Why we don't believe the MSM: Proof is in the photo!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
AP writes the below...
All around them, eyeballs — most belonging to men — are averted. Heads are bowed around the table, including those of Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley and House Republican Whip Steve Scalise. House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy’s eyes are closed. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell is obstructed, but he’s there, leaning back in a blue tie, a few chairs down from Trump.
About that photo: Trump, Pelosi clash amid impeachment

Yet once again... BIASED MSM AP makes a statement as if TRUE and many people believe them!
Look at the photo:
Scalise is looking at his desk...not bowed!
Milley head bowed.
BUT then contrary to "all around ....are averted"! F...king LIE!
Trump, looking right at her!
And where are "McCarthy's eyes closed?
Mulvaney looking right at her.
And so we are to believe McConnell's head bowed?

Folks again we keep telling you people that believe the BIASED MSM is not doing their job and
as a result the majority of Americans have their OWN eyeballs proving the BIASED MSM are liars.

Screen Shot 2019-10-18 at 10.23.43 AM.png
Also AP said "All around them, eyeballs — most belonging to men — are averted."
Another LIE! where are the Women in this photo?
And if so where are their eyeballs...?
Again bull crap, biased totally dishonest reporting.
FACTS of a photo totally making the AP article a LIE!
They were all thinking "What the hell is wrong with this crazy bitch?"

I suspect they all laughed like hell after she left.

Just look at that showboating grandstanding theatrical do nothing leader of the house....how can any thinking honest sincere dem not be ashamed?...
They were all thinking "What the hell is wrong with this crazy bitch?"

I suspect they all laughed like hell after she left.
look at the generals...they have their heads down saying oh boy here she goes again....this is why Obama kept her on a short leash....
LOL...WTF this thread about? Someone looking in certain direction in a snap-moment photo?

LOL...WTF this thread about? Someone looking in certain direction in a snap-moment photo?

The question is why did Trump think the photo made some statement?

and both Scalise and McCarthy voted with the dems on Trump's Turkey Trot.

He also thought that the adolecent-grade letter he sent to Turkish president made him look good. :rolleyes:
LOL...WTF this thread about? Someone looking a certain way in a snap photo? Seriously?
Its about Pelosi theatrics.....once again she storms out like we all forgot this is her pattern of behavior....

Where you in that closed door meeting?

If Trump was un-hinged as described then the walkout was completely warranted.
Don't be so stupid.

He's a liberal, he can't help it.
LOL...WTF this thread about? Someone looking in certain direction in a snap-moment photo?

The question is why did Trump think the photo made some statement?

and both Scalise and McCarthy voted with the dems on Trump's Turkey Trot.

He also thought that the adolecent-grade letter he sent to Turkish president made him look good. :rolleyes:
And how do you know that?

TRASH, TRASH, TRASH... that's all you pathetic TDS leftist ass clowns can talk, 24/7, nothing but unhinged, butt hurt, BULL SHIT.

You people are sickening to the vast majority of Americans, and people are getting damn sick and tired of your disgusting gas.

You're FUCKED next year at the ballot box, guaranteed.
LOL...WTF this thread about? Someone looking a certain way in a snap photo? Seriously?
Its about Pelosi theatrics.....once again she storms out like we all forgot this is her pattern of behavior....

Where you in that closed door meeting?

If Trump was un-hinged as described then the walkout was completely warranted.
According to those present, the only one unhinged was PELOSIE... She has nothing and she is ignorant..

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