Why Putin invaded Ukraine

Too many capitalists make too much money arming Nazis and thugs.

The US government is literally arming the world, and nobody's even talking about it

"So here’s a question that’s puzzled me for years (and I’m something of an arms wonk):

"Why do other major US exports—from Hollywood movies to Midwestern grain shipments to Boeing airliners—garner regular coverage while trends in weapons exports remain in relative obscurity?

"Are we ashamed of standing essentially alone as the world’s No. 1 arms dealer, or is our Weapons 'R' Us role so commonplace that we take it for granted, like death or taxes?"
And yet not one Democrat has changed one thing.
Yes, true to NATO form, it's a protection-racket war as Putin does a drug bust and roughs up the West's mafia cult.
Among the unintended consequences of this eight year pivot to Ukraine hides one that could Change Everything for Americans and their victims:

The West's SWIFT Kick is Aimed at Russia, But it Will Also Hit the US Dollar

"What makes the dollar valuable?

"The same thing that makes anything valuable: People wanting it.

"Between China and India, more than a quarter of the world’s population are in the process of wanting the dollar less than they used to.

"That, in turn, makes every dollar in your pocket worth less than it once was.

"In the short term, the SWIFT kick and other sanctions may hurt Russia more than they hurt you.

"But the uncontested reign of the US dollar among global currencies seems to be nearing its end, in part because the US government is driving the world away from it with the constant threat of sanctions."
And yet not one Democrat has changed one thing.
Things didn't work out too well for the last Democrat rumored to be willing to confront MIC
I agree but it’s hard watching women and children dying. And I disagree that it would not solve the problem but we will never know. Why? Biden sucks.
I applaud you for having an open mind on this...most people don't.

I agree that Biden sucks.
But I think ALL POTUS's suck.

What REALLY pisses me off is that everyone is freaking out about Ukraine - which I get and agree with, to a point.
But everyone is ignoring Yemen - where 85,000 children have already died.
And millions more are starving.
And the Saudi's - that are getting direct support from America and GB - are bombing the shit out of the country.
And NO ONE gives a shit.

I am a WASP who knows no one in Yemen.
Nor do I know any Russians or Ukrainians (to my knowledge).
So I have no bias on this.
But I believe that a Yemeni child is worth the same as a Ukrainian child.
But because the government and the MSM (most of it) don't want to talk about Yemen...they don't.

The situation in Yemen is FAR more serious than the one in Ukraine (right now in terms of innocent lives lost).
BOTH wars need to be stopped.
But almost NO ONE is talking about ANYTHING besides Ukraine.

And you are right - Biden is not doing shit.
Estonia wisely did not allow NATO to put intermediate range missiles in its territory, or Putin might have invaded them too.
I applaud you for having an open mind on this...most people don't.

I agree that Biden sucks.
But I think ALL POTUS's suck.

What REALLY pisses me off is that everyone is freaking out about Ukraine - which I get and agree with, to a point.
But everyone is ignoring Yemen - where 85,000 children have already died.
And millions more are starving.
And the Saudi's - that are getting direct support from America and GB - are bombing the shit out of the country.
And NO ONE gives a shit.

I am a WASP who knows no one in Yemen.
Nor do I know any Russians or Ukrainians (to my knowledge).
So I have no bias on this.
But I believe that a Yemeni child is worth the same as a Ukrainian child.
But because the government and the MSM (most of it) don't want to talk about Yemen...they don't.

The situation in Yemen is FAR more serious than the one in Ukraine (right now in terms of innocent lives lost).
BOTH wars need to be stopped.
But almost NO ONE is talking about ANYTHING besides Ukraine.

And you are right - Biden is not doing shit.
That’s because the Saudis aren’t a threat to the UN but Putin could be. It’s a selfish world. It likely helps to vote for a president who has prior military experience.
Originally posted by munkle
Estonia wisely did not allow NATO to put intermediate range missiles in its territory, or Putin might have invaded them too.

Good luck convincing people here there's no western leader crazy enough to risk nuclear confrontation with Russia because of a piece to paper signed by Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania 20 years ago.

There would be an awful lot of blah, blah, blah and heavy economic sanctions but no military action.
Estonia wisely did not allow NATO to put intermediate range missiles in its territory, or Putin might have invaded them too.
Highly doubtful.
If he had - then NATO would be legally compelled to come to Estonia's aid.
Russia would not deliberately start a war with NATO as they would lose for CERTAIN.
As I said Munkle...

I wish you good luck convincing people the admission of the baltic states into NATO was sheer western bragadoccio, hot air intended to impress dummies.

You're gonna need it.
Well said. I tend to believe most Americans, like so many on this board, don’t have the presence of mind to evaluate the totality of this situation. They are bombarded by the government media complex with Russia bad Ukraine good, and they accept the propaganda.

Has the corporate media bothered to analyze the historical aspects of this situation? Have they informed their readers of Russia’s decades long concerns about NATO expansion? Have they bothered to evaluate Putin’s speech prior to invasion, where he every clearly outlines why? Is there any corporate media reports on the 14,000 dead Russians in the Donbas?

The response you get from many Americans to these questions is, fuck Russia. As you say, there is no compassion or compromise. It’s an old establishment tactic…dehumanize your enemy, but you’d think after over a century of using this tactic all Americans would recognize it.
Russia has NO right to attempt to block other independent nations from joining NATO. If there are dead Russians in Donbas, they are either Russian troops or illegal aliens, Donbas is part of Ukraine and the people living there are Ukrainians, NOT RUSSIANS. By your logic, Mexico or Canada would be justified invading the USA because immigrants from those countries are being jailed and dying here.

On August 23, 1989, about 2 million people from Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania formed a human chain that united all 3 countries to show the world their desire to escape the Soviet Union and the communism that brought only suffering and poverty
Russia has NO right to attempt to block other independent nations from joining NATO. If there are dead Russians in Donbas, they are either Russian troops or illegal aliens, Donbas is part of Ukraine and the people living there are Ukrainians, NOT RUSSIANS. By your logic, Mexico or Canada would be justified invading the USA because immigrants from those countries are being jailed and dying here.
Yes they do and our government would be smart not to instigate a nuclear war. Hopefully they are smarter than you, but I doubt it.

Kissinger, Ex-Envoys Predicted War In Ukraine, Warned Against NATO Expansion
Too much MAGA maybe?

Too much MAGA is every single time Vladimir Putin has invaded the Ukraine, it's been when Quid Pro Joe Biden was in the white house?

Bit early to be this drunk, isn't it?

The CIA began using Ukrainian nationals to destabilize Russia when Harry Truman was in the White House.


Truman didn't want to destabilize Russia, Truman wanted to turn America INTO Russia.

Russia engaged in Genocide under your beloved Stalin, eradicating ethnic Ukrainians and replacing them with Russians.

Amusing how 100 years later the Russians adopted Ukranian culture and hate their native home for what they did.
I applaud you for having an open mind on this...most people don't.

I agree that Biden sucks.
But I think ALL POTUS's suck.

What REALLY pisses me off is that everyone is freaking out about Ukraine - which I get and agree with, to a point.
But everyone is ignoring Yemen - where 85,000 children have already died.
And millions more are starving.
And the Saudi's - that are getting direct support from America and GB - are bombing the shit out of the country.
And NO ONE gives a shit.

I am a WASP who knows no one in Yemen.
Nor do I know any Russians or Ukrainians (to my knowledge).
So I have no bias on this.
But I believe that a Yemeni child is worth the same as a Ukrainian child.
But because the government and the MSM (most of it) don't want to talk about Yemen...they don't.

The situation in Yemen is FAR more serious than the one in Ukraine (right now in terms of innocent lives lost).
BOTH wars need to be stopped.
But almost NO ONE is talking about ANYTHING besides Ukraine.

And you are right - Biden is not doing shit.

You're trying to compare apples to hand grenades.

Ukraine, a second world industrial nation which under the right circumstances could emerge as a productive and technologically advanced nation in the way Poland, Latvia, Hungary, etc. did.

Yemen, a terrorist shithole of a country that has oil wealth but is utterly backwards and embraces the death cult of Islam.

Ukraine has energy reserves that Russia lusts after. Ukraine is peopled by ethnic Russians, since Stalin engaged in genocide and murdered all the ethnic Ukrainians in the 1920's. Hence Russia justifies their invasion based on the idea that they have a "right" to Ukraine since it is peopled by Russians.

Yemen is a terrorist shithole that keeps attacking their neighbors, most particularly Saudi Arabia.

Ukraine is sympathetic - Yemen is a terrorist shithole.
The only place in the universe where the West would risk a military confrontation with Russia over the baltic statelets is inside the warped mind of a mentally retarded super patriotic american clown.

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