Why shouldn’t we take great pride in being “White Nationalists”?

I thought we all wanted extremely patriotic and extremely proud citizens...no?
Are Democrats pushing that patriotism, love and loyalty to the United States Of America is a bad thing?
Does their rule only apply to Caucasians? Are Brown and Black Nationalists bad as well?
Are Mexicrats against anybody too white, too patriotic, too committed and too loyal to the U.S. because they know they can’t garner a single vote from said groups?

  1. 1.
    a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
    "he was a staunch nationalist during his 22 years in power"
  1. 1.
    relating to nationalists or nationalism.
    "a nationalist movement"

I thought we all wanted extremely patriotic and extremely proud citizens...no?
Are Democrats pushing that patriotism, love and loyalty to the United States Of America is a bad thing?"

Mike Pence said "I am a CHRISTIAN first, a CONSERVATIVE second and a REPUBLICAN third"

he never even MENTIONED patriotism.......

Kindly go question HIS patriotism before you question mine.
I thought we all wanted extremely patriotic and extremely proud citizens...no?
Are Democrats pushing that patriotism, love and loyalty to the United States Of America is a bad thing?
Does their rule only apply to Caucasians? Are Brown and Black Nationalists bad as well?
Are Mexicrats against anybody too white, too patriotic, too committed and too loyal to the U.S. because they know they can’t garner a single vote from said groups?

  1. 1.
    a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
    "he was a staunch nationalist during his 22 years in power"
  1. 1.
    relating to nationalists or nationalism.
    "a nationalist movement"
Go right ahead and feel proud....but I must ask....does "feeling proud" include running down others?

Wouldn't that depend upon whether they were running you down and you were responding?
Why shouldn’t we take great pride in being “White Nationalists”?
I thought we all wanted extremely patriotic and extremely proud citizens...no?

The whole matter of "white nationalism" is a phony, divisive, made up one by the Left to play identity politics with their useful idiot base. It attempts to spin conservatives and Trump supporters as fanatical racists to be stoutly opposed.
  • They add the "white" part to play the race card trying to slam whites in the eyes of minorities. You don't hear of any other color nationalist, do you?
  • They hope to conflate (white) nationalism with white supremacists all as part of the white skinhead Aryan movement.
  • They try to bury the fact that nationalism is just another word for patriotism.
  • By doing so, they attempt to get "white nationalists," and by association, Trump supporters and conservatives in general ascribed as a "hate group" thereby getting then censored from getting their message out and at the very least, not taken seriously.
  • The entire point is to try to assign conservatives and especially Trump supporters as: racist, Islamophobic xenophobes because they simply want to put country first, control the borders, defend against a repeat of 9/11, and most of all, stop the democrats from using mass illegal immigration as a recruitment tool to forever change the voting metric of the nation.
As such, every attack against someone simply wearing a MAGA hat should be laid at the feet of the DNC as espousing and promoting violence. Once again, the Left is hypocritically shown to be the very hate-mongering group they would have people think the other side is.

As a matter of fact, I do know a few non-white racists in my neck of the woods.

You have the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP.) If race is only a social construct and we have no right to be proud of our culture when it includes race, then neither should the NAACP.

Unlike the other states we have Stacey Abrams. She is this black lady that lost the race for governor, but continues to run for public office (which one is unspecified.) She wants reparations for slavery. The problem is, us being a nation of immigrants, most blacks and whites have very little lineage, insofar as families are concerned, to have been impacted by slavery either way. What she wants is money from white people who are not related (or have very few ties) to the slave owning Jewish people and whites. The promotion of that form of hatred does not make me want to run out and hug Abrams.

La Raza, which still exists around here is translated "The Race." The Mexicans used to identify as white until the 1960s, but white supremacists helped convince the Hispanic community that they weren't white. So, La Raza is now racist (the fault for that, however, lies at the feet of white supremacists.) They exist nontheless

The Muslims hate the posterity of the founders. The founders identified themselves by both race and religion. Consequently, Islam teaches intolerance toward a race of people. They must kill or convert us.

I could keep going, but this race thing is NOT a one way street.
Being white IS our nation moron.

Nation literally means race or ethnicity.

The meaning of nation has nothing to do with race or ethnicity. Are you stupid or dishonest?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Hmmm, I think it does.

  1. a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
    "the world's leading industrialized nations"
    synonyms: country, state, land, sovereign state, nation state, kingdom, empire, republic, confederation, federation, commonwealth, power, superpower, polity, domain; More
    • a North American Indian people or confederation of peoples.

Yeah America is a large body of people united by a common language, right? And it’s interesting how definitions matter to you when you think it benefits your world view, but in the case of white nationalists screw the definition, right?
You clearly didn't read the definition. YOU are the one ignoring what you don't like.

Common descent = ethnicity and/or race.

White nationalists are RIGHT dipshit. Get the fuck over it and try to subvert western traditionalism another way.

An Italian has a different ethnicity than an Irishman
The meaning of nation has nothing to do with race or ethnicity. Are you stupid or dishonest?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Hmmm, I think it does.

  1. a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
    "the world's leading industrialized nations"
    synonyms: country, state, land, sovereign state, nation state, kingdom, empire, republic, confederation, federation, commonwealth, power, superpower, polity, domain; More
    • a North American Indian people or confederation of peoples.

Yeah America is a large body of people united by a common language, right? And it’s interesting how definitions matter to you when you think it benefits your world view, but in the case of white nationalists screw the definition, right?
You clearly didn't read the definition. YOU are the one ignoring what you don't like.

Common descent = ethnicity and/or race.

White nationalists are RIGHT dipshit. Get the fuck over it and try to subvert western traditionalism another way.

An Italian has a different ethnicity than an Irishman

Skin color isn’t an ethnicity
Hmmm, I think it does.

  1. a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
    "the world's leading industrialized nations"
    synonyms: country, state, land, sovereign state, nation state, kingdom, empire, republic, confederation, federation, commonwealth, power, superpower, polity, domain; More
    • a North American Indian people or confederation of peoples.

Yeah America is a large body of people united by a common language, right? And it’s interesting how definitions matter to you when you think it benefits your world view, but in the case of white nationalists screw the definition, right?
You clearly didn't read the definition. YOU are the one ignoring what you don't like.

Common descent = ethnicity and/or race.

White nationalists are RIGHT dipshit. Get the fuck over it and try to subvert western traditionalism another way.

An Italian has a different ethnicity than an Irishman

Skin color isn’t an ethnicity

The engine of a car is not a car.

Race is biological. Ethnicity is associated with culture languages, customs, preferences, etc.) In many cultures, part of the culture is race. You cannot change those cultures without destroying the race.

Sometimes what you or some other social engineer may define as race is not the same as was what others in a culture define as race. But whether they came from Ireland, Scotland, England, Italy, etc. what we defined as "white" had enough commonalities among them to build this nation, and I'm not talking about just the buildings and houses, but the culture of what is right and wrong; the common idea that a Creator (a God, whomever you deem that be) exists and gave to man unalienable Rights; a Republican form of government that cultures - even those with a culture revolving around race never implemented.
Hmmm, I think it does.

  1. a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
    "the world's leading industrialized nations"
    synonyms: country, state, land, sovereign state, nation state, kingdom, empire, republic, confederation, federation, commonwealth, power, superpower, polity, domain; More
    • a North American Indian people or confederation of peoples.

Yeah America is a large body of people united by a common language, right? And it’s interesting how definitions matter to you when you think it benefits your world view, but in the case of white nationalists screw the definition, right?
You clearly didn't read the definition. YOU are the one ignoring what you don't like.

Common descent = ethnicity and/or race.

White nationalists are RIGHT dipshit. Get the fuck over it and try to subvert western traditionalism another way.

An Italian has a different ethnicity than an Irishman

Skin color isn’t an ethnicity
You conveniently forget that I pulled up a definition that specifically says race and this one says “common descent”.

Ethnicity still very much denotes skin color.

I thought we all wanted extremely patriotic and extremely proud citizens...no?
Are Democrats pushing that patriotism, love and loyalty to the United States Of America is a bad thing?
Does their rule only apply to Caucasians? Are Brown and Black Nationalists bad as well?
Are Mexicrats against anybody too white, too patriotic, too committed and too loyal to the U.S. because they know they can’t garner a single vote from said groups?

  1. 1.
    a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
    "he was a staunch nationalist during his 22 years in power"
  1. 1.
    relating to nationalists or nationalism.
    "a nationalist movement"
cant say nothing anymore without being accuse of being a goddamn racist nazi "white nationalist"

i was watching a fucking louder with chowder video

ya know where he goes to college campuses

theirs one where hes talking with a small group of the brainwashed kids
and thiers a American black girl who doesn't agree with him ,everyones polite .......and she may grow up hit the workforce.... have a kid and GROW UP. turn away from all the crap shes been spoon feed. she may become an activist ...uh boy ...it could go either way BUT she should have a chance

Now standing next to her is a dark i'm guessing an immigrant wrapped up in a bed sheet
Praise Allah piss be upon him .

NOT assimilating or at least trying to assimilate 3rd worlders ...cause theyre harder to assimilate for various cultural reasons ....for saying that im now a "white nationalist" Which is NAZI in their empty little pc heads ....cucks if they know it or not ? THEY feed the beast..some do some dont ....some they're just coming from personal feelz
when they really shouldn't ... i'm just sayin

you guys can do 50 threads of the most racist i hate Puerto Rican and their little half breed children I wouldn't even flinch...i may join in and volunteer to check if everyones tires are still on their cars ......WOT :auiqs.jpg:

When it comes down to the individual personal level its all irrelevant .

Feelings are irrelevant when it comes to important issues ....like voting for instance
your only creed are written by white people and theyre on the US dollar

OUT OF MANY ONE ...even when we all disagree ....get it

dont believe in GOD thats fine to but show a little "tolerance" to those that do and wont fly a plane into a building or throw fags off a roof.
the left youre big on tolerance free speech aint yas ? :auiqs.jpg:

So crowder is TRYING to have a lets "start a conversation" moment

Well ya can see the American black girl( Blacks are saints of victim hood identity politics) and shes alright. Its registering well he just want s to "have that conversation" without the lefts and cuck rules and hes being polite non threatening blah blah hes going through the motions ....hes trying to lighten it up a little .....YOU cant say anything

Cause now the third world monkey sand savage IN a bed sheet (THATS RIGHT I SAID IT MONKEY FROM A 3RD WORLD SHITHOUSE SHITHOLE)

SHE WILL NOT LISTEN TO A WORD HE SAYS ......and the word monkey didn't EVEN didnt pop up once.....go figure ....i said monkey :auiqs.jpg:
AND I DONT even care shes dark and from Africa ......

Shes just a dancing NPC monkey doing what its programmed to do. AND her motivation behind it is NOW personal because NO shes just an oppressed victim
some know its a weapon they can use ...some are really that fuckin stupid ....like white progressives and cucks

when you IDENTIFY as a "victim" ITS NOW PERSONAL....... no matter how ya slice it or wanna twist it around

Hes not even implying it or anything like it .....nothing is wrong with what hes saying

All thats coming out of her mouth is you're a racist .....NOW hes being a gent ...hes absolutely no threat in anyway shape or form and she starts proclaiming she no longer "feels safe" i need my allies to join me

HE doesn't automatically hate anyone if they're black, wetbacks ,chinks, spics ,darkies, jews .......women ...homos

He doest seem like the type of guy who would walk down the street and call someone a wetback out of no where FOR NO REASON!!!. or even discriminate against someone.

taking away illegal aliens food stamps .....and their anchor baby loopholes = i hate wet backs
you cant say wet back for any reason what so ever .....because we're going to loose a vote...maybe ...maybe not

black dont vote for the ching chong
Mexicans lets run all the ******* out of what was once a black neighborhood cause we don't like black people around where we live

wetbacks.....a lot of them
they dont really care for their fellow brown people who walk through their country ...they dont use the nicest language sometimes....to say the least

WHO RUNS THE MEXICAN government lol besides the cartels
the taller lighter skinned european like **** n Spanish WHO ARE NOT LIL inca aztecs

We may have just a teeny tiny little iddy biddy immigration issue....ISSUES
Jus a lil teeny tiny one

meh we may or may not get around to actually addressing it

We have bigger more urgent problems ...like the tide or rising"white nationalism "
uh boy fuck me

why does it matter if you don't put an end to the hardcore PC cucks and leftards? ....its just one of the ways that they used to bring your nation to its knees . (we're gonners)
...people are waking up and pushing back a lil but for the long run i don't know

THE REPUBLICANS Lindsay Graham i wouldn't really trust him as far as i can throw him .....BUT the man has been showing signs hes born again
or he was just going along to get along tip towing around eggshell ...Maybe someone outer borough orange GAUDY FREAK inspired him to FINALLY stand the fuck for the American people already

and dont be bullied DO NOT BACK DOWN

what do you do with bullies?WHAT DO YA DO ? stand your ground YOU'VE GIVEN upWAY TO MUCH ALREADY
ya bully em back...put an end to the non sense and lets get down to the issue at hand ...cause the nation does indeed have some

YOU fuckin pussys we're probably finished

if its a joke
if you really dont care for some people
you walk around your bedroom in a nazi uniform screaming hail Hitler out the window
or walking down the street

or you just like the uniform
BY leftard standards why cant HE walk next to a drag queen then ?
but the left doesn't REALLY have any real standards anymore

If you think drag queen lil boys is not really progressive or enlightening OR normal OR right when its really is JUST OH SO WRONG

don't worry they lived !right mrs Streisand ? while THAT SAME IDIOT STREISAND MONKEY WILL turn around and lecture you lets ban the second amendment to save one child.

YOU have to SHUT UP your moral superiors are speaking from some imaginary moral high ground .



white people you could learn a thing or two from the blood thirsty savage nips and chinks....especially the crybaby bush cuck neo cons

BUT NOPE cant say a thing without it equaling you wont do whats right WHERE IT REALLY REALLY COUNTS

cant say a thing
or on facebook (do not attempt in the UK or Germany may result in jail time)
or if you wanna speak at a college campus

racist and hate filled or not ...

IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU SAY! how you say it, or how you mean it.


am I white

nationalist check

youre racist ,evil, white
we need to be wiped out
which btw is OK to say ....anywhere ...anyway you want to say it

once we're outta the way all will be equal ....and nice
thats what they tell me ..what are you so afraid of:20:

How far the ship sails if it turned completely around i don't hold out much hope.
and thats why it doesn't even matter anymore

i gave up political websites for well over a year cause its futile ...plus NRO and my other one went to hell
when i flicked it back on i was a white homeless immigrant

i joke I rather joke around instead ...WHICH IS EVIL AND RACIST

oh god is it ever racist ...it really is :auiqs.jpg:
honk pills and toxic masculinity make me loopey

have ya met my gayest dog ever ? i gotta take a picture today i got caught up in what really matters MEAT SPACE
ya know the outdoors

AND wot you're going out bent over ? pussys
honk pills make me loopey

For the youngsters BEST ADVICE ever out of a holly wood script....
especially you demonized white boys

Only you can make it happen for yourself.

I just hope n pray civilization is still standing for yas and that road of opportunity some of more fortunate souls took advantage of stays open for yas..

Trust me ya dont have to be a dumb ass 4 year ivy leaguer to leave the wannabes in the dust .......then ya know what you can do
when they tell yer dirt .

who cares
fuck you

fuck your feelings 2020
I invite Americans of all colors and walks of life to join us...or not....just check yer feelz at the door
Legal wetback citizens who love America ...even you

my car could use a detailing jus sayin
Last edited:
Being white IS our nation moron.

Nation literally means race or ethnicity.

The meaning of nation has nothing to do with race or ethnicity. Are you stupid or dishonest?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Hmmm, I think it does.

  1. a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
    "the world's leading industrialized nations"
    synonyms: country, state, land, sovereign state, nation state, kingdom, empire, republic, confederation, federation, commonwealth, power, superpower, polity, domain; More
    • a North American Indian people or confederation of peoples.

Yeah America is a large body of people united by a common language, right? And it’s interesting how definitions matter to you when you think it benefits your world view, but in the case of white nationalists screw the definition, right?
You clearly didn't read the definition. YOU are the one ignoring what you don't like.

Common descent = ethnicity and/or race.

White nationalists are RIGHT dipshit. Get the fuck over it and try to subvert western traditionalism another way.

You’re the one trying to reinvent words. I’m a strong promoter of Western values and traditions. People like you want to make it about skin color, which it isn’t, dipshit.
You fail American history.
This is a bait thread. But since whites are doing this, it is an acceptable topic according to most moderators. What we see here are mostly postings by whites with severe mental disorders.

Black nationalism hasn't been banned from social media unlike the white variety. Tell us more about how you're oppressed in America.
This is a bait thread. But since whites are doing this, it is an acceptable topic according to most moderators. What we see here are mostly postings by whites with severe mental disorders.
You are projecting again.
Hello, my friends. The main purpose of this writing is to provide evidence exposing the nature and character of a fellow American citizen loudly declaring Racism, the concept of 'White Supremacy' or 'White Privilege', is impeding our black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from experiencing equality and respect, as well as achieving success in today's ever-evolving American society.

Recently I was listening to social commentator 'Tree of Logic' speak with alleged 'White Supremacist' Jared Taylor. (see included YouTube link)

Jared Taylor - Wikipedia

During their conversation I learned in February of 2018 'White Advocate' Jared Taylor and 'Anti-Racism Strategist' Tariq Nasheed, a loud voice representing America's large PRO BLACK minded community, got together sharing a discussion about race relations in America, as well as race relations on our planet.

Tariq Nasheed - Wikipedia

"Dysfunctional 'PRO BLACK American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll"


Keeping it REAL, listening to Tariq sharing his thoughts and concerns I became embarrassed for him, as well as his large base of supporters and admirers.

In my opinion Tariq Nasheed is an emotionally troubled, $for-profit$, race-hustling clown. A man exhibiting childish behaviors while offering off-the-cuff, childlike arguments to support his views about "White Supremacy."

See for yourself...

"Tariq Nasheed vs. Jared Taylor" Streamed live on Feb 8, 2018 by Baked Alaska

Frankly, listening to Tariq Nasheed and Jared Taylor discuss historical, as well as current race relations on our planet, confirms my suspicions that Tariq, much like many of his fans and supporters, is not a well adjusted fellow citizen, nor is he interested in intelligently discussing issues affecting black American citizens.

In fact, YouTube personalty Ms. Cynthia G, a former Tariq Nasheed admirer, took the time to investigate Tariq's past, sharing with her fans what she believes is his documented criminal history of fraud, lies and deceptions:

"Tariq Nasheed: Hidden Criminal?" Published on Jun 5, 2018 by Cynthia G - 8,313 views

My friends, by sharing evidence of emotional illness and HATE depicted in this writing, I am hoping my responsible American neighbors will recognize that cries of RACISM and WHITE SUPREMACY are being exploited by apparent troubled Americans totally focused on lining their pockets with $$$.

Unfortunately, social media platforms like YouTube are incentivizing and $rewarding$ with cash, folks banging the Racism and 'White Supremacy' drums.

Sadly, over the past several years I've witnessed a growing number of black Americans choosing to join and CASH IN on the Racism, 'White Privilege' bandwagon. Attracting an audience by angrily offering history lessons about our evolving specie's ignorant, hateful past.

While IGNORING the hate existing in today's world.

I'm talking about Hate embraced by PRO BLACK minded Americans choosing to bully, intimidate, harass and denigrate as "C^^N, Uncle Tom and Sell-Out" our successful black American neighbors peacefully pursuing THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness.

I'm talking about the worst kind of human HATE. The HATE Child Abuse and Gun Violence Homicide victim Tupac Shakur includes in his often misinterpreted, much ignored T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment & Maltreatment *AWARENESS-PREVENTION* Public Service Announcement, applying to American and foreign born citizens of ALL backgrounds:

T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E. - "The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur, American Urban-TRUTH-Teller

The good news is, a growing number of apparent responsible, caring black American men and women are speaking up, producing videos sharing their concerns about the harm single parenting is doing to many communities.

Hopefully, one day soon, Tariq will evolve into a responsible citizen, denouncing the fvvkery, while at the same time supporting and admiring his responsible fellow citizens choosing to peacefully experience life on their own terms.

"Tariq Nasheed gets DESTROYED by White Nationalist Jared Taylor - Shameful" Published on Feb 12, 2018 by The Amazing Lucas 42,574 views

"Jared Taylor Talks With Tree of Logic about Race Debates, White Victimhood and More" Published on Jan 24, 2019 by Tree Of Logic

If you listenin closely, this man speaks about VAST VOLUMES of HATE for white folks that currently exists in the heart of large numbers of black Americans.

"Tariq Nasheed vs Jared Taylor, NOW Y'ALL KNOW!"
Published on Feb 12, 2018 by Donovan Worland 12,821 views

Tariq Nasheed vs Jared Taylor, NOW Y'ALL KNOW!

Become enlightened, YouTube search terms: "mental health illness black community"

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
I thought we all wanted extremely patriotic and extremely proud citizens...no?
Are Democrats pushing that patriotism, love and loyalty to the United States Of America is a bad thing?
Does their rule only apply to Caucasians? Are Brown and Black Nationalists bad as well?
Are Mexicrats against anybody too white, too patriotic, too committed and too loyal to the U.S. because they know they can’t garner a single vote from said groups?

  1. 1.
    a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
    "he was a staunch nationalist during his 22 years in power"
  1. 1.
    relating to nationalists or nationalism.
    "a nationalist movement"

This is a bait thread. But since whites are doing this, it is an acceptable topic according to most moderators. What we see here are mostly postings by whites with severe mental disorders.

Black nationalism hasn't been banned from social media unlike the white variety. Tell us more about how you're oppressed in America.

What you call black nationalism has not called for the removal of all whites from this country under a belief that America is only for blacks.
This is a bait thread. But since whites are doing this, it is an acceptable topic according to most moderators. What we see here are mostly postings by whites with severe mental disorders.

Black nationalism hasn't been banned from social media unlike the white variety. Tell us more about how you're oppressed in America.

What you call black nationalism has not called for the removal of all whites from this country under a belief that America is only for blacks.

Instead they call for the US govt to set aside a chunk of the country's most fertile land to establish a black nation. Not only that but whitey is supposed to subsidize the new black nation for a minimum of 30 years until the new nation is self-sufficient.
This is a bait thread. But since whites are doing this, it is an acceptable topic according to most moderators. What we see here are mostly postings by whites with severe mental disorders.

Black nationalism hasn't been banned from social media unlike the white variety. Tell us more about how you're oppressed in America.

What you call black nationalism has not called for the removal of all whites from this country under a belief that America is only for blacks.

Instead they call for the US govt to set aside a chunk of the country's most fertile land to establish a black nation. Not only that but whitey is supposed to subsidize the new black nation for a minimum of 30 years until the new nation is self-sufficient.
I've never heard that one. But if so, you seem very purposefully unaware of, number 1, the forced removal of non whites or genocide that is included in white nationalism, and number2, the complete history of what "whitey" has done in the United States.
This is a bait thread. But since whites are doing this, it is an acceptable topic according to most moderators. What we see here are mostly postings by whites with severe mental disorders.

Black nationalism hasn't been banned from social media unlike the white variety. Tell us more about how you're oppressed in America.

What you call black nationalism has not called for the removal of all whites from this country under a belief that America is only for blacks.

Instead they call for the US govt to set aside a chunk of the country's most fertile land to establish a black nation. Not only that but whitey is supposed to subsidize the new black nation for a minimum of 30 years until the new nation is self-sufficient.
I've never heard that one. But if so, you seem very purposefully unaware of, number 1, the forced removal of non whites or genocide that is included in white nationalism, and number2, the complete history of what "whitey" has done in the United States.

It's part of the Nation of Islam's charter. Most black nationalists and a big percentage of average black joes ascribe to much of NoI's propaganda...including you.

White people are not calling for genocide or forced removal. People get labeled white nationalists for opposing unlimited immigration. Even when white supremacist thinking was the law of the land we didn't round up all the blacks and put them in concentration camps. Modern day adherents to Hitler (as few and far between as they are) deny that any genocide even took place. If they were such big fans of ethnic cleansing then why would they deny it?
I thought we all wanted extremely patriotic and extremely proud citizens...no?
Are Democrats pushing that patriotism, love and loyalty to the United States Of America is a bad thing?
Does their rule only apply to Caucasians? Are Brown and Black Nationalists bad as well?
Are Mexicrats against anybody too white, too patriotic, too committed and too loyal to the U.S. because they know they can’t garner a single vote from said groups?

  1. 1.
    a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
    "he was a staunch nationalist during his 22 years in power"
  1. 1.
    relating to nationalists or nationalism.
    "a nationalist movement"
White nationalist is the PC codeword for supremacist.

What is to be proud of? A history of strange fruit and skin color based definitions of merit.

Other nationalities can point to real cultural markers of prode in music, literature, etc thst arent defined by skin color alone.
This is a bait thread. But since whites are doing this, it is an acceptable topic according to most moderators. What we see here are mostly postings by whites with severe mental disorders.

Black nationalism hasn't been banned from social media unlike the white variety. Tell us more about how you're oppressed in America.

What you call black nationalism has not called for the removal of all whites from this country under a belief that America is only for blacks.

Instead they call for the US govt to set aside a chunk of the country's most fertile land to establish a black nation. Not only that but whitey is supposed to subsidize the new black nation for a minimum of 30 years until the new nation is self-sufficient.
I've never heard that one. But if so, you seem very purposefully unaware of, number 1, the forced removal of non whites or genocide that is included in white nationalism, and number2, the complete history of what "whitey" has done in the United States.

It's part of the Nation of Islam's charter. Most black nationalists and a big percentage of average black joes ascribe to much of NoI's propaganda...including you.

White people are not calling for genocide or forced removal. People get labeled white nationalists for opposing unlimited immigration. Even when white supremacist thinking was the law of the land we didn't round up all the blacks and put them in concentration camps. Modern day adherents to Hitler (as few and far between as they are) deny that any genocide even took place. If they were such big fans of ethnic cleansing then why would they deny it?

That is what white nationalists are calling for exactly.

Motherfucker, I'm black, get it? There are maybe 100,000 members of the NOI in America. And the next time you read the back page of a Final Call, understand that it is stated that the request for a black homeland is due to the fact blacks and whites have not been able to get along. That inability is due to white racism. You are trying to run your punk ass whiny white bullshit past the wrong man son. When white supremacy was the law of this land you put us in slavery, then after that, there was 100 years of apartheid where white supremacist housing policies created the fucking black ghetto. We were wrongly imprisoned and murdered. What was done here was far worse than Hitler and involved more than one group of people.

I am not a member of the NOI maggot. And white nationalists desire an all white America. So stop lying and stop trying to tell me what I believe wb, you're too fucking stupid to know what you believe . White nationalism is about the forced removal of non whites from this country.

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