Why there is no middle ground with the Left

history has always taught us, that leftist tyrants never believe in “middle grow”
history has always taught us, that leftist tyrants never believe in “middle grow”

Is there a history of left wing tyrants in America? Why don't you get out your guns and take out the tyrants in the WH. Here's your big chance to justify their use. Home of the brave?? Dickheads more like it.
If you had not noticed, there is no middle ground with the Left, but if you look at their ideology, it will become evident as to why

Global Warming

Those on the Left insist that the entire world fight global warming, and those that refuse must be either forced to change their thoughts, or coerced. There is no middle ground and it MUST encompass the entire globe or all efforts will fail

Promotion of Abortion and Gender Confusion

Those on the Left are preoccupied with overpopulation, which is leads us back to global warming. Simply put, the more people there are, the more global warming their will be. So the only choice they have is to promote policies that reduce population levels, like people killing off their offspring or trying to convince school children by the teachers to convert to another sex so they won't have any offspring.

It is literally all or nothing for these folks who are fanatical about saving the planet. For them, the Constitution and right and wrong, be damned. This is about saving the planet.

Do they really believe in global warming that will destroy the planet? Those leading the charge don't, but the groupies like Gretta who have drunk the cool aid do. After all, if they really believed this then they would be building nuclear power plants, the only carbon free alternative that would meet the power needs of the masses, but they refuse to do so and just tell us to make do with less fossil fuels.
Do you actually think there's a middle ground in the Republican party, there's a few conservatives and true Republicans and then the rest are crazy trump Republicans. Our whole society, our whole civilization is on the verge of collapse. We find ourselves on a precipice, trying to figure out what our future needs to be in order to just survive rather than thrive anymore.
Is there a history of left wing tyrants in America? Why don't you get out your guns and take out the tyrants in the WH. Here's your big chance to justify their use. Home of the brave?? Dickheads more like it.
yes there is…we had to beat you in a civil war because you wanted to keep slaves.

but we certainly also have a world history of leftist tyrants as well…Castro, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, etc
yes there is…we had to beat you in a civil war because you wanted to keep slaves.

but we certainly also have a world history of leftist tyrants as well…Castro, Stalin, Pol Pot,

With reference to tyrants, I'll leave your comments here.
If you had not noticed, there is no middle ground with the Left, but if you look at their ideology, it will become evident as to why

Global Warming

Those on the Left insist that the entire world fight global warming, and those that refuse must be either forced to change their thoughts, or coerced. There is no middle ground and it MUST encompass the entire globe or all efforts will fail

Promotion of Abortion and Gender Confusion

Those on the Left are preoccupied with overpopulation, which is leads us back to global warming. Simply put, the more people there are, the more global warming their will be. So the only choice they have is to promote policies that reduce population levels, like people killing off their offspring or trying to convince school children by the teachers to convert to another sex so they won't have any offspring.

It is literally all or nothing for these folks who are fanatical about saving the planet. For them, the Constitution and right and wrong, be damned. This is about saving the planet.

Do they really believe in global warming that will destroy the planet? Those leading the charge don't, but the groupies like Gretta who have drunk the cool aid do. After all, if they really believed this then they would be building nuclear power plants, the only carbon free alternative that would meet the power needs of the masses, but they refuse to do so and just tell us to make do with less fossil fuels.
Because you think that "middle ground" doing only what you want.

Given that global climate change will not "destroy the earth" but will eventually destroy its ability to support large mammals, like humans, and we've been basically immobile since Carter, what exactly do you think is the "middle?"
With regards to global warming, even the left knows its a complete hoax. Its the only explanation for not giving a damn about china and India polluting everything. The entire MMGW issue is nothing more than another way to tax and spend and steal money. They know it. We all know it.
yes there is…we had to beat you in a civil war because you wanted to keep slaves.

but we certainly also have a world history of leftist tyrants as well…Castro, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, etc
If you hadn't noticed, it's today's republicans who are frantically trying to keep Blacks from voting. Things have changed in the last hundred and fifty or more years and Blacks have the modern day racist republicans figured out.
If you hadn't noticed, it's today's republicans who are frantically trying to keep Blacks from voting. Things have changed in the last hundred and fifty or more years and Blacks have the modern day racist republicans figured out.
hahaha no they aren’t

the GA law, that Segragation Joe said was Jim Crow, expanded the voting law in GA

seriously…that line was debunked months ago
No, seems like republicans can't win at honest elections adding insult to injury considering that they have the antiquated electoral college on their side and they still lose. Trump just opens his filthy crybaby mouth and sez that the election was a fraud and millions of republicans fall in line behind him wanting to what? Go to war it seems.
No, seems like republicans can't win at honest elections adding insult to injury considering that they have the antiquated electoral college on their side and they still lose. Trump just opens his filthy crybaby mouth and sez that the election was a fraud and millions of republicans fall in line behind him wanting to what? Go to war it seems.
There was all kinds of fraud. If the media explained what AZ. revealed more people would be convinced the election was stolen.
If you hadn't noticed, it's today's republicans who are frantically trying to keep Blacks from voting. Things have changed in the last hundred and fifty or more years and Blacks have the modern day racist republicans figured out.
Asking for an ID is not racist. In reality, the democrats stating blacks are not smart enough to get IDs, shows who the real racists are. We all know the reason democrats don't want voter IDs, and that is it decreases their ability to cheat. They know it, and we know it.
The NYT? That is not a credible source on anything political. Period.
Not only that, they require me to pay $1 if I want to read that garbage. BTW...anyone who has not done so already should read the bill in Georgia. You will see that the media continues to misrepresent what it says. I read it, and was flabbergasted at how off they were with the reporting.
Prove that only people on the left get abortions...It's drink the Kool-Ade not cool aid

If you're going to be an asshole, at least be right. People might respect you more.
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