Why there is no middle ground with the Left


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
If you had not noticed, there is no middle ground with the Left, but if you look at their ideology, it will become evident as to why

Global Warming

Those on the Left insist that the entire world fight global warming, and those that refuse must be either forced to change their thoughts, or coerced. There is no middle ground and it MUST encompass the entire globe or all efforts will fail

Promotion of Abortion and Gender Confusion

Those on the Left are preoccupied with overpopulation, which is leads us back to global warming. Simply put, the more people there are, the more global warming their will be. So the only choice they have is to promote policies that reduce population levels, like people killing off their offspring or trying to convince school children by the teachers to convert to another sex so they won't have any offspring.

It is literally all or nothing for these folks who are fanatical about saving the planet. For them, the Constitution and right and wrong, be damned. This is about saving the planet.

Do they really believe in global warming that will destroy the planet? Those leading the charge don't, but the groupies like Gretta who have drunk the cool aid do. After all, if they really believed this then they would be building nuclear power plants, the only carbon free alternative that would meet the power needs of the masses, but they refuse to do so and just tell us to make do with less fossil fuels.
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If you had not noticed, there is no middle ground with the Left, but if you look at their ideology, it will become evident as to why

Global Warming

Those on the Left insist that the entire world fight global warming, and those that refuse must be either forced to change their thoughts, or coerced. There is no middle ground and it MUST encompass the entire globe.

Promotion of Abortion and Gender Confusion

Those on the Left are preoccupied with overpopulation, which is leads us back to global warming. Simply put, the more people there are, the more global warming their will be. So the only choice they have is to promote policies that reduce population levels and people killing off their offspring or trying to convert to another sex so they can't have any offspring.

It is literally all or nothing for these folks who are fanatical about saving the planet. For them, the Constitution, right and wrong, be damned. This is about saving the planet.
Well the people leading it are awful and corrupt. They are wanting power and money.......same ole same ole...They dont care about any of these issues, becasue they never follow their rules.......carbon, masks, they don't follow any of it.

The people voting for this stuff are just lazy and stupid and don't try to think for themselves....Lefties have so many contradictions

So to me the biggest problem in our country is the media.......without a doubt, they let these guys propagandize all the time and the media is complicit

Illegals Don't Care about Vax status........and then their lemmings make excuses...
Doubtful that the fundies on either end will be helpful in either communicating or creating something new.
No they won't, they have their positions, it's why if you try to change trade deals they throw a shit fit...even though Free Trade is a hoax, because none of these other countries has to do anything, they are never held to account.

So the answer is to get rid of them and annoy them. So anyone who takes on the media and the rich asshats. I'm for........not many will.
Well the people leading it are awful and corrupt. They are wanting power and money.......same ole same ole...They dont care about any of these issues, becasue they never follow their rules.......carbon, masks, they don't follow any of it.

The people voting for this stuff are just lazy and stupid and don't try to think for themselves....Lefties have so many contradictions

So to me the biggest problem in our country is the media.......without a doubt, they let these guys propagandize all the time and the media is complicit

Illegals Don't Care about Vax status........and then their lemmings make excuses...
Control is all about propaganda in the media and in academia which they have full control over.

If forced on the majority of the populace, will produce a majority that will vote the way they want them to.
It is because they are all about money and control. They do not actually GAF about global warming....if they did, CHINA would be public enemy #1.
But China pays their bills.

John Kerry goes over there like a fool only talking about global warming. And as they ignore him, laugh at him knowing he is bought and paid for by the CCP.
The left has continually negotiated on climate change goals
No they haven't. They don't ever get huge polluters like China and India in and if they did sign it, who's going to force them to comply. You lefties are so scared of China you won't do shit, we all know it.
All they do is fear and then try to put in deadlines to get their shit implemented and when it doesn't, they just set a new deadline and rubes like you fall for it every time. Been doing it for like 40+ years.....at some point you need to question them.
I went to the Dr yesterday for a cold and I had COVID 1.5 months ago........I asked about the vax, they said I had to wait 3 months.........yeah fuck you Joe Biden, I can't even get it if I wanted to you fucking asshole.

And thankfully, you know the answer.

$$$ for BIG PHARMA.

Thats all this is....money and control

Now that you have recovered from COVID, you have 7-20 TIMES the immunity that someone who only has the FAUCI OUCHY.

The lies are just diabolical.

If WE FOLLOW THE SCIENCE......why did the left ignore the CDC when it said LOCKDOWNS ARE WORSE THAN THE VIRUS?
Control is all about propaganda in the media and in academia.

If forced on the majority of the populace, will produce a majority that will vote the way they want them to.
I agree, you can toss in Hollywood....did you see that Colbert dance....OMG that guy is a fucking moron.....but atleast we know he's a state controlled asset.......he's now dancing for the man.
No they haven't. They don't ever get huge polluters like China and India in and if they did sign it, who's going to force them to comply. You lefties are so scared of China you won't do shit, we all know it.
All they do is fear and then try to put in deadlines to get their shit implemented and when it doesn't, they just set a new deadline and rubes like you fall for it every time. Been doing it for like 40+ years.....at some point you need to question them.
My favorite is when Left wingers like Lebron is all about the populace protesting regarding the social justice of blacks, but then condemn those in Hong Kong protesting the same thing.

If you had not noticed, there is no middle ground with the Left, but if you look at their ideology, it will become evident as to why

Global Warming

Those on the Left insist that the entire world fight global warming, and those that refuse must be either forced to change their thoughts, or coerced. There is no middle ground and it MUST encompass the entire globe or all efforts will fail

Promotion of Abortion and Gender Confusion

Those on the Left are preoccupied with overpopulation, which is leads us back to global warming. Simply put, the more people there are, the more global warming their will be. So the only choice they have is to promote policies that reduce population levels, like people killing off their offspring or trying to convince school children by the teachers to convert to another sex so they won't have any offspring.

It is literally all or nothing for these folks who are fanatical about saving the planet. For them, the Constitution and right and wrong, be damned. This is about saving the planet.

Do they really believe in global warming that will destroy the planet? Those leading the charge don't, but the groupies like Gretta who have drunk the cool aid do. After all, if they really believed this then they would be building nuclear power plants, the only carbon free alternative that would meet the power needs of the masses, but they refuse to do so and just tell us to make do with less fossil fuels.
/-----/ "After all, if they really believed this then they would be building nuclear power plants, the only carbon free alternative that would meet the power needs of the masses,"
They are also against hydroelectric power plants.
And thankfully, you know the answer.

$$$ for BIG PHARMA.

Thats all this is....money and control

Now that you have recovered from COVID, you have 7-20 TIMES the immunity that someone who only has the FAUCI OUCHY.

The lies are just diabolical.

If WE FOLLOW THE SCIENCE......why did the left ignore the CDC when it said LOCKDOWNS ARE WORSE THAN THE VIRUS?
The fear porn........lefties really think COVID will kill you, it's like during Katrina they had reports that rapes and murders were happening in the Superdome....and people were freaking out.......turns it, all fake news.
If you had not noticed, there is no middle ground with the Left, but if you look at their ideology, it will become evident as to why

Global Warming

Those on the Left insist that the entire world fight global warming, and those that refuse must be either forced to change their thoughts, or coerced. There is no middle ground and it MUST encompass the entire globe or all efforts will fail

Promotion of Abortion and Gender Confusion

Those on the Left are preoccupied with overpopulation, which is leads us back to global warming. Simply put, the more people there are, the more global warming their will be. So the only choice they have is to promote policies that reduce population levels, like people killing off their offspring or trying to convince school children by the teachers to convert to another sex so they can't have any offspring.

It is literally all or nothing for these folks who are fanatical about saving the planet. For them, the Constitution, right and wrong, be damned. This is about saving the planet.

Do they really believe in global warming that will destroy the planet? Those leading the charge don't, but the groupies like Gretta who have drunk the cool aid do. After all, if they really believed this then they would be building nuclear power plants, the only carbon free alternative that would meet the power needs of the masses, but they refuse to do so and just tell us to make do with less fossil fuels.
Let me give you an example on global warming. I was having a discussion with a friend, and we have different views on the subject. However, we actually agreed with many things that should be done. We all know GW exists, but it is a matter of if it is a natural occurrence, or caused by humans (and farting cows). He wanted cleaner air, I wanted cleaner air. He wanted clean water, and so did I. Etc, etc. There were a lot of things we agreed on. He wanted this because he thinks man is causing these changes in climate. I wanted these things because it makes sense that breathing maskless fresh air, fishing in clean lakes and streams, etc. was something everyone wanted. I felt we found a middle ground...but I was wrong. When I mentioned that there appears to be a compromise he stated that there could be no compromise until the right recognizes the issue is manmade, and that we can't start to even look any further until that was recognized. Every leftist there agreed.
If you had not noticed, there is no middle ground with the Left, but if you look at their ideology, it will become evident as to why

Global Warming

Those on the Left insist that the entire world fight global warming, and those that refuse must be either forced to change their thoughts, or coerced. There is no middle ground and it MUST encompass the entire globe or all efforts will fail

Promotion of Abortion and Gender Confusion

Those on the Left are preoccupied with overpopulation, which is leads us back to global warming. Simply put, the more people there are, the more global warming their will be. So the only choice they have is to promote policies that reduce population levels, like people killing off their offspring or trying to convince school children by the teachers to convert to another sex so they won't have any offspring.

It is literally all or nothing for these folks who are fanatical about saving the planet. For them, the Constitution and right and wrong, be damned. This is about saving the planet.

Do they really believe in global warming that will destroy the planet? Those leading the charge don't, but the groupies like Gretta who have drunk the cool aid do. After all, if they really believed this then they would be building nuclear power plants, the only carbon free alternative that would meet the power needs of the masses, but they refuse to do so and just tell us to make do with less fossil fuels.
Prove that only people on the left get abortions...It's drink the Kool-Ade not cool aid
My favorite is when Left wingers like Lebron is all about the populace protesting regarding the social justice of blacks, but then condemn those in Hong Kong protesting the same thing.

No shit, Lebron might as well wear a CCP uniform for Holloween.......he probably already has one in his closet. It's funny none of the media pressured him on it....if we're lucky they asked a basic question, he gave a bullshit talking point answer and that was it.
Prove that only people on the left get abortions...It's drink the Kool-Ade not cool aid
it's actually Kool-Aid, but people know what he means.
It's not just the left, there are pro abortion republicans......but it's the left that will do anything possible to keep the child killing mills open.

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