Why Trolling Is a Bad Idea, the Secret Thereof


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
Click on Managed Attachment below and wait a few seconds to find the secret of why trolling is a bad idea:


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I think it will catch up with one sooner or later...

I believe that we are here for only a short time, and that what we do of the spirit remains in the spirit.
I see many trolls on here that have huge reps. They seem to be the norm in here.
Another name for them would be assholes.
I see many trolls on here that have huge reps. They seem to be the norm in here.
Another name for them would be assholes.
Some of the trolls don't know they're trolls.

They're trained by organizers who reward them in Pavlovian ways to be character assassins.

When they come to a mixed board, they are exposed to both sides.

Some of them realize Republicans and conservatives as just other Americans who value founders, their life-and-death struggle in the Revolutionary War against a polarized political system such as monarchy.

Some come to respect it and value the harsh place life became for the signers of the Declaration of Independence who were singled out and sought for punishment by British troops to prevent America from becoming its own sovereign state with its own people setting its future course.

That's when the truth sets in, that America is good, and not bad; and that the founders put all they had--goods, property, and self on the line so their children and childrens children could be free people, and that selflessness and giving befits a nation more than big government, which fails due to usurpation of a few who become so addicted to power they do anything to get it, keep it, and welsh others out of it.
I think that driver violated the rule of staying on the road for safety....
Actually trolling is an excellent way of catching fish under the right conditions. This video needed a boat.

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