Why the Second Amendment may be losing relevance in gun debate

It was a lot worse back in the 70s. Speak of what you know.

Such a fucking lie.

Even under Carter it was never this bad economically.

And the RACISM you Nazi democrats have spread is vastly worse than anything since the 1920's. In the 1980's racism was pretty much a thing of the past. All you democrats had to do to revive it was change the color of your victim.

NEW IMPROVED DEMOCRATS - Now hating Whites...
Thank you again.....keep posting....we need people to see who you are, what you are and what you think of normal gun owners....the fear just rolls off of you with every post....

Oh, we know who Bulldyke is...

It was a lot worse back in the 70s. Speak of what you know.
According to folks that live in NYC they say you're wrong.
Seems they think NYC is going to shit in a short period of time.
This is what happens when you're foolish enough to elect a communist to be your mayor.
I'm not gonna argue with you about how bad things were in the 70s in NYC.....things were bad in CA during the 70s.
The problem seems to be that Democrats like yourself get put in charge and everything goes to shit.
The sudden change in less than 2 years is what is glaringly obvious.
Sure....it's been decades since people could go to work and see a naked drug-addict chasing some woman thru Central Park....but that was because of LSD. Now it's because of Democrat policies and Democrat judges on the bench.
It's not the same thing. I have never heard of anyone killed by the accidental or intentional misuse of a fire extinguisher or smoke detector. A locked door isn't specifically designed to kill. You gun nuts are dumber by the day.

Problem is you're both stupid and a pathological liar.

Blunt objects are involved in vastly more murders every year than guns are. Blunt objects are involved in more murders each year than AR-15's have been in the last thousand years.

A disarmed people are an obedient people.
What's going to allow gun control is that few of young men hunt or shoot these days. They're all playing video games.

58% of NRA membership is over retirement age. Give it another 20-30 years and gun rights won't disappear with a bang, they'll disappear with a whimper.
This line of thought (or lack thereof) is the greatest gift in the history of man to those of us who cherish our Constitutional rights, and hand down that belief and knowledge to our children.
This line of thought (or lack thereof) is the greatest gift in the history of man to those of us who cherish our Constitutional rights, and hand down that belief and knowledge to our children.

The passing down of knowledge and values to our children is why McAuliffe, Oberfuhrer Garland, and Xi's man have declared war against parents.
The passing down of knowledge and values to our children is why McAuliffe, Oberfuhrer Garland, and Xi's man have declared war against parents.
And I will fight that war by being involved and not allowing them to stop me from teaching my children the truth.

My children weren't raised by their schools. My wife and I didn't allow it.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and Regulate them Well!
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and Regulate them Well!

Hey stupid, you grasp that "regulate" means "to arm," doncha?
Hey stupid, you grasp that "regulate" means "to arm," doncha?
No, I don't. Here are the directions: To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
And now I have spent time reading dozens of posts of people trying to rebut the rantings of an imbecile crying about how they FEEL about people who own guns.

Why are people so enthralled with the emotions and insecurities of a piss-their-pants leftist who is utterly incapable of reason, who can't even converse in facts and logic?

Does anyone really think they are conversing with an honest person who can ever be convinced that they shouldn't keep saying gun owners "live in fear", when they get a bunch of Pavlov's dogs to bark and scratch every time they say it?

You do realize hearing "no we aren't" is the entire goal of a troll's existence and purpose for posting right????

The shear fact that they can drag this most pathetic red herring across the thread and make them and their infantile feelings the focus of discussion, for page after page, is sad . . . Thinking people replying to the parrot-like "you're afraid" stupidity believing they are actually rebutting an honest, interested poster, is sadder.

There is an old saying . . . DON'T FEED THE TROLL.

All this turd lives for is people they hate and are afraid of and have no real concern about their opinions, being prodded into replying to them.

The only way to show you are smarter than a dumb, mouth-breathing, fart factory & shit in the house and then eat it bulldog, is by not replying AT ALL to their disingenuous, lazy-brained crap.
No, I don't. Here are the directions: To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

Did you read your own post, idiot?

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining,

You are severely retarded.
And now I have spent time reading dozens of posts of people trying to rebut the rantings of an imbecile crying about how they FEEL about people who own guns.

Why are people so enthralled with the emotions and insecurities of a piss-their-pants leftist who is utterly incapable of reason, who can't even converse in facts and logic?

Does anyone really think they are conversing with an honest person who can ever be convinced that they shouldn't keep saying gun owners "live in fear", when they get a bunch of Pavlov's dogs to bark and scratch every time they say it?

You do realize hearing "no we aren't" is the entire goal of a troll's existence and purpose for posting right????

The shear fact that they can drag this most pathetic red herring across the thread and make them and their infantile feelings the focus of discussion, for page after page, is sad . . . Thinking people replying to the parrot-like "you're afraid" stupidity believing they are actually rebutting an honest, interested poster, is sadder.

There is an old saying . . . DON'T FEED THE TROLL.

All this turd lives for is people they hate and are afraid of and have no real concern about their opinions, being prodded into replying to them.

The only way to show you are smarter than a dumb, mouth-breathing, fart factory & shit in the house and then eat it bulldog, is by not replying AT ALL to their disingenuous, lazy-brained crap.
While I agree with your post one thousand percent......

if we didn't occasionally feed the trolls this board would shut the hell down. That appears to be about 80 to 90 percent of what gets posted here. Trollish behavior by idiots. I think my ignore list is up over 70 now. And counting.
There you go making stupid unfounded remarks again. I have never had a problem with responsible gun owners who understand that reasonable precautions should be made to ensure safe use and limit possession by those who either can't or won't accept the fact that an item whose only purpose is to kill should be regulated. There are two types of gun owners. Reasonable ones, and gun nuts like you who want everyone armed all the time, whether they can pass a background check or not.

The stink of fear is all over you.

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