Why the liberals hate Bachmann and Palin so much

I'd love people to witness the "Bachmann now has less or equal experience" to the Obama crowd.

This is getting sadder by the minute.
Actually, Palin has a reputation as a quitter- BECAUSE SHE QUIT. She ran for a four year term, she quit after 2 1/2 years.

If she's been tested under fire, she's been found wanting. Frankly, I think she made a lot of her own problems worse, like she did with that kid who knocked up her daughter. Seriously, getting into a public fued with a kid you let do sleepovers isn't going to make you look good.

Bachmann's shown a little more discipline, but frankly, you know what bugs me about her? It's when she's asked a question and changes the subject.

How is that different from Obama quitting the senate?

Not going to defend Obama. I'm not sure what it is about Palin defenders who think that criticizing Obama for something comparable erases the criticism of Palin.

Let's stipulate for the sake of the argument they both broke faith with the people who supported them by seeking other jobs.

Of course, it isn't the same thing. Obama (and Rick Perry will ) stood for election, and leave it to the voters to decide if they want them to take a higher position. Not sure why the people of IL voted in Obama to start with or really thought he had done enough to earn the promotion, but he did.

Palin just cashed in. Screw you people who worked for me, voted for me and contributed to me. TLC just offered me a bag of money to appear on a show that follows the one with the midgets.


please link to the first negotiations with Mark? time frame please little barforama person.

please link her first negotiations with Mark and then her resignation little "oh honest to god I'm a conservative bullshit that you tried to pull the other night".

crap a mile away. or do you even remember your "I'm as right wing as anyone else on this board" bullshit?

I detest liars. And you are one. Now link to her first negotiations with Mark.
What is it about lying democrats that they don't even get that we can catch them out? And in a heartbeat.
I'd love people to witness the "Bachmann now has less or equal experience" to the Obama crowd.

This is getting sadder by the minute.

It's a relevant point though. The "lack of experience" thing isn't going to play this go around. That was lass cycle's talking point. No one will have more experience being President then Obama. This time it will be all about the record.
After Bachmann's gaff yesterday about Elvis and the day he died, I could see the and hear the liberal media having orgasms over it


1) there told/trained to hate these WOMEN by there puppet masters


If the Democrats ever lose the womans vote, there done. So anytime a woman Like Palin did in 08, becomes a threat, they just do not attack her


Does it make you feel good to belong to a group that is that desperate to hold on to power they would go that far?
Think about it
BHO stated there was 57 states, oh-well
NY Times hired 100s to look thru Palin s E mails and not 1 person was put on full time to re search BHO ties with radicals in his past that are obvious that they existed (which I do not care) but it is obvious the level of desperation the left has found to stay in power

It makes me sick, It also is very sad


After Bachmann's gaff yesterday about Elvis and the day he died, I could see the and hear the liberal media having orgasms over it


1) there told/trained to hate these WOMEN by there puppet masters


If the Democrats ever lose the womans vote, there done. So anytime a woman Like Palin did in 08, becomes a threat, they just do not attack her
You think that Palin was going to steal women's votes from Obama?

That's about as stupid as running Herman Cain to try and steal black votes.

Women vote Democrat because most women are more liberal than men. Overwhelmingly, women are pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, and generally pro-democratic causes. You think that women are going to think "Oh, I disagree with Sarah Palin on EVERYTHING, but I'm going to vote for her because she's a woman"?

How has Sarah Palin been "destroyed"? It looks to me like Sarah Palin got everything she ever wanted, and more. She's a multi-millionaire, and everyone in America knows her name.

Does it make you feel good to belong to a group that is that desperate to hold on to power they would go that far?
Think about it
BHO stated there was 57 states, oh-well
And you guys are STILL talking about it. What's your point? Are you trying to claim that people don't make posts about "57 States" on a nearly daily basis, 3 years later?
NY Times hired 100s to look thru Palin s E mails and not 1 person was put on full time to re search BHO ties with radicals in his past that are obvious that they existed (which I do not care) but it is obvious the level of desperation the left has found to stay in power

It makes me sick, It also is very sad

It makes me sad that you believe the things you do. But that doesn't mean I whine about it.
Neither of these women will be the nominee. The GOP Nomination will be between Perry and Romney.

Better get off your victim game quick. Winters coming. I'm about to hit the game again and right from the get go, you people are already ready to set me clean off. I'm sure by the end of October I'll have an army on line who want to wring your little necks.

You make no sense from the get go.

Your posts are jokes.

Slaughtered on the big stage? Is this the best you have to offer?

Look everyone is now starting to talk like Axelrode so I can peg off everyone in a heartbeat. This is sad. Beyond sad.

Oh and the Perry vs Romney that boat won't float. Are you guys just nuts these days?

Well, first of all, Failin' ain't running. My guess, she'll keep trying to milk the speculation game until the filing deadlines pass, and then she'll throw her support behind Perry. (She actually has a pretty good relationship with Perry and detests Romney, so that's how it's going to play out.)

But seriously, I'm not sure I even understand Palin Cultists like Tiny. Palin has shown over and over again that she is incapable of playing on the big stage. Gaffe prone, hiding from the national media...

please link to the first negotiations with Mark? time frame please little barforama person.

please link her first negotiations with Mark and then her resignation little "oh honest to god I'm a conservative bullshit that you tried to pull the other night".

crap a mile away. or do you even remember your "I'm as right wing as anyone else on this board" bullshit?

I detest liars. And you are one. Now link to her first negotiations with Mark.

I'm conservative. I'm not an impractical nutjob.

I don't know when she started negotiating for her rightful place on the Network that shows freakish shows with sextuplets and midgets (really, couldn't imagine a better place for her!) but her almost son-in-law said that she would shreik around the house of how there was all this money to be made and she was stuck in her job.

(Who the heck is "Mark"?)
After Bachmann's gaff yesterday about Elvis and the day he died, I could see the and hear the liberal media having orgasms over it


1) there told/trained to hate these WOMEN by there puppet masters


If the Democrats ever lose the womans vote, there done. So anytime a woman Like Palin did in 08, becomes a threat, they just do not attack her


Does it make you feel good to belong to a group that is that desperate to hold on to power they would go that far?
Think about it
BHO stated there was 57 states, oh-well
NY Times hired 100s to look thru Palin s E mails and not 1 person was put on full time to re search BHO ties with radicals in his past that are obvious that they existed (which I do not care) but it is obvious the level of desperation the left has found to stay in power

It makes me sick, It also is very sad
Yeah well, this will make you even sicker. Michelle will spread her legs just to get us gasoline at 2 bucks a gallon.

Multimedia - POLITICO.com
I'd love people to witness the "Bachmann now has less or equal experience" to the Obama crowd.

This is getting sadder by the minute.

It's a relevant point though. The "lack of experience" thing isn't going to play this go around. That was lass cycle's talking point. No one will have more experience being President then Obama. This time it will be all about the record.

Your avatar is doing your reputation wonders
good bye
good luck
get a life
After Bachmann's gaff yesterday about Elvis and the day he died, I could see the and hear the liberal media having orgasms over it


1) there told/trained to hate these WOMEN by there puppet masters


If the Democrats ever lose the womans vote, there done. So anytime a woman Like Palin did in 08, becomes a threat, they just do not attack her


Does it make you feel good to belong to a group that is that desperate to hold on to power they would go that far?
Think about it
BHO stated there was 57 states, oh-well
NY Times hired 100s to look thru Palin s E mails and not 1 person was put on full time to re search BHO ties with radicals in his past that are obvious that they existed (which I do not care) but it is obvious the level of desperation the left has found to stay in power

It makes me sick, It also is very sad



2 on my ignore list in one day
your avatar is sick dude
whats wih the obsession of people getting sick?
After Bachmann's gaff yesterday about Elvis and the day he died, I could see the and hear the liberal media having orgasms over it


1) there told/trained to hate these WOMEN by there puppet masters


If the Democrats ever lose the womans vote, there done. So anytime a woman Like Palin did in 08, becomes a threat, they just do not attack her
You think that Palin was going to steal women's votes from Obama?

That's about as stupid as running Herman Cain to try and steal black votes.

Women vote Democrat because most women are more liberal than men. Overwhelmingly, women are pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, and generally pro-democratic causes. You think that women are going to think "Oh, I disagree with Sarah Palin on EVERYTHING, but I'm going to vote for her because she's a woman"?

How has Sarah Palin been "destroyed"? It looks to me like Sarah Palin got everything she ever wanted, and more. She's a multi-millionaire, and everyone in America knows her name.

Does it make you feel good to belong to a group that is that desperate to hold on to power they would go that far?
Think about it
BHO stated there was 57 states, oh-well
And you guys are STILL talking about it. What's your point? Are you trying to claim that people don't make posts about "57 States" on a nearly daily basis, 3 years later?
NY Times hired 100s to look thru Palin s E mails and not 1 person was put on full time to re search BHO ties with radicals in his past that are obvious that they existed (which I do not care) but it is obvious the level of desperation the left has found to stay in power

It makes me sick, It also is very sad

It makes me sad that you believe the things you do. But that doesn't mean I whine about it.

1) Yes a women could easily steal votes from any democrat. this is why the absolute destruction. Palin had a 93% approval rating as the Governor of Alaska. that is allot of women. Obama's is around 40% today
2) Herman Cain had no intention of stealing anything no more than Palin did. Cain has some very good ideas and was the CEO of one of the largest Pizza chains in the country. Its not about stealing, it is about getting out the truth
3) Palin went thru 500,000 in legal fess to defend here self from the democratic machine in Alaska with frivolous law suit
On July 3, 2009, Palin announced that she would not run for re-election in the 2010 Alaska gubernatorial election and would resign before the end of July. In her announcement,[176] Palin stated that both she and the state had been expending an "insane" amount of time and money ($2.5 million)[177] to address "frivolous" ethics complaints filed against her,[177][178][179][176] and that her decision not to seek reelection would make her a lame duck governor.[176] A Palin aide said Palin was "no longer able to do the job she had been elected to do. Essentially, the taxpayers were paying for Sarah to go to work every day and defend herself."[180] Palin and her husband Todd had personally incurred more than $500,000 in legal fees defending against ethics charges brought against her as governor.[177] Palin transferred the office of governor to Sean Parnell in Fairbanks on July 26, 2009.[181]
4) please find the last post that was about the 57 states. Thank you
5) Whine? then just ignore me. My god you libs make everything personal. Why?
because you cannot win the debate on substance
After Bachmann's gaff yesterday about Elvis and the day he died, I could see the and hear the liberal media having orgasms over it


1) there told/trained to hate these WOMEN by there puppet masters


If the Democrats ever lose the womans vote, there done. So anytime a woman Like Palin did in 08, becomes a threat, they just do not attack her


Does it make you feel good to belong to a group that is that desperate to hold on to power they would go that far?
Think about it
BHO stated there was 57 states, oh-well
NY Times hired 100s to look thru Palin s E mails and not 1 person was put on full time to re search BHO ties with radicals in his past that are obvious that they existed (which I do not care) but it is obvious the level of desperation the left has found to stay in power

It makes me sick, It also is very sad
Yeah well, this will make you even sicker. Michelle will spread her legs just to get us gasoline at 2 bucks a gallon.

Multimedia - POLITICO.com

your a pervert, do you realize that?
Neither of these women will be the nominee. The GOP Nomination will be between Perry and Romney.

Better get off your victim game quick. Winters coming. I'm about to hit the game again and right from the get go, you people are already ready to set me clean off. I'm sure by the end of October I'll have an army on line who want to wring your little necks.

You make no sense from the get go.

Your posts are jokes.

Slaughtered on the big stage? Is this the best you have to offer?

Look everyone is now starting to talk like Axelrode so I can peg off everyone in a heartbeat. This is sad. Beyond sad.

Oh and the Perry vs Romney that boat won't float. Are you guys just nuts these days?

Well, first of all, Failin' ain't running. My guess, she'll keep trying to milk the speculation game until the filing deadlines pass, and then she'll throw her support behind Perry. (She actually has a pretty good relationship with Perry and detests Romney, so that's how it's going to play out.)

But seriously, I'm not sure I even understand Palin Cultists like Tiny. Palin has shown over and over again that she is incapable of playing on the big stage. Gaffe prone, hiding from the national media...

please link to the first negotiations with Mark? time frame please little barforama person.

please link her first negotiations with Mark and then her resignation little "oh honest to god I'm a conservative bullshit that you tried to pull the other night".

crap a mile away. or do you even remember your "I'm as right wing as anyone else on this board" bullshit?

I detest liars. And you are one. Now link to her first negotiations with Mark.

I'm conservative. I'm not an impractical nutjob.

I don't know when she started negotiating for her rightful place on the Network that shows freakish shows with sextuplets and midgets (really, couldn't imagine a better place for her!) but her almost son-in-law said that she would shreik around the house of how there was all this money to be made and she was stuck in her job.

(Who the heck is "Mark"?)

You prove my point better than I can. You have been told Palin is gaff prone so many times you repeat it and yet our on president cannot say anything with out a speech someone else wrote with a teleprompter, and he makes gaffs all the time
Please pay attention
Actually, Palin has a reputation as a quitter- BECAUSE SHE QUIT. She ran for a four year term, she quit after 2 1/2 years.

If she's been tested under fire, she's been found wanting. Frankly, I think she made a lot of her own problems worse, like she did with that kid who knocked up her daughter. Seriously, getting into a public fued with a kid you let do sleepovers isn't going to make you look good.

Bachmann's shown a little more discipline, but frankly, you know what bugs me about her? It's when she's asked a question and changes the subject.

How is that different from Obama quitting the senate?

so if Bachman or perry wins they are quitters?
Do tell what higher office did Palin move onto after she quit?
Of she didnt you are telling me?

Palin did not quit

This thread is about what the Democratic party did to Palin afther the election

On July 3, 2009, Palin announced that she would not run for re-election in the 2010 Alaska gubernatorial election and would resign before the end of July. In her announcement,[176] Palin stated that both she and the state had been expending an "insane" amount of time and money ($2.5 million)[177] to address "frivolous" ethics complaints filed against her,[177][178][179][176] and that her decision not to seek reelection would make her a lame duck governor.[176] A Palin aide said Palin was "no longer able to do the job she had been elected to do. Essentially, the taxpayers were paying for Sarah to go to work every day and defend herself."[180] Palin and her husband Todd had personally incurred more than $500,000 in legal fees defending against ethics charges brought against her as governor.[177] Palin transferred the office of governor to Sean Parnell in Fairbanks on July 26, 2009.[181]
After Bachmann's gaff yesterday about Elvis and the day he died, I could see the and hear the liberal media having orgasms over it


1) there told/trained to hate these WOMEN by there puppet masters


If the Democrats ever lose the womans vote, there done. So anytime a woman Like Palin did in 08, becomes a threat, they just do not attack her


Does it make you feel good to belong to a group that is that desperate to hold on to power they would go that far?
Think about it
BHO stated there was 57 states, oh-wellNY Times hired 100s to look thru Palin s E mails and not 1 person was put on full time to re search BHO ties with radicals in his past that are obvious that they existed (which I do not care) but it is obvious the level of desperation the left has found to stay in power

It makes me sick, It also is very sad

Stop saying that. It's technically incorrect. Go back and listen. What he said was, "I've been to 57 states with one or two more to go." so actually the moron thinks there are 59 states.. :eusa_eh: somewhere.........:eusa_whistle:

No doubt the joke was about Obama, who made the initial gaffe.
How is that different from Obama quitting the senate?

so if Bachman or perry wins they are quitters?
Do tell what higher office did Palin move onto after she quit?
Of she didnt you are telling me?

Palin did not quit

This thread is about what the Democratic party did to Palin afther the election

On July 3, 2009, Palin announced that she would not run for re-election in the 2010 Alaska gubernatorial election and would resign before the end of July. In her announcement,[176] Palin stated that both she and the state had been expending an "insane" amount of time and money ($2.5 million)[177] to address "frivolous" ethics complaints filed against her,[177][178][179][176] and that her decision not to seek reelection would make her a lame duck governor.[176] A Palin aide said Palin was "no longer able to do the job she had been elected to do. Essentially, the taxpayers were paying for Sarah to go to work every day and defend herself."[180] Palin and her husband Todd had personally incurred more than $500,000 in legal fees defending against ethics charges brought against her as governor.[177] Palin transferred the office of governor to Sean Parnell in Fairbanks on July 26, 2009.[181]

You'll never see this stuff on MSNBC, because calling her a quitter if far more effective. I mean, naturally as POTUS she would surely quit. :cuckoo:
so if Bachman or perry wins they are quitters?
Do tell what higher office did Palin move onto after she quit?
Of she didnt you are telling me?

Palin did not quit

This thread is about what the Democratic party did to Palin afther the election

On July 3, 2009, Palin announced that she would not run for re-election in the 2010 Alaska gubernatorial election and would resign before the end of July. In her announcement,[176] Palin stated that both she and the state had been expending an "insane" amount of time and money ($2.5 million)[177] to address "frivolous" ethics complaints filed against her,[177][178][179][176] and that her decision not to seek reelection would make her a lame duck governor.[176] A Palin aide said Palin was "no longer able to do the job she had been elected to do. Essentially, the taxpayers were paying for Sarah to go to work every day and defend herself."[180] Palin and her husband Todd had personally incurred more than $500,000 in legal fees defending against ethics charges brought against her as governor.[177] Palin transferred the office of governor to Sean Parnell in Fairbanks on July 26, 2009.[181]

You'll never see this stuff on MSNBC, because calling her a quitter if far more effective. I mean, naturally as POTUS she would surely quit. :cuckoo:

The reason the left done this to her is the desperate need to keep every woman thay have fooled into believing there for gender equality. they lose 3% of the womans vote
there done 4 ever
You prove my point better than I can. You have been told Palin is gaff prone so many times you repeat it and yet our on president cannot say anything with out a speech someone else wrote with a teleprompter, and he makes gaffs all the time
Please pay attention

Once again, what is it about you Palin cultists where you think that a criticism of Palin is somehow invalidated by finding a similar fault with Obama? Why not address the criticism of Palin.

Does she say a lot of stupid things? Yup.

But more importantly, when she says something stupid, she doesn't back down from it, like the silly statement that Paul Revere was "warning the British".

I'm not convinced she's particularly intelligent. Then again, neither is the average American, for that matter.
Palin did not quit

This thread is about what the Democratic party did to Palin afther the election

On July 3, 2009, Palin announced that she would not run for re-election in the 2010 Alaska gubernatorial election and would resign before the end of July. In her announcement,[176] Palin stated that both she and the state had been expending an "insane" amount of time and money ($2.5 million)[177] to address "frivolous" ethics complaints filed against her,[177][178][179][176] and that her decision not to seek reelection would make her a lame duck governor.[176] A Palin aide said Palin was "no longer able to do the job she had been elected to do. Essentially, the taxpayers were paying for Sarah to go to work every day and defend herself."[180] Palin and her husband Todd had personally incurred more than $500,000 in legal fees defending against ethics charges brought against her as governor.[177] Palin transferred the office of governor to Sean Parnell in Fairbanks on July 26, 2009.[181]

You'll never see this stuff on MSNBC, because calling her a quitter if far more effective. I mean, naturally as POTUS she would surely quit. :cuckoo:

The reason the left done this to her is the desperate need to keep every woman thay have fooled into believing there for gender equality. they lose 3% of the womans vote
there done 4 ever

I think this works just like with conservative black candidates, they are at the earliest possible opportunity painted as an Uncle Tom sellouts who don't understand the black experience. Well with conservative women they are painted at dumb Aunt Tammy sellouts who don't understand the oppression of women.

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