Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

What were the reasons given and what are your thoughts on why a bunch of foreigners decided to attack America.?

It is agreed that al qaeda started to take credit for attacks America starting in 1992. We can go back and ask why America was being attacked overseas by Muslim extremists.

Context has a funny way of making commonly accepted myths and beliefs seem like quaint delusions.


Two decades ago it all started. I wonder how many people know the full context of it all
Historians typically show that the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan triggered Islamic Terrorism moement. I wonder if YOU understand the full contest of it all.

Why are you so eager to discredit the United States, Dante? Did your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight? Awwww... :eusa_whistle:

How very odd you see a discrediting of the USA in what you've read. You are truly a sad individual :(

The Russians gave us lots, Ayn Rand, crazy asylum seekers who have taken America so far to the right they could trigger what they fear most
Me sad? Sorry, Dante, but I've been following the tale of jihadists for many years, having read Secretary of State Madeline Albright's state department notes, and Russian aggression into Afghanistan as being a bellweather for more Stalinesque peace killings than the previous tens of millions of deaths Russia inflicted on more citizens it had conquest over. Had you been aware of the number of Russian deaths due to bolshevism, you would have realized a lot of terroristic antagonism toward the West began not in this hemisphere, but another.

Stop discrediting the USA. Because of us, the Middle East has learned every last one of our tricks for extracting oil from the depths of the earth and become one of the richest entities in the world. In return, we gave up our holdings in the countries in which the Arab countries requested it without war. It wasn't until our best allies in the region--Kuwait and Israel were threatened continuously by Saddam Hussein that we went postal. We paid attention to his numbers of killings, and indeed, he was even worse than Osama bin Laden, and President Bush saw to it he did not get away with a million and a half Arab murders unpunished. Yes, it was an inconvenient thing for him to rally 40 other countries, and at one time, over 60 countries, to form a coalition against him, but it had to be done to stop the ethnic cleansing Saddam Hussein was doing.

You got what you wanted. Democrats in congress saw to it that we would NEVER benefit financially in any way from this discipline measure we took, and that we would only pay. YOU did that, and now, we can't even pay all the interest on the loans made for that war and Obama's war on conservatives, whom he called his "enemies" for the past 5 years.

Since YOU Democrats saw to it to hobble the nation from any good will or spoils of the war, YOU failed to prosper the country except to enrich your top politicians by looking the other way and threatening conservatives to watch Nancy Pelosi's family fortune rise from two million to upwards of 900 million dollars in net worth if you include all the benefits she's bestowed on family members whose benefits totaled anywhere from half a billion in the case of Solyndra and a goodly chunk of the 1.3 billion in similar 100% guaranteed paybacks via the American taxpayer for her little green company in the desert making products that couldn't possibly compete with innovative competitors in China, who wound up purchasing the mess for a song, while her relatives walked away with full pockets with interest on businesses that went bankrupt.

Don't lecture me, pal. You're covering butt for creeps who view other taxpayers as abject suckers in the PT Barnum sense of the word.
We were attacked because of more than a half century of failed foreign policy and interference in the Middle East.

We have jumped into bed with more people than a $2 whore in any bid to gain influence and control in the region.

It's no mystery as to why we are disliked.
Historians typically show that the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan triggered Islamic Terrorism moement. I wonder if YOU understand the full contest of it all.

Why are you so eager to discredit the United States, Dante? Did your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight? Awwww... :eusa_whistle:

How very odd you see a discrediting of the USA in what you've read. You are truly a sad individual :(

The Russians gave us lots, Ayn Rand, crazy asylum seekers who have taken America so far to the right they could trigger what they fear most
Me sad? Sorry, Dante, but I've been following the tale of jihadists for many years, having read Secretary of State Madeline Albright's state department notes, and Russian aggression into Afghanistan as being a bellweather for more Stalinesque peace killings than the previous tens of millions of deaths Russia inflicted on more citizens it had conquest over. Had you been aware of the number of Russian deaths due to bolshevism, you would have realized a lot of terroristic antagonism toward the West began not in this hemisphere, but another.

Stop discrediting the USA. Because of us, the Middle East has learned every last one of our tricks for extracting oil from the depths of the earth and become one of the richest entities in the world. In return, we gave up our holdings in the countries in which the Arab countries requested it without war. It wasn't until our best allies in the region--Kuwait and Israel were threatened continuously by Saddam Hussein that we went postal. We paid attention to his numbers of killings, and indeed, he was even worse than Osama bin Laden, and President Bush saw to it he did not get away with a million and a half Arab murders unpunished. Yes, it was an inconvenient thing for him to rally 40 other countries, and at one time, over 60 countries, to form a coalition against him, but it had to be done to stop the ethnic cleansing Saddam Hussein was doing.

You got what you wanted. Democrats in congress saw to it that we would NEVER benefit financially in any way from this discipline measure we took, and that we would only pay. YOU did that, and now, we can't even pay all the interest on the loans made for that war and Obama's war on conservatives, whom he called his "enemies" for the past 5 years.

Since YOU Democrats saw to it to hobble the nation from any good will or spoils of the war, YOU failed to prosper the country except to enrich your top politicians by looking the other way and threatening conservatives to watch Nancy Pelosi's family fortune rise from two million to upwards of 900 million dollars in net worth if you include all the benefits she's bestowed on family members whose benefits totaled anywhere from half a billion in the case of Solyndra and a goodly chunk of the 1.3 billion in similar 100% guaranteed paybacks via the American taxpayer for her little green company in the desert making products that couldn't possibly compete with innovative competitors in China, who wound up purchasing the mess for a song, while her relatives walked away with full pockets with interest on businesses that went bankrupt.

Don't lecture me, pal. You're covering butt for creeps who view other taxpayers as abject suckers in the PT Barnum sense of the word.

Democrats? No one is discrediting the USA. You are the nut job that is being discredited. You sound as nutty as Ayn Rand, without the intellect
We were attacked because of more than a half century of failed foreign policy and interference in the Middle East.

We have jumped into bed with more people than a $2 whore in any bid to gain influence and control in the region.

It's no mystery as to why we are disliked.

I agree partly. The facts are difficult to ignore. But your opinion of it all being 'failure' is just that, an opinion. And a poor one as far as I see it. Not being an isolationist, I don't think we had many choices as far as the geopolitics of the era. To insinuate another choice would have better rather than different would be to delve deep into ignorance. What happened?

Life is always full of unintended consequences. No matter what we chose to do, we would have suffered unintended consequences. Life is all about how we deal with things that come our way, not about how we would like to make things happen ..
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How very odd you see a discrediting of the USA in what you've read. You are truly a sad individual :(

The Russians gave us lots, Ayn Rand, crazy asylum seekers who have taken America so far to the right they could trigger what they fear most
Me sad? Sorry, Dante, but I've been following the tale of jihadists for many years, having read Secretary of State Madeline Albright's state department notes, and Russian aggression into Afghanistan as being a bellweather for more Stalinesque peace killings than the previous tens of millions of deaths Russia inflicted on more citizens it had conquest over. Had you been aware of the number of Russian deaths due to bolshevism, you would have realized a lot of terroristic antagonism toward the West began not in this hemisphere, but another.

Stop discrediting the USA. Because of us, the Middle East has learned every last one of our tricks for extracting oil from the depths of the earth and become one of the richest entities in the world. In return, we gave up our holdings in the countries in which the Arab countries requested it without war. It wasn't until our best allies in the region--Kuwait and Israel were threatened continuously by Saddam Hussein that we went postal. We paid attention to his numbers of killings, and indeed, he was even worse than Osama bin Laden, and President Bush saw to it he did not get away with a million and a half Arab murders unpunished. Yes, it was an inconvenient thing for him to rally 40 other countries, and at one time, over 60 countries, to form a coalition against him, but it had to be done to stop the ethnic cleansing Saddam Hussein was doing.

You got what you wanted. Democrats in congress saw to it that we would NEVER benefit financially in any way from this discipline measure we took, and that we would only pay. YOU did that, and now, we can't even pay all the interest on the loans made for that war and Obama's war on conservatives, whom he called his "enemies" for the past 5 years.

Since YOU Democrats saw to it to hobble the nation from any good will or spoils of the war, YOU failed to prosper the country except to enrich your top politicians by looking the other way and threatening conservatives to watch Nancy Pelosi's family fortune rise from two million to upwards of 900 million dollars in net worth if you include all the benefits she's bestowed on family members whose benefits totaled anywhere from half a billion in the case of Solyndra and a goodly chunk of the 1.3 billion in similar 100% guaranteed paybacks via the American taxpayer for her little green company in the desert making products that couldn't possibly compete with innovative competitors in China, who wound up purchasing the mess for a song, while her relatives walked away with full pockets with interest on businesses that went bankrupt.

Don't lecture me, pal. You're covering butt for creeps who view other taxpayers as abject suckers in the PT Barnum sense of the word.

Democrats? No one is discrediting the USA. You are the nut job that is being discredited. You sound as nutty as Ayn Rand, without the intellect
You're just wrong, Mr. Dante, and here's your soul-mate:

Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters ~ "As far as I'm concerned, the Tea Party can go straight to hell ... and I intend to help them get there."


Me sad? Sorry, Dante, but I've been following the tale of jihadists for many years, having read Secretary of State Madeline Albright's state department notes, and Russian aggression into Afghanistan as being a bellweather for more Stalinesque peace killings than the previous tens of millions of deaths Russia inflicted on more citizens it had conquest over. Had you been aware of the number of Russian deaths due to bolshevism, you would have realized a lot of terroristic antagonism toward the West began not in this hemisphere, but another.

Stop discrediting the USA. Because of us, the Middle East has learned every last one of our tricks for extracting oil from the depths of the earth and become one of the richest entities in the world. In return, we gave up our holdings in the countries in which the Arab countries requested it without war. It wasn't until our best allies in the region--Kuwait and Israel were threatened continuously by Saddam Hussein that we went postal. We paid attention to his numbers of killings, and indeed, he was even worse than Osama bin Laden, and President Bush saw to it he did not get away with a million and a half Arab murders unpunished. Yes, it was an inconvenient thing for him to rally 40 other countries, and at one time, over 60 countries, to form a coalition against him, but it had to be done to stop the ethnic cleansing Saddam Hussein was doing.

You got what you wanted. Democrats in congress saw to it that we would NEVER benefit financially in any way from this discipline measure we took, and that we would only pay. YOU did that, and now, we can't even pay all the interest on the loans made for that war and Obama's war on conservatives, whom he called his "enemies" for the past 5 years.

Since YOU Democrats saw to it to hobble the nation from any good will or spoils of the war, YOU failed to prosper the country except to enrich your top politicians by looking the other way and threatening conservatives to watch Nancy Pelosi's family fortune rise from two million to upwards of 900 million dollars in net worth if you include all the benefits she's bestowed on family members whose benefits totaled anywhere from half a billion in the case of Solyndra and a goodly chunk of the 1.3 billion in similar 100% guaranteed paybacks via the American taxpayer for her little green company in the desert making products that couldn't possibly compete with innovative competitors in China, who wound up purchasing the mess for a song, while her relatives walked away with full pockets with interest on businesses that went bankrupt.

Don't lecture me, pal. You're covering butt for creeps who view other taxpayers as abject suckers in the PT Barnum sense of the word.

Democrats? No one is discrediting the USA. You are the nut job that is being discredited. You sound as nutty as Ayn Rand, without the intellect
You're just wrong, Mr. Dante, and here's your soul-mate:

Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters ~ "As far as I'm concerned, the Tea Party can go straight to hell ... and I intend to help them get there."


This is obviously a direct threat on thier lives. She is gangsta and all.
Motives for the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The attacks of September 11, 2001 in the northeast United States were an organized terrorist act carried out by 19 hijackers, and organized by numerous members of al-Qaeda. Motives for the attacks were stated before and after the attacks in several sources, iOsama bin Laden's declaration of a holy war against the United States, and a fatwā signed by bin Laden and others calling for the killing of American civilians in 1998, are seen by investigators as evidence of his motivation.[2] In bin Laden's November 2002 "Letter to America",[3][4] he explicitly stated that al-Qaeda's motives for their attacks include: Western support for attacking Muslims in Somalia, supporting Russian atrocities against Muslims in Chechnya, supporting the Indian oppression against Muslims in Kashmir, the Jewish aggression against Muslims in Lebanon, the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia,[4][5][6] U.S. support of Israel,[7][8] and sanctions against Iraq.[9]
To invoke the Patriot Act and Martial law.

that sums it all up right there why it happened.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

also so the corporations could profit.war means big buisness for them,thats why the CIA killed JFK cause he was going to pull out of vietnam.LBj reversed his policy and esculated the war.same organization behind 9/11 for same reasons as well as the patriot act like he said.
Motives for the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The attacks of September 11, 2001 in the northeast United States were an organized terrorist act carried out by 19 hijackers, and organized by numerous members of al-Qaeda. Motives for the attacks were stated before and after the attacks in several sources, iOsama bin Laden's declaration of a holy war against the United States, and a fatwā signed by bin Laden and others calling for the killing of American civilians in 1998, are seen by investigators as evidence of his motivation.[2] In bin Laden's November 2002 "Letter to America",[3][4] he explicitly stated that al-Qaeda's motives for their attacks include: Western support for attacking Muslims in Somalia, supporting Russian atrocities against Muslims in Chechnya, supporting the Indian oppression against Muslims in Kashmir, the Jewish aggression against Muslims in Lebanon, the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia,[4][5][6] U.S. support of Israel,[7][8] and sanctions against Iraq.[9]
The irrational acts and reasoning of a madman?
Deserves repeating...

Why was America attacked on September 11, 2001?

What were the reasons given and what are your thoughts on why a bunch of foreigners decided to attack America.?

It is agreed that al qaeda started to take credit for attacks America starting in 1992. We can go back and ask why America was being attacked overseas by Muslim extremists.

Context has a funny way of making commonly accepted myths and beliefs seem like quaint delusions.


Two decades ago it all started. I wonder how many people know the full context of it all

On December 29, 1992,[1] the first attack by Al-Qaeda was carried out in Aden, Yemen.[2][3][4] That evening, a bomb went off at the Gold Mohur hotel, where U.S. troops had been staying while en route to Somalia, though the troops had already left when the bomb exploded. The bombers targeted a second hotel, the Aden Movenpick, where they believed American troops might also be staying. That bomb detonated prematurely in the hotel car park, around the same time as the other bomb explosion, killing two Australian tourists.[1][3] Bin Laden later claimed that he and Mohamed Khan were responsible for the 1992 Yemen attack
Timeline of al-Qaeda attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- Dec. 29, 1992

In the first al-Qaida attack against U.S. forces, operatives bomb a hotel where U.S. troops -- on their way to a humanitarian mission in Somalia -- had been staying. Two Austrian tourists are killed. Almost simultaneously, another group of al-Qaida operatives are caught at Aden airport, Yemen, as they prepare to launch rockets at U.S. military planes. U.S. troops quickly leave Aden.

--Feb. 26, 1993

The first World Trade Center attack and the first terrorist attack on America. A bomb built in nearby Jersey City is driven into an underground garage at the trade center and detonated, killing six and wounding 1,500. Yousef, nephew of Khalid Sheik Mohammed, masterminds the attack, working with nearly a dozen local Muslims. While U.S. officials disagree on whether Osama bin Laden instituted the attack and Yousef denies he has met bin Laden, the CIA later learns that Yousef stayed in a bin Laden-owned guest house in Pakistan both before and after the attacks.
Al-Qaida timeline: Plots and attacks - World news - Hunt for Al-Qaida | NBC News
According to KSM, we were attacked because of our un-conditional support of Israel.

[Excerpted from PBS Frontline (John Miller) 1998 interview with Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan.

[. . .]We know at least one reason behind the symbolic participation of the Western forces and that is to support the Zionist plans for expansion of what is called the Greater Israel. Surely, their presence is not out of concern over their interests in the region. ... Their presence has no meaning save one and that is to offer support to the Jews in Palestine who are in need of their Christian brothers to achieve full control over the Arab Peninsula which they intend to make an important part of the so called Greater Israel. ...

Who Is Bin Laden? - Interview With Osama Bin Laden (in May 1998) | Hunting Bin Laden | FRONTLINE | PBS

Because these radical scum like living in the stone age.
And they hate anyone who doesn't want to hang out with them.
Because someone was trying to drive a foreign policy change that benefits the U.S., Israel, Saudi Arabia and various other filth. Ultimately it was about money and the empire building necessary to create that wealth.

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