Why should we have to tip people for just doing their job?

Why should a customer have to pay extra money to tip when in all honesty it is the responsibility of the employer to pay his/her employees? If a customer doesn't tip waiters think it's rude or your considered cheap Basically, it's a win-win situation for employers we pay to keep the business running, we tip employees for just doing their job! It has become the norm for decades tips should be banned in America
You'd be the first to bitch if it cost you more to eat out if wait staff was paid a salary.

I like that service employees have an incentive to go the extra mile to make their customers happy and i appreciate that extra effort.

IMO that waiter is working for me while I am patronizing the restaurant.
Because good service is part of the job, not a matter of ceremonial extortion that encourages bitterness, resentment and only intermittent service. .
I have to admit, tipping is bullshit. But I always over tip. Yesterday I tipped $8 when I should have tipped $5. My buddy who's a millionaire only tipped $5. Maybe that's why he's richer than me.

Maybe it's because I used to work for tips. I had the greatest job in college. I was a bellman, valet and chauffeur. This was in the 1990's. So while you were wrestling with young men, I was making $100 plus in tips 3 days a week plus $5 hr while going to college. It changed my life. I was able to buy a car making that kind of scratch.

This is just you conservatives being cheap. You want waiters to make less money so you can save some money and so can the restaurant owner. Sorry, you have to pay your workers a decent wage. So without tips, how much do you think cheap ass American business owners are going to pay their waiters and waitresses? Let's say they would pay $15 hr x 8 hour shift. That's $120. Now take out taxes. So your way, the workers would make less.

Do Japanese food servers make a good living? Can they support a family on the salary they get?
What I'm seeing on this site are a bunch of cheap people that want someone else to pay for service because they don't want to and they're running out of places and people that will serve them without doing unspeakable things to their food in the back! :)
^^^ definition of brainwashed by government ^^^ you have been paying for so long you think its an obligation
I have to admit, tipping is bullshit. But I always over tip. Yesterday I tipped $8 when I should have tipped $5. My buddy who's a millionaire only tipped $5. Maybe that's why he's richer than me.

Maybe it's because I used to work for tips. I had the greatest job in college. I was a bellman, valet and chauffeur. This was in the 1990's. So while you were wrestling with young men, I was making $100 plus in tips 3 days a week plus $5 hr while going to college. It changed my life. I was able to buy a car making that kind of scratch.

This is just you conservatives being cheap. You want waiters to make less money so you can save some money and so can the restaurant owner. Sorry, you have to pay your workers a decent wage. So without tips, how much do you think cheap ass American business owners are going to pay their waiters and waitresses? Let's say they would pay $15 hr x 8 hour shift. That's $120. Now take out taxes. So your way, the workers would make less.

Do Japanese food servers make a good living? Can they support a family on the salary they get?
No, I want waiters to make money just not on my dime there wage crisis has nothing to do with me after I pay full price for a meal they need to take that up to their CHEAP employer for making them beg for tips to afford a decent wage
No, I want waiters to make money just not on my dime there wage crisis has nothing to do with me after I pay full price for a meal they need to take that up to their CHEAP employer for making them beg for tips to afford a decent wage
Right. But then your meal price would go up if they had to pay them more.

If not on your dime, the customer, how is a waiter going to make money? The owner you say? Well how's he going to make money? YOU?

So the standard is to tip 20%. If we do away with this, they will just raise the prices 20%. Will you be happier then? The good news for you and the waiters is this. For you, you can be cheap and only give 5%, or 10%. And for the waiter, they usually deal with more people like me who give over 20%. And this saves the owner some money. So tipping works. Works for the cheap owner, the cheap customer, the waiter who wants to make more than minimum wage and the person like me who doesn't mind giving a few extra bucks over 20%.

Don't get me wrong. I'd prefer no tipping too. Just charge me what you are going to charge me and pay your employees what they deserve. I get it.
Right. But then your meal price would go up if they had to pay them more.

If not on your dime, the customer, how is a waiter going to make money? The owner you say? Well how's he going to make money? YOU?

So the standard is to tip 20%. If we do away with this, they will just raise the prices 20%. Will you be happier then? The good news for you and the waiters is this. For you, you can be cheap and only give 5%, or 10%. And for the waiter, they usually deal with more people like me who give over 20%. And this saves the owner some money. So tipping works. Works for the cheap owner, the cheap customer, the waiter who wants to make more than minimum wage and the person like me who doesn't mind giving a few extra bucks over 20%.

Don't get me wrong. I'd prefer no tipping too. Just charge me what you are going to charge me and pay your employees what they deserve. I get it.
People like you have been making up for people like Soul!

I have breakfast quite often at a little place close to where I work. I tip $6.00 on checks that average about $10.00. I do so BECAUSE of people like Soul who don't tip their servers what they should.

One morning the waitress is refilling my coffee cup and a guy at the table next to me starts giving her a hard time about why his cup doesn't get filled as often as mine. She looks at him and says: "When you start tipping like he does...I'll start filling your cup like his!" and then walks away. He just sat there with his mouth open.

Tipping works. It works DESPITE the Souls!
No, I want waiters to make money just not on my dime there wage crisis has nothing to do with me after I pay full price for a meal they need to take that up to their CHEAP employer for making them beg for tips to afford a decent wage
So you do away with tips and the "full price" on your meal increases by 20%? Now you're going to pay that no matter how good or bad your service has been. How did you "win" in that scenario, Soul?

Stop being such a cheap prick.
People like you have been making up for people like Soul!

I have breakfast quite often at a little place close to where I work. I tip $6.00 on checks that average about $10.00. I do so BECAUSE of people like Soul who don't tip their servers what they should.

One morning the waitress is refilling my coffee cup and a guy at the table next to me starts giving her a hard time about why his cup doesn't get filled as often as mine. She looks at him and says: "When you start tipping like he does...I'll start filling your cup like his!" and then walks away. He just sat there with his mouth open.

Tipping works. It works DESPITE the Souls!

Well you kind of made an argument for their side. I don't like a bitchy waitress not filling my coffee because I only give 10%. Or even worse, spitting on my food.

These guys make a good case for moving away from tipping.

You know what pisses me off? Subway has an option to tip. Jersey Mike's sub shop has an option to tip. It's a fucking fast food sandwich shop. Why am I tipping? It would be the exact same thing if at McDonald's they started asking you if you want a tip. Do you think that's appropriate? I don't. It's not a tip situation imo. Pisses me off. Or I go to Tim Horton for coffee every day. Thru the drive thru. They have a tip jar. Why the fuck would I tip in a drive through?

Do you wish more places moved to tipping? I don't. It even makes me feel guilty at Subway when I select no tip. Then when the lady says thank you, I think she's being sarcastic. Sorry lady but you chose not to go to college. So you are going to make Subway wages. Don't expect me to give you a tip because you made me a sub. That's what you do. Did you put extra meat on my sandwich? Did you clear off my table? Did you come check on me a couple times? Refill my water? Then fuck off. LOL
Well you kind of made an argument for their side. I don't like a bitchy waitress not filling my coffee because I only give 10%. Or even worse, spitting on my food.

These guys make a good case for moving away from tipping.

You know what pisses me off? Subway has an option to tip. Jersey Mike's sub shop has an option to tip. It's a fucking fast food sandwich shop. Why am I tipping? It would be the exact same thing if at McDonald's they started asking you if you want a tip. Do you think that's appropriate? I don't. It's not a tip situation imo. Pisses me off. Or I go to Tim Horton for coffee every day. Thru the drive thru. They have a tip jar. Why the fuck would I tip in a drive through?

Do you wish more places moved to tipping? I don't. It even makes me feel guilty at Subway when I select no tip. Then when the lady says thank you, I think she's being sarcastic. Sorry lady but you chose not to go to college. So you are going to make Subway wages. Don't expect me to give you a tip because you made me a sub. That's what you do. Did you put extra meat on my sandwich? Did you clear off my table? Did you come check on me a couple times? Refill my water? Then fuck off. LOL
Hell, Sealy...those people working at Subway might make an extra ten bucks in a shift once they divide up what's in that tip jar. It's not paying their rent. It's just a nice little something extra. It's what you do for people that take care of you! Don't be such a cheap prick...throw a buck in the tip jar. You'll feel good about it.
Right. But then your meal price would go up if they had to pay them more.

If not on your dime, the customer, how is a waiter going to make money? The owner you say? Well how's he going to make money? YOU?

So the standard is to tip 20%. If we do away with this, they will just raise the prices 20%. Will you be happier then? The good news for you and the waiters is this. For you, you can be cheap and only give 5%, or 10%. And for the waiter, they usually deal with more people like me who give over 20%. And this saves the owner some money. So tipping works. Works for the cheap owner, the cheap customer, the waiter who wants to make more than minimum wage and the person like me who doesn't mind giving a few extra bucks over 20%.
how is a waiter going to make money?
- None of my business nor my concern!

The owner you say? Well, how's he going to make money?
- The owner is making money off the customers he/she wouldn't have a business

If we do away with this, they will just raise the prices 20%. Will you be happier then?
- It would be better than waiters begging for money thinking they're entitled a tip maybe just maybe the owner will pay them a decent wage so they don't have to act like dogs

So the standard is to tip 20%
- No the standard for tipping is 15-20% it's not a law it's a courtesy don't get that confused
Well you kind of made an argument for their side. I don't like a bitchy waitress not filling my coffee because I only give 10%. Or even worse, spitting on my food.

These guys make a good case for moving away from tipping.

You know what pisses me off? Subway has an option to tip. Jersey Mike's sub shop has an option to tip. It's a fucking fast food sandwich shop. Why am I tipping? It would be the exact same thing if at McDonald's they started asking you if you want a tip. Do you think that's appropriate? I don't. It's not a tip situation imo. Pisses me off. Or I go to Tim Horton for coffee every day. Thru the drive thru. They have a tip jar. Why the fuck would I tip in a drive through?

Do you wish more places moved to tipping? I don't. It even makes me feel guilty at Subway when I select no tip. Then when the lady says thank you, I think she's being sarcastic. Sorry lady but you chose not to go to college. So you are going to make Subway wages. Don't expect me to give you a tip because you made me a sub. That's what you do. Did you put extra meat on my sandwich? Did you clear off my table? Did you come check on me a couple times? Refill my water? Then fuck off. LOL
And why would anyone tip 10%? If the service was bad leave nothing. Leaving 10% means you spent money and the server STILL thinks you're an asshole. If that doesn't matter to you then have the stones to leave nothing!

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