Why Trump is Now Irrelevant to the Liberation of the American Worker


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Trump is not the moron the left tries to make him out to be and he demonstrates that point quite well in this speech where he accurately describes his moment in history.

Even though I agree with the essence of Trumps speech here, the second part of how to re-integrate the elites back into humane and productive society he leaves out, and I think he is keeping that to himself so as to not tip his hand.

But as to why I think Trump is irrelevant now is because he has revealed three things:
1. Trump has shown that the political experts who brand people to be 'Losers' for breaking politically correct maxims and which then dries up the Donor Class from making any further contributions to said candidate is all just another string by which the elites play us like a puppet. Such candidates can still win if they continue to receive donations and Trump has proven it. Trump spoke Truthfully when he asserted America was no longer the greatest nation of this world but we can be.

The Most Honest Three Minutes In Television History

2. Trump proved beyond reasonable doubt what utter horse shit polls are. The polls in Michigan, Floriduh, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and many more states that were considered unwinnable by Trump he won.

3. Trump has exposed the Elites as the unAmerican, worker hating fiends that they truly are. Trump has proven that the elites have zero respect for our elections or the electoral process. The man behind the curtain cannot make the public forget he is there once he has been discovered.

Trump has made his greatest accomplishment by simply winning the election and now he works to dismantle the Uber State one brick at a time and I am truly enjoying the howls of the Establishment as each brick hits the ground.

Driving Trump from office will be the final proof that the Deep State cannot abide those who oppose them effectively, no matter what it finally costs them in Good Will.

It is not often in hstory that one man can win against overwhelming odds, but it occasionally does happen, and it has happened in our political system with Trump and it is a done deal.
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uh huh, so Jim, you're telling us a wall street silver spoon elite ,someone who has NO IDEA of how a working man in America survives, someone who hires immigrants, knows exactly how to make America Great for us?

Can you say Tea Party?

Trump , a man who boasts of wealth and being a know it all, has been screwing the working man all of his life and many small contractors have gone without pay due to him. Man he is a rotten businessman and a user of people, which is why he went into reality TV and had to end up using Russian money, no one in their right mind would finance him in the US. He is the king of the swamp creatures and he has filled up his admin. with the real swamp creatures.
uh huh, so Jim, you're telling us a wall street silver spoon elite ,someone who has NO IDEA of how a working man in America survives, someone who hires immigrants, knows exactly how to make America Great for us?

Can you say Tea Party?


You do not even have the basic facts on Trump straight, which is not surprising, so I am not even going to bother refuting your tired worn out horse shit.
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Trump , a man who boasts of wealth and being a know it all, has been screwing the working man all of his life and many small contractors have gone without pay due to him. Man he is a rotten businessman and a user of people, which is why he went into reality TV and had to end up using Russian money, no one in their right mind would finance him in the US. He is the king of the swamp creatures and he has filled up his admin. with the real swamp creatures.
Trump , a man who boasts of wealth and being a know it all, has been screwing the working man all of his life and many small contractors have gone without pay due to him. Man he is a rotten businessman and a user of people, which is why he went into reality TV and had to end up using Russian money, no one in their right mind would finance him in the US. He is the king of the swamp creatures and he has filled up his admin. with the real swamp creatures.
Trump won IMHO primarily because Hillary was such a terrible candidate. She is disliked by vast numbers of Americans, for good reason. She is corrupt, a liar, a corporatist and elitist...and a major warmonger.

What I find most revealing is the D Party had to rig their primaries so she could win and members of the MSM colluded with her campaign, to steal the nomination. Yet amazingly, there have been almost no consequences for these corrupt actions.

The two major criminal parties should be dissolved ASAP.
Trump , a man who boasts of wealth and being a know it all, has been screwing the working man all of his life and many small contractors have gone without pay due to him. Man he is a rotten businessman and a user of people, which is why he went into reality TV and had to end up using Russian money, no one in their right mind would finance him in the US. He is the king of the swamp creatures and he has filled up his admin. with the real swamp creatures.
Trump won IMHO primarily because Hillary was such a terrible candidate. She is disliked by vast numbers of Americans, for good reason. She is corrupt, a liar, a corporatist and elitist...and a major warmonger.

What I find most revealing is the D Party had to rig their primaries so she could win and members of the MSM colluded with her campaign, to steal the nomination. Yet amazingly, there have been almost no consequences for these corrupt actions.

The two major criminal parties should be dissolved ASAP.

Clinton lost by 80,000 votes among 3 states which changed the EC , she could not of been that bad. I don't believe all the hoopla about Clinton. She won the maj vote.
Trump , a man who boasts of wealth and being a know it all, has been screwing the working man all of his life and many small contractors have gone without pay due to him. Man he is a rotten businessman and a user of people, which is why he went into reality TV and had to end up using Russian money, no one in their right mind would finance him in the US. He is the king of the swamp creatures and he has filled up his admin. with the real swamp creatures.
Trump won IMHO primarily because Hillary was such a terrible candidate. She is disliked by vast numbers of Americans, for good reason. She is corrupt, a liar, a corporatist and elitist...and a major warmonger.

What I find most revealing is the D Party had to rig their primaries so she could win and members of the MSM colluded with her campaign, to steal the nomination. Yet amazingly, there have been almost no consequences for these corrupt actions.

The two major criminal parties should be dissolved ASAP.

Clinton lost by 80,000 votes among 3 states which changed the EC , she could not of been that bad. I don't believe all the hoopla about Clinton. She won the maj vote.
LMFAO...of course she was that bad. This is obvious.

Now...Trump might be just as bad. Sadly, we have generally had to decide to vote for one of two criminals for POTUS for many decades.

Time for a third, forth, and fifth...and maybe sixth and seventh party. Of course, the two criminal parties won't allow it and the ruling class and MSM assist them in preventing the success of third parties.
Trump is not the moron the left tries to make him out to be and he demonstrates that point quite well in this speech where he accurately describes his moment in history.

Even though I agree with the essence of Trumps speech here, the second part of how to re-integrate the elites back into humane and productive society he leaves out, and I think he is keeping that to himself so as to not tip his hand.

But as to why I think Trump is irrelevant now is because he has revealed three things:
1. Trump has shown that the political experts who brand people to be 'Losers' for breaking politically correct maxims and which then dries up the Donor Class from making any further contributions to said candidate is all just another string by which the elites play us like a puppet. Such candidates can still win if they continue to receive donations and Trump has proven it. Trump spoke Truthfully when he asserted America was no longer the greatest nation of this world but we can be.

The Most Honest Three Minutes In Television History

2. Trump proved beyond reasonable doubt what utter horse shit polls are. The polls in Michigan, Floriduh, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and many more states that were considered unwinnable by Trump he won.

LOL! Yes he is! Try again my friend.

3. Trump has exposed the Elites as the unAmerican, worker hating fiends that they truly are. Trump has proven that the elites have zero respect for our elections or the electoral process. The man behind the curtain cannot make the public forget he is there once he has been discovered.

Trump has made his greatest accomplishment by simply winning the election and now he works to dismantle the Uber State one brick at a time and I am truly enjoying the howls of the Establishment as each brick hits the ground.

Driving Trump from office will be the final proof that the Deep State cannot abide those who oppose them effectively, no matter what it finally costs them in Good Will.

It is not often in hstory that one man can win against overwhelming odds, but it occasionally does happen, and it has happened in our political system with Trump and it is a done deal.
We've a history of 3rd parties that, is rather dismal gipper,,,,~S~
True...and why? IMHO because the two major criminal parties, the federal government, the ruling class, and the MSM all collude to make sure third parties go nowhere.
We've a history of 3rd parties that, is rather dismal gipper,,,,~S~
True...and why? IMHO because the two major criminal parties, the federal government, the ruling class, and the MSM all collude to make sure third parties go nowhere.

Nah. Most Americans identify as "independent". They'd vote for someone who had an independent platform that wasn't retarded.

You guys......meaning the USMB members who whine about "both parties being the same", can never seem to find someone who checks all your boxes. So, you bitch and moan.

Ya gotta compromise, fellas.

It is funny, though, that you fuckers always seem to find more sympathy from Republicans than from Democrats. Wonder why that is?
We've a history of 3rd parties that, is rather dismal gipper,,,,~S~
True...and why? IMHO because the two major criminal parties, the federal government, the ruling class, and the MSM all collude to make sure third parties go nowhere.

Nah. Most Americans identify as "independent". They'd vote for someone who had an independent platform that wasn't retarded.

You guys......meaning the USMB members who whine about "both parties being the same", can never seem to find someone who checks all your boxes. So, you bitch and moan.

Ya gotta compromise, fellas.

It is funny, though, that you fuckers always seem to find more sympathy from Republicans than from Democrats. Wonder why that is?
Another dumb post...you are prolific at this.

It is absurd on its face, that 320 million Americans get the choice between two criminals for POTUS. You failing to see the absurdity of this, does you no favors.
We've a history of 3rd parties that, is rather dismal gipper,,,,~S~
True...and why? IMHO because the two major criminal parties, the federal government, the ruling class, and the MSM all collude to make sure third parties go nowhere.

Nah. Most Americans identify as "independent". They'd vote for someone who had an independent platform that wasn't retarded.

You guys......meaning the USMB members who whine about "both parties being the same", can never seem to find someone who checks all your boxes. So, you bitch and moan.

Ya gotta compromise, fellas.

It is funny, though, that you fuckers always seem to find more sympathy from Republicans than from Democrats. Wonder why that is?
Another dumb post...you are prolific at this.

It is absurd on its face, that 320 million Americans get the choice between two criminals for POTUS. You failing to see the absurdity of this, does you no favors.

Incorrect. There have been more than two people on the ballot in every presidential election of your lifetime. Often more than 10. The choice is there.

I'm for severe campaign finance reform. Are you? I think campaigns should be publicly funded and should last no.longer than 3 months. Do you?
We've a history of 3rd parties that, is rather dismal gipper,,,,~S~
True...and why? IMHO because the two major criminal parties, the federal government, the ruling class, and the MSM all collude to make sure third parties go nowhere.

Nah. Most Americans identify as "independent". They'd vote for someone who had an independent platform that wasn't retarded.

You guys......meaning the USMB members who whine about "both parties being the same", can never seem to find someone who checks all your boxes. So, you bitch and moan.

Ya gotta compromise, fellas.

It is funny, though, that you fuckers always seem to find more sympathy from Republicans than from Democrats. Wonder why that is?
Another dumb post...you are prolific at this.

It is absurd on its face, that 320 million Americans get the choice between two criminals for POTUS. You failing to see the absurdity of this, does you no favors.

Incorrect. There have been more than two people on the ballot in every presidential election of your lifetime. Often more than 10. The choice is there.

I'm for severe campaign finance reform. Are you? I think campaigns should be publicly funded and should last no.longer than 3 months. Do you?
Yet another absurd post.

Throughout ALL of American history, no third party candidate has EVER had a chance. They are merely spoilers at best. So...logically...third party candidates have no chance.
We've a history of 3rd parties that, is rather dismal gipper,,,,~S~
True...and why? IMHO because the two major criminal parties, the federal government, the ruling class, and the MSM all collude to make sure third parties go nowhere.

Nah. Most Americans identify as "independent". They'd vote for someone who had an independent platform that wasn't retarded.

You guys......meaning the USMB members who whine about "both parties being the same", can never seem to find someone who checks all your boxes. So, you bitch and moan.

Ya gotta compromise, fellas.

It is funny, though, that you fuckers always seem to find more sympathy from Republicans than from Democrats. Wonder why that is?
Another dumb post...you are prolific at this.

It is absurd on its face, that 320 million Americans get the choice between two criminals for POTUS. You failing to see the absurdity of this, does you no favors.

Incorrect. There have been more than two people on the ballot in every presidential election of your lifetime. Often more than 10. The choice is there.

I'm for severe campaign finance reform. Are you? I think campaigns should be publicly funded and should last no.longer than 3 months. Do you?
Yet another absurd post.

Throughout ALL of American history, no third party candidate has EVER had a chance. They are merely spoilers at best. So...logically...third party candidates have no chance.

Is the reason they have no chance because they suck or because they because don't have enough money?

It sounds to me like you WANT to bitch and moan for the rest of your life.

I'm suggesting a solution to the problem. You bitch and moan.

BTW. If we have three viable parties in our current system, a person could win with support from just 34% of the nation. Even less if we have more than 3 viable parties. Opening the door to more populism.

Be careful. You might get what you ask for.

Got any solutions? Or are you just gonna whine until you croak?

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