Why Russia will nuke Ukraine?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Unfortunately Russia has no other choice as to nuke Ukraine in 2023
It's difficult to believe Russia can defeat NATO.....sorry, Ukraine by usage of 'normal' conventional weapons even if it receives support of its strategic partners like Iran or North Korea
So, Russia knows exactly what expects it if NATO....., sorry again, Ukraine wins the war (s. below)
Moreover almost all Russian political establishment, scientists, writers and another important citizens will be imprisoned and murdered, industry destroyed, army dissolved and property confiscated.

Russia trusts NO ONE in the West today with whom it can negotiate, Russia knows well all promises of the West can be broken immediately on the next day after signing of the peace agreement

After summarizing opinions of many leading Russian politicians around Putin Russia will prefer to nuke almost all important Ukrainian cities instead of surrounding to the West
Where are politicians like Reagan or like him now?
The corrupted spineless plankton which run the West does anything possible to finish the Ukrainian Nation

It looks like only one can survive:Either the alliance Russia- Iran-North Korea and probably China or the West & Ukraine

Where are diplomatic efforts now?

Ukrainian media showed a map of a "fragmented" Russia in the office of the head of Ukraine's military intelligence service
A very remarkable map is hanging in the office of the head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry, Major-General Kyrylo Budanov. It shows Russia disintegrated into separate states. This map was posted in the public domain by Ukrainian propagandists who visited the chief of military intelligence.
If you look at the map of a "dismembered" and "fragmented" Russia that was hung in his office by Major General Budanov, then you can see exactly what scenario of the disintegration of the Russian Federation is dreamt about by our enemies. Part of the territories have been incorporated into Ukraine - this, of course, includes Donbass, Crimea, the Rostov region, part of the Krasnodar region, and other border territories.
In the center of Russia, the territory of a certain CAR - the "Central Asian Republic" - has been singled out? The regions of Eastern Siberia and the Far East, close to China, are marked with the letter "K," and the Kuril Islands are attributed to Japan. The Kaliningrad Oblast was assigned to the FRG, and Karelia and other northwestern regions of the country were assigned to Finland.
When Ukrainian propagandists asked General Budanov about the Russian regions assigned to Ukraine and whether the seizure of these territories was the next step after the Kiev regime's 1991 border, the general noted that "everyone sees what they want to see." Budanov also echily emphasized that "maybe it's just a broad marker, maybe not." Earlier, many Ukrainian nationalists said they wanted to take over the Belgorod, Kursk, Voronezh, and Rostov regions, and even Kuban.
Meanwhile, there's nothing particularly surprising about this map. It reflects the imagination of not only the Kiev regime's activists, but also their patrons in the West, about the future of Russia. They are making no secret of the fact that they want to see Russia disintegrate so that they can divide up Russia's enormous resources unchecked.

But such revelations by the Kiev regime only increase the motivation of our soldiers and show people that the special military operation did not start "just for fun" but was simply necessary. After all, we are talking about the survival of not just the state, but of Russian civilization as a whole.


Translated from:

Unfortunately Russia has no other choice as to nuke Ukraine in 2023
It's difficult to believe Russia can defeat NATO.....sorry, Ukraine by usage of 'normal' conventional weapons even if it receives support of its strategic partners like Iran or North Korea
So, Russia knows exactly what expects it if NATO....., sorry again, Ukraine wins the war (s. below)
Moreover almost all Russian political establishment, scientists, writers and another important citizens will be imprisoned and murdered, industry destroyed, army dissolved and property confiscated.

Russia trusts NO ONE in the West today with whom it can negotiate, Russia knows well all promises of the West can be broken immediately on the next day after signing of the peace agreement

After summarizing opinions of many leading Russian politicians around Putin Russia will prefer to nuke almost all important Ukrainian cities instead of surrounding to the West
Where are politicians like Reagan or like him now?
The corrupted spineless plankton which run the West does anything possible to finish the Ukrainian Nation

It looks like only one can survive:Either the alliance Russia- Iran-North Korea and probably China or the West & Ukraine

Where are diplomatic efforts now?

Ukrainian media showed a map of a "fragmented" Russia in the office of the head of Ukraine's military intelligence service
A very remarkable map is hanging in the office of the head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry, Major-General Kyrylo Budanov. It shows Russia disintegrated into separate states. This map was posted in the public domain by Ukrainian propagandists who visited the chief of military intelligence.
If you look at the map of a "dismembered" and "fragmented" Russia that was hung in his office by Major General Budanov, then you can see exactly what scenario of the disintegration of the Russian Federation is dreamt about by our enemies. Part of the territories have been incorporated into Ukraine - this, of course, includes Donbass, Crimea, the Rostov region, part of the Krasnodar region, and other border territories.
In the center of Russia, the territory of a certain CAR - the "Central Asian Republic" - has been singled out? The regions of Eastern Siberia and the Far East, close to China, are marked with the letter "K," and the Kuril Islands are attributed to Japan. The Kaliningrad Oblast was assigned to the FRG, and Karelia and other northwestern regions of the country were assigned to Finland.
When Ukrainian propagandists asked General Budanov about the Russian regions assigned to Ukraine and whether the seizure of these territories was the next step after the Kiev regime's 1991 border, the general noted that "everyone sees what they want to see." Budanov also echily emphasized that "maybe it's just a broad marker, maybe not." Earlier, many Ukrainian nationalists said they wanted to take over the Belgorod, Kursk, Voronezh, and Rostov regions, and even Kuban.
Meanwhile, there's nothing particularly surprising about this map. It reflects the imagination of not only the Kiev regime's activists, but also their patrons in the West, about the future of Russia. They are making no secret of the fact that they want to see Russia disintegrate so that they can divide up Russia's enormous resources unchecked.

But such revelations by the Kiev regime only increase the motivation of our soldiers and show people that the special military operation did not start "just for fun" but was simply necessary. After all, we are talking about the survival of not just the state, but of Russian civilization as a whole.


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I don't think the cowardly bastards in Moscow are going to "Nuke" anybody in 2023. It is just more Russian bullsh#t, propaganda.
I don't think the cowardly bastards in Moscow are going to "Nuke" anybody in 2023. It is just more Russian bullsh#t, propaganda.

Just write, what has Russia to lose if it nukes Ukraine?
Nothing, absolutely nothing
I guess dumb Biden doesn't know it

Medvedev said that if Russia loses in the special operation in Ukraine, it will use nuclear weapons

Former Russian President, Deputy Chairman of Security Council Dmitry Medvedev has said that the seizure of new annexed territories is a pretext to use nuclear weapons

Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev believes that the West is provoking a world war with the use of nuclear weapons. According to Medvedev, an attempt to forcibly seize new Russian territories might lead to the use of nuclear weapons, Kommersant has said.

"The thesis of Western countries: Russia cannot be allowed to win the war means: if it is not Russia who wins, then, apparently, Ukraine. Ukraine's goal in the war is named by the Kiev regime - the return of all the territories that previously belonged to it. This is a threat to the existence of our state and the disintegration of present-day Russia. And, therefore, a direct reason to apply paragraph 19 of the Fundamentals of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the field of nuclear deterrence, "- wrote the deputy chairman of the Security Council in Telegram.

According to the above paragraph of the Fundamentals of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Field of Nuclear Deterrence, Russia can use nuclear weapons in case of non-nuclear aggression, if it endangers the existence of the state.

According to Medvedev, Western countries "are pushing the world towards a global war. And only a complete and final victory for Russia is a guarantee against world conflict."

Earlier today, Dmitry Medvedev said during talks with Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa that Moscow "will never give up the DNR, LNR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions to anyone. Ukrainian authorities have repeatedly said they will not end the military conflict until they reach the 1991 borders. For their part, the leaders of the European Union and NATO have stated that they must not allow Russia to win in Ukraine.

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Just write, what has Russia to lose if it nukes Ukraine?
Nothing, absolutely nothing
I guess dumb Biden doesn't know it

Medvedev said that if Russia loses in the special operation in Ukraine, it will use nuclear weapons

Former Russian President, Deputy Chairman of Security Council Dmitry Medvedev has said that the seizure of new annexed territories is a pretext to use nuclear weapons

Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev believes that the West is provoking a world war with the use of nuclear weapons. According to Medvedev, an attempt to forcibly seize new Russian territories might lead to the use of nuclear weapons, Kommersant has said.

"The thesis of Western countries: Russia cannot be allowed to win the war means: if it is not Russia who wins, then, apparently, Ukraine. Ukraine's goal in the war is named by the Kiev regime - the return of all the territories that previously belonged to it. This is a threat to the existence of our state and the disintegration of present-day Russia. And, therefore, a direct reason to apply paragraph 19 of the Fundamentals of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the field of nuclear deterrence, "- wrote the deputy chairman of the Security Council in Telegram.

According to the above paragraph of the Fundamentals of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Field of Nuclear Deterrence, Russia can use nuclear weapons in case of non-nuclear aggression, if it endangers the existence of the state.

According to Medvedev, Western countries "are pushing the world towards a global war. And only a complete and final victory for Russia is a guarantee against world conflict."

Earlier today, Dmitry Medvedev said during talks with Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa that Moscow "will never give up the DNR, LNR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions to anyone. Ukrainian authorities have repeatedly said they will not end the military conflict until they reach the 1991 borders. For their part, the leaders of the European Union and NATO have stated that they must not allow Russia to win in Ukraine.

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Great. So you are as stupid as the propagandists pushing that "we're gonna nuke somebody" crap.
Great. So you are as stupid as the propagandists pushing that "we're gonna nuke somebody" crap.

Stupid is the West who did anything wrong since 2014

Here is still the best case scenario written in Russian paper #1 Pravda two days ago
It looks like Putin cheated the West again

Putin made it clear what Ukraine will look like territorially
After a series of speeches by Russian President Vladimir Putin last week, his plan for the NWO's ultimate territorial acquisition goals became clear.
Earlier, Vladimir Putin had announced his goals as the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine, and by the end of the year it was clear that without regime change in Kiev, the Russian army could not achieve this by force.
Civil War in Ukraine
Putin, speaking at the Valdai Forum, agreed that a civil war was "partly" going on in Ukraine.
Russians and Ukrainians are "one people," but "we find ourselves in different states, unfortunately, due to a number of reasons," the president said. He mentioned the decision to give the "nationalist-minded" Ukrainian Bolsheviks "ancestral Russian" territories when the Soviet Union was formed as the main one.
With this repeated axiom, Putin makes it clear that today's Nazi Ukraine will lose these territories, and that the fossilized Russians will have to be decimated. It remains to be determined what these territories are, according to the head of the Russian Federation.
NATO does not want to unite the Russian people
At a Dec. 22 press conference, the Russian leader also said that a war has been "unleashed" against the Russians in Ukraine, which Russia has long tolerated.
"They're going to keep on shredding. And we will unite. No one wants to unite the Russian people but us. And we will do it. And we will," the president said.
They are the West, that is why the civil war is "partly"; its second component is the war with NATO.
Ukraine will remain Galicia.
Putin also recalled how back in Czarist times a certain deputy of the State Duma said that "if you want to lose Ukraine, then annex Galicia to it." These words are attributed to a member of the State Council, the former Minister of Internal Affairs Peter Durnovó to the Emperor Nicholas II.
Based on the thoughts expressed, we can conclude about Putn's territorial goals in the SSO:
Russia will expand at the expense of the provinces of Little Russia, which were part of the Russian Empire under the treaty with Bogdan Khmelnitsky. These are the Kiev, Cherkasy, Poltava, and Chernigov provinces, as well as the Novorossiysk lands - these are the current southeastern regions of former Ukraine. The DNR, LNR, Zaporozhe and Kherson regions are already part of the Russian Federation. Remaining: Odessa, Kharkov, Nikolaev, Dnepropetrovsk, Kirovograd.
Galicia or Galicia (Ivano-Frankovsk, Lvov and Ternopil regions) will not be included in the new Russia.
But this does not mean that Putin will allow Poles to go there. This will be bargaining material. You - the removal of sanctions, we - the independence of Galicia.
"Russia, unlike its opponents, does not refuse to negotiate on the situation around Ukraine," Putin said.
The president's tactics also became clear
"The intensification of hostilities leads to unjustified losses," Putin said at the same press conference.
And then: "Russia could not behave as cynically as the West in the situation in Ukraine. We have a different philosophy, a different attitude to life and to people.
That is, we must prepare for a long urban war, in which Russia cannot afford "carpet bombing", as the U.S. did in Vietnam, Yugoslavia and Iraq.
Putin said at a Defense Ministry board meeting on December 21 that the air defense system will continue, and it is desirable to complete it by the end of 2023. About the planned offensive in 2023, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said.
The German Neue Zürcher Zeitung with reference to the internal analysis of the defense department "Deployment and Strategy" publishes two possible scenarios of developments that will begin allegedly in April.
A large-scale offensive by the Russian Armed Forces in Donbass. As a result, the Russian Armed Forces will be fragmented and will not be able to fight fully.

Taking control of the entire Ukraine by an attack from the territory of Donbass, at the same time a grouping from Belarus will go to Kiev. Russian soldiers will reach the Polish border to prevent arms supplies from the West and take Transnistria, the analysis says.


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Why the personal attacks? Don't you have anything substantive to say?

It wasn't any war in Ukraine if the West would accept equal rights of Russians to Ukrainians in 2014
No secession of Crimea no Donbass, nothing
The West is run by completely stupid communist trash who deliberately dumbed down citizens by lying propaganda
We're teetering on the brink of nuclear war but only few can grasp it
I don't think the cowardly bastards in Moscow are going to "Nuke" anybody in 2023.
I think you're right. Great effort has been made to keep in line with mutually agreed upon limitations by both sides. America and Russia will meet over a negotiations table before the critical decision is made on nuclear war.

How can anyone think otherwise?
It wasn't any war in Ukraine if the West would accept equal rights of Russians to Ukrainians in 2014
No secession of Crimea no Donbass, nothing
The West is run by completely stupid communist trash who deliberately dumbed down citizens by lying propaganda
We're teetering on the brink of nuclear war but only few can grasp it
There has always been a way to peace.
But it must finally be acknowledged that it has to be a peace that is agreeable to America.

And fwiw, in my opinion no other combatant in this war!
I don't think the cowardly bastards in Moscow are going to "Nuke" anybody in 2023. It is just more Russian bullsh#t, propaganda.
edit for you : Russian bullsh#t, CHEAP propaganda (BLUFF)

it must finally be acknowledged

Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008

Putin made it clear what Ukraine will look like territorially
After a series of speeches by Russian President Vladimir Putin last week, his plan for the NWO's ultimate territorial acquisition goals became clear.
Earlier, Vladimir Putin had announced his goals as the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine, and by the end of the year it was clear that without regime change in Kiev, the Russian army could not achieve this by force.
Civil War in Ukraine
Putin, speaking at the Valdai Forum, agreed that a civil war was "partly" going on in Ukraine.
Russians and Ukrainians are "one people," but "we find ourselves in different states, unfortunately, due to a number of reasons," the president said. He mentioned the decision to give the "nationalist-minded" Ukrainian Bolsheviks "ancestral Russian" territories when the Soviet Union was formed as the main one.
With this repeated axiom, Putin makes it clear that today's Nazi Ukraine will lose these territories, and that the fossilized Russians will have to be decimated. It remains to be determined what these territories are, according to the head of the Russian Federation.
I don't know if there is a problem with translation, but this seems more like propaganda than a rational assessment of Russia's national interests. It makes me think of Vince Flynn's book Red War wherein the Russian President is creating external crises as a means of holding onto power while battling a debilitating health condition. I am concerned that the American President is playing the same game, with unforeseeable consequences for both sides.
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Unfortunately Russia has no other choice as to nuke Ukraine in 2023
It's difficult to believe Russia can defeat NATO.....sorry, Ukraine by usage of 'normal' conventional weapons even if it receives support of its strategic partners like Iran or North Korea
So, Russia knows exactly what expects it if NATO....., sorry again, Ukraine wins the war (s. below)
Moreover almost all Russian political establishment, scientists, writers and another important citizens will be imprisoned and murdered, industry destroyed, army dissolved and property confiscated.

Russia trusts NO ONE in the West today with whom it can negotiate, Russia knows well all promises of the West can be broken immediately on the next day after signing of the peace agreement

After summarizing opinions of many leading Russian politicians around Putin Russia will prefer to nuke almost all important Ukrainian cities instead of surrounding to the West
Where are politicians like Reagan or like him now?
The corrupted spineless plankton which run the West does anything possible to finish the Ukrainian Nation

It looks like only one can survive:Either the alliance Russia- Iran-North Korea and probably China or the West & Ukraine

Where are diplomatic efforts now?

Ukrainian media showed a map of a "fragmented" Russia in the office of the head of Ukraine's military intelligence service
A very remarkable map is hanging in the office of the head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry, Major-General Kyrylo Budanov. It shows Russia disintegrated into separate states. This map was posted in the public domain by Ukrainian propagandists who visited the chief of military intelligence.
If you look at the map of a "dismembered" and "fragmented" Russia that was hung in his office by Major General Budanov, then you can see exactly what scenario of the disintegration of the Russian Federation is dreamt about by our enemies. Part of the territories have been incorporated into Ukraine - this, of course, includes Donbass, Crimea, the Rostov region, part of the Krasnodar region, and other border territories.
In the center of Russia, the territory of a certain CAR - the "Central Asian Republic" - has been singled out? The regions of Eastern Siberia and the Far East, close to China, are marked with the letter "K," and the Kuril Islands are attributed to Japan. The Kaliningrad Oblast was assigned to the FRG, and Karelia and other northwestern regions of the country were assigned to Finland.
When Ukrainian propagandists asked General Budanov about the Russian regions assigned to Ukraine and whether the seizure of these territories was the next step after the Kiev regime's 1991 border, the general noted that "everyone sees what they want to see." Budanov also echily emphasized that "maybe it's just a broad marker, maybe not." Earlier, many Ukrainian nationalists said they wanted to take over the Belgorod, Kursk, Voronezh, and Rostov regions, and even Kuban.
Meanwhile, there's nothing particularly surprising about this map. It reflects the imagination of not only the Kiev regime's activists, but also their patrons in the West, about the future of Russia. They are making no secret of the fact that they want to see Russia disintegrate so that they can divide up Russia's enormous resources unchecked.

But such revelations by the Kiev regime only increase the motivation of our soldiers and show people that the special military operation did not start "just for fun" but was simply necessary. After all, we are talking about the survival of not just the state, but of Russian civilization as a whole.


Translated from:

Russia certainly has other choices than nuclear weapons. They can continue destroying the infrastructure until Ukraine agrees to negotiations or they continue until the cost out weights the benefits as it did in Afghanistan.

If they decided to use nuclear weapons, it would probably be tactical not strategic weapons. Remember the goal was to bring Ukraine under Russian control, not to reduce it to a pile of nuclear waste. Even using tactical weapons can have unpredictable environmental effects that can effect Russia as well as Europe. Any use of nuclear weapons would create problems with China's support for Russia and India's neutrality. Lastly tactical nuclear weapons would not be as effective as convention weapons at destroying infrastructure.
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With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher

Russia certainly has other choices than nuclear weapons. They can continue destroying the infrastructure until Ukraine agrees to negotiations or they continue until the cost out weights the benefits as it did in Afghanistan.

If they decided to use nuclear weapons, it would probably be tactical not strategic weapons. Remember the goal was to bring Ukraine under Russian control, not to reduce it to a pile of nuclear waste. Even using tactical weapons can have unpredictable environmental effects that can effect Russia as well as Europe. Any use of nuclear weapons would create problems with China's support for Russia and India's neutrality. Lastly tactical nuclear weapons would not be as effective as convention weapons at destroying infrastructure.
Russia certainly has other choices than nuclear weapons. They can continue destroying the infrastructure until Ukraine agrees to negotiations or they continue until the cost out weights the benefits as it did in Afghanistan.

If they decided to use nuclear weapons, it would probably be tactical not strategic weapons. Remember the goal was to bring Ukraine under Russian control, not to reduce it to a pile of nuclear waste. Even using tactical weapons can have unpredictable environmental effects that can effect Russia as well as Europe. Any use of nuclear weapons would create problems with China's support for Russia and India's neutrality. Lastly tactical nuclear weapons would not be as effective as convention weapons at destroying infrastructure.
Russia is tossing left over crap.
They havent even busted out FOAB.
Drop about 6 on those Jewks and see how they come along afterwards.
Fuckit. Make it 10
The decision to use nuclear weapons is always a political, human decision (meaning it's not taken by algorithms) and as such it's not entirely predictable.

All we can say is that a scenario in which the ukrainian army is on the verge of retaking Crimea would increase the likelihood of a nuclear retaliation exponentially.

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