Why People Make Minimum Wage


I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.
When we're good, we get noticed....:thup:

I work for a company 3 years now. Only one guy has been here longer. All those workers that came and went sucked?

The company I came from, the owner went to school with the owner of the company I work for now. They grew up together. Both of them are greedy evil assholes ask anyone. If their employees knew how to organize I assure you they would. I worked for the other guy in the 90's and went back in 2010 for a couple years. When it was all said and done only one guy has been there the entire time. So no job security anymore. No 30 years and retire. And that can be a huge fucking problem for someone who's in their 50's. Good luck finding another job.

I also worked for a huge international company where we made 6 figures but then they doubled the number of people in our group and so we all made $50K.

Long story short, corporations don't value workers anymore. Not in America. First they do away with unions then the middle class disappears.
dear, slaves got no wages and were not free to quit! Slow?

They got room and board, which is more than you could afford on minimum wage.

don't know why you say that? $400/week=$1600/month then you get earned income tax credit and if you have spouse or roommates you've got it made, and that's working 40 hours while most nowaday work much more.

Rent = $300 a month if you are lucky. And don't piss your roommate off.
Healthcare $300 a month and don't get sick or it'll be more.
Food $400 (don't go out to eat)
Cable, gas, electric, ??
Car payments, insurance, gas
Want to go to college?

You aren't even middle class schmuck.

dear, if you need more than $3200 a month you have to get a better job or work mor hours the way most Americans do! Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide? Grow up, liberal.

You guys have these right wing montras like "does someone owe me". Yes dick, someone does owe me. Corporations owe us a decent share of the profits. We work hard.

See in the past, they needed us just like we needed them. They don't think they need us anymore. They can have Mexico, China or India make it and they can sell their shit in Europe and the rest of the world. Sure we can buy their products too but gone are the days where corporations understand they need us too. The workers and the consumers.

For companies to do business in America, they have to not only serve themselves but they also have to be a benefit to our society. That means hire Americans, pay them a decent wage and pay your fucking fair share of taxes.

You sir are either a corporation or rich yourself, or you are a stupid ignorant bastard who's been brainwashed. I can't stand Americans like you. I don't even want to bother to get to know if you are greedy or dumb. I'll assume dumb. As a fucking bag of rocks.

P.S. If you believe what you said, then don't cry that Obama hasn't done enough for the economy. Corporations are doing fucking great and job creators are killing it. If you aren't happy with the economy go back to school or start a company. Isn't that the kind of advice you give out?

One quick question. If everyone in America except CEO's made $4 a day. If someone corporations could work it out so that happened, and I complained, would you say to me "Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide?"

Because the answer is yes, someone did tell me that corporations by law have to pay a fair wage. Now there are two ways to go about getting a fair wage. Your government can pass laws. Unless you like it how China does it where they pay $3 a day. Do you like that? Because it seems like you would defend that. The second way is to organized and strike. Our country has a long history of unionizing. They come when needed and eventually die out but then they always seem to come back again. Just keep fucking with the American workers and soon they'll wake up and realize they're being fucked.

One good thing about globalization is it is helping workers in other nations. Wages are going up in other countries.

So while America is having the best recovery, middle class Americans don't know it because they aren't benefitting from it. Their companies are still paying them shit wages. Maybe they should unionize. Eventually they will.

What he said ^^^

I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.
When we're good, we get noticed....:thup:

I work for a company 3 years now. Only one guy has been here longer. All those workers that came and went sucked?

The company I came from, the owner went to school with the owner of the company I work for now. They grew up together. Both of them are greedy evil assholes ask anyone. If their employees knew how to organize I assure you they would. I worked for the other guy in the 90's and went back in 2010 for a couple years. When it was all said and done only one guy has been there the entire time. So no job security anymore. No 30 years and retire. And that can be a huge fucking problem for someone who's in their 50's. Good luck finding another job.

I also worked for a huge international company where we made 6 figures but then they doubled the number of people in our group and so we all made $50K.

Long story short, corporations don't value workers anymore. Not in America. First they do away with unions then the middle class disappears.

I grew up in a world where people stayed with the same job for 30 years and died slumped over their work. When my dad died, his company gave my widowed mother a clock and I doubt they saw the irony in that choice.

Nowadays, employers demand loyalty from their workers but offer none in return. And then they're surprised when they see resumes that go to 6 pages.

There would be nothing wrong with working for minimum wage IF it were a livable wage. What people like Eddy dear don't seem to understand is that we've been through this before. Because people fought for minimum wage and then increases, he has a much better chance of getting a paycheck he can actually live on.

Its way past time for minimum wage to reflect the cost of living. Its also time we stopped with the asssinine excuse that if a job pays shit, its a "starter" job or a job for teens.
They got room and board, which is more than you could afford on minimum wage.

don't know why you say that? $400/week=$1600/month then you get earned income tax credit and if you have spouse or roommates you've got it made, and that's working 40 hours while most nowaday work much more.

Rent = $300 a month if you are lucky. And don't piss your roommate off.
Healthcare $300 a month and don't get sick or it'll be more.
Food $400 (don't go out to eat)
Cable, gas, electric, ??
Car payments, insurance, gas
Want to go to college?

You aren't even middle class schmuck.

dear, if you need more than $3200 a month you have to get a better job or work mor hours the way most Americans do! Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide? Grow up, liberal.

You guys have these right wing montras like "does someone owe me". Yes dick, someone does owe me. Corporations owe us a decent share of the profits. We work hard.

See in the past, they needed us just like we needed them. They don't think they need us anymore. They can have Mexico, China or India make it and they can sell their shit in Europe and the rest of the world. Sure we can buy their products too but gone are the days where corporations understand they need us too. The workers and the consumers.

For companies to do business in America, they have to not only serve themselves but they also have to be a benefit to our society. That means hire Americans, pay them a decent wage and pay your fucking fair share of taxes.

You sir are either a corporation or rich yourself, or you are a stupid ignorant bastard who's been brainwashed. I can't stand Americans like you. I don't even want to bother to get to know if you are greedy or dumb. I'll assume dumb. As a fucking bag of rocks.

P.S. If you believe what you said, then don't cry that Obama hasn't done enough for the economy. Corporations are doing fucking great and job creators are killing it. If you aren't happy with the economy go back to school or start a company. Isn't that the kind of advice you give out?

One quick question. If everyone in America except CEO's made $4 a day. If someone corporations could work it out so that happened, and I complained, would you say to me "Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide?"

Because the answer is yes, someone did tell me that corporations by law have to pay a fair wage. Now there are two ways to go about getting a fair wage. Your government can pass laws. Unless you like it how China does it where they pay $3 a day. Do you like that? Because it seems like you would defend that. The second way is to organized and strike. Our country has a long history of unionizing. They come when needed and eventually die out but then they always seem to come back again. Just keep fucking with the American workers and soon they'll wake up and realize they're being fucked.

One good thing about globalization is it is helping workers in other nations. Wages are going up in other countries.

So while America is having the best recovery, middle class Americans don't know it because they aren't benefitting from it. Their companies are still paying them shit wages. Maybe they should unionize. Eventually they will.

What he said ^^^

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

No Obama sucks. Just keep saying it no matter how good he does. And so what? Just focus on the mess in the middle east and say he's in over his head on that, even though whatever he is doing is probably exactly what should be done. And never admit that Bush is the one who caused the Middle East to implode. He should have never fucked with Iraq or Saddam. Hell, he should have never been hit on 9-11.

Bush was the worst president in US History surpassing Carter easily.

Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

These right wingers have not changed their positions one bit from when Bush was running the country into a ditch.

Oh yea, I wanted to bring this up the other day. Remember how many times Bush sent us $300 stimulus checks a couple times or else without it we would have officially sunk in a "recession"? Think about if Obama tried to pull that shit. So Bush borrowed from China, loaned us the money, put the IOU on the debt so now we spent that $300 and now we owe $300 plus interest? Also don't forget he sent his rich buddies a lot more than $300. But they don't pay taxes so you actually have to pay that back too. Not right away. We'll just put it on the debt and blame Obama for the debt.

Republicans want to forget 2000-2007. I won't let them.

I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.
When we're good, we get noticed....:thup:

I work for a company 3 years now. Only one guy has been here longer. All those workers that came and went sucked?

The company I came from, the owner went to school with the owner of the company I work for now. They grew up together. Both of them are greedy evil assholes ask anyone. If their employees knew how to organize I assure you they would. I worked for the other guy in the 90's and went back in 2010 for a couple years. When it was all said and done only one guy has been there the entire time. So no job security anymore. No 30 years and retire. And that can be a huge fucking problem for someone who's in their 50's. Good luck finding another job.

I also worked for a huge international company where we made 6 figures but then they doubled the number of people in our group and so we all made $50K.

Long story short, corporations don't value workers anymore. Not in America. First they do away with unions then the middle class disappears.

I grew up in a world where people stayed with the same job for 30 years and died slumped over their work. When my dad died, his company gave my widowed mother a clock and I doubt they saw the irony in that choice.

Nowadays, employers demand loyalty from their workers but offer none in return. And then they're surprised when they see resumes that go to 6 pages.

There would be nothing wrong with working for minimum wage IF it were a livable wage. What people like Eddy dear don't seem to understand is that we've been through this before. Because people fought for minimum wage and then increases, he has a much better chance of getting a paycheck he can actually live on.

Its way past time for minimum wage to reflect the cost of living. Its also time we stopped with the asssinine excuse that if a job pays shit, its a "starter" job or a job for teens.

Young people today and older people who never belonged to a union don't realize unions brought everyone's wages up. The non union factories around the Big 3 feared being unionized so they paid their employees close to what the unions made. Take away the unions and those jobs go back down to minimum wage. We see that's what's happening now. Bush sent good paying manufacturing jobs overseas and when gas got expensive they came back home to save $ but they came back at $10 hr. Mission Accomplished.

Americans don't realize as unions disappear so does the middle class. No coincidence.

My dad worked at Ford. He was paid a fair wage, got profit sharing, had job security, insurance was cheap. He made enough he could save for retirement, buy a 2nd home eventually, help put 2 of us through school, etc. The American Dream.

Today that good paying job pays $10 hr and they do not have sweet medical. They do not get overtime, time and a half, double time, sick days, pensions.

So how is the American worker today going to accomplish all that my dad accomplished? He isn't. The GOP say if you want to make it you have to own a business or go back to school to be a doctor or something. In other words, if you don't like your station in life, do something about it.

Those people don't understand the thousands and thousands of men, women and children that benefited from belonging to a union. Not everyone is going to own a company or be rich. We need to look out for the masses. If they are making a decent wage, that raises everyones wages.

I hope manufacturing employees, Walmart and Fast Food Employees unionize. Make McD and Walmart give the employees some of the profits.
don't know why you say that? $400/week=$1600/month then you get earned income tax credit and if you have spouse or roommates you've got it made, and that's working 40 hours while most nowaday work much more.

Rent = $300 a month if you are lucky. And don't piss your roommate off.
Healthcare $300 a month and don't get sick or it'll be more.
Food $400 (don't go out to eat)
Cable, gas, electric, ??
Car payments, insurance, gas
Want to go to college?

You aren't even middle class schmuck.

dear, if you need more than $3200 a month you have to get a better job or work mor hours the way most Americans do! Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide? Grow up, liberal.

You guys have these right wing montras like "does someone owe me". Yes dick, someone does owe me. Corporations owe us a decent share of the profits. We work hard.

See in the past, they needed us just like we needed them. They don't think they need us anymore. They can have Mexico, China or India make it and they can sell their shit in Europe and the rest of the world. Sure we can buy their products too but gone are the days where corporations understand they need us too. The workers and the consumers.

For companies to do business in America, they have to not only serve themselves but they also have to be a benefit to our society. That means hire Americans, pay them a decent wage and pay your fucking fair share of taxes.

You sir are either a corporation or rich yourself, or you are a stupid ignorant bastard who's been brainwashed. I can't stand Americans like you. I don't even want to bother to get to know if you are greedy or dumb. I'll assume dumb. As a fucking bag of rocks.

P.S. If you believe what you said, then don't cry that Obama hasn't done enough for the economy. Corporations are doing fucking great and job creators are killing it. If you aren't happy with the economy go back to school or start a company. Isn't that the kind of advice you give out?

One quick question. If everyone in America except CEO's made $4 a day. If someone corporations could work it out so that happened, and I complained, would you say to me "Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide?"

Because the answer is yes, someone did tell me that corporations by law have to pay a fair wage. Now there are two ways to go about getting a fair wage. Your government can pass laws. Unless you like it how China does it where they pay $3 a day. Do you like that? Because it seems like you would defend that. The second way is to organized and strike. Our country has a long history of unionizing. They come when needed and eventually die out but then they always seem to come back again. Just keep fucking with the American workers and soon they'll wake up and realize they're being fucked.

One good thing about globalization is it is helping workers in other nations. Wages are going up in other countries.

So while America is having the best recovery, middle class Americans don't know it because they aren't benefitting from it. Their companies are still paying them shit wages. Maybe they should unionize. Eventually they will.

What he said ^^^

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

No Obama sucks. Just keep saying it no matter how good he does. And so what? Just focus on the mess in the middle east and say he's in over his head on that, even though whatever he is doing is probably exactly what should be done. And never admit that Bush is the one who caused the Middle East to implode. He should have never fucked with Iraq or Saddam. Hell, he should have never been hit on 9-11.

Bush was the worst president in US History surpassing Carter easily.

Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

These right wingers have not changed their positions one bit from when Bush was running the country into a ditch.

Oh yea, I wanted to bring this up the other day. Remember how many times Bush sent us $300 stimulus checks a couple times or else without it we would have officially sunk in a "recession"? Think about if Obama tried to pull that shit. So Bush borrowed from China, loaned us the money, put the IOU on the debt so now we spent that $300 and now we owe $300 plus interest? Also don't forget he sent his rich buddies a lot more than $300. But they don't pay taxes so you actually have to pay that back too. Not right away. We'll just put it on the debt and blame Obama for the debt.

Republicans want to forget 2000-2007. I won't let them.

Nor should we let them forget what this man accomplished. He kept us out of war and

Another difference now, is that one cannot just start a business and succeed. Technology is wonderful in many ways but it is killing jobs and opportunity.

We're sending jobs to other countries - the corp's get the bennies from being a US company but don't pay for them. We're not educating our own people and we're making it all but impossible for kids to afford higher education. Instead, we just hire from other countries.

The right is to blame for this.
Another difference now, is that one cannot just start a business and succeed. Technology is wonderful in many ways but it is killing jobs and opportunity.

We're sending jobs to other countries - the corp's get the bennies from being a US company but don't pay for them. We're not educating our own people and we're making it all but impossible for kids to afford higher education. Instead, we just hire from other countries.

The right is to blame for this.
Democrats control the schools and the government, a fact for a century.

I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.

but the minimum wage is not a living wage. We should have passed a law 200 years ago to the effect that the minimum wage has to always be a living wage and further that the evil corporations must hire enough people to eliminate unemployment! The free market does not work as far as brain dead liberals know!!

Now if we could just get you dumb RWs to learn that.

Question for you -

You have said that you're a successful writer, published, making a living at it.

How does that work for you?

Seriously, I would like to know how you can make a living as a writer.

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Another difference now, is that one cannot just start a business and succeed. Technology is wonderful in many ways but it is killing jobs and opportunity.

We're sending jobs to other countries - the corp's get the bennies from being a US company but don't pay for them. We're not educating our own people and we're making it all but impossible for kids to afford higher education. Instead, we just hire from other countries.

The right is to blame for this.
Democrats control the schools and the government, a fact for a century.


And, g'night.
Another difference now, is that one cannot just start a business and succeed. Technology is wonderful in many ways but it is killing jobs and opportunity.

We're sending jobs to other countries - the corp's get the bennies from being a US company but don't pay for them. We're not educating our own people and we're making it all but impossible for kids to afford higher education. Instead, we just hire from other countries.

The right is to blame for this.
Democrats control the schools and the government, a fact for a century.


And, g'night.
Good night, links to show the white house is controlled more by democrats in the last 200 years?

Links to show congress is controlled by Democrats more than Republicans.

That is all easy history, not in question.

You stated your post without links, so my post stands as yours, now let's talk about your hypocrisy.
Carter created 10% unemployment and until Obama came along carter could say he was the last president to get an ambassador killed.
Last two Ambassadors murdered by foreign military were under Obama and Carter.

Highest ranking representatives of the United States of America, killed under Democrats. Who is the highest ranking official a Republican president has lost?

I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.
When we're good, we get noticed....:thup:

I work for a company 3 years now. Only one guy has been here longer. All those workers that came and went sucked?

The company I came from, the owner went to school with the owner of the company I work for now. They grew up together. Both of them are greedy evil assholes ask anyone. If their employees knew how to organize I assure you they would. I worked for the other guy in the 90's and went back in 2010 for a couple years. When it was all said and done only one guy has been there the entire time. So no job security anymore. No 30 years and retire. And that can be a huge fucking problem for someone who's in their 50's. Good luck finding another job.

I also worked for a huge international company where we made 6 figures but then they doubled the number of people in our group and so we all made $50K.

Long story short, corporations don't value workers anymore. Not in America. First they do away with unions then the middle class disappears.

I grew up in a world where people stayed with the same job for 30 years and died slumped over their work. When my dad died, his company gave my widowed mother a clock and I doubt they saw the irony in that choice.

Nowadays, employers demand loyalty from their workers but offer none in return. And then they're surprised when they see resumes that go to 6 pages.

There would be nothing wrong with working for minimum wage IF it were a livable wage. What people like Eddy dear don't seem to understand is that we've been through this before. Because people fought for minimum wage and then increases, he has a much better chance of getting a paycheck he can actually live on.

Its way past time for minimum wage to reflect the cost of living. Its also time we stopped with the asssinine excuse that if a job pays shit, its a "starter" job or a job for teens.
Its a waste of time working for anyone. Not recommending anyone quit your job but start your own business and have more than one source of income. The tax benefits alone are worth it.

I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.

And there you have it.
Make yourself valuable to the company, and you'll get more.
Moan and stick to the minimum you can, and you get shit all.
Another difference now, is that one cannot just start a business and succeed. Technology is wonderful in many ways but it is killing jobs and opportunity.

We're sending jobs to other countries - the corp's get the bennies from being a US company but don't pay for them. We're not educating our own people and we're making it all but impossible for kids to afford higher education. Instead, we just hire from other countries.

The right is to blame for this.
Democrats control the schools and the government, a fact for a century.

Here is a fact. The rich have been tearing down our great society for over 100 years now. In fact last year the 100 year anniversary of when the bankers took over the Federal Reserve came and went and not a peep out of the liberal media.

You right wingers are so dumb it amazes me. You are just like the German citizen sheep of the Nazi reign. What do you think a Nazi said if you told them they were brainwashed? Same thing you say when we tell you that you are brainwashed.

But I am going to admit that it dawned on me last night watching the PBS documentary on Teddy Roosevelt that it is true, no matter if it's Democrats or Republicans, the rich and the corporations own/run/control this country. The only thing we have is the vote but even that is easily manipulated and what does it matter GOP or DEM? 2 sides of the same coin.
Another difference now, is that one cannot just start a business and succeed. Technology is wonderful in many ways but it is killing jobs and opportunity.

We're sending jobs to other countries - the corp's get the bennies from being a US company but don't pay for them. We're not educating our own people and we're making it all but impossible for kids to afford higher education. Instead, we just hire from other countries.

The right is to blame for this.
Democrats control the schools and the government, a fact for a century.

Here is a fact. The rich have been tearing down our great society for over 100 years now. In fact last year the 100 year anniversary of when the bankers took over the Federal Reserve came and went and not a peep out of the liberal media.

You right wingers are so dumb it amazes me. You are just like the German citizen sheep of the Nazi reign. What do you think a Nazi said if you told them they were brainwashed? Same thing you say when we tell you that you are brainwashed.

But I am going to admit that it dawned on me last night watching the PBS documentary on Teddy Roosevelt that it is true, no matter if it's Democrats or Republicans, the rich and the corporations own/run/control this country. The only thing we have is the vote but even that is easily manipulated and what does it matter GOP or DEM? 2 sides of the same coin.
Sure, we are dumb, just as you say, "you are just like the German citizen sheep of the Nazi reign."
And as the Liberals like to throw around Goodwins Law, you lose. Once one starts calling others Nazi it proves they have no basis in fact for their position.

But thanks for acting like a Nazi, demonizing me because of who you think you see through your Bigoted eyes.
Nazi's had an enemy, just like you have an enemy, Nazi's hated the Jews, sealybobo hates the rich and the republicans.

very informative your post, thanks
dear, slaves got no wages and were not free to quit! Slow?

They got room and board, which is more than you could afford on minimum wage.

don't know why you say that? $400/week=$1600/month then you get earned income tax credit and if you have spouse or roommates you've got it made, and that's working 40 hours while most nowaday work much more.

Rent = $300 a month if you are lucky. And don't piss your roommate off.
Healthcare $300 a month and don't get sick or it'll be more.
Food $400 (don't go out to eat)
Cable, gas, electric, ??
Car payments, insurance, gas
Want to go to college?

You aren't even middle class schmuck.

dear, if you need more than $3200 a month you have to get a better job or work mor hours the way most Americans do! Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide? Grow up, liberal.

You guys have these right wing montras like "does someone owe me". Yes dick, someone does owe me. Corporations owe us a decent share of the profits. We work hard.

See in the past, they needed us just like we needed them. They don't think they need us anymore. They can have Mexico, China or India make it and they can sell their shit in Europe and the rest of the world. Sure we can buy their products too but gone are the days where corporations understand they need us too. The workers and the consumers.

For companies to do business in America, they have to not only serve themselves but they also have to be a benefit to our society. That means hire Americans, pay them a decent wage and pay your fucking fair share of taxes.

You sir are either a corporation or rich yourself, or you are a stupid ignorant bastard who's been brainwashed. I can't stand Americans like you. I don't even want to bother to get to know if you are greedy or dumb. I'll assume dumb. As a fucking bag of rocks.

P.S. If you believe what you said, then don't cry that Obama hasn't done enough for the economy. Corporations are doing fucking great and job creators are killing it. If you aren't happy with the economy go back to school or start a company. Isn't that the kind of advice you give out?

One quick question. If everyone in America except CEO's made $4 a day. If someone corporations could work it out so that happened, and I complained, would you say to me "Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide?"

Because the answer is yes, someone did tell me that corporations by law have to pay a fair wage. Now there are two ways to go about getting a fair wage. Your government can pass laws. Unless you like it how China does it where they pay $3 a day. Do you like that? Because it seems like you would defend that. The second way is to organized and strike. Our country has a long history of unionizing. They come when needed and eventually die out but then they always seem to come back again. Just keep fucking with the American workers and soon they'll wake up and realize they're being fucked.

One good thing about globalization is it is helping workers in other nations. Wages are going up in other countries.

So while America is having the best recovery, middle class Americans don't know it because they aren't benefitting from it. Their companies are still paying them shit wages. Maybe they should unionize. Eventually they will.

Corporations don't owe you ANYTHING. NOTHING! You're only entitled to your "Fair share" if you own stock in the corporation.

Don't you get that?

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