Why the hatred.


You're quoting somebody else, not me.

Oh sorry - and thank you. It was Colin norris who said this. My answer is the same as it was before. I repeat it now if someone likes to delete my mistake here.


Oh so now you've injected a bit of God into it. You godbotherers appealed for divine intervention in November. That worked well. Over 400000 who died of covid believed in God and assumed he would protect them. That worked well also.
Do you think it is appropriate to even mention about any ridiculous God?
Keep going with it.

And all others? Why did they die? Because they did not believe in god? And how many survived in the USA because children of migrants from Turkey lived the "american dream" in Germany and were the first who made a vaccine against the virus Sars-CoV-2? They did do so with the help of god and also with the help of the German education sector and people from more than 60 different "racial", cultural and national backgrounds. Possible that also an atheist was under all this people.

A flood was going to ravage a city, and most people saw the alert and evacuated. One lady, however, decided that if God really loved her, He would save her from the flood. So she climbs up onto the roof of her apartment building and waits.
The flood begins to rise and a rescue helicopter flies over. A man stands on the side and yells to her: "We're going to save you!"
The woman stubbornly replies: "No, I'm waiting for God to save me."
They try a little harder, but it's obvious that she isn't going to go, and they fly off to go save other people.
The flood rises higher, and a boat drives by her building. The people inside tell her that they can save her, but she gives them the same reply. "I'm waiting for God to save me."
They drive off.
Now the flood is almost at the top of the building, where she is, and another boat drives by. They yell: "This is your last opportunity! Get on! "
To which the woman yells back: "I'm waiting for God to save me!"
They realize nothing can be done, so they shake their heads and drive off.
The flood rises up to the top, and the woman drowns.
At the gates of heaven, she complains to Peter: "I waited for God to save me, but he didn't. He doesn't love me."
Peter frowns. "He sent you two boats and a helicopter, what are you complaining about?"

I heard that 40% of the political followers of the republican party don't like to make a vaccination against covid-19. If this has something to do with the Christains rebound in god then let me say to all this people: For me personally it is totally clear that it is a duty of all Christians to take a vaccine against covid-19; not only on reason to save the own life and/or health - also on reason to minimize the number of all possible infections and to try to help others not to get covid-19. Some few exceptions confirm this rule - for example on reason of allergy or other health problems. May god enlighten everyone to be able to find the best ways what to do for the own life and the own people and for all others in the world.

God did not create these vaccines.
First, they are unnecessary since this is a virus endemic to bats and can't survive in a human population.
Second is that they are messing around with genetically modified human embryos to produce the vaccines, so run huge new risks of contaminating immune systems against the normal exosomes produced by the human body.
BLM has a lot more credibility.

The only credibility the BLM has these days, is the fact, they are a "Domestic" terrorism.

It is indisputable that police have become alarmingly abusive and overly quick to kill.
Back 50 years ago they were not even allowed to used weapons as deadly as they have now, and the 6 shot revolvers in .38 caliber FMJ have been replaced with 21 shot Glocks with deadly .40 S&W hollow points.
They used to fire warning shots.
Not they aim to kill and keep shooting until the corpse is unrecognizable.

They were never trained to fire warning shots. That has been discussed and you have been nmassively crushed and proven wrong.

They ALWAYS did and ALWAYS do aim for the center mass of target to kill for good reason.

Types of weapons carried do and always have varied from state to state and from department to department and .38s are just as deadly as .40s.

Your coaim is easiuly disputable and nothing more than uninformed opinon
The far left liberals are trying to turn this country into a socialist shithole.
Democrats are lying commies. Maybe that's why
The democratic party has been taken over by fascists.
What Patriotism from the Democrats? The Democrats don't believe in Patriotism.
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
All the hate is from the left with your Soviet news , drug addict actors , big tech Himmlers and your Khmer Rouge foot soliders
Let me tell you !! We are 80 million strong with enough guns to defend ourselves
Nasty, venal, violently racist, and pedophile loving deviant lying commies.
That's just from the first page

How much "action" and more importantly donations do you think saying

"Well we disagree on policy" will get?

Making your opponent out to be the ultimate evil is far more effective and "rewarding"

Cynical bastards

But the problem has been that fascists have been trying to take over both parties since forever.
For example, you keep seeing the US get into stupid and illegal wars all the time.
And the reason for this is that the Military Industrial Complex makes its profits off wars.
Go back to the Mexican War, the Civil War , the Spanish American War, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq, the invasion of Panama, the invasion of Grenada, US troops in Syria, murdering Qaddafi, etc.
It was all illegal and based on lies, in order to gain profits.

Obama got elected on saying the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were wrong.
So then why did he not end those wars?

The closest to a defense democrats can make is that the republicans may be even worse on wars.
But Trump did not start any new wars, and at least claimed to want to get out of the current ones.
But that is not enough to make me a Trump supporter.
I am more of a socialist.

You misspelled "moron".

Does one charge their children room and board?
If not, then the family is not capitalist, but socialist.

When humans were hunter/gatherers for millions of years, was a successful hunt sold to the rest of the tribe for profit, or was is shared in a socialist manner?

Face facts, humans exist because of socialism and evolved to be socialist because it works better.
It does not produce as much or generate no innovative technology as quickly, but those things are problems not good.
By over producing we use up too many unrenewable natural resources, and the technology has mostly been for weapons.
The far left liberals are trying to turn this country into a socialist shithole.
Democrats are lying commies. Maybe that's why
The democratic party has been taken over by fascists.
What Patriotism from the Democrats? The Democrats don't believe in Patriotism.
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
All the hate is from the left with your Soviet news , drug addict actors , big tech Himmlers and your Khmer Rouge foot soliders
Let me tell you !! We are 80 million strong with enough guns to defend ourselves
Nasty, venal, violently racist, and pedophile loving deviant lying commies.
That's just from the first page

How much "action" and more importantly donations do you think saying

"Well we disagree on policy" will get?

Making your opponent out to be the ultimate evil is far more effective and "rewarding"

Cynical bastards

But the problem has been that fascists have been trying to take over both parties since forever.
For example, you keep seeing the US get into stupid and illegal wars all the time.
And the reason for this is that the Military Industrial Complex makes its profits off wars.
Go back to the Mexican War, the Civil War , the Spanish American War, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq, the invasion of Panama, the invasion of Grenada, US troops in Syria, murdering Qaddafi, etc.
It was all illegal and based on lies, in order to gain profits.

Obama got elected on saying the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were wrong.
So then why did he not end those wars?

The closest to a defense democrats can make is that the republicans may be even worse on wars.
But Trump did not start any new wars, and at least claimed to want to get out of the current ones.
But that is not enough to make me a Trump supporter.
I am more of a socialist.

You misspelled "moron".

Does one charge their children room and board?
If not, then the family is not capitalist, but socialist.

When humans were hunter/gatherers for millions of years, was a successful hunt sold to the rest of the tribe for profit, or was is shared in a socialist manner?

Face facts, humans exist because of socialism and evolved to be socialist because it works better.
It does not produce as much or generate no innovative technology as quickly, but those things are problems not good.
By over producing we use up too many unrenewable natural resources, and the technology has mostly been for weapons.
So I assume that you use candlelight in your cave and cook over an open fire while washing your clothes in the creek and hang to dry. Moron.
BLM has a lot more credibility.

The only credibility the BLM has these days, is the fact, they are a "Domestic" terrorism.

It is indisputable that police have become alarmingly abusive and overly quick to kill.
Back 50 years ago they were not even allowed to used weapons as deadly as they have now, and the 6 shot revolvers in .38 caliber FMJ have been replaced with 21 shot Glocks with deadly .40 S&W hollow points.
They used to fire warning shots.
Not they aim to kill and keep shooting until the corpse is unrecognizable.

They were never trained to fire warning shots. That has been discussed and you have been nmassively crushed and proven wrong.

They ALWAYS did and ALWAYS do aim for the center mass of target to kill for good reason.

Types of weapons carried do and always have varied from state to state and from department to department and .38s are just as deadly as .40s.

Your coaim is easiuly disputable and nothing more than uninformed opinon

Totally wrong.
You just never lived in the 1960s and earlier, when warning shots by police were common.
It has been proven that if you shoot in the air, the energy on the way down is tiny, equivalent of dropping a brick 20".
If you shoot into the grass, the odds of a ricochet is microscopic.

With a female 16 year old, you do not need to kill and never should try to.
There is almost never a reason for even a 2nd shot, much less 4.
Rapid shots greatly increases the chance for killing a bystander from the recoil throwing off your aim.

And NO, the .38 special used by police in the past is no where near to as deadly as the .4-S&W hollow points the police have switched to.
{... Furthermore, the muzzle energy of a.38 Special round averages out to 240 ft-lb, while a.40 S&W round averages out to about 420 ft-lb. ...}
And the switch to hollow points means a high speed, rotating buzz saw blade, which is over 6 times wider swath of destruction in soft human tissue.
Why do you think the Geneva Convention made hollow points illegal in war?
The far left liberals are trying to turn this country into a socialist shithole.
Democrats are lying commies. Maybe that's why
The democratic party has been taken over by fascists.
What Patriotism from the Democrats? The Democrats don't believe in Patriotism.
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
All the hate is from the left with your Soviet news , drug addict actors , big tech Himmlers and your Khmer Rouge foot soliders
Let me tell you !! We are 80 million strong with enough guns to defend ourselves
Nasty, venal, violently racist, and pedophile loving deviant lying commies.
That's just from the first page

How much "action" and more importantly donations do you think saying

"Well we disagree on policy" will get?

Making your opponent out to be the ultimate evil is far more effective and "rewarding"

Cynical bastards

But the problem has been that fascists have been trying to take over both parties since forever.
For example, you keep seeing the US get into stupid and illegal wars all the time.
And the reason for this is that the Military Industrial Complex makes its profits off wars.
Go back to the Mexican War, the Civil War , the Spanish American War, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq, the invasion of Panama, the invasion of Grenada, US troops in Syria, murdering Qaddafi, etc.
It was all illegal and based on lies, in order to gain profits.

Obama got elected on saying the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were wrong.
So then why did he not end those wars?

The closest to a defense democrats can make is that the republicans may be even worse on wars.
But Trump did not start any new wars, and at least claimed to want to get out of the current ones.
But that is not enough to make me a Trump supporter.
I am more of a socialist.

You misspelled "moron".

Does one charge their children room and board?
If not, then the family is not capitalist, but socialist.

When humans were hunter/gatherers for millions of years, was a successful hunt sold to the rest of the tribe for profit, or was is shared in a socialist manner?

Face facts, humans exist because of socialism and evolved to be socialist because it works better.
It does not produce as much or generate no innovative technology as quickly, but those things are problems not good.
By over producing we use up too many unrenewable natural resources, and the technology has mostly been for weapons.
So I assume that you use candlelight in your cave and cook over an open fire while washing your clothes in the creek and hang to dry. Moron.

There was no way capitalism alone could sell electric lights.
The production of electricity could only happen through socialism, where people pooled their tax revenue in order to pay for the infrastructure.
All the main conveniences in our society exist due to socialist infrastructure, like roads, schools, fire fighting, utilities, etc.

Socialism promotes advancement of technology, as the Egyptians invented bronze and the Romans invented the aqueducts. It is just slightly slower and less innovative. The motivation is accolades and respect instead of just profits.
BLM has a lot more credibility.

The only credibility the BLM has these days, is the fact, they are a "Domestic" terrorism.

It is indisputable that police have become alarmingly abusive and overly quick to kill.
Back 50 years ago they were not even allowed to used weapons as deadly as they have now, and the 6 shot revolvers in .38 caliber FMJ have been replaced with 21 shot Glocks with deadly .40 S&W hollow points.
They used to fire warning shots.
Not they aim to kill and keep shooting until the corpse is unrecognizable.

They were never trained to fire warning shots. That has been discussed and you have been nmassively crushed and proven wrong.

They ALWAYS did and ALWAYS do aim for the center mass of target to kill for good reason.

Types of weapons carried do and always have varied from state to state and from department to department and .38s are just as deadly as .40s.

Your coaim is easiuly disputable and nothing more than uninformed opinon

Totally wrong.
You just never lived in the 1960s and earlier, when warning shots by police were common.
It has been proven that if you shoot in the air, the energy on the way down is tiny, equivalent of dropping a brick 20".
If you shoot into the grass, the odds of a ricochet is microscopic.

With a female 16 year old, you do not need to kill and never should try to.
There is almost never a reason for even a 2nd shot, much less 4.
Rapid shots greatly increases the chance for killing a bystander from the recoil throwing off your aim.

And NO, the .38 special used by police in the past is no where near to as deadly as the .4-S&W hollow points the police have switched to.
{... Furthermore, the muzzle energy of a.38 Special round averages out to 240 ft-lb, while a.40 S&W round averages out to about 420 ft-lb. ...}
And the switch to hollow points means a high speed, rotating buzz saw blade, which is over 6 times wider swath of destruction in soft human tissue.
Why do you think the Geneva Convention made hollow points illegal in war?
Yes I did I am older than you and better informed.

We had this discussion before and you were proven wrong and owned. It was never common and never colicy. Firearms instructors have always known that warning shots do more harm than good and if cops ever fired them it was against policy and training.

Except of course on old TV cop shows which is where you get your information.

Muzzle energy can change many things but in the end itr does not make a bullet more deadly. Geneva is irrelevant and archaic which is why the US only selectively follows it.

There is more often than not a reason for follow on shots as the well trained shooter always SHOULD shoot until the target is down which probably means dead but until the target is down and the threat ended. SOmetimes one shot will do this but it is more common to require multiple shots.

You know nothing about this and are wrong across the board.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Oh MY God....talk about backasswards...
The far left liberals are trying to turn this country into a socialist shithole.
Democrats are lying commies. Maybe that's why
The democratic party has been taken over by fascists.
What Patriotism from the Democrats? The Democrats don't believe in Patriotism.
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
All the hate is from the left with your Soviet news , drug addict actors , big tech Himmlers and your Khmer Rouge foot soliders
Let me tell you !! We are 80 million strong with enough guns to defend ourselves
Nasty, venal, violently racist, and pedophile loving deviant lying commies.
That's just from the first page

How much "action" and more importantly donations do you think saying

"Well we disagree on policy" will get?

Making your opponent out to be the ultimate evil is far more effective and "rewarding"

Cynical bastards

But the problem has been that fascists have been trying to take over both parties since forever.
For example, you keep seeing the US get into stupid and illegal wars all the time.
And the reason for this is that the Military Industrial Complex makes its profits off wars.
Go back to the Mexican War, the Civil War , the Spanish American War, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq, the invasion of Panama, the invasion of Grenada, US troops in Syria, murdering Qaddafi, etc.
It was all illegal and based on lies, in order to gain profits.

Obama got elected on saying the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were wrong.
So then why did he not end those wars?

The closest to a defense democrats can make is that the republicans may be even worse on wars.
But Trump did not start any new wars, and at least claimed to want to get out of the current ones.
But that is not enough to make me a Trump supporter.
I am more of a socialist.

You misspelled "moron".

Does one charge their children room and board?
If not, then the family is not capitalist, but socialist.

When humans were hunter/gatherers for millions of years, was a successful hunt sold to the rest of the tribe for profit, or was is shared in a socialist manner?

Face facts, humans exist because of socialism and evolved to be socialist because it works better.
It does not produce as much or generate no innovative technology as quickly, but those things are problems not good.
By over producing we use up too many unrenewable natural resources, and the technology has mostly been for weapons.
So I assume that you use candlelight in your cave and cook over an open fire while washing your clothes in the creek and hang to dry. Moron.

There was no way capitalism alone could sell electric lights.
The production of electricity could only happen through socialism, where people pooled their tax revenue in order to pay for the infrastructure.
All the main conveniences in our society exist due to socialist infrastructure, like roads, schools, fire fighting, utilities, etc.

Socialism promotes advancement of technology, as the Egyptians invented bronze and the Romans invented the aqueducts. It is just slightly slower and less innovative. The motivation is accolades and respect instead of just profits.
Capitalism alone sold electric lights. Socialism accomplished nothing and always fails,

None of those things exist because of sociialism but because of capitalism.

The motivation for socialism is greed and the desire to steal what others produce.
The far left liberals are trying to turn this country into a socialist shithole.
Democrats are lying commies. Maybe that's why
The democratic party has been taken over by fascists.
What Patriotism from the Democrats? The Democrats don't believe in Patriotism.
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
All the hate is from the left with your Soviet news , drug addict actors , big tech Himmlers and your Khmer Rouge foot soliders
Let me tell you !! We are 80 million strong with enough guns to defend ourselves
Nasty, venal, violently racist, and pedophile loving deviant lying commies.
That's just from the first page

How much "action" and more importantly donations do you think saying

"Well we disagree on policy" will get?

Making your opponent out to be the ultimate evil is far more effective and "rewarding"

Cynical bastards

But the problem has been that fascists have been trying to take over both parties since forever.
For example, you keep seeing the US get into stupid and illegal wars all the time.
And the reason for this is that the Military Industrial Complex makes its profits off wars.
Go back to the Mexican War, the Civil War , the Spanish American War, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq, the invasion of Panama, the invasion of Grenada, US troops in Syria, murdering Qaddafi, etc.
It was all illegal and based on lies, in order to gain profits.

Obama got elected on saying the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were wrong.
So then why did he not end those wars?

The closest to a defense democrats can make is that the republicans may be even worse on wars.
But Trump did not start any new wars, and at least claimed to want to get out of the current ones.
But that is not enough to make me a Trump supporter.
I am more of a socialist.

You misspelled "moron".

Does one charge their children room and board?
If not, then the family is not capitalist, but socialist.

When humans were hunter/gatherers for millions of years, was a successful hunt sold to the rest of the tribe for profit, or was is shared in a socialist manner?

Face facts, humans exist because of socialism and evolved to be socialist because it works better.
It does not produce as much or generate no innovative technology as quickly, but those things are problems not good.
By over producing we use up too many unrenewable natural resources, and the technology has mostly been for weapons.
Yes a succesful hunt was sold which is why prositution is the worlds oldest profession.

Or in true socialist form it was never shared but rationed out to those the tribal leader liked the most. While those he disliked went hungry.

In fact humans invented socialism which always fails and they invented capitalism which works and is succesful.

We do not exist because of either system.

Socialism has NOTHING to do with sharing it is based on violent theft and enslavement
The far left liberals are trying to turn this country into a socialist shithole.
Democrats are lying commies. Maybe that's why
The democratic party has been taken over by fascists.
What Patriotism from the Democrats? The Democrats don't believe in Patriotism.
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
All the hate is from the left with your Soviet news , drug addict actors , big tech Himmlers and your Khmer Rouge foot soliders
Let me tell you !! We are 80 million strong with enough guns to defend ourselves
Nasty, venal, violently racist, and pedophile loving deviant lying commies.
That's just from the first page

How much "action" and more importantly donations do you think saying

"Well we disagree on policy" will get?

Making your opponent out to be the ultimate evil is far more effective and "rewarding"

Cynical bastards

But the problem has been that fascists have been trying to take over both parties since forever.
For example, you keep seeing the US get into stupid and illegal wars all the time.
And the reason for this is that the Military Industrial Complex makes its profits off wars.
Go back to the Mexican War, the Civil War , the Spanish American War, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq, the invasion of Panama, the invasion of Grenada, US troops in Syria, murdering Qaddafi, etc.
It was all illegal and based on lies, in order to gain profits.

Obama got elected on saying the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were wrong.
So then why did he not end those wars?

The closest to a defense democrats can make is that the republicans may be even worse on wars.
But Trump did not start any new wars, and at least claimed to want to get out of the current ones.
But that is not enough to make me a Trump supporter.
I am more of a socialist.

You misspelled "moron".

Does one charge their children room and board?
If not, then the family is not capitalist, but socialist.

When humans were hunter/gatherers for millions of years, was a successful hunt sold to the rest of the tribe for profit, or was is shared in a socialist manner?

Face facts, humans exist because of socialism and evolved to be socialist because it works better.
It does not produce as much or generate no innovative technology as quickly, but those things are problems not good.
By over producing we use up too many unrenewable natural resources, and the technology has mostly been for weapons.
So I assume that you use candlelight in your cave and cook over an open fire while washing your clothes in the creek and hang to dry. Moron.

There was no way capitalism alone could sell electric lights.
The production of electricity could only happen through socialism, where people pooled their tax revenue in order to pay for the infrastructure.
All the main conveniences in our society exist due to socialist infrastructure, like roads, schools, fire fighting, utilities, etc.

Socialism promotes advancement of technology, as the Egyptians invented bronze and the Romans invented the aqueducts. It is just slightly slower and less innovative. The motivation is accolades and respect instead of just profits.
The far left liberals are trying to turn this country into a socialist shithole.
Democrats are lying commies. Maybe that's why
The democratic party has been taken over by fascists.
What Patriotism from the Democrats? The Democrats don't believe in Patriotism.
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
All the hate is from the left with your Soviet news , drug addict actors , big tech Himmlers and your Khmer Rouge foot soliders
Let me tell you !! We are 80 million strong with enough guns to defend ourselves
Nasty, venal, violently racist, and pedophile loving deviant lying commies.
That's just from the first page

How much "action" and more importantly donations do you think saying

"Well we disagree on policy" will get?

Making your opponent out to be the ultimate evil is far more effective and "rewarding"

Cynical bastards

But the problem has been that fascists have been trying to take over both parties since forever.
For example, you keep seeing the US get into stupid and illegal wars all the time.
And the reason for this is that the Military Industrial Complex makes its profits off wars.
Go back to the Mexican War, the Civil War , the Spanish American War, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq, the invasion of Panama, the invasion of Grenada, US troops in Syria, murdering Qaddafi, etc.
It was all illegal and based on lies, in order to gain profits.

Obama got elected on saying the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were wrong.
So then why did he not end those wars?

The closest to a defense democrats can make is that the republicans may be even worse on wars.
But Trump did not start any new wars, and at least claimed to want to get out of the current ones.
But that is not enough to make me a Trump supporter.
I am more of a socialist.

You misspelled "moron".

Does one charge their children room and board?
If not, then the family is not capitalist, but socialist.

When humans were hunter/gatherers for millions of years, was a successful hunt sold to the rest of the tribe for profit, or was is shared in a socialist manner?

Face facts, humans exist because of socialism and evolved to be socialist because it works better.
It does not produce as much or generate no innovative technology as quickly, but those things are problems not good.
By over producing we use up too many unrenewable natural resources, and the technology has mostly been for weapons.
So I assume that you use candlelight in your cave and cook over an open fire while washing your clothes in the creek and hang to dry. Moron.

There was no way capitalism alone could sell electric lights.
The production of electricity could only happen through socialism, where people pooled their tax revenue in order to pay for the infrastructure.
All the main conveniences in our society exist due to socialist infrastructure, like roads, schools, fire fighting, utilities, etc.

Socialism promotes advancement of technology, as the Egyptians invented bronze and the Romans invented the aqueducts. It is just slightly slower and less innovative. The motivation is accolades and respect instead of just profits.
So slower and less innovative is better than capitalism. Okay.
nobody thought it was funny & her career tanked after that stunt.

ted nugent had gigs & interviews all over the place with his repulsive remarks - the rwing nutters still love him.
Nobody, with sense, took her as a legitimate threat.

She got canceled by the American rightwing for expressing her first amendment rights.

She took a hit, but she'll eventually come back on top.

she has since then.

Kathy Griffin still working and hustling after Trump photo
Kathy Griffin still working and hustling after Trump photo
View attachment 484873
Huh? Who laughed at that when it was Trump's head?
The far left liberals are trying to turn this country into a socialist shithole.
Democrats are lying commies. Maybe that's why
The democratic party has been taken over by fascists.
What Patriotism from the Democrats? The Democrats don't believe in Patriotism.
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
All the hate is from the left with your Soviet news , drug addict actors , big tech Himmlers and your Khmer Rouge foot soliders
Let me tell you !! We are 80 million strong with enough guns to defend ourselves
Nasty, venal, violently racist, and pedophile loving deviant lying commies.
That's just from the first page

How much "action" and more importantly donations do you think saying

"Well we disagree on policy" will get?

Making your opponent out to be the ultimate evil is far more effective and "rewarding"

Cynical bastards

But the problem has been that fascists have been trying to take over both parties since forever.
For example, you keep seeing the US get into stupid and illegal wars all the time.
And the reason for this is that the Military Industrial Complex makes its profits off wars.
Go back to the Mexican War, the Civil War , the Spanish American War, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq, the invasion of Panama, the invasion of Grenada, US troops in Syria, murdering Qaddafi, etc.
It was all illegal and based on lies, in order to gain profits.

Obama got elected on saying the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were wrong.
So then why did he not end those wars?

The closest to a defense democrats can make is that the republicans may be even worse on wars.
But Trump did not start any new wars, and at least claimed to want to get out of the current ones.
But that is not enough to make me a Trump supporter.
I am more of a socialist.

You misspelled "moron".

Does one charge their children room and board?
If not, then the family is not capitalist, but socialist.

When humans were hunter/gatherers for millions of years, was a successful hunt sold to the rest of the tribe for profit, or was is shared in a socialist manner?

Face facts, humans exist because of socialism and evolved to be socialist because it works better.
It does not produce as much or generate no innovative technology as quickly, but those things are problems not good.
By over producing we use up too many unrenewable natural resources, and the technology has mostly been for weapons.
So I assume that you use candlelight in your cave and cook over an open fire while washing your clothes in the creek and hang to dry. Moron.

There was no way capitalism alone could sell electric lights.
The production of electricity could only happen through socialism, where people pooled their tax revenue in order to pay for the infrastructure.
All the main conveniences in our society exist due to socialist infrastructure, like roads, schools, fire fighting, utilities, etc.

Socialism promotes advancement of technology, as the Egyptians invented bronze and the Romans invented the aqueducts. It is just slightly slower and less innovative. The motivation is accolades and respect instead of just profits.
Socialism promotes the death of a nation
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Your hate of us is astounding
Let me tell you ..we’re finally fighting back
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
We have had it

I come from a long line of democrats who worked in the steel mills and iron mills of Pennsylvania. They stood on union lines often in bad weather on strike so future workers could get fair pay and benefits.

For half a century I was a registered democrat but last year when I moved I changed my registration to republican.

So why the change. It wasn’t so much that I left the party as the Democratic Party left me.

Why is the Democratic Party so ashamed of our nation? Yes, in the beginning we had slavery but even from the start it was a controversial idea and we did away with it by fighting a Civil War.

While we are far from a perfect nation we have always been a nation that wants to improve and become better and fairer for all. I have seen significant changes for the better in my lifetime. Significant not minor.

Many of those changes were because of the efforts of the Democratic Party.

But now it seems the extremists in the Democratic Party have taken control and want to change this nation into a socialist workers paradise. We are not talking socialist programs like Social Security here but a major change in our form of government from capitalist to socialist as in Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea. This form of government has proven a failure over and over but of course the Democratic Party thinks that they can finally make it work in our nation. A nation with possibly the most freedoms of any nation in the world is a poor choice for a socialist or communist government.

Plus the Denocratic Party sees no problem with groups like Antifa and BLM rioting and burning our cities down. In fact some elected democrats encourage such activities.

The Democratic Party sees the cops as the bad guys not the drug gangs who spend their time shooting up our big cities over territory while killing innocent people and even children during their gun battles. The dems want to defund the police or do away with police and replace them with social workers.

So cops in many big cities are tired of having little or no support from the management of their cites and are leaving the force in mass. Few people have any interest in joining the police force today to replace the officers leaving as today cops are shot and murdered while just sitting in their police car. A cop has to try to control a riot and dodge bricks and commercial fireworks from the rioters and is limited in how much force he can use to quell the riot or protect himself. Being a cop is not a job any rational, sane person would want to be today. It sucks because many citizens absolutely hate cops and to top it off it doesn’t pay all that well.

Our Mexican border is basically wide open and Biden has invited everybody in and they are coming In mass. It is not just illegal aliens looking for work that cross this border but also drug mules and gang members as well as possible terrorists. Of course the dems want to do away with ICE and provide sanctuary for anyone who comes here even if they commit crimes, often it seems they treat illegal aliens better then real citizens.

If the dems get a chance they will attempt to push their plan of disarming American citizens as far as possible in the next couple of years possibly starting off with a ban and a mandatory buy back of “assault rifles“ and all semi-automatic firearms including pistols if possible. First they cripple the police and ICE and the crime rate skyrockets and to top it off they try to ban and confiscate civilian owned firearms people use for defense. It makes me wonder if they are working for the citizens of our nation or the criminals in our nation.

I could continue with this rant but by now most readers will have an good idea of how I feel. The Democratic Party has went totally BATSHIT CRAZY and I no longer want to be associated in any way with it.

It appears to me that the Democratic Party’s goal is the destruction of our nation and they might just achieve that. We may well end up with our nation breaking apart. Hopefully if it happens the breakup will be peaceful not bloody.
"It appears to me that the Democratic Party’s goal is the destruction of our nation and they might just achieve that."

What do you think will destroy this nation faster than the right's attempts at destroying our election process?
The left fascist have turned our elections into a banana republic nation
The far left liberals are trying to turn this country into a socialist shithole.
Democrats are lying commies. Maybe that's why
The democratic party has been taken over by fascists.
What Patriotism from the Democrats? The Democrats don't believe in Patriotism.
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
All the hate is from the left with your Soviet news , drug addict actors , big tech Himmlers and your Khmer Rouge foot soliders
Let me tell you !! We are 80 million strong with enough guns to defend ourselves
Nasty, venal, violently racist, and pedophile loving deviant lying commies.
That's just from the first page

How much "action" and more importantly donations do you think saying

"Well we disagree on policy" will get?

Making your opponent out to be the ultimate evil is far more effective and "rewarding"

Cynical bastards

But the problem has been that fascists have been trying to take over both parties since forever.
For example, you keep seeing the US get into stupid and illegal wars all the time.
And the reason for this is that the Military Industrial Complex makes its profits off wars.
Go back to the Mexican War, the Civil War , the Spanish American War, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq, the invasion of Panama, the invasion of Grenada, US troops in Syria, murdering Qaddafi, etc.
It was all illegal and based on lies, in order to gain profits.

Obama got elected on saying the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were wrong.
So then why did he not end those wars?

The closest to a defense democrats can make is that the republicans may be even worse on wars.
But Trump did not start any new wars, and at least claimed to want to get out of the current ones.
But that is not enough to make me a Trump supporter.
I am more of a socialist.

You misspelled "moron".

Does one charge their children room and board?
If not, then the family is not capitalist, but socialist.

When humans were hunter/gatherers for millions of years, was a successful hunt sold to the rest of the tribe for profit, or was is shared in a socialist manner?

Face facts, humans exist because of socialism and evolved to be socialist because it works better.
It does not produce as much or generate no innovative technology as quickly, but those things are problems not good.
By over producing we use up too many unrenewable natural resources, and the technology has mostly been for weapons.
I see you’re the new “ Bernie Sanders “ of the room
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Your hate of us is astounding
Let me tell you ..we’re finally fighting back
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
We have had it

I come from a long line of democrats who worked in the steel mills and iron mills of Pennsylvania. They stood on union lines often in bad weather on strike so future workers could get fair pay and benefits.

For half a century I was a registered democrat but last year when I moved I changed my registration to republican.

So why the change. It wasn’t so much that I left the party as the Democratic Party left me.

Why is the Democratic Party so ashamed of our nation? Yes, in the beginning we had slavery but even from the start it was a controversial idea and we did away with it by fighting a Civil War.

While we are far from a perfect nation we have always been a nation that wants to improve and become better and fairer for all. I have seen significant changes for the better in my lifetime. Significant not minor.

Many of those changes were because of the efforts of the Democratic Party.

But now it seems the extremists in the Democratic Party have taken control and want to change this nation into a socialist workers paradise. We are not talking socialist programs like Social Security here but a major change in our form of government from capitalist to socialist as in Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea. This form of government has proven a failure over and over but of course the Democratic Party thinks that they can finally make it work in our nation. A nation with possibly the most freedoms of any nation in the world is a poor choice for a socialist or communist government.

Plus the Denocratic Party sees no problem with groups like Antifa and BLM rioting and burning our cities down. In fact some elected democrats encourage such activities.

The Democratic Party sees the cops as the bad guys not the drug gangs who spend their time shooting up our big cities over territory while killing innocent people and even children during their gun battles. The dems want to defund the police or do away with police and replace them with social workers.

So cops in many big cities are tired of having little or no support from the management of their cites and are leaving the force in mass. Few people have any interest in joining the police force today to replace the officers leaving as today cops are shot and murdered while just sitting in their police car. A cop has to try to control a riot and dodge bricks and commercial fireworks from the rioters and is limited in how much force he can use to quell the riot or protect himself. Being a cop is not a job any rational, sane person would want to be today. It sucks because many citizens absolutely hate cops and to top it off it doesn’t pay all that well.

Our Mexican border is basically wide open and Biden has invited everybody in and they are coming In mass. It is not just illegal aliens looking for work that cross this border but also drug mules and gang members as well as possible terrorists. Of course the dems want to do away with ICE and provide sanctuary for anyone who comes here even if they commit crimes, often it seems they treat illegal aliens better then real citizens.

If the dems get a chance they will attempt to push their plan of disarming American citizens as far as possible in the next couple of years possibly starting off with a ban and a mandatory buy back of “assault rifles“ and all semi-automatic firearms including pistols if possible. First they cripple the police and ICE and the crime rate skyrockets and to top it off they try to ban and confiscate civilian owned firearms people use for defense. It makes me wonder if they are working for the citizens of our nation or the criminals in our nation.

I could continue with this rant but by now most readers will have an good idea of how I feel. The Democratic Party has went totally BATSHIT CRAZY and I no longer want to be associated in any way with it.

It appears to me that the Democratic Party’s goal is the destruction of our nation and they might just achieve that. We may well end up with our nation breaking apart. Hopefully if it happens the breakup will be peaceful not bloody.
"It appears to me that the Democratic Party’s goal is the destruction of our nation and they might just achieve that."

What do you think will destroy this nation faster than the right's attempts at destroying our election process?
The left fascist have turned our elections into a banana republic nation

I didn't realize Trump and Republicans were leftwing fascists. Thanks for the insight.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Your hate of us is astounding
Let me tell you ..we’re finally fighting back
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
We have had it

I come from a long line of democrats who worked in the steel mills and iron mills of Pennsylvania. They stood on union lines often in bad weather on strike so future workers could get fair pay and benefits.

For half a century I was a registered democrat but last year when I moved I changed my registration to republican.

So why the change. It wasn’t so much that I left the party as the Democratic Party left me.

Why is the Democratic Party so ashamed of our nation? Yes, in the beginning we had slavery but even from the start it was a controversial idea and we did away with it by fighting a Civil War.

While we are far from a perfect nation we have always been a nation that wants to improve and become better and fairer for all. I have seen significant changes for the better in my lifetime. Significant not minor.

Many of those changes were because of the efforts of the Democratic Party.

But now it seems the extremists in the Democratic Party have taken control and want to change this nation into a socialist workers paradise. We are not talking socialist programs like Social Security here but a major change in our form of government from capitalist to socialist as in Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea. This form of government has proven a failure over and over but of course the Democratic Party thinks that they can finally make it work in our nation. A nation with possibly the most freedoms of any nation in the world is a poor choice for a socialist or communist government.

Plus the Denocratic Party sees no problem with groups like Antifa and BLM rioting and burning our cities down. In fact some elected democrats encourage such activities.

The Democratic Party sees the cops as the bad guys not the drug gangs who spend their time shooting up our big cities over territory while killing innocent people and even children during their gun battles. The dems want to defund the police or do away with police and replace them with social workers.

So cops in many big cities are tired of having little or no support from the management of their cites and are leaving the force in mass. Few people have any interest in joining the police force today to replace the officers leaving as today cops are shot and murdered while just sitting in their police car. A cop has to try to control a riot and dodge bricks and commercial fireworks from the rioters and is limited in how much force he can use to quell the riot or protect himself. Being a cop is not a job any rational, sane person would want to be today. It sucks because many citizens absolutely hate cops and to top it off it doesn’t pay all that well.

Our Mexican border is basically wide open and Biden has invited everybody in and they are coming In mass. It is not just illegal aliens looking for work that cross this border but also drug mules and gang members as well as possible terrorists. Of course the dems want to do away with ICE and provide sanctuary for anyone who comes here even if they commit crimes, often it seems they treat illegal aliens better then real citizens.

If the dems get a chance they will attempt to push their plan of disarming American citizens as far as possible in the next couple of years possibly starting off with a ban and a mandatory buy back of “assault rifles“ and all semi-automatic firearms including pistols if possible. First they cripple the police and ICE and the crime rate skyrockets and to top it off they try to ban and confiscate civilian owned firearms people use for defense. It makes me wonder if they are working for the citizens of our nation or the criminals in our nation.

I could continue with this rant but by now most readers will have an good idea of how I feel. The Democratic Party has went totally BATSHIT CRAZY and I no longer want to be associated in any way with it.

It appears to me that the Democratic Party’s goal is the destruction of our nation and they might just achieve that. We may well end up with our nation breaking apart. Hopefully if it happens the breakup will be peaceful not bloody.
"It appears to me that the Democratic Party’s goal is the destruction of our nation and they might just achieve that."

What do you think will destroy this nation faster than the right's attempts at destroying our election process?
The left fascist have turned our elections into a banana republic nation

I didn't realize Trump and Republicans were leftwing fascists. Thanks for the insight.
2 sides of the same coin , you giant buffoon
For the Dems
Conservatives are the resistance .

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