Why the liberals hate Bachmann and Palin so much

She couldn't have them taken off because SHE IS DEAD!
She coudn't defend them because SHE IS DEAD!

God, you are a hypocrite of the highest order. :lol:

You think Obama wanted to get into whether they are of his mom or not? It seems he had enough respect for his mom to ignore it so it would just go away. The right had already said enough about his dead mother and who she was friends with.

Dude I am a hypocrite?
I never would have known this event took place if not for you
Let me add one other thing about Obama's mother
You the first person I have ever heard talk about her
know about these pictures
where they where
and I have never heard anyone talk about her dead or alive but you
and as far as this whole thing not being true, sounds like to me no-one is denying it

so whats the big deal?

What??? They talked about BOTH of Obama's parents many times during the 2008 campaign. Were you out of the country then, in a coma, or under a rock???
Here is right wing site though.
Obama Mother Nude Photos Reported (PICS) » Right Pundits

Obama's Mother Nude Photos: Was she a freak?

snopes.com: Ann Dunham Soetoro

A link to the nude photo was even posted here, permission given by Gunny. When people start posting pics of nude women claiming it is Palin's mom, we will talk.

If you compare Marcy Moore's pictures to the pictures of Ann Dunham, you can see it's not the same person. How desperate can you right wingers get?? What a disgusting bunch.

I am not saying it was her. LOL
For one she is dead, she cannot deny it. Which is why it should have never been brought up.
She couldn't have them taken off because SHE IS DEAD!
She coudn't defend them because SHE IS DEAD!

God, you are a hypocrite of the highest order. :lol:

You think Obama wanted to get into whether they are of his mom or not? It seems he had enough respect for his mom to ignore it so it would just go away. The right had already said enough about his dead mother and who she was friends with.

Dude I am a hypocrite?
I never would have known this event took place if not for you
Let me add one other thing about Obama's mother
You the first person I have ever heard talk about her
know about these pictures
where they where
and I have never heard anyone talk about her dead or alive but you
and as far as this whole thing not being true, sounds like to me no-one is denying it

so whats the big deal?

What??? They talked about BOTH of Obama's parents many times during the 2008 campaign. Were you out of the country then, in a coma, or under a rock???

No I was not out of the country and I think your making allot more out of this than what is real
Look Obama had a father who left him, right?
and this stuff about his mom is so much of a tabloid BS I could care less whether it is true or not
See it just shows me another difference with the liberal and the conservative
you justify the attacks Palin went thru with this stuff about BHO mom I have never heard of before today
If what you say is true, there both out of line
If not? oh well

we know the things that were directed directly at Palin and her family was lies, cost her 100s of thousands in legal fees and the state of Alaska millions
So does that make this other stuff the reason? so what your saying is Palin caused all of this?
So you are putting Letterman's comments on liberals? but you won't do the same on the Obama's mom's pics?
Doesn't Letterman go after both sides?
I admit that I don't get a chance to read the entire internet every day however... From my perspective the biggest news about Bachmann has been:
Family Farm subsidies
Husband's clinic
Family Reunion
Elvis Presley

Has the press reported on anything substantive aside from maybe the debt ceiling? I must have missed it.

Ok lets put this in realville
Family farm Vs tax payer 80 billion UAW funded give away
you want more?
Migraines vs the race card
Husbands clinic vs bus tour
family reunion vs Jeremy wright and William Ayers
Elvis vs 57 states
corn dog? dont know nothing about that one

So why is important to expose one and ignore the other?
So you are putting Letterman's comments on liberals? but you won't do the same on the Obama's mom's pics?
Doesn't Letterman go after both sides?

I think I just said that the pictures were tabloid trash
its not just letterman
its not just Bill M (HBO)
Its not just the people on this message board

And I hate to say this but none of you have said the story about the pictures and BHO mom is not true
Palin has plenty of pictures out there of her in lingerie and bathing suits
looks good in them
I am glad they exposed her hypocrisy and the fact her husband is a bigot.

:lol: Ya gotta love Gilda.

I want to comment on your Avatar
be careful in being that confident about a person who right now has an approval rating around 40% and only 18% think the country is headed in the right direction
Dude I am a hypocrite?
I never would have known this event took place if not for you
Let me add one other thing about Obama's mother
You the first person I have ever heard talk about her
know about these pictures
where they where
and I have never heard anyone talk about her dead or alive but you
and as far as this whole thing not being true, sounds like to me no-one is denying it

so whats the big deal?

What??? They talked about BOTH of Obama's parents many times during the 2008 campaign. Were you out of the country then, in a coma, or under a rock???

No I was not out of the country and I think your making allot more out of this than what is real
Look Obama had a father who left him, right?
and this stuff about his mom is so much of a tabloid BS I could care less whether it is true or not
See it just shows me another difference with the liberal and the conservative
you justify the attacks Palin went thru with this stuff about BHO mom I have never heard of before today
If what you say is true, there both out of line
If not? oh well

we know the things that were directed directly at Palin and her family was lies, cost her 100s of thousands in legal fees and the state of Alaska millions
So does that make this other stuff the reason? so what your saying is Palin caused all of this?

I don't like stories directed towards her children. I really like her daughter, Piper. And I liked Laura Bush and the twins a lot, especially Jenna. I am one that thinks the kids and spouses should be off limits. So you're right that I don't have a lot of sympathy for Sarah Palin. I'm not sure all of the stories about her are false, for one. Which does not justify the attacks on her, I just am not sympathetic because I don't like her and I think she's brought a lot of it on herself. Character flaw?? Maybe. But it's how I feel.

Remember that all liberals are not the same. My Republican friends are nothing like some of the people on here. It doesn't matter what the category is; men, women, Christian, non-Christian, young, old, well you get the idea. We cannot put any one group in the same trick bag. It's wrong.
After Bachmann's gaff yesterday about Elvis and the day he died, I could see the and hear the liberal media having orgasms over it


1) there told/trained to hate these WOMEN by there puppet masters


If the Democrats ever lose the womans vote, there done. So anytime a woman Like Palin did in 08, becomes a threat, they just do not attack her


Does it make you feel good to belong to a group that is that desperate to hold on to power they would go that far?
Think about it
BHO stated there was 57 states, oh-well
NY Times hired 100s to look thru Palin s E mails and not 1 person was put on full time to re search BHO ties with radicals in his past that are obvious that they existed (which I do not care) but it is obvious the level of desperation the left has found to stay in power

It makes me sick, It also is very sad

I can't speak for Liberals but I find Bachmann entertaining as hell. Yes, I think she is a lying, hypocritical, stupid whackjob. But this is not without reason or evidence. I have pissed off one Tea Partier so badly on this that she now follows my posts just to attack them. So people just can't let go... :eusa_whistle:
So here's the deal.
It has nothing to do with her being a woman. Gender is the new Race Card - congrats Conservs, you've become the 2008 Democrats with the absurd belief that "It's not that the Left dislikes the HIGHLY Right-wing views of these women, it's that they're women!"
So that they're women? Weak. Ridiculous. The Tea Partier I mentioned got highly pissed when I mentioned that I would definitely take a look at Kay Bailey Hutchison or a more conservative Susana Martinez of NM. So much for my views being about Bachmann having anything to so with either gender or Conservativism. That's what really gets the goat.
So how are my views of her formed? I have like, a dozen screens on in my office at any time and when she comes on tv, I pause it and then listen. Ever since she called for an investigation of Democrats for UnAmerican Activities, I've listened. So it's not this bs people try to push that I haven't seen her for myself or get my opinions from the so-called Liberal Media. Hell, MTP last Sunday was priceless! Gays are dysfunctional slaves? Oh yeah. I'm voting for that whackjob!
Bachmann is a hypocrite. I don't care if she & hubby took $600K from Medicare for praying the gay away. It's that she goes out of her way to say that Medicare is "morally objectionable" , "Ruining America" and campaigning against something she chooses to accept. If she said nothing and took the money fine. But she's a hypocrite. Same thing goes with stating she's never taken a farm subsidy. She could have just said nothing. Oops.
Bachmann is a liar. Obama's trip to India cost us $200M a day? WTF? Does she just pull this stuff out of her butt? There are other examples but whatever. She lies a lot.
Bachmann is stupid and a whackjob - like many of her scary followers. The woman just says a lot of stupid things! Now, I just love a good gaffe by anyone. My all time favorite is from Biden. But dang that girl can say some wacky sh1t! The Elvis thing was hilarious! Talk about an "OOPS!" who the hell is advising this woman??? That was like the John Wayne vs. John Wayne Gacy thing.
But here's the scary part: While Conservs were always fond of calling Obama "Messiah" and claiming his proponents can see no wrong in him, Libs criticize him all the time.
But laugh at something Bachmann did and you might as well have just drawn a picture of Mohammed in a mosque! Her cult freaks out! They're like religious followers or something. Don't be laughing at their candidate! She is GOD! She is right about everything! John Quincy Adams, who was 9 at the time of the USC signing, is now a "Founding Father"! WTF??? Really??? Well of course he was! Mother Michele said so, thus verily it must be! And they will viciously attack anyone daring to point out this is just plain stupid.
So all the Dems, Moderates and Independents look at something like that and think "Why didn't she just say she misspoke? Why can't her Faithful Followers just say she made a mistake?" When you have people who will back up what they know is wrong because they are so devoted to a person, history tells us you get bad things.
That's a little bit of the whackjobbery part.

So I'm not a Lib.
The Race card - er Gender card doesn't work as I can name women I would like to see in office.
The "Strong Conservative" bullsh1t doesn't fly with me either because there are plenty of Conservative candidates I like and plenty I like about even the candidates i wouldn't vote for.
There is no hate. I just don't take Whackmann or Eskimo Barbie seriously or believe a word they say.
My biggest beef is not with the candidates - they're just selling books or being a politician. It's that there are so many better candidates out there and i'd really like a replacement for this weak-ass idiot in the White House. He sucks.
But if the idiots put Bachmann on the ticket, I will definitely vote for Obama and so will every Independent, Moderate, Gay, Minority, Atheist, Agnostic, Non-Christian, Awake, Not In A Coma person in the country. Brilliant.
Those of you worshipping at the alter of Mother Michele, amy now sling insults for my blasphemy. :eek:

M.B and her dealings with Medicare are just that
look at the facts and decide of you want to support her as president
what examples of her lying?
Is there something out there that dis proves those cost for Obama?

You make my point better than I can ever
I have 0 desire to vote for M.B
but that does not mean I have to attack her the way you have with calling her a liar, stupid and as far as you being a conservative
never mind, it would be a waste of my time to even start that conversation

Ah. A ideologist. Got it. This would be why you couldnt see the part where I said I wouldn't care if she took the Medicare money - if it wasn't for the fact that she's campaigning on what an evil atrocity it is. I'm quite sure you see nothing hypocritical about that.
Let's see. So obviously Obama must have spent over a BILLION dollars on the trip to India because Mother Michele says so. Um yeah. Ok. Just keep staring at the swinging watch while she talks...
As far as me being a Conservative? Nope. Never claimed to be. Sure I have a lot of views that fit in that category but only a fool believes one political party or ideology is right all the time.
Here is right wing site though.
Obama Mother Nude Photos Reported (PICS) » Right Pundits

Obama's Mother Nude Photos: Was she a freak?

snopes.com: Ann Dunham Soetoro

A link to the nude photo was even posted here, permission given by Gunny. When people start posting pics of nude women claiming it is Palin's mom, we will talk.

If you compare Marcy Moore's pictures to the pictures of Ann Dunham, you can see it's not the same person. How desperate can you right wingers get?? What a disgusting bunch.

I am not saying it was her. LOL
For one she is dead, she cannot deny it. Which is why it should have never been brought up.

Oh, I know that, Luissa. :) I just have a real attitude with whomever did it. What a really mean thing to do. It's depressing. I just wanted to point out that it was stupid because they look nothing alike.
I am glad they exposed her hypocrisy and the fact her husband is a bigot.

:lol: Ya gotta love Gilda.

I want to comment on your Avatar
be careful in being that confident about a person who right now has an approval rating around 40% and only 18% think the country is headed in the right direction

I have faith in President Obama, I really do. I think he is a good and decent man and very, very, intelligent. He had a mess to deal with when he took over and had to work with a group of people that only wanted to bring him down. I also think he made some mistakes, but I think he'll come through for us. But thanks for your input, and most especially, your civility.
That's just so wrong.

I'd take Palin or Bachmann over Perry or Romney any day of the week. Either one of those women has the guts enough to be as strong as any Israeli Prime Minister or the next Margaret Thatcher.

Many Conservatives are buying into the LMSM depiction of Bachmann as unstable and Palin as a quitter and it hurts us.

Palin has been tested under fire, has withstood the most withering unrelenting LMSM Barrage in human history. Not even Reagan got the 24/7 negative press that she gets and she's still laughing in their wholly owned subsidiary of the Communist Party faces

Actually, Palin has a reputation as a quitter- BECAUSE SHE QUIT. She ran for a four year term, she quit after 2 1/2 years.

If she's been tested under fire, she's been found wanting. Frankly, I think she made a lot of her own problems worse, like she did with that kid who knocked up her daughter. Seriously, getting into a public fued with a kid you let do sleepovers isn't going to make you look good.

Bachmann's shown a little more discipline, but frankly, you know what bugs me about her? It's when she's asked a question and changes the subject.

How is that different from Obama quitting the senate?

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I think you're just messing with the other poster. You have to be.
how can anyone take either one seriously I mean come on, yesterday Bachman said happy birthday to Elvis on his death day over and over in front of a large crowd and Palin well she is just Palin. Hot with a gun is all I see there. and im a conservative

Must be nice to be perfect.

Elvis is sacred!!! She pretends to be such a fan and cannot keep his birth date and date of death straight?? I think there should be a law!!! :lol: I'll admit I already don't like her, but this was just too much!!
Elvis isn't dead. He posts here quite often.

I've told him so many times to stop sullying the name of Elvis!! He's not fit to touch the hem of his jumpsuit!!! I hate it when men try to copy Elvis. There was only one and no man will ever come close!!
That's just so wrong.

I'd take Palin or Bachmann over Perry or Romney any day of the week. Either one of those women has the guts enough to be as strong as any Israeli Prime Minister or the next Margaret Thatcher.

Many Conservatives are buying into the LMSM depiction of Bachmann as unstable and Palin as a quitter and it hurts us.

Palin has been tested under fire, has withstood the most withering unrelenting LMSM Barrage in human history. Not even Reagan got the 24/7 negative press that she gets and she's still laughing in their wholly owned subsidiary of the Communist Party faces

Actually, Palin has a reputation as a quitter- BECAUSE SHE QUIT. She ran for a four year term, she quit after 2 1/2 years.

If she's been tested under fire, she's been found wanting. Frankly, I think she made a lot of her own problems worse, like she did with that kid who knocked up her daughter. Seriously, getting into a public fued with a kid you let do sleepovers isn't going to make you look good.

Bachmann's shown a little more discipline, but frankly, you know what bugs me about her? It's when she's asked a question and changes the subject.

How is that different from Obama quitting the senate?

Not going to defend Obama. I'm not sure what it is about Palin defenders who think that criticizing Obama for something comparable erases the criticism of Palin.

Let's stipulate for the sake of the argument they both broke faith with the people who supported them by seeking other jobs.

Of course, it isn't the same thing. Obama (and Rick Perry will ) stood for election, and leave it to the voters to decide if they want them to take a higher position. Not sure why the people of IL voted in Obama to start with or really thought he had done enough to earn the promotion, but he did.

Palin just cashed in. Screw you people who worked for me, voted for me and contributed to me. TLC just offered me a bag of money to appear on a show that follows the one with the midgets.
That's a presumptive statement to say the least. In order to hate anything, it would be necessary to care about it first.

That being said, hate is a strong sentiment to attribute to a group that didn't give a damn about either in the first place.

Yea, she's a real threat. I bet she has the liberals quaking in their boots..... once they stop laughing.


You'll ruin the surprise!

Let me say this: I wish Congresswoman Bachmann the best of luck and hope she get the nomination, because; when the American people find out she's basically sat in Washington for the better part of a decade and hasn't done jack and/or squat and a person who has a somewhat radical viewpoint on social policies and a completely, shall we say, niave, viewpoint on foreign policy and economic policy - it will make things so much easier for my preferred candidate.

I don't like Sarah Palin, because she quit the people that selected her to run their state for the sake of making money. I mean, after the bright lights/big city of the '08 campaign, she couldn't even feign interest in running Alaska.

Oh, but I am sure the OP is going to give me some bullshit psychoanalysis about how I don't like them because they are "pretty" or whatever.
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After Bachmann's gaff yesterday about Elvis and the day he died, I could see the and hear the liberal media having orgasms over it


1) there told/trained to hate these WOMEN by there puppet masters


If the Democrats ever lose the womans vote, there done. So anytime a woman Like Palin did in 08, becomes a threat, they just do not attack her


Does it make you feel good to belong to a group that is that desperate to hold on to power they would go that far?
Think about it
BHO stated there was 57 states, oh-well
NY Times hired 100s to look thru Palin s E mails and not 1 person was put on full time to re search BHO ties with radicals in his past that are obvious that they existed (which I do not care) but it is obvious the level of desperation the left has found to stay in power

It makes me sick, It also is very sad

I would probably vote for either of these women over the Community Organizer, but they are not the strongest hands we can play.

First, Palin. I don't think she's running. But if she did, the fact is, that she resigned her position as governor halfway through her term in order to cash in on book deals and TV shows. Can't fault the woman for making money, but it does show a lack of commitment. Also her refusal to really withstand the scrutiny of the media, makes me wonder how she is going to stand the rigors of a campaign, which will get pretty nasty. She's gotten into petty fueds with David Letterman and the father of her grandson. Simply, if she can't take that kind of criticism, she's going to get slaughtered on the big stage.

Bachmann is a very vocal voice for her positiosn, but where are her accomplishments? Where's her leadership history? She spent four years in the house and a few years in MN Legistlature. In short, her experience is about on par with Obama's before he became president, and we all saw how badly that turned out.

Neither of these women will be the nominee. The GOP Nomination will be between Perry and Romney.

Better get off your victim game quick. Winters coming. I'm about to hit the game again and right from the get go, you people are already ready to set me clean off. I'm sure by the end of October I'll have an army on line who want to wring your little necks.

You make no sense from the get go.

Your posts are jokes.

Slaughtered on the big stage? Is this the best you have to offer?

Look everyone is now starting to talk like Axelrode so I can peg off everyone in a heartbeat. This is sad. Beyond sad.

Oh and the Perry vs Romney that boat won't float. Are you guys just nuts these days?

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