Why Russia and the US are the same, even more so with Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Throughout his time in power, Vladimir Putin has promised to level the playing field in Russia, with an emphasis on growing the middle class. In 2008, he described the gulf between rich and poor as “absolutely unacceptable,” and in 2012 he wrote that “The differentiation of incomes is unacceptable, outrageously high … Therefore, the most important task is to reduce material inequality.”


111 people control 19 percent of all household wealth in Russia

If there is one statistic that underscores the depth of wealth inequality in Russia, it may be that an estimated 111 billionaires control nearly a fifth of all household wealth in the country. That’s according to the 2014 Credit Suisse analysis, which found that those in the top 10 percent of the population control a staggering 85 percent of wealth in Russia.


Four out of five Russians have less than $10,000 in wealth

In addition to Russia’s 111 billionaires, it is home to 158,000 millionaires. But for the rest of the nation of 139 million, the Credit Suisse analysis put median wealth at $2,360 in 2014, up from $871 the year before. To be sure, missing data meant that the report’s authors could not factor for real assets — such as how much a person may own in property. But after estimating what those costs may be, the analysis suggests that 83 percent of the population has less than $10,000 in personal wealth.

Inequality and the Putin Economy: Inside the Numbers

Russia is not a communism country, its a rich and working class, same as we are. Its only going to get worst with Trump, with widen class divide. Easier to control the workers when they are strapped and live payday to payday. The largest tax cut was to the elites, just like Reagan did.

I am a member of the working class, along with the many millions of others. If you do not see what is happening in the US then you are a member of the elites or think you are. Millions have had their healthcare taken away, and now insurance companies are allowed to run amuck.

Soon the rich will pay no taxes, only the workers. It will be a terrible class divide. You are at their mercy.

If Putin is classified as a Marxist and a communist country then so are we and Trump and the most of the GOP. Once again they squealed "lock her up" at the RNC convention. Trump just said take the guns, due process after. Why do you not see what is happening. I understand you just want to put food on the table and hope to get your job back, but we are a military country and that is all that matters.

A military country to send the working class to fight wars, to protect the wealthy and their lifestyles. Bibi was just here and said we need to stop Iran. Another country to be destroyed.
Trump says China’s Xi is “president for life” — and maybe America should try it

China is getting rid of presidential term limits. Trump joked about giving “that a shot.”

By Emily Stewart Mar 4, 2018, 9:24am EST


In closed-door remarks at his Mar-a-Lago golf club on Saturday, Trump praised the Chinese president’s recent power grab and said he wouldn’t mind trying it himself, according to CNN, which managed to obtain a recording. “He’s now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great,” Trump said. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday.”

The remarks were delivered during a fundraising lunch and were probably a joke. That said, an American president jesting about staying in power for life obviously caused a bit of consternation — especially one who has a history of admiring dictators.

Trump says China’s Xi is "president for life" — and maybe America should try it

was he joking, who can tell, but that was nothing to joke about. By the actions of the GOP lately, I can see this happening. Anything goes in the unstable WH and all is ok with the GOP, most of them anyway.
Throughout his time in power, Vladimir Putin has promised to level the playing field in Russia, with an emphasis on growing the middle class. In 2008, he described the gulf between rich and poor as “absolutely unacceptable,” and in 2012 he wrote that “The differentiation of incomes is unacceptable, outrageously high … Therefore, the most important task is to reduce material inequality.”


111 people control 19 percent of all household wealth in Russia

If there is one statistic that underscores the depth of wealth inequality in Russia, it may be that an estimated 111 billionaires control nearly a fifth of all household wealth in the country. That’s according to the 2014 Credit Suisse analysis, which found that those in the top 10 percent of the population control a staggering 85 percent of wealth in Russia.


Four out of five Russians have less than $10,000 in wealth

In addition to Russia’s 111 billionaires, it is home to 158,000 millionaires. But for the rest of the nation of 139 million, the Credit Suisse analysis put median wealth at $2,360 in 2014, up from $871 the year before. To be sure, missing data meant that the report’s authors could not factor for real assets — such as how much a person may own in property. But after estimating what those costs may be, the analysis suggests that 83 percent of the population has less than $10,000 in personal wealth.

Inequality and the Putin Economy: Inside the Numbers

Russia is not a communism country, its a rich and working class, same as we are. Its only going to get worst with Trump, with widen class divide. Easier to control the workers when they are strapped and live payday to payday. The largest tax cut was to the elites, just like Reagan did.

I am a member of the working class, along with the many millions of others. If you do not see what is happening in the US then you are a member of the elites or think you are. Millions have had their healthcare taken away, and now insurance companies are allowed to run amuck.

Soon the rich will pay no taxes, only the workers. It will be a terrible class divide. You are at their mercy.

If Putin is classified as a Marxist and a communist country then so are we and Trump and the most of the GOP. Once again they squealed "lock her up" at the RNC convention. Trump just said take the guns, due process after. Why do you not see what is happening. I understand you just want to put food on the table and hope to get your job back, but we are a military country and that is all that matters.

A military country to send the working class to fight wars, to protect the wealthy and their lifestyles. Bibi was just here and said we need to stop Iran. Another country to be destroyed.

To you Penelope the US and Russia look the same,
because you don't enforce the Constitution that checks govt
and protects the people from abuse of power.

Because liberals don't know how to invoke, enforce, or
hold leaders and govt to these principles,
of course ANYONE can start acting like a dictator without
checks, due process, or any accountability at all to the people govt is supposed to represent.

That is why so many people are screaming about govt
being held to Constitutional limits, separation of powers, check and balances.

It's so we DON'T BECOME like Russia or China.
That's why our founders fought so hard to create
a self-checking system where the branches couldn't
do anything "unilaterally" but had to be kept in check by the others.


So if you don't want Trump and any govt to become dictatorial like Putin
and the Chinese regime,
THAT'S WHY citizens need to be informed and armed with knowledge of the laws.

Then NOBODY in parties or govt can get away with dictating for the masses.
The people would organize and have direct check on govt.
Instead of dividing and blaming each other, so the party leaders
take advantage, and just keep playing one side over the other.
All for corporate interests and political gain at the taxpayers' expense.

If we the people and taxpayers unite and call the shots,
then govt has to serve us, not the other way around.

The Constitution is supposed to limit govt and require
accountability to the people, not allow party dictators
to impose one group's agenda or beliefs on the entire nation.
Throughout his time in power, Vladimir Putin has promised to level the playing field in Russia, with an emphasis on growing the middle class. In 2008, he described the gulf between rich and poor as “absolutely unacceptable,” and in 2012 he wrote that “The differentiation of incomes is unacceptable, outrageously high … Therefore, the most important task is to reduce material inequality.”


111 people control 19 percent of all household wealth in Russia

If there is one statistic that underscores the depth of wealth inequality in Russia, it may be that an estimated 111 billionaires control nearly a fifth of all household wealth in the country. That’s according to the 2014 Credit Suisse analysis, which found that those in the top 10 percent of the population control a staggering 85 percent of wealth in Russia.


Four out of five Russians have less than $10,000 in wealth

In addition to Russia’s 111 billionaires, it is home to 158,000 millionaires. But for the rest of the nation of 139 million, the Credit Suisse analysis put median wealth at $2,360 in 2014, up from $871 the year before. To be sure, missing data meant that the report’s authors could not factor for real assets — such as how much a person may own in property. But after estimating what those costs may be, the analysis suggests that 83 percent of the population has less than $10,000 in personal wealth.

Inequality and the Putin Economy: Inside the Numbers

Russia is not a communism country, its a rich and working class, same as we are. Its only going to get worst with Trump, with widen class divide. Easier to control the workers when they are strapped and live payday to payday. The largest tax cut was to the elites, just like Reagan did.

I am a member of the working class, along with the many millions of others. If you do not see what is happening in the US then you are a member of the elites or think you are. Millions have had their healthcare taken away, and now insurance companies are allowed to run amuck.

Soon the rich will pay no taxes, only the workers. It will be a terrible class divide. You are at their mercy.

If Putin is classified as a Marxist and a communist country then so are we and Trump and the most of the GOP. Once again they squealed "lock her up" at the RNC convention. Trump just said take the guns, due process after. Why do you not see what is happening. I understand you just want to put food on the table and hope to get your job back, but we are a military country and that is all that matters.

A military country to send the working class to fight wars, to protect the wealthy and their lifestyles. Bibi was just here and said we need to stop Iran. Another country to be destroyed.

To you Penelope the US and Russia look the same,
because you don't enforce the Constitution that checks govt
and protects the people from abuse of power.

Because liberals don't know how to invoke, enforce, or
hold leaders and govt to these principles,
of course ANYONE can start acting like a dictator without
checks, due process, or any accountability at all to the people govt is supposed to represent.

That is why so many people are screaming about govt
being held to Constitutional limits, separation of powers, check and balances.

It's so we DON'T BECOME like Russia or China.
That's why our founders fought so hard to create
a self-checking system where the branches couldn't
do anything "unilaterally" but had to be kept in check by the others.


So if you don't want Trump and any govt to become dictatorial like Putin
and the Chinese regime,
THAT'S WHY citizens need to be informed and armed with knowledge of the laws.

Then NOBODY in parties or govt can get away with dictating for the masses.
The people would organize and have direct check on govt.
Instead of dividing and blaming each other, so the party leaders
take advantage, and just keep playing one side over the other.
All for corporate interests and political gain at the taxpayers' expense.

If we the people and taxpayers unite and call the shots,
then govt has to serve us, not the other way around.

The Constitution is supposed to limit govt and require
accountability to the people, not allow party dictators
to impose one group's agenda or beliefs on the entire nation.

If you haven't notice, Trump beats his own drum. There is not much difference between Russia and the US alt right.

Where do you get the Constitution is suppose to limit government? You mean the ACA. Best to let the ins companies run wild.
Throughout his time in power, Vladimir Putin has promised to level the playing field in Russia, with an emphasis on growing the middle class. In 2008, he described the gulf between rich and poor as “absolutely unacceptable,” and in 2012 he wrote that “The differentiation of incomes is unacceptable, outrageously high … Therefore, the most important task is to reduce material inequality.”


111 people control 19 percent of all household wealth in Russia

If there is one statistic that underscores the depth of wealth inequality in Russia, it may be that an estimated 111 billionaires control nearly a fifth of all household wealth in the country. That’s according to the 2014 Credit Suisse analysis, which found that those in the top 10 percent of the population control a staggering 85 percent of wealth in Russia.


Four out of five Russians have less than $10,000 in wealth

In addition to Russia’s 111 billionaires, it is home to 158,000 millionaires. But for the rest of the nation of 139 million, the Credit Suisse analysis put median wealth at $2,360 in 2014, up from $871 the year before. To be sure, missing data meant that the report’s authors could not factor for real assets — such as how much a person may own in property. But after estimating what those costs may be, the analysis suggests that 83 percent of the population has less than $10,000 in personal wealth.

Inequality and the Putin Economy: Inside the Numbers

Russia is not a communism country, its a rich and working class, same as we are. Its only going to get worst with Trump, with widen class divide. Easier to control the workers when they are strapped and live payday to payday. The largest tax cut was to the elites, just like Reagan did.

I am a member of the working class, along with the many millions of others. If you do not see what is happening in the US then you are a member of the elites or think you are. Millions have had their healthcare taken away, and now insurance companies are allowed to run amuck.

Soon the rich will pay no taxes, only the workers. It will be a terrible class divide. You are at their mercy.

If Putin is classified as a Marxist and a communist country then so are we and Trump and the most of the GOP. Once again they squealed "lock her up" at the RNC convention. Trump just said take the guns, due process after. Why do you not see what is happening. I understand you just want to put food on the table and hope to get your job back, but we are a military country and that is all that matters.

A military country to send the working class to fight wars, to protect the wealthy and their lifestyles. Bibi was just here and said we need to stop Iran. Another country to be destroyed.

To you Penelope the US and Russia look the same,
because you don't enforce the Constitution that checks govt
and protects the people from abuse of power.

Because liberals don't know how to invoke, enforce, or
hold leaders and govt to these principles,
of course ANYONE can start acting like a dictator without
checks, due process, or any accountability at all to the people govt is supposed to represent.

That is why so many people are screaming about govt
being held to Constitutional limits, separation of powers, check and balances.

It's so we DON'T BECOME like Russia or China.
That's why our founders fought so hard to create
a self-checking system where the branches couldn't
do anything "unilaterally" but had to be kept in check by the others.


So if you don't want Trump and any govt to become dictatorial like Putin
and the Chinese regime,
THAT'S WHY citizens need to be informed and armed with knowledge of the laws.

Then NOBODY in parties or govt can get away with dictating for the masses.
The people would organize and have direct check on govt.
Instead of dividing and blaming each other, so the party leaders
take advantage, and just keep playing one side over the other.
All for corporate interests and political gain at the taxpayers' expense.

If we the people and taxpayers unite and call the shots,
then govt has to serve us, not the other way around.

The Constitution is supposed to limit govt and require
accountability to the people, not allow party dictators
to impose one group's agenda or beliefs on the entire nation.

If you haven't notice, Trump beats his own drum.

Exercising free speech is as an individual.
Trump cannot enact any actual policy unless it
is within Constitutional process and limits, and
can still be checked through either Courts that can rule things
unconstitutional or through Congress that passes legislation.

Putin can do things like order people to get assassinated
and there's no due process to check that abuse of power to censor opponents

The last President who tried to pull stunts abusing govt to silence
political opposing groups was Obama abusing IRS authority
to block nonprofits because of conservative ties and beliefs.

Again, a DEMOCRAT who did not RESPECT Constitutional limits on govt
but freely ABUSED govt for POLITICAL gain.

You don't like the idea of Trump abusing office to impose
political beliefs that don't represent you. But if we don't
enforce the CONSTITUTION, that's why Obama got
away with bypassing it and pushing agenda that way.

If you compare with Trump, his opposition stops him from doing
anything that can be argued as unconstitutional. Trump does not
have the support of a political party like Obama and Clinton to
bypass and override Constitutional due process and limits;
the support Trump has from GOP also comes with conservatives
who put rule of law first unlike the Democrats. Trump does not have
the pull Bush did who could get away with more things.

Trump and his ministerial advisors respect the Christian standards of
obedience to civil authority and law. But Clinton and Obama
bypassed due process and refused to answer to civil authority.
They have party and lawyers behind them to finagle the laws
whereas Trump is not a lawyer and not part of their monopoly on judges and courts.

They got away with it, but Trump cannot. That's the difference
when you have leaders who respect rule of law. Trump
can speak freely and say whatever he feels, but that's
not the same as being able to do things, which is limited by law.
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34 CFR Appendix to Part 73, Code of Ethics for Government Service
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Appendix to Part 73 - Code of Ethics for Government Service
Any person in Government service should:

Put loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or Government department.

Uphold the Constitution, laws, and regulations of the United States and of all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion.

Give a full day's labor for a full day's pay; giving earnest effort and best thought to the performance of duties.

Seek to find and employ more efficient and economical ways of getting tasks accomplished.

Never discriminate unfairly by the dispensing of special favors or privileges to anyone, whether for remuneration or not; and never accept, for himself or herself or for family members, favors or benefits under circumstances which might be construed by reasonable persons as influencing the performance of governmental duties.

Make no private promises of any kind binding upon the duties of office, since a Government employee has no private word which can be binding on public duty.

Engage in no business with the Government, either directly or indirectly, which is inconsistent with the conscientious performance of governmental duties.

Never use any information gained confidentially in the performance of governmental duties as a means of making private profit.

Expose corruption wherever discovered.

Uphold these principles, ever conscious that public office is a public trust.

(This Code of Ethics was unanimously passed by the United States Congress on June 27, 1980, and signed into law as Public Law 96-303 by the President on July 3, 1980.)

This is no longer enforced.
Put loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or Government department.

need to get rid of the EC.
Throughout his time in power, Vladimir Putin has promised to level the playing field in Russia, with an emphasis on growing the middle class. In 2008, he described the gulf between rich and poor as “absolutely unacceptable,” and in 2012 he wrote that “The differentiation of incomes is unacceptable, outrageously high … Therefore, the most important task is to reduce material inequality.”


111 people control 19 percent of all household wealth in Russia

If there is one statistic that underscores the depth of wealth inequality in Russia, it may be that an estimated 111 billionaires control nearly a fifth of all household wealth in the country. That’s according to the 2014 Credit Suisse analysis, which found that those in the top 10 percent of the population control a staggering 85 percent of wealth in Russia.


Four out of five Russians have less than $10,000 in wealth

In addition to Russia’s 111 billionaires, it is home to 158,000 millionaires. But for the rest of the nation of 139 million, the Credit Suisse analysis put median wealth at $2,360 in 2014, up from $871 the year before. To be sure, missing data meant that the report’s authors could not factor for real assets — such as how much a person may own in property. But after estimating what those costs may be, the analysis suggests that 83 percent of the population has less than $10,000 in personal wealth.

Inequality and the Putin Economy: Inside the Numbers

Russia is not a communism country, its a rich and working class, same as we are. Its only going to get worst with Trump, with widen class divide. Easier to control the workers when they are strapped and live payday to payday. The largest tax cut was to the elites, just like Reagan did.

I am a member of the working class, along with the many millions of others. If you do not see what is happening in the US then you are a member of the elites or think you are. Millions have had their healthcare taken away, and now insurance companies are allowed to run amuck.

Soon the rich will pay no taxes, only the workers. It will be a terrible class divide. You are at their mercy.

If Putin is classified as a Marxist and a communist country then so are we and Trump and the most of the GOP. Once again they squealed "lock her up" at the RNC convention. Trump just said take the guns, due process after. Why do you not see what is happening. I understand you just want to put food on the table and hope to get your job back, but we are a military country and that is all that matters.

A military country to send the working class to fight wars, to protect the wealthy and their lifestyles. Bibi was just here and said we need to stop Iran. Another country to be destroyed.

To you Penelope the US and Russia look the same,
because you don't enforce the Constitution that checks govt
and protects the people from abuse of power.

Because liberals don't know how to invoke, enforce, or
hold leaders and govt to these principles,
of course ANYONE can start acting like a dictator without
checks, due process, or any accountability at all to the people govt is supposed to represent.

That is why so many people are screaming about govt
being held to Constitutional limits, separation of powers, check and balances.

It's so we DON'T BECOME like Russia or China.
That's why our founders fought so hard to create
a self-checking system where the branches couldn't
do anything "unilaterally" but had to be kept in check by the others.


So if you don't want Trump and any govt to become dictatorial like Putin
and the Chinese regime,
THAT'S WHY citizens need to be informed and armed with knowledge of the laws.

Then NOBODY in parties or govt can get away with dictating for the masses.
The people would organize and have direct check on govt.
Instead of dividing and blaming each other, so the party leaders
take advantage, and just keep playing one side over the other.
All for corporate interests and political gain at the taxpayers' expense.

If we the people and taxpayers unite and call the shots,
then govt has to serve us, not the other way around.

The Constitution is supposed to limit govt and require
accountability to the people, not allow party dictators
to impose one group's agenda or beliefs on the entire nation.

If you haven't notice, Trump beats his own drum.

Exercising free speech is as an individual.
Trump cannot enact any actual policy unless it
is within Constitutional process and limits, and
can still be checked through either Courts that can rule things
unconstitutional or through Congress that passes legislation.

Putin can do things like order people to get assassinated
and there's no due process to check that abuse of power to censor opponents

The last President who tried to pull stunts abusing govt to silence
political opposing groups was Obama abusing IRS authority
to block nonprofits because of conservative ties and beliefs.

Again, a DEMOCRAT who did not RESPECT Constitutional limits on govt
but freely ABUSED govt for POLITICAL gain.

You don't like the idea of Trump abusing office to impose
political beliefs that don't represent you. But if we don't
enforce the CONSTITUTION, that's why Obama got
away with bypassing it and pushing agenda that way.

If you compare with Trump, his opposition stops him from doing
anything that can be argued as unconstitutional.

That's because he respects the Christian standards of
obedience to civil authority and law. But Clinton and Obama
bypassed due process and refused to answer to civil authority.

They got away with it, but Trump cannot. That's the difference
when you have leaders who respect rule of law. Trump
can speak freely and say whatever he feels, but that's
not the same as being able to do things, which is limited by law.

Sorry we no longer have leaders , Trump Admin and the GOP who respect the rules of law. Seems like he is getting away with nepotism, also enrichment of self, and doing whatever he wants and the GOP have no problem with any of it and even backs him.
Give a full day's labor for a full day's pay; giving earnest effort and best thought to the performance of duties.

let us all be aware that if you have a disability you do not have to pay min wage to that person. There are many legal areas around the min wage code.

We are a corrupt white collar crime nation.
Throughout his time in power, Vladimir Putin has promised to level the playing field in Russia, with an emphasis on growing the middle class. In 2008, he described the gulf between rich and poor as “absolutely unacceptable,” and in 2012 he wrote that “The differentiation of incomes is unacceptable, outrageously high … Therefore, the most important task is to reduce material inequality.”


111 people control 19 percent of all household wealth in Russia

If there is one statistic that underscores the depth of wealth inequality in Russia, it may be that an estimated 111 billionaires control nearly a fifth of all household wealth in the country. That’s according to the 2014 Credit Suisse analysis, which found that those in the top 10 percent of the population control a staggering 85 percent of wealth in Russia.


Four out of five Russians have less than $10,000 in wealth

In addition to Russia’s 111 billionaires, it is home to 158,000 millionaires. But for the rest of the nation of 139 million, the Credit Suisse analysis put median wealth at $2,360 in 2014, up from $871 the year before. To be sure, missing data meant that the report’s authors could not factor for real assets — such as how much a person may own in property. But after estimating what those costs may be, the analysis suggests that 83 percent of the population has less than $10,000 in personal wealth.

Inequality and the Putin Economy: Inside the Numbers

Russia is not a communism country, its a rich and working class, same as we are. Its only going to get worst with Trump, with widen class divide. Easier to control the workers when they are strapped and live payday to payday. The largest tax cut was to the elites, just like Reagan did.

I am a member of the working class, along with the many millions of others. If you do not see what is happening in the US then you are a member of the elites or think you are. Millions have had their healthcare taken away, and now insurance companies are allowed to run amuck.

Soon the rich will pay no taxes, only the workers. It will be a terrible class divide. You are at their mercy.

If Putin is classified as a Marxist and a communist country then so are we and Trump and the most of the GOP. Once again they squealed "lock her up" at the RNC convention. Trump just said take the guns, due process after. Why do you not see what is happening. I understand you just want to put food on the table and hope to get your job back, but we are a military country and that is all that matters.

A military country to send the working class to fight wars, to protect the wealthy and their lifestyles. Bibi was just here and said we need to stop Iran. Another country to be destroyed.

To you Penelope the US and Russia look the same,
because you don't enforce the Constitution that checks govt
and protects the people from abuse of power.

Because liberals don't know how to invoke, enforce, or
hold leaders and govt to these principles,
of course ANYONE can start acting like a dictator without
checks, due process, or any accountability at all to the people govt is supposed to represent.

That is why so many people are screaming about govt
being held to Constitutional limits, separation of powers, check and balances.

It's so we DON'T BECOME like Russia or China.
That's why our founders fought so hard to create
a self-checking system where the branches couldn't
do anything "unilaterally" but had to be kept in check by the others.


So if you don't want Trump and any govt to become dictatorial like Putin
and the Chinese regime,
THAT'S WHY citizens need to be informed and armed with knowledge of the laws.

Then NOBODY in parties or govt can get away with dictating for the masses.
The people would organize and have direct check on govt.
Instead of dividing and blaming each other, so the party leaders
take advantage, and just keep playing one side over the other.
All for corporate interests and political gain at the taxpayers' expense.

If we the people and taxpayers unite and call the shots,
then govt has to serve us, not the other way around.

The Constitution is supposed to limit govt and require
accountability to the people, not allow party dictators
to impose one group's agenda or beliefs on the entire nation.

If you haven't notice, Trump beats his own drum.

Exercising free speech is as an individual.
Trump cannot enact any actual policy unless it
is within Constitutional process and limits, and
can still be checked through either Courts that can rule things
unconstitutional or through Congress that passes legislation.

Putin can do things like order people to get assassinated
and there's no due process to check that abuse of power to censor opponents

The last President who tried to pull stunts abusing govt to silence
political opposing groups was Obama abusing IRS authority
to block nonprofits because of conservative ties and beliefs.

Again, a DEMOCRAT who did not RESPECT Constitutional limits on govt
but freely ABUSED govt for POLITICAL gain.

You don't like the idea of Trump abusing office to impose
political beliefs that don't represent you. But if we don't
enforce the CONSTITUTION, that's why Obama got
away with bypassing it and pushing agenda that way.

If you compare with Trump, his opposition stops him from doing
anything that can be argued as unconstitutional.

That's because he respects the Christian standards of
obedience to civil authority and law. But Clinton and Obama
bypassed due process and refused to answer to civil authority.

They got away with it, but Trump cannot. That's the difference
when you have leaders who respect rule of law. Trump
can speak freely and say whatever he feels, but that's
not the same as being able to do things, which is limited by law.

Sorry we no longer have leaders , Trump Admin and the GOP who respect the rules of law. Seems like he is getting away with nepotism, also enrichment of self, and doing whatever he wants and the GOP have no problem with any of it and even backs him.

Then unite with the Libertarians, Constitutionalists like Levin, and other people willing to enforce the laws. If we don't ask, if we don't make demands to correct the abuses we see, of course nothing is going to happen. We the people are the govt, that's who checks what is going on.

With people on both left and right arguing against the tariffs as adding more taxes and costs, you'd think more people would figure out to unite instead of divide by party...
Give a full day's labor for a full day's pay; giving earnest effort and best thought to the performance of duties.

let us all be aware that if you have a disability you do not have to pay min wage to that person. There are many legal areas around the min wage code.

We are a corrupt white collar crime nation.

^ the GREENS have a solution to checking corporate abuses.
Either rally the AG or States that each corporation is licensed in,
and demand to revoke their charters. Or join forces with Libertarians
who are ready to set up Grand Juries by the people to bring charges
against govt abuses.

Again the solution is to unite along common standards, so that
we enforce uniform laws for Govt and Corporations alike as
collective entities with more power than individuals at risk of oppression.

We not only need to enforce Constitutional standards for govt
in order to protect individual rights from infringement (ie the Bill of Rights)
but also to enforce similar standards and principles for other
collective organizations, from religious or nonprofit organization
to business corporations, political parties and even media groups.

Nobody should be able to abuse a larger group to violate equal
rights, protections and defense of smaller groups or individuals.

Do you agree that teaching people to enforce common standards
of law, ethics and govt would prevent abuses by empowering people to
check ANY group threatening or violating individual civil rights and equal protections?
SEE Code of Ethics for Govt Service www.ethics-commission.net
Why not form teams of all parties working together to receive
complaints of abuses and grievances from the public, then
interface with various offices of govt to address and correct these wrongs.
Throughout his time in power, Vladimir Putin has promised to level the playing field in Russia, with an emphasis on growing the middle class. In 2008, he described the gulf between rich and poor as “absolutely unacceptable,” and in 2012 he wrote that “The differentiation of incomes is unacceptable, outrageously high … Therefore, the most important task is to reduce material inequality.”


111 people control 19 percent of all household wealth in Russia

If there is one statistic that underscores the depth of wealth inequality in Russia, it may be that an estimated 111 billionaires control nearly a fifth of all household wealth in the country. That’s according to the 2014 Credit Suisse analysis, which found that those in the top 10 percent of the population control a staggering 85 percent of wealth in Russia.


Four out of five Russians have less than $10,000 in wealth

In addition to Russia’s 111 billionaires, it is home to 158,000 millionaires. But for the rest of the nation of 139 million, the Credit Suisse analysis put median wealth at $2,360 in 2014, up from $871 the year before. To be sure, missing data meant that the report’s authors could not factor for real assets — such as how much a person may own in property. But after estimating what those costs may be, the analysis suggests that 83 percent of the population has less than $10,000 in personal wealth.

Inequality and the Putin Economy: Inside the Numbers

Russia is not a communism country, its a rich and working class, same as we are. Its only going to get worst with Trump, with widen class divide. Easier to control the workers when they are strapped and live payday to payday. The largest tax cut was to the elites, just like Reagan did.

I am a member of the working class, along with the many millions of others. If you do not see what is happening in the US then you are a member of the elites or think you are. Millions have had their healthcare taken away, and now insurance companies are allowed to run amuck.

Soon the rich will pay no taxes, only the workers. It will be a terrible class divide. You are at their mercy.

If Putin is classified as a Marxist and a communist country then so are we and Trump and the most of the GOP. Once again they squealed "lock her up" at the RNC convention. Trump just said take the guns, due process after. Why do you not see what is happening. I understand you just want to put food on the table and hope to get your job back, but we are a military country and that is all that matters.

A military country to send the working class to fight wars, to protect the wealthy and their lifestyles. Bibi was just here and said we need to stop Iran. Another country to be destroyed.
Throughout his time in power, Vladimir Putin has promised to level the playing field in Russia, with an emphasis on growing the middle class. In 2008, he described the gulf between rich and poor as “absolutely unacceptable,” and in 2012 he wrote that “The differentiation of incomes is unacceptable, outrageously high … Therefore, the most important task is to reduce material inequality.”


111 people control 19 percent of all household wealth in Russia

If there is one statistic that underscores the depth of wealth inequality in Russia, it may be that an estimated 111 billionaires control nearly a fifth of all household wealth in the country. That’s according to the 2014 Credit Suisse analysis, which found that those in the top 10 percent of the population control a staggering 85 percent of wealth in Russia.


Four out of five Russians have less than $10,000 in wealth

In addition to Russia’s 111 billionaires, it is home to 158,000 millionaires. But for the rest of the nation of 139 million, the Credit Suisse analysis put median wealth at $2,360 in 2014, up from $871 the year before. To be sure, missing data meant that the report’s authors could not factor for real assets — such as how much a person may own in property. But after estimating what those costs may be, the analysis suggests that 83 percent of the population has less than $10,000 in personal wealth.

Inequality and the Putin Economy: Inside the Numbers

Russia is not a communism country, its a rich and working class, same as we are. Its only going to get worst with Trump, with widen class divide. Easier to control the workers when they are strapped and live payday to payday. The largest tax cut was to the elites, just like Reagan did.

I am a member of the working class, along with the many millions of others. If you do not see what is happening in the US then you are a member of the elites or think you are. Millions have had their healthcare taken away, and now insurance companies are allowed to run amuck.

Soon the rich will pay no taxes, only the workers. It will be a terrible class divide. You are at their mercy.

If Putin is classified as a Marxist and a communist country then so are we and Trump and the most of the GOP. Once again they squealed "lock her up" at the RNC convention. Trump just said take the guns, due process after. Why do you not see what is happening. I understand you just want to put food on the table and hope to get your job back, but we are a military country and that is all that matters.

A military country to send the working class to fight wars, to protect the wealthy and their lifestyles. Bibi was just here and said we need to stop Iran. Another country to be destroyed.

Very intelligent.
Give a full day's labor for a full day's pay; giving earnest effort and best thought to the performance of duties.

let us all be aware that if you have a disability you do not have to pay min wage to that person. There are many legal areas around the min wage code.

We are a corrupt white collar crime nation.

^ the GREENS have a solution to checking corporate abuses.
Either rally the AG or States that each corporation is licensed in,
and demand to revoke their charters. Or join forces with Libertarians
who are ready to set up Grand Juries by the people to bring charges
against govt abuses.

Again the solution is to unite along common standards, so that
we enforce uniform laws for Govt and Corporations alike as
collective entities with more power than individuals at risk of oppression.

We not only need to enforce Constitutional standards for govt
in order to protect individual rights from infringement (ie the Bill of Rights)
but also to enforce similar standards and principles for other
collective organizations, from religious or nonprofit organization
to business corporations, political parties and even media groups.

Nobody should be able to abuse a larger group to violate equal
rights, protections and defense of smaller groups or individuals.

Do you agree that teaching people to enforce common standards
of law, ethics and govt would prevent abuses by empowering people to
check ANY group threatening or violating individual civil rights and equal protections?
SEE Code of Ethics for Govt Service www.ethics-commission.net
Why not form teams of all parties working together to receive
complaints of abuses and grievances from the public, then
interface with various offices of govt to address and correct these wrongs.

Nobody should be able to abuse a larger group to violate equal
rights, protections and defense of smaller groups or individuals.

We are not a collective people, we are a diversity of people and cultures. We all need to obey the laws of the land, even if they interfere with our religious beliefs except for fighting in war. That is where I draw the line, no one should force another to fight for them.

Our government has no code of ethics, that is more evident that it has ever been.

We are set up for majority rule, the maj of EC rules so the maj of people should rule as well since , we supposedly elect our congressmen or is that a fallacy, more and more I believe it is.
Throughout his time in power, Vladimir Putin has promised to level the playing field in Russia, with an emphasis on growing the middle class. In 2008, he described the gulf between rich and poor as “absolutely unacceptable,” and in 2012 he wrote that “The differentiation of incomes is unacceptable, outrageously high … Therefore, the most important task is to reduce material inequality.”


111 people control 19 percent of all household wealth in Russia

If there is one statistic that underscores the depth of wealth inequality in Russia, it may be that an estimated 111 billionaires control nearly a fifth of all household wealth in the country. That’s according to the 2014 Credit Suisse analysis, which found that those in the top 10 percent of the population control a staggering 85 percent of wealth in Russia.


Four out of five Russians have less than $10,000 in wealth

In addition to Russia’s 111 billionaires, it is home to 158,000 millionaires. But for the rest of the nation of 139 million, the Credit Suisse analysis put median wealth at $2,360 in 2014, up from $871 the year before. To be sure, missing data meant that the report’s authors could not factor for real assets — such as how much a person may own in property. But after estimating what those costs may be, the analysis suggests that 83 percent of the population has less than $10,000 in personal wealth.

Inequality and the Putin Economy: Inside the Numbers

Russia is not a communism country, its a rich and working class, same as we are. Its only going to get worst with Trump, with widen class divide. Easier to control the workers when they are strapped and live payday to payday. The largest tax cut was to the elites, just like Reagan did.

I am a member of the working class, along with the many millions of others. If you do not see what is happening in the US then you are a member of the elites or think you are. Millions have had their healthcare taken away, and now insurance companies are allowed to run amuck.

Soon the rich will pay no taxes, only the workers. It will be a terrible class divide. You are at their mercy.

If Putin is classified as a Marxist and a communist country then so are we and Trump and the most of the GOP. Once again they squealed "lock her up" at the RNC convention. Trump just said take the guns, due process after. Why do you not see what is happening. I understand you just want to put food on the table and hope to get your job back, but we are a military country and that is all that matters.

A military country to send the working class to fight wars, to protect the wealthy and their lifestyles. Bibi was just here and said we need to stop Iran. Another country to be destroyed.

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