Why no Durham indictments before election?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Short answer: Barr and Durham are not Democrats. The democrats will investigate somebody for a crime even when they have insufficient evidence of criminal activity, and they'll do it for political purposes. That's what they did in the years long Russian Collusion investigation that started with nothing and ended with nothing. And that's what they did to Michael Flynn, they went looking for a crime they could charge him with, found nothing and so they interviewed him hoping to catch him in a false statement. You're supposed to start with a suspected crime and investigate who did it, not the other way around. That's what they've been doing for 4 years, trying to find ANYTHING they can pin on Trump. And have utterly failed.

But Barr and Durham are not doing what the Dems did. If they were, we'd see indictments by now or at least a narrative that reports the abuses of office that were done by some in the Obama administration, perhaps even implicating Obama himself and also Biden. But they're not doing that, won't do it before election day and Trump doesn't like it. Can there be any more proof needed to show that they are not doing his bidding? Yeah, they got the lawyer that falsified a legal document that was used in a FISA application, but unless they can proved a crime was committed then the best they can do is issue a narrative that spells out who did what that was abuse of power. As we saw with the Trump impeachment, abuse of power is not a crime; the democrats didn't prove their case anyway, but you can't take somebody to court unless and until you can prove they committed a crime.

Which does not mean that some really dirty politics wasn't going on, people used their office to go after Trump and his campaign knowing full well there was no reason to suspect criminal activity. Did they lie to an investigator? Maybe somebody will get charged for that or something like obstruction of justice. But IMHO Barr and Durham are conducting their business AS IT SHOULD BE DONE, without regard to what the person in the Oval Office thinks or wants. I got no idea if further indictments will be forthcoming after election day; but if Biden wins then it'll all be swept under the rug, nothing to see here. And it'll be back to business as usual, smearing the GOP and looking for ways to prosecute or persecute somebody for political purposes.
Even shorter answer. Because in order to do so, Barr and Durham will have to manufacture evidence in order make any indictments stick. A line that neither will cross. THAT would be abuse of power.
All you've got is an IG report nitpicking about FISA warrant, and a whole lot of right wing outrage over what is amounting to less than nothing.
There's been a bit of a rumor that Durham is actually a Deep Stater. I remember when Comey and Mueller were crowed about for their "integrity". Perhaps Durham is just one of the swamp pack.

Could be.
The last I heard they were expanding the probe so they couldnt release it yet.

At this point, they've got so much dirt on some many of the Obabblegate cabal that there should have been some serious indictments.
There's been a bit of a rumor that Durham is actually a Deep Stater. I remember when Comey and Mueller were crowed about for their "integrity". Perhaps Durham is just one of the swamp pack.

I remember that about Comey and Mueller, people were saying they were straight arrows. And Durham may be the same, but I have also heard that he has a rep for someone who does not factor politics into the exercise of prosecutorial discretion. Geez, there's gotta be SOMEBODY in Washington that is trustworthy. Yeah, I know, cue the music: beautiful dreamer....

" At this point, they've got so much dirt on some many of the Obabblegate cabal that there should have been some serious indictments. "

Dirt, yeah. No doubt plenty of it, but evidence of illegal stuff? Evidence that will stand up in court? That's another story.
Even shorter answer. Because in order to do so, Barr and Durham will have to manufacture evidence in order make any indictments stick. A line that neither will cross. THAT would be abuse of power.
All you've got is an IG report nitpicking about FISA warrant, and a whole lot of right wing outrage over what is amounting to less than nothing.

Short answer: Barr and Durham are not Democrats. The democrats will investigate somebody for a crime even when they have insufficient evidence of criminal activity, and they'll do it for political purposes. That's what they did in the years long Russian Collusion investigation that started with nothing and ended with nothing. And that's what they did to Michael Flynn, they went looking for a crime they could charge him with, found nothing and so they interviewed him hoping to catch him in a false statement. You're supposed to start with a suspected crime and investigate who did it, not the other way around. That's what they've been doing for 4 years, trying to find ANYTHING they can pin on Trump. And have utterly failed.

But Barr and Durham are not doing what the Dems did. If they were, we'd see indictments by now or at least a narrative that reports the abuses of office that were done by some in the Obama administration, perhaps even implicating Obama himself and also Biden. But they're not doing that, won't do it before election day and Trump doesn't like it. Can there be any more proof needed to show that they are not doing his bidding? Yeah, they got the lawyer that falsified a legal document that was used in a FISA application, but unless they can proved a crime was committed then the best they can do is issue a narrative that spells out who did what that was abuse of power. As we saw with the Trump impeachment, abuse of power is not a crime; the democrats didn't prove their case anyway, but you can't take somebody to court unless and until you can prove they committed a crime.

Which does not mean that some really dirty politics wasn't going on, people used their office to go after Trump and his campaign knowing full well there was no reason to suspect criminal activity. Did they lie to an investigator? Maybe somebody will get charged for that or something like obstruction of justice. But IMHO Barr and Durham are conducting their business AS IT SHOULD BE DONE, without regard to what the person in the Oval Office thinks or wants. I got no idea if further indictments will be forthcoming after election day; but if Biden wins then it'll all be swept under the rug, nothing to see here. And it'll be back to business as usual, smearing the GOP and looking for ways to prosecute or persecute somebody for political purposes.
Barr has said that he doesn't want to influence the election, so just wait
There's been a bit of a rumor that Durham is actually a Deep Stater. I remember when Comey and Mueller were crowed about for their "integrity". Perhaps Durham is just one of the swamp pack.

Could be.
The last I heard they were expanding the probe so they couldnt release it yet.

At this point, they've got so much dirt on some many of the Obabblegate cabal that there should have been some serious indictments.

But,and thats a big but,if it's true they're expanding the probe I could see waiting if it meant a more solid case.
Or is it just a ploy to help Hiden?
We all know if somehow dems manage to cheat their way into the White House this will all disappear.
" Barr has said that he doesn't want to influence the election, so just wait "

When did he say that? Anybody got a link for what he actually said? It's one thing to withhold information about dirty politics where there's no evidence of illegal wrong-doing, but it's another to withhold information when you are about to indict somebody. I'm talking about a clear case of a crime, not insinuations or unproven accusations.
Even shorter answer. Because in order to do so, Barr and Durham will have to manufacture evidence in order make any indictments stick. A line that neither will cross. THAT would be abuse of power.
All you've got is an IG report nitpicking about FISA warrant, and a whole lot of right wing outrage over what is amounting to less than nothing.
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So, nothing but memes? Typical. You just wait by that campfire for Durham's report. You and your friends can toast marshmallows and drink hot chocolate while chanting, "any..day..now..!" :)
Even shorter answer. Because in order to do so, Barr and Durham will have to manufacture evidence in order make any indictments stick. A line that neither will cross. THAT would be abuse of power.
All you've got is an IG report nitpicking about FISA warrant, and a whole lot of right wing outrage over what is amounting to less than nothing.
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So, nothing but memes? Typical. You just wait by that campfire for Durham's report. You and your friends can toast marshmallows and drink hot chocolate while chanting, "any..day..now..!" :)
Lying on FISA warrants isn't "nitpicking" you bloody stooge.

I can remember way back when disingenuous lefty fruitcakes like you would rightly screech to high heaven about such felonious police state abuses of civil liberties.
Even shorter answer. Because in order to do so, Barr and Durham will have to manufacture evidence in order make any indictments stick. A line that neither will cross. THAT would be abuse of power.
All you've got is an IG report nitpicking about FISA warrant, and a whole lot of right wing outrage over what is amounting to less than nothing.
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So, nothing but memes? Typical. You just wait by that campfire for Durham's report. You and your friends can toast marshmallows and drink hot chocolate while chanting, "any..day..now..!" :)
Lying on FISA warrants isn't "nitpicking" you bloody stooge.

I can remember way back when disingenuous lefty fruitcakes like you would rightly screech to high heaven about such felonious police state abuses of civil liberties.

It was a nitpicking document released about the "process". Not the actual reasons for the warrants being issued. There were no lies.
You're bitchy because the subject (that you wholeheartedly support) of those warrants is corrupt and dirty. That's on the guy you support.
Not the law enforcement individuals.
Short answer: Barr and Durham are not Democrats. The democrats will investigate somebody for a crime even when they have insufficient evidence of criminal activity, and they'll do it for political purposes. That's what they did in the years long Russian Collusion investigation that started with nothing and ended with nothing. And that's what they did to Michael Flynn, they went looking for a crime they could charge him with, found nothing and so they interviewed him hoping to catch him in a false statement. You're supposed to start with a suspected crime and investigate who did it, not the other way around. That's what they've been doing for 4 years, trying to find ANYTHING they can pin on Trump. And have utterly failed.

But Barr and Durham are not doing what the Dems did. If they were, we'd see indictments by now or at least a narrative that reports the abuses of office that were done by some in the Obama administration, perhaps even implicating Obama himself and also Biden. But they're not doing that, won't do it before election day and Trump doesn't like it. Can there be any more proof needed to show that they are not doing his bidding? Yeah, they got the lawyer that falsified a legal document that was used in a FISA application, but unless they can proved a crime was committed then the best they can do is issue a narrative that spells out who did what that was abuse of power. As we saw with the Trump impeachment, abuse of power is not a crime; the democrats didn't prove their case anyway, but you can't take somebody to court unless and until you can prove they committed a crime.

Which does not mean that some really dirty politics wasn't going on, people used their office to go after Trump and his campaign knowing full well there was no reason to suspect criminal activity. Did they lie to an investigator? Maybe somebody will get charged for that or something like obstruction of justice. But IMHO Barr and Durham are conducting their business AS IT SHOULD BE DONE, without regard to what the person in the Oval Office thinks or wants. I got no idea if further indictments will be forthcoming after election day; but if Biden wins then it'll all be swept under the rug, nothing to see here. And it'll be back to business as usual, smearing the GOP and looking for ways to prosecute or persecute somebody for political purposes.

So if Biden wins, Barr and Durham are going to plow ahead with indictments?


"The indictments of felonious Democrats are absent because Republicans are stupid." Paul Craig Roberts

Personally, I think it's much worse, I think it's because Barr is protecting the Deep State. One little meaningless guilty plea will be completely forgotten if, God forbid, Harris and Xi win
Even shorter answer. Because in order to do so, Barr and Durham will have to manufacture evidence in order make any indictments stick. A line that neither will cross. THAT would be abuse of power.
All you've got is an IG report nitpicking about FISA warrant, and a whole lot of right wing outrage over what is amounting to less than nothing.
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So, nothing but memes? Typical. You just wait by that campfire for Durham's report. You and your friends can toast marshmallows and drink hot chocolate while chanting, "any..day..now..!" :)
Lying on FISA warrants isn't "nitpicking" you bloody stooge.

I can remember way back when disingenuous lefty fruitcakes like you would rightly screech to high heaven about such felonious police state abuses of civil liberties.

It was a nitpicking document released about the "process". Not the actual reasons for the warrants being issued. There were no lies.
You're bitchy because the subject (that you wholeheartedly support) of those warrants is corrupt and dirty. That's on the guy you support.
Not the law enforcement individuals.
You are a total moron....Committing perjury to obtain warrants isn't a "process" crime....It's a fucking felony.

And I loathe FISA, NSA spying, the Patriot Act, and the whole spook state as much today as ever.

Disingenuous dickweeds like you are only "civil libertarians" when the wind blows the right way.
There's been a bit of a rumor that Durham is actually a Deep Stater. I remember when Comey and Mueller were crowed about for their "integrity". Perhaps Durham is just one of the swamp pack.

I remember that about Comey and Mueller, people were saying they were straight arrows. And Durham may be the same, but I have also heard that he has a rep for someone who does not factor politics into the exercise of prosecutorial discretion. Geez, there's gotta be SOMEBODY in Washington that is trustworthy. Yeah, I know, cue the music: beautiful dreamer....

" At this point, they've got so much dirt on some many of the Obabblegate cabal that there should have been some serious indictments. "

Dirt, yeah. No doubt plenty of it, but evidence of illegal stuff? Evidence that will stand up in court? That's another story.
The Swamp has a way of cocooning even the most America-first people (except Trump).
Even shorter answer. Because in order to do so, Barr and Durham will have to manufacture evidence in order make any indictments stick. A line that neither will cross. THAT would be abuse of power.
All you've got is an IG report nitpicking about FISA warrant, and a whole lot of right wing outrage over what is amounting to less than nothing.
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So, nothing but memes? Typical. You just wait by that campfire for Durham's report. You and your friends can toast marshmallows and drink hot chocolate while chanting, "any..day..now..!" :)
Lying on FISA warrants isn't "nitpicking" you bloody stooge.

I can remember way back when disingenuous lefty fruitcakes like you would rightly screech to high heaven about such felonious police state abuses of civil liberties.
Fruitcakes being the most significant point.

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