afghanistan on their OWN terms . Being allied with Israel has nothing to do with anything, but you Israel haters always point the finger at Israel while ignoring all the other isssues unrelate to Israel.
Also, Israel and America still have a strong relationship and most Americans still support Israel. Sorry weezle :cool:

You obviously didn't understand my post. I'm a supporter of our only ally in the region, despite all the imperfections of the arrangements. I think strategically, not religiously or politically. Thus, your "weezle" comment reflects not at all on me.

Dear Youch ~ I'd simply dump Issheforreal as our ally and the whole world would love us. ~ Lefty Susan
PS This would surely bring us all caliphate immunity, too . . . happy days would be here again :)

So, you admit to not having a moral compass that supports freedom. You'd rather be "popular" with 7th century haters. You think the intolerance of radical Islam, is the way to go.

At least you self-identified yourself. Now lets see if you can defend your position.

Let me give you (and like-minded libs) a hint....both Christianity and Judaism went through a reformation, bringing the old into the new. Islam has yet to do so. Perhaps this is a discussion for another time and topic.
The US went to war in Afghanistan because of 9/11

9/11 was retaliation from the Muslim world for major injustices from the USA, chief amongst them, US support for Israel's crimes.

What injustices? Like beheadings? Like putting infidels and enemies in wood chippers? Like oppression of women, gays and people of different religion? Are you referring to the growing caliphate? The Jihad? Or are you referring to the cutting off of clitorises? Gee, what "injustice" has the West accomplished? Israeli condos in the suburbs of Jerusalem?

The left has so skewed the facts and history, that they mis-phrase the attempt at self-survival and the avoidance of genocide as "crimes." If this mal-education continues, we're all doomed.
This is why we get Terrorism in America and feed the Jihadists who would and have killed us...

None of your post matters at all.
The US arms industry makes a fortune out of the wars America starts and takes part in, even if it's just the supplier.
The politicians, well paid by the arms industry, start wars to keep those profits in good order.
Dead people, even dead Americans don't matter - your politicians are getting their cut and, until you stop powerful interest groups buying your politicians, you'll carry on burying your sons.
Like oppression of women, gays and people of different religion?


JERUSALEM — Ten women, including two American rabbis, were detained by the Israeli police on Monday for praying at the Western Wall wearing prayer shawls that are traditionally used by men, in the latest escalation of a conflict over one of Judaism’s holiest sites.

BBC NEWS Middle East Gunman attacks Israeli gay centre
A lone gunman has killed two people and wounded at least 10 at a gay support centre in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv before escaping.

Most of the victims were gay teenagers, who were meeting at the centre on Nachmani street when the gunman entered and started firing indiscriminately.

The black-clad man is still at large and police have ordered the temporary closure of all gay clubs in the city.

Gay leaders say it is Israel's worst-ever hate crime against the community.

On Eve of Pope s visit to Israel Radical Israeli Settlers attack Christian Village Informed Comment

Just weeks before Pope Francis’ first official visit to the Holy Land, a number of Christian holy sites in Israel and Palestine have been targeted in ‘price tag’ attacks by the radical Israeli settler movement. These attacks have been increasing since 2008.

So. in Israel, women get arrested for praying, gays get shot at and Christians are attacked.
Nice place.
Like oppression of women, gays and people of different religion?


JERUSALEM — Ten women, including two American rabbis, were detained by the Israeli police on Monday for praying at the Western Wall wearing prayer shawls that are traditionally used by men, in the latest escalation of a conflict over one of Judaism’s holiest sites.

BBC NEWS Middle East Gunman attacks Israeli gay centre
A lone gunman has killed two people and wounded at least 10 at a gay support centre in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv before escaping.

Most of the victims were gay teenagers, who were meeting at the centre on Nachmani street when the gunman entered and started firing indiscriminately.

The black-clad man is still at large and police have ordered the temporary closure of all gay clubs in the city.

Gay leaders say it is Israel's worst-ever hate crime against the community.

On Eve of Pope s visit to Israel Radical Israeli Settlers attack Christian Village Informed Comment

Just weeks before Pope Francis’ first official visit to the Holy Land, a number of Christian holy sites in Israel and Palestine have been targeted in ‘price tag’ attacks by the radical Israeli settler movement. These attacks have been increasing since 2008.

So. in Israel, women get arrested for praying, gays get shot at and Christians are attacked.
Nice place.

I read your links. The same can be said for the US or any other free society. People are free to distain. There is much in a free society in which to find fault. That is pretty much the definition.....

What is your solution? The extremely intolerant radicalism of Islam????
Like oppression of women, gays and people of different religion?


JERUSALEM — Ten women, including two American rabbis, were detained by the Israeli police on Monday for praying at the Western Wall wearing prayer shawls that are traditionally used by men, in the latest escalation of a conflict over one of Judaism’s holiest sites.

BBC NEWS Middle East Gunman attacks Israeli gay centre
A lone gunman has killed two people and wounded at least 10 at a gay support centre in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv before escaping.

Most of the victims were gay teenagers, who were meeting at the centre on Nachmani street when the gunman entered and started firing indiscriminately.

The black-clad man is still at large and police have ordered the temporary closure of all gay clubs in the city.

Gay leaders say it is Israel's worst-ever hate crime against the community.

On Eve of Pope s visit to Israel Radical Israeli Settlers attack Christian Village Informed Comment

Just weeks before Pope Francis’ first official visit to the Holy Land, a number of Christian holy sites in Israel and Palestine have been targeted in ‘price tag’ attacks by the radical Israeli settler movement. These attacks have been increasing since 2008.

So. in Israel, women get arrested for praying, gays get shot at and Christians are attacked.
Nice place.

I read your links. The same can be said for the US or any other free society. People are free to distain. There is much in a free society in which to find fault. That is pretty much the definition.....

What is your solution? The extremely intolerant radicalism of Islam????

Not at all; just pointing out to the idiots who claim Islam is the cause of all such things, Jews and pretty much everyone else have people that believe the same, just as most Muslims, Jews, Christians and so on, don't do the things mentioned.
I agree that Israel is not a model...but yes it is better than many ultra corrupt Arab states mainly Pakistan, Syria, Iran, Qatar, Yemen, Iraq, Afganhistan, and even the Kingdom which we call an ally, but their human rights are a joke.

Fire power won't protect anyone for too long because we have 1000's of nukes and if it gets to that than Ill see you hopefully in a better place:)

All the stuff you say about us being imperialists over all of the Middle East is a huge exaggeration, we have become involved usually for good intentions like protecting Afghans from Russia. Serbia conflict, Kuwait. Etc.

Stability is in the interests of America, because the financial system thrives on stability. And stability in the Middle East lowers the price on fossil fuels, America is certainly the most powerful and exerts the most influence but Israel is not a product of the US. It is a product of many nations. We have given them arms to defend themselves and again I think the US needs to seriously focus on this issue, but many use those blanket statements because we may say that Israel is a failed policy.

I am not trying to say the US has not done things in its past that has stained our reputation, but in the age of information and social media, the US has to be more transparent and since then, we have usually served the oppressed and helped bring down evil tyrants like Hussein, Gaddafi, and I hope eventually Assad.

We have never sought to occupy, the worst we have done is send arms to fight. Even the oil, we are one of the main buyers of oil. Ask the oil guys they love the US. Everyone thought Iraq was about the oil, but did we exploit that resource. NO. A lot of it is cynical thought that derives from the very difficult issue of Palestine.

This last campaign by Israel was a terrible event and IMO was a crime. Hamas should be recognized as terrorists and so it should have been a counter terrorist operation, not let's just blow everyone and everything up. It is awful but while we have given them an army, we have no interest in oppressing the Palestinians.

We all know this goes deeper than just the land, it is Muslims and Jews that hate each other, there is something to be said that the Jews do have a claim to that land as well. It was seized from them in the rise of Islam and the Ottoman Empire, who were a machine of violence. It is racial or ethnic clashing and Truman never should have jumped on board, but the way it was presented was to be peaceful, and to give the disenfranchised Jews a home. He was pretty hesitant but signed on pretty much because many other European nations were signing on. We didn't have any ulterior motives (IMO) at that time. Maybe only to have some added security as the last 2 world wars had originated right near there.

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Again. I agree with so much of what you say.

I will not focus now on what I don't agree with.
Respect to you J. Morton. :welcome:

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