Why Trump was elected in 2016


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
The American people knew he was a narcissistic buffoon, but they elected him anyway. Why? In a nutshell, because they believed the establishment elite are worse. Nothing has changed. They still greatly mistrust the establishment and the establishment are doing things that only further this mistrust.

The Vaccine Aristocrats​

Covid-19 cases are rising, but the "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated" blame-game campaign is the worst way to address the problem​

This is the same political story that’s dominated America since Trump arrived. Why did Americans vote for such a truth-challenged candidate? Because they trusted the political aristocracy less. How did the aristocrats respond to that damning message sent at the ballot box? They doubled the lies and doubled the scolding, increasing the mistrust. Is anyone going to bother trying to break this cycle?
The Vaccine Aristocrats
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The only candidate Trump beats was Hillary but the (D)'s were so insulated they were unable to see that.

When Bernie beat Hillary in places like Michigan and Wisconsin the (D)'s should have realized they had a problem but then of course, it was too late by then.

There was no way I wanted Trump to win but I really wanted Hillary to lose. Again, there is no way I wanted Biden to win but I really wanted Trump to lose.
The American people knew he was a narcissistic buffoon, but they elected him anyway. Why? In a nutshell, because they believed the establishment elite are worse. Nothing has changed. They still greatly mistrust the establishment and the establishment is doing things that only further this mistrust.

Yep. They're doubling down on the same old same old. Opening the door for Trump, or someone worse.
Yep. They're doubling down on the same old same old. Opening the door for Trump, or someone worse.

They opened the door by picking Harris. Obviously she is not going to go over well and to toss her aside is going to offend many others.
The American people knew he was a narcissistic buffoon, but they elected him anyway. Why? In a nutshell, because they believed the establishment elite are worse.
People were dissatisfied with the quagmire Washington had become. Trump sold himself as a master businessman and deal maker who would get things done.
At the time, people voted for him and asked…….What do we have to lose/ How bad can he be?

We found out
People were dissatisfied with the quagmire Washington had become. Trump sold himself as a master businessman and deal maker who would get things done.
At the time, people voted for him and asked…….What do we have to lose/ How bad can he be?

We found out
Not sure they got the memo.
The American people knew he was a narcissistic buffoon, but they elected him anyway. Why? In a nutshell, because they believed the establishment elite are worse. Nothing has changed. They still greatly mistrust the establishment and the establishment is doing things that only further this mistrust.

The Vaccine Aristocrats​

Covid-19 cases are rising, but the "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated" blame-game campaign is the worst way to address the problem​

This is the same political story that’s dominated America since Trump arrived. Why did Americans vote for such a truth-challenged candidate? Because they trusted the political aristocracy less. How did the aristocrats respond to that damning message sent at the ballot box? They doubled the lies and doubled the scolding, increasing the mistrust. Is anyone going to bother trying to break this cycle?
The Vaccine Aristocrats

Why Trump was elected in 2016​

1.) Eight grueling years of the Hate America, Change America Kenyan
2.) A hardcore Fuck Wetbacks policy
3.) An Americans First commitment and agenda

Simple shit.
People were dissatisfied with the quagmire Washington had become. Trump sold himself as a master businessman and deal maker who would get things done.
At the time, people voted for him and asked…….What do we have to lose/ How bad can he be?

We found out
Nobody found out. We just elected biden :rolleyes:

Why Trump was elected in 2016​

download (20).jpeg

Why Trump was elected in 2016​

1.) Eight grueling years of the Hate America, Change America Kenyan
2.) A hardcore Fuck Wetbacks policy
3.) An Americans First commitment and agenda

Simple shit.
You misspelled "stupid".
People often like to blame Trump for the vast racial divide in this country.

He's not the cause of it, though. He's the result of it...
Joe Biden offered a return to normalcy and stable, no drama leadership.
The country jumped at it
Normalcy? Thats what you guys scream about changing literally every day. Trump offered "change" from the "normalcy" thats why he won.
Do you ever actually THINK?
The people got tired of his immaturity and stupidity. In return, we got stuck with a drooling boomer that cant complete a fucking sentence.
This country is full of dumbfucks.
Enough got the memo for Trump to lose Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona and Georgia

States he won in 2016
True. But the margins were far too close. So close that Republicans seem to have no interest in replacing him as their leader. Many Democrats are pleased by this. They think sticking with Trump will ensure Republican losses in the future. Kinda like they were pleased when he was nominated in 2016. They thought it meant they would cruise to victory.

They were wrong. Are they wrong again?
Normalcy? Thats what you guys scream about changing literally every day. Trump offered "change" from the "normalcy" thats why he won.
Do you ever actually THINK?
The people got tired of his immaturity and stupidity. In return, we got stuck with a drooling boomer that cant complete a fucking sentence.
This country is full of dumbfucks.
Dumb Joe isn’t a boomer. He was born before the boomers. He’s an old fucker.

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