Why Obama really should not be re-elected

I suspect the electorate won't be quite as dumb and misguided this election - as they were in 2010. Hopefully the teabagger reign of terror is coming to an end.

You mean the "dumb and misguided" voters who elected Republicans to be Governors of their States because they recognized that a little fiscal sanity was called for? Gee, how IS that working out for those "dumb and misguided" voters?

"Chief Executive listed the 2012 top 10 states for business based on taxation and regulations, workforce quality and the living environment. The states, from No. 1 to No. 10, were: Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, Indiana, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Utah and Arizona. North Carolina is the only one with a Democratic governor."

You know what's ironic, Lakhota? If it weren't for Republican Governors lowering their State's unemployment levels at a rate twice that of the national unemployment rate then Barack Obama's abysmal plus 8% unemployment rate would be even worse than it is. I LOVE how Barry thinks that "he" should get credit for job gains in those States. Funny how States with Democratic Governors lagged behind States with Republican Govs by almost 16% from 2010 until now. Yeah, those "dumb and misguided" voters!!! What WERE they thinking of!!!
lol, you have to love being called dumb and misguided those who voted in the Republicans when these same people elected a gawdamn inexperienced one term Senator be our President..It's not our problem that we tried TO TELL THEM...

Obama has been horrible and I doubt the voters will be dumb and misguided over him again
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I suspect the electorate won't be quite as dumb and misguided this election - as they were in 2010. Hopefully the teabagger reign of terror is coming to an end.

We need to win big to shut you and the rest of the libturds the fuck up. Your reign of terror will end.

Jesus H. Christ, we suffered the reign of terror of Bush for EIGHT fucking years and the past TWO years of OBSTRUCTION from teabagger NaziCons under Obama. So, bend over and take it like a good rebel.


Lakhota is all smoke and mirrors with very little context. sHe lose all credibility when SHE MAKES A POST LIKE THIS.
We need to win big to shut you and the rest of the libturds the fuck up. Your reign of terror will end.

Jesus H. Christ, we suffered the reign of terror of Bush for EIGHT fucking years and the past TWO years of OBSTRUCTION from teabagger NaziCons under Obama. So, bend over and take it like a good rebel.


Lakhota is all smoke and mirrors with very little context. sHe lose all credibility when SHE MAKES A POST LIKE THIS.

I think they are FINALLY realizing that Obama will more than likely lose
watching them go insane hasn't been pretty
Mitt Romney is a freaking Boy Scout, Mac...the guy is so squeaky clean it's scary yet he has to defend his "image" against repeated attacks instead of simply presenting why his vision for the country going forward is better than Barack Obama's. I mean come on...when Mitt Romney was in his early twenties he was suddenly thrown into overseeing an entire missionary group in a foreign country because of a tragic car accident that killed the wife of the man who should have been leading that group. Romney even at that young age stepped up and performed exceptionally. The guy is a LEADER.

Now contrast that with what Barack Obama was doing in HIS early twenties.

One man was doing the kind of things that makes you QUALIFIED to be a CEO or President someday...the other was doing the kind of things that gets you a bit role in a Cheech & Chong movie.

Take any part of Mitt Romney's life and compare it with Barack Obama's and it's laughable. You don't become leader of the Free World because you were elected the first black President of the Harvard Law Review twenty years ago and then did nothing exceptional for the rest of your adult life. You've got to have some SUBSTANCE for that job and I'm sorry but Barack Obama is MOSTLY image and very little substance.

And that's precisely the point I made. Politics is now all about image - sound bites, coolness factor, likeability factor, speaking ability, cult of personality, etc., etc. I sure as hell don't like it either, but that's where we are right now, and that's why Romney isn't beating Obama. Between his profession, his religion, his sqeaky clean image, his rigidity -- all of it -- his image is hurting him.

That, plus the fact that the hard right's image ain't that great, either.


What the fuck is wrong with you people? You'd seriously go with image, sound bites and coolness factor over competence? I want someone who can fix things and after four years of 8% unemployment, $4 a gallon gas, 1.5% GDP growth, trillion dollar a year deficits, Solyndra, Fast & Furious, our first credit downgrade in the nation's history, and worrying more about not offending Muslims than giving the American people the truth it's obvious that Barack Obama is not competent.

What's worse, Mac...is that I think you KNOW that and yet you're going to vote for him again.

Precisely where did I say that image should be a factor? In fact, I clearly wrote, "I sure as hell don't like it either, but that's where we are right now, and that's why Romney isn't beating Obama." I thought that would be enough. Evidently not. Look at what I freakin' wrote, fer cryin' out loud.

There is a difference between what I want and what I see happening. Calm down a moment and try to recognize that distinction. I'm making an observation about the status of our culture as it pertains to our politics, and you're assuming I'm doing a political advertisement for one guy.

And I did not vote for Obama and I'm stuck voting alternate party in 2012. I voted for McCain in 2008 because I didn't think Obama was ready, and I had deep regrets by the time I made it to my freakin' car. I should have followed my instincts and voted alternate then, too.

The world isn't binary, black & white.

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The reason BHO is up?
how about 24-7 main stream media 1/2 truths and ignoring the real performance of Obama and the Dem lead senate along with congress the first 2 years
could you imagine if GWB had spent 3.5 trillion dollars each year
Had a 14+% real UE rate
stated that the murder of am Ambassador on 9-11 had nothing to do with 9-11?
Not one budget after adding 4-500 billion to the last presidents budget and claiming he inherited it?
claiming a private sector company that still owes the fed billions a success (Owes us)
lat but not least make a claim that his health care legislation would save 650 billion dollars in Medicare but not cut one penny from it in the 2013 budget? (That he has made no real proposal? wonder why?)

LMAO. SO it has nothing to do with the fact your guy sucks as a presidential candidate?
All the "medias" fault. And you seemed so "sure" of your facts. Before you came up with what will be the standard line "explaining" the defeat of Mittens.

IT WAS THE MEDIA'S FAULT. Sure it was dude sure it was.
A look at Obama supporters

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVX-c07uefc]Obama Voters - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbCiPi69e0A](Obama Supporters)TOP 10 WTF? MOMENTS Pt.2 - YouTube[/ame]

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I never take this stuff personal
BHO has no plan
He added 4-500 billion to the baseline budget in 2009 and has allowed it to rise 6% each year there after
He has no plan to that I am aware of that any-one has taken seriously in regards to that issue

His Tax policy is, well he has none. Lowering the payroll tax was not the worst of ideas but my god that's it? lets just go back to Clinton's rate in the middle of this mess?

Jobs? zero and the numbers prove that

We have so many ways to create wealth and jobs through the oil and gas alone. Without those states who are still drilling and refining his job record would be worse than it is. Those sectors have created in reality all 200,000 jobs since 2009 (that is sad)

The attacks on the embassies and the killing of American's at those Embassies has proved that not only is he out of touch, but he will also lie about an attack on 9-11-2012 that according to him had nothing to do with the attack on 9-11 2002

It just happened?

These are not personal attacks. I dis agree with our president and his policies all most 100% of the time.
But Policies?

He has none

He is GWB on steroids
take away the steroids and re-do the health care plan one step at a time and I would vote for him
The 2007 budget was it
it worked
GWB tax policy (I am a sales tax supporter, VAT if you will) is fine except for the amount corporations pay (to hi, BTW corporations pay 0 in tax)

The past 4 years BHO has done nothing but put a health care plan in place that he lied to the American people to get and add 1.5 to 2 trillion dollars to the amount of wealth we borrow to pay our bills

That is it.

Why would any-one re elect this person?

If the legislature isn't passing any budgets, why are you blaming the president for the budgets?

Who is leading this country? Is it Congress or is it the President of the United States? When is Barack Obama going to get off his bony ass and DO SOMETHING? Does he even understand the concept of leadership? Quite frankly I haven't seen it. REAL leaders don't make excuses why things aren't getting done and they certainly don't blame the guy who came before them FOUR YEARS AGO!!!

The Republican House has constructed an impenetrable partisan barrier against passing any semblance of a compromise budget. ALL the blame is on them, period.
I suspect the electorate won't be quite as dumb and misguided this election - as they were in 2010. Hopefully the teabagger reign of terror is coming to an end.

You mean the "dumb and misguided" voters who elected Republicans to be Governors of their States because they recognized that a little fiscal sanity was called for? Gee, how IS that working out for those "dumb and misguided" voters?

"Chief Executive listed the 2012 top 10 states for business based on taxation and regulations, workforce quality and the living environment. The states, from No. 1 to No. 10, were: Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, Indiana, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Utah and Arizona. North Carolina is the only one with a Democratic governor."

You know what's ironic, Lakhota? If it weren't for Republican Governors lowering their State's unemployment levels at a rate twice that of the national unemployment rate then Barack Obama's abysmal plus 8% unemployment rate would be even worse than it is. I LOVE how Barry thinks that "he" should get credit for job gains in those States. Funny how States with Democratic Governors lagged behind States with Republican Govs by almost 16% from 2010 until now. Yeah, those "dumb and misguided" voters!!! What WERE they thinking of!!!

What is really REALLY funny, is that in your distorted world, your guy (Mittens) would be kicking the shit out of Obama. Mittnes up by 20.

Ain't happening dude. Why is that I ask?

All together now, say it loud and proud; IT'S THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA'S FAULT!!This is so much fukin fun.
The 2009 deficit was already in place to be a trillion dollars without any help from Obama.

That is what he inherited.

If you think he should have cut a trillion dollars in spending in his first budget to balance it, you're insane.
Stimulus .... aka debt .... saved the economy.

Unfortunately, Rep $7 trillion debt from Bush left US with much less leverage.

The economy and unemployment were going down on Jan, 2009, Bush's last month, and was headed for a depression worse than the crash of 1929.

Unemploy was around 8% and went to 10% Oct, 2009, and has improved back to 8%. It is distorted to say it has been stuck at 8%.

Fact: this has not been a normal economic cycle. It was a financial crisis recession, which takes longer to recover from. i.e. the banks, crooked as they were, were on the verge of collapse. Yes, we hated TARP, but a capitalist econ needs the financial system.

The only way to get out of such a serious recession is stimulus.

It's just twisted to distort the facts.
I suspect the electorate won't be quite as dumb and misguided this election - as they were in 2010. Hopefully the teabagger reign of terror is coming to an end.

You mean the "dumb and misguided" voters who elected Republicans to be Governors of their States because they recognized that a little fiscal sanity was called for? Gee, how IS that working out for those "dumb and misguided" voters?

"Chief Executive listed the 2012 top 10 states for business based on taxation and regulations, workforce quality and the living environment. The states, from No. 1 to No. 10, were: Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, Indiana, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Utah and Arizona. North Carolina is the only one with a Democratic governor."

You know what's ironic, Lakhota? If it weren't for Republican Governors lowering their State's unemployment levels at a rate twice that of the national unemployment rate then Barack Obama's abysmal plus 8% unemployment rate would be even worse than it is. I LOVE how Barry thinks that "he" should get credit for job gains in those States. Funny how States with Democratic Governors lagged behind States with Republican Govs by almost 16% from 2010 until now. Yeah, those "dumb and misguided" voters!!! What WERE they thinking of!!!

All of these vunder states benefited greatly from Fed stimulus, especially Texas.

Alot of the State deficits were from prev Rep state governors and governments that doled out the excess property tax revenues from the real estate boom for pensions, because of their lack of backbone, to get reelected and not cut the state tax rate.
Stimulus .... aka debt .... saved the economy.

Unfortunately, Rep $7 trillion debt from Bush left US with much less leverage.

The economy and unemployment were going down on Jan, 2009, Bush's last month, and was headed for a depression worse than the crash of 1929.

Unemploy was around 8% and went to 10% Oct, 2009, and has improved back to 8%. It is distorted to say it has been stuck at 8%.

Fact: this has not been a normal economic cycle. It was a financial crisis recession, which takes longer to recover from. i.e. the banks, crooked as they were, were on the verge of collapse. Yes, we hated TARP, but a capitalist econ needs the financial system.

The only way to get out of such a serious recession is stimulus.

It's just twisted to distort the facts.
Here are some facts
MR is losing because of people like bigrebnc. Flat fact.

Pull your head out of obama's ass you fucking troll nobody believes your shit except people like those in the videos I posted.

Jake is losing it..He reported me as using family members when I was referring to a poster called, grandma
his Mask has come completely off

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